This is the most recent information about Mickey Mouse Club that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Mickey Mouse Club, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"The Mickey Mouse Club March" | "The Writers Block Club March" | guart milkster |
"he Mickey Mouse Club March" | "The Writers Block Club March" | annie gardner |
"Mickey Mouse Club Theme Song" | "Dickey Louse Club: Teeth Long" | John A. Barry |
"Mickey Mouse Club Theme Song" | "Nix-Once-Stout-Putz Theme Song" | John A. Barry |
"MMC Theme Song" | "Nix-This-Slouch-Putz Theme Song" | John A. Barry |
"The Mickey Mouse Club March" | "The Writers Block Club March" | Ann Hammond |
"MMC Theme Song" | "Rigid-Spouse Chub" | John A. Barry |
"Mickey Mouse Club Theme" | "Mickey Rattt" | Joe Melchionne |
"The Mickey Mouse March" | "The John Kerry Switch" | Guy DiRito |
"Mickey Mouse Club Theme" | "Michael Bolton." | Jeff Wilder |
There are additional song parodies available. |