The story of White Mystery is a long drawn out history enshrowded in...well, mystery. It began as a fantasy rock band formed by lyricist Gary "The G" Owen and named after his favorite flavor of Airheads candy back in the seventh grade. A couple Weird Al fans anticipating a new album can go a long way. The G gathered a mixed group of friends to form our fantasy band all sparked by a couple parodies the G and his good friend "Evil Weasle" wrote in a boring Biology class - "Fast Food Jeopardy" of "Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears and "Livin' La Vida Hobo" of Ricky Martin's "Livin' La Vida Loca". The G has begun his new career as a parody author at and various other internet websites (namely thanks to the fact his "band" can't play instruments. We really live up to the fantasy thing, huh? The G is now a high school kid with no life outside of the internet besides MUDs and internet writing things like this, but is that neccessarily a bad thing?