I close my eyes, and sometimes see you in the shadows of this smoke-filled room.
Say what? How on earth does that work? How can he see his former girlfriend at all when his eyes are closed?! That's a contradiction in terms! LOL.
Submitted by: Edward
"Freak on a Leash"
Da-boom-da-da-mmm-dum-na-ee-ma, da-boom-da-da-mmm-dum-na-ee-ma etc...
So fight, something on the ming-a-ooh, fight, some things they fight.
What does any of this mean?
Submitted by: Katy
Sometimes I think of letting go
And never looking back
And never moving forward
So there'd never be a past
How does that work? First he's talking about moving on with his life, then he says he wants to stay in the present and not move forward. Surely those cancel each other out?
Submitted by: Nat
What the hell is Call ID?
He calls her mother from a pay phone, claiming to be "the cops," but even if she has caller ID, are we expected to believe she recognizes the number from a pay phone vs. a police precinct, even at the time this song was made?
Submitted by: Nickster
"If You Love Somebody Set Them Free"
If you wanna keep something precious, gotta lock it up and throw away the key
If you lock something precious up and throw away the key - how will you get it unlocked when you want to access it? Who would choose to throw away the key? Most people would just keep the key out of reach away from others where no one can find or access it. Some people lock up items in a safe with a combination lock that doesn't even have a key. If you lock something up in a safe deposit box at your bank and then you lose (or clumsily throw away as he is saying) the key - your bank will charge you a HUGE fee to get the lock drilled out and replaced!
Submitted by: David Pratter
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
Usually when somebody says they thought something "would never end," it refers to something unpleasant. As in, "my professor's lecture was really boring today. I thought it would never end." Only James Taylor uses the expression to refer to something pleasant. Why would you be in a hurry for a sunny day to end?
Submitted by: Michael S.
Blue blue is the sun
Brown brown is the sky
Uhm...last time I checked, those things aren't those respective colors. Makes me wonder what these guys were thinking when they wrote this.
Submitted by: Teddison
I bring you apples from the vine.
Apples grow on trees, not on vines.
Submitted by: S. Tim Wood
It was 19 hundred and 29 (run, come see)
I remember the day very well.
The oldest member of the Seekers was born in 1940, so it would have been impossible for any of them to have witnessed the event mentioned in the song.
Submitted by: S. Tim Wood
No one's gonna say, "At least I didn't try."
Why would anybody say that?? You would either say "At least I tried" or "I didn't try."
Submitted by: Michael S.