This is a list of replacement names for existing band names.
New Name | Original Name | Description | Submitted by: | |||
We*Bitched | B*Witched | Spoonerizing the name seems to be more descriptive | Apparition99 | |||
The B-5's (or the B-2's) | The B-52's | Dropping either digit also produces a bingo number | nally | |||
The G-52's | The B-52's | In standard bingo, the number 52 is in the G range | nally | |||
Stratofortress | B-52s | What the real B-52 is called! | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
B.W.T. | B.T. | To include his middle initial. | Ralph | |||
Grown-Up Washington | Baby Washington | She became publicly known LONG after infancy. | Alex | |||
Babylon B.C. | Babylon A.D. | The majority of Babylon's history was from BC yrs. | Rychendroll | |||
The Babies | The Babys | The proper spelling of the plural of baby. | Tiffany | |||
Baby Sham Bulls | Babyshambles | Might make more sense (at least in some context). | Natalie Stonecipher | |||
Bulls**t Boys | Backstreet Boys | 'cuz they're a bulls**t band and it still works with the whole BSB thing | Talula | |||
Mainstreet Men | Backstreet Boys | They're grown up, and it keeps the alliteration. | Archie C. | |||
Back Street Gays | Backstreet Boys | Well if you ask me, they act like five gay boys | Brandy Rose | |||
Backdoor Boys | Backstreet Boys | To me they are a bunch of poofs... | Ch3yn3 | |||
Bad Red Pigeon | Bad Religion | Everyone likes that darn red pigeon. | DarkJon64 | |||
Badly Sculpted Boy | Badly Drawn Boy | Now he's three-dimensional; still poorly formed. | April Fleming | |||
Boohoo Men | Baha Men | Dropped off the scene after letting the dogs out | Cassandra | |||
Bananarumba | Bananarama | The name of a dessert at Chili's restaurants. | Cassandra | |||
Papayarama | Bananarama | Another fruit ending with the letter A. | Katie | |||
Pain | A Band Called Pain | It's shortened up | SpiderSkull98 | |||
A Swarm Of Bees | A Band Of Bees | A contingent of bees is called a swarm. | Lindz | |||
Band Of Houses | Band Of Horses | If there were "Change a letter" for band names... | Valerie Cameron | |||
Band Of Hoses | Band Of Horses | If there were "Remove a letter" for band names... | Valerie Cameron | |||
The Bland Perry | The Band Perry | A funny thought to any who think their music bland | Natalie Merchant's Millpond | |||
The Banned Perry | The Band Perry | A pun on original name, with potential humor | Carla Jorgensen | |||
Bang Firebird | Bang Camaro | Pontiac's version of the classic Chevy pony car | Jay | |||
Bang Camarotoechia | Bang Camaro | Camarotoechia = a prehistoric brachiopod | Carolyn Morgenstern | |||
Fully Dressed Gentlemen | Barenaked Ladies | The opposite of the name is purely accurate. | Darby Hen | |||
Barenaked Laddies | Barenaked Ladies | They're all guys! | Francine Harper | |||
Fullyclothed Gentlemen | Barenaked Ladies | Well they aren't ladies and they aren't naked. They are fully clothed guys. | Biteme Wokhead | |||
Gary Green | Barry Blue | Green is his real surname & Barry rhymes with Gary | Lee | |||
Barry Black | Barry White | More appropriate, as this guy was black | Isac | |||
Jack's Basement | Basement Jaxx | C'mon it just makes more sense | The Real Slim Shadier | |||
Deerfisher | Basshunter | An opposite incongruity | Marcia Todd | |||
Bowl For Brows | Bat For Lashes | Two sports terms + two types of facial hair. | Opie M. | |||
Gay City Rollers | Bay City Rollers | That's if these guys were gay. | Saturday Cowboy | |||
BigMac | BBMak | Their name reminds me of a burger from McDonalds! | Rod Thomas | |||
The Beach Men | The Beach Boys | This must be the oldest living boys on record. | oldtimer | |||
Beastly Noise | Beastie Boys | What some people might think of their music. | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
Beastie Men | Beastie Boys | They ain't boys anymore | WW's Sketcher | |||
Mightie Men | Beastie Boys | They're grown men; keeps the name alliterative. | Barb Dwyer | |||
The Beaters | The Beatles | They've beaten everybody else to the top! | Alan The Ottoman | |||
The Bee Gee | The Bee Gees | Only one member is left as of 2012: Barry. | Ducky Mumu | |||
The Hee-Bee-Gee-Bees | The Bee Gees | Get it? Heebie jeebies? | Calop | |||
The E | Beginning Of The End | That's the beginning of "The End" | Bridal Shower Curtain Call Waiting Room | |||
Belisnda Carlisle | Belinda Carlisle | Consistently places silent "s" after "li" | Harriet Henderson | |||
Belinda Trucklisle | Belinda Carlisle | Time for an upgrade. | Mr. X | |||
The Beast & Ariel | Belle & Sebastian | 2 other main characters from the respective films. | Angela | |||
Gaston & Ursula | Belle & Sebastian | The villains from the respective films. | Ben Dover | |||
Belly Poke | Belle Epoque | What I thought it was on first several hearings! | Karen Smith | |||
Bend Folds Five | Ben Folds Five | sounds similar; bend is a synonym for fold | Miss Elanius | |||
Bearing Straight | Bering Strait | Same sound, different meaning | Bethany Byrd | |||
Frankfurt | Berlin | Another city in Germany. | Open Mike | |||
Eta Band | Beta Band | Now five letters further down the Greek Alphabet! | Fiscal Cliff Richard | |||
Zeta Band | Beta Band | Now four letters further down the Greek Alphabet! | Fiscal Cliff Richard | |||
Beth Orphan | Beth Orton | She lost both her parents by the time she was 19. | Eric | |||
Better Than Eczema | Better Than Ezra | Well, Ezra IS pretty great... | Boy Howdy | |||
Bouncy | Beyonce | She's got a nice full rack! | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
Bif Clothed | Bif Naked | She's not QUITE naked. | Shilo | |||
Big Audio Dynamite II | Big Audio Dynamite | Real example of a temporary rename (early 1990s). | Gus | |||
Bill Cow-less | Bill Kaulitz | Don't have a cow, man! | Rachel | |||
Bill Quarterman | Bill Quateman | How I misread his name first several times | Renee Scoggins | |||
Billie Eyelash | Billie Eilish | Her eyes are her major feature. | Sheila Oh | |||
Silly Piper | Billie Piper | For her silly bubble gum pop tunes | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
Billy Idle | Billy Idol | He's not recording much anymore / Other homonym | Adam | |||
Billy Sea | Billy Ocean | Sea and ocean mean the same thing. | Reggie Pillbox | |||
Birthday Massage | Birthday Massacre | What I mistook the name for at first | Diana Jasper | |||
Black Eyed Beans | Black Eyed Peas | What the name-derived food really is | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
Black Eyed Susans | Black Eyed Peas | If they got more than one woman into the band? | Cassandra | |||
Chawalies or Lobias | Black Eyed Peas | If they were an Indian or Pakistani group | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
White Punks | Black Flag | They're all white, and play punk rock. | Whatever you want to call me | |||
The White Keys | The Black Keys | The other set of keys on the piano/keyboard. | Odie Garfield | |||
Blue Sabbath | Black Sabbath | At their core, they're still a Blues band. | GlamRockNinjaLord | |||
Dark Lent | Black Sabbath | Black=Dark, and Lent=Sabbath | Rachel | |||
Black Sunday | Black Sabbath | Most religions believe Sunday is the Sabbath day. | Opie M. | |||
Rotten | Black Stone Cherry | it will be by now after this many years | Michael Millward | |||
The Bluebyrds | The Blackbyrds | Another bird misspelling, like the original name | Isac | |||
Deaf Cantaloupe | Blind Melon | A different type of melon and impairment | Blake Dreary | |||
Stink 182 | Blink 182 | I like 'em but making up names is fun | The Real Slim Shadier | |||
Link 182 | Blink 182 | A punk band doing Legend of Zelda-themed songs? | Archie C. | |||
Bink 182 | Blink 182 | This is what they were when they were babies! | Michael M | |||
Blandie | Blondie | Calling the singer "Debbie Harry" sounds bland. | Me Again | |||
Bad Blood, No Sweat, and Crocodile Tears | Blood, Sweat and Tears | It better reflects today's generation. | older | |||
Balloons | Bloontz | Sensible/what most people might think the name is | Joe | |||
Purpl Cantrell | Blu Cantrell | Another color with the silent end 'e' removed. | Timmy O'Toole | |||
Orange October | Blue October | Blue isn't normally associated with October. | Travis | |||
Red November | Blue October | Becuz it ROX | Cpt. Neeb | |||
Blue Oyster Cultivators | Blue Oyster Cult | If they retired and decided to become gardeners. | Steve | |||
Blues Travelers | Blues Traveler | To indicate more than 1 person, as this is a band. | Gus | |||
Whites Traveler | Blues Traveler | Because they sound like white men trying to play the blues. | Mr. Critic | |||
Smear | Blur | Same thing, just sounds more grungy. | S.T.G. | |||
Boa Constrictor | BoA | Kwon Boa's curves are worth being wrapped around! | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
Bob Seger & The Centrum Silver Bullet Band | Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band | The members are approaching senior citizenship. | Adam | |||
Bobby Downed | Bobby Brown | The drugs really got to him. | Rachel | |||
Booze Clown | Bobby Brown | His drinking problem has led to rehab | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
Good Jovi | Bon Jovi | Bon means 'good' in French. | Oliver South | |||
Cinnabon Jovi | Bon Jovi | Sickeningly sweet rock belongs in a mall too! | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
Bonnie Girler | Bonnie Boyer | "Bonnie" is a girl's name. | Dinah Bartilson | |||
Gertie Guitar | Bonnie Guitar | Uses a girls name starting with a hard G sound! | Joe | |||
Bonnie Balalaika | Bonnie Guitar | A stringed Slavic instrument beginning with 'B' | Jennifer | |||
Bonnie Banjo | Bonnie Guitar | A stringed instrument that makes name alliterative | Alan | |||
Bony Tyler | Bonnie Tyler | What she'll be when she's an old lady | Mickey D. | |||
Bi George | Boy George | Swung both ways at one time | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
Man George | Boy George | He was already an adult when he rose to fame. | O.J. Chamberlain | |||
Boy Marries Girl | Boy Meets Girl | They were married for awhile, believe it or not. | Larcen Tyler | |||
The Men | The Boys | They've all grown up; keeps the name generic. | Dude | |||
Thank You, Captain Obvious | Boys Like Girls | It fits. | Ryan | |||
Men II Granddadz | Boyz II Men | The age factor. | Maddie's The Boss | |||
Brian Van 3000 | Bran Van 3000 | How I first read the name; I thought it was 1 guy. | Tim | |||
Kinda Old | Brand New | They were new in 2000. But that was awhile ago. | Travis | |||
Brand Ten | Brand X | For those who think the X is a roman numeral. | Gus | |||
Cognac | Brandy | If she were French? | Eric | |||
Single Malt Scotch | Brandy | One good alcoholic beverage name deserves another. | Diana Jasper | |||
Mold | Bread | Mold comes with aging bread, and it's been awhile. | Obie Lame Kenobi | |||
Toast | Bread | That's what this band is now. (Thank God and the toaster.) | Bob | |||
Fixing Benjamin | Breaking Benjamin | You're not going to leave Benjamin broken are you? | Travis | |||
Choke | Breathe | An antonym for the original band name? | Isac | |||
Poptart | Britney Spears | Real club nickname | Robert D. Arndt Jr. | |||
Kojak | Britney Spears | Her recently shaved head. (July 2007) | Baby Jane Russell | |||
Spear Britney | Britney Spears | Why not switch her first and last names around? | Amber | |||
Twitney Spears | Britney Spears | She is a whiney twit, I just call 'em like I see 'em! | bree | |||
Pinking Shears | Britney Spears | Lookes like she was holding a pair of pinking shears whilst getting dressed, judging by some of the things she wears! | Brandie | |||
Rusty Spears | Britney Spears | How long will she last as a pop singer anyway? | Specter | |||
Bratney Spears | Britney Spears | She behaves like a brat! | Some Person | |||
Bitchney Spears | Britney Spears | Well, Britney just seems like a Bitch! | ~Child of Sun~ | |||
Bruce Chanel | Bruce Channel | He should spell it this way to say it accordingly. | Dr. Critic | |||
Bruce Fruhlingstein | Bruce Springsteen | What his name would be in Germany. | Rocky Rhodes | |||
Bruce Stringbean | Bruce Springsteen | He is kinda tall. | Gigi | |||
Bruce Fallsteen | Bruce Springsteen | His "Glory Days" are definitely over. | ole | |||
Dwarf Bruno Pluto | Bruno Mars | It's time dwarf planets got their equal time! | Angelica Monaghan | |||
Bruno Earth | Bruno Mars | He's from the planet Earth, not Mars. | Opie M. | |||
Buttcheery | Buckcherry | Because I thought that was the band's name at first. Plus it pertains to their music. | Mr. Joe | |||
Brooklyn Chicago | Buffalo Springfield | A city in New York + a city in Illinois | Opie M. | |||
Albany Tom | Buffalo Tom | Another city in New York. | Paul Bear | |||
The Snuggles | The Buggles | Doesn't it sound more cozy? | Larcen Tyler | |||
Building World Peace | Building Better Bombs | We don't need bombs, we need peace. | Candy Welty | |||
Projectile Diarrhea | Bulimia Banquet | ANYTHING is an improvement over this original! | Karen Smith | |||
Blair | Bush | The band Bush is British, not American. | Alan of Seville | |||
Burning Bush | Bush | Holy Moses! This band needs a Bible reference. | newsong |
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