These are lyrics that do NOT rhyme.
Here's a couple of the most recent entries...
Sabaton's, "Ghost Division"
The Misrhymed Lyrics: Always ahead as the blitzkrieg rages on,
Breaking morale with the sound of blazing guns. Why They're Misrhymed: The words, "on" and "guns" don't rhyme.
Submitted by: Katy
Cast of "Joseph" 's, "Close Every Door to Me"
The Misrhymed Lyrics: If my life were important, I
Would ask will I live or die. But I know the answers Lie far from this world. Why They're Misrhymed: Not only does "world" not rhyme with anything else, but it's the only verse in the song that ends with a non-rhyming word.
Submitted by: Katy
There are 1140 entries in this section. Check out the most recent entries or search for other performers.
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.
Katy | 220 |
sXe LeXi 5X2 | 60 |
Da Phoenix | 27 |
JohnHowarth | 22 |
Doug Montgomery | 21 |
wadded beef | 20 |
PJ | 20 |
sonikal | 17 |
Devil Jones | 12 |
Celeste (site rank #29) | 12 |
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