Entries Beginning with B
The B-52's should endorse
"The United States Air Force" A B-52 is one of the bombers flown by the USAF
Psycho Librarian
For the babyface smooth skin after a shave
Here's your group before classes-BDB, and after!
JC Foster
Baha Men should endorse
"White-cheeked Pintail duck" It's scientific name is Anas bahamensis
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Because "sand" is in her surname.
Self explanatory.
JC Foster
Playboy does have Barenaked Ladies.
Paul Warren
BBMak should endorse
"McDonald's" Their name always reminded me of McDonalds
Captain Irk
Surfing U.S.A.
I Dig Them California Girls!
they're from California
I Dig Them California Girls!
What else would they wear?
Psycho Librarian
The Beatles should endorse
"Paan(Betel leaf) Shops [they are there in India]" B8r thn 'ndorsin Insect-At lest betels're chewable
Pranav J
Beatles are insects.
The Beauty Shop should endorse "Beauty Shops"
Belly should endorse
"Belly Dancing" Well, Belly....Dancing. Pretty straightforward.
Brenda Kohn
Belly should endorse
"food" Grillzforlife
Bif Naked should endorse
"Skin Care Products" When you're naked, you show skin.
Big & Rich should endorse
"Lincoln Financial Group" Lincoln was a big man, and now he's rich.
Big & Rich should endorse
"Royal Bank of Scotland" Because their boss is considerably richer than me!
Because they are a big, big train network!
That is, after the lockout ends.
Orson Legume
Black Ace should endorse "Poker"
To paint the box black
From their video "The Time (Dirty Bit)”
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
They're named after a kind of beans, right?
Tommy Vercetti
Black Flag should endorse
"Black Flag Insecticide" Black Flag is a pest control company.
Axl Sean
Because Zakk Wylde drinks a lot!
Blink 182 should endorse
"Visine (Eye Drops)" 182 blinks? Man, your eyes are dry.
JC Foster
With LEGO's, every party can be a Bloc Party!
JC Foster
Blondie should endorse
"clairol hair dye" she's very blonde
Since it eliminates all three.
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard
Rash Dipdock
For the segments "The Bloodhound Gang".
Archie C.
The Blue Hawaiians should endorse "Hawaii"
Self explanatory
Mickey D.
Blur should endorse
"Opticians" Get new specs and avoid a blur.
Silver bullets are said to kill werewolves.
Kirsten Abercrombie
The Silver Bullet, and their cans are silver.
Rocky Rhodes
Since he's "Bare"!?!
Terror Reid
Boston should endorse
"Travelling Massachusetts " Travis
The Bottle Rockets should endorse "fireworks"
Bowl a 300 and get a free soup!
JC Foster
Isn't Scouting supposed to turn boys into men?
Psycho Librarian
Umm...cuz the product is brand new.
Bread should endorse
"Bread" Andrew
Breathing Space should endorse "Asthma clinic"
You need a breathing space with asthma!
She plays a Flight Attendant in "Toxic"
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
From "Hold It Against Me" video
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Because they're springs.
Lance Crackers
Beacause "They Might Be Giant's" are "leg men".
It makes bubbles!
Brionna Secret
They are named after a cocktail, after all
Todd W. Zimmerman
Buckethead should endorse
"Kentucky Fried Chicken" They wear KFC buckets on their heads.
JC Foster
The Bug should endorse "Bugs"
Bulldozer should endorse "construction "
Bus Station Loonies should endorse "Bus Stations"
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids should endorse "Sundance Film Festival"
Beans, beans, the musical fruit...
Obscene Gene
The Byrds should endorse
"Baltimore Ravens (football team)" Kinda obvious, right?
Psycho Librarian
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