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Names -> Band Name Anagrams -> W

Take a band name, and make an anagram out of it.

Other Pages: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Misc.

Entries Beginning with W

Swap originally W.A.S.P.
Amber Penn
Paws originally W.A.S.P.
Amber Penn
Awe Wane originally Wa Wa Nee
Their awe must have waned since they disbanded.
Whatever You Want To Call Me
A Random Town Swish originally Wadsworth Mansion
Alyssa Jayne
Won Ham Downstairs originally Wadsworth Mansion
Alyssa Jayne
What Mansion Sword? originally Wadsworth Mansion
Alyssa Jayne
Ham Now Downstairs originally Wadsworth Mansion
Alyssa Jayne
I Mar Sash Downtown originally Wadsworth Mansion
Alyssa Jayne
Random Waist Shown originally Wadsworth Mansion
Alyssa Jayne
I Drown Shot Swan, Ma originally Wadsworth Mansion
Alyssa Jayne
Show A Snowman Dirt originally Wadsworth Mansion
Alyssa Jayne
I Wash Dormant Snow originally Wadsworth Mansion
Alyssa Jayne
A Kiwi Skit, Eh? originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
Sheik At Kiwi originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
Kiwis At Hike originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
I Whisk A Kite originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
Hate Kiwi Ski originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
His Teak Kiwi originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
Kiwi At Sheik originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
Take His Kiwi originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
Kiwi Has Kite originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
Heat Kiwi Ski originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
Kiwi At Hikes originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
Ah, Kiwi Kites! originally The Waikikis
Yvette Bristle
Rita - She's Sweet originally The Waitresses
I Saw Three Sets originally The Waitresses
See Sweatshirt originally The Waitresses
I Saw Sets There originally The Waitresses
Waiters' Sheets originally The Waitresses
See White Stars originally The Waitresses
I See The Straws originally The Waitresses
I Saw Tests Here originally The Waitresses
Sweetest Hairs originally The Waitresses
Could pertain to part of a certain hairstyle
Walking And Ash originally Waking Ashland
Sylvia Curruca
What Monk, Leo? originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Thaw Elk Moon originally Walk The Moon
Didn't know Elk Moon was ever frozen!
Tracy Stockton
A Low Hem Knot originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Eon Moth Walk originally Walk The Moon
Moths walk slowly when they walk.
Lorraine Thoanjer
What Loom, Ken? originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Hawk Onto Elm originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Know The Loam originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
No Wok, Thelma! originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
One Moth Walk originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Tom Knew Halo originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Hate Low Monk originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Know Math, Leo. originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
What Elk Moon? originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Wok On Thelma originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Atom On Whelk originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Lone Hawk, Tom! originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Know Hotel, Ma originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Hamlet On Wok originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Own Home Talk originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Ankle To Whom? originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Not Home Walk originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Heal Monk Two originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Mohawk Elton originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Thelma On Wok originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Hawk To Melon originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Know Elm Oath originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Low Token Ham originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Own Lake Moth originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Know Mat Hole originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Howl, Tom Kane! originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Wok Methanol originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Walk Onto Hem originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Hawk To Lemon originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
Let Ham On Wok originally Walk The Moon
Candy Welty
We Melt Hank originally The Walkmen
Caroline Vale
We Thank Elm originally The Walkmen
Caroline Vale
Walk Me, Then originally The Walkmen
Caroline Vale
Meant Whelk originally The Walkmen
Caroline Vale
New Elk Math originally The Walkmen
Caroline Vale
We Melt Ankh originally The Walkmen
Caroline Vale
We Thank Mel originally The Walkmen
Caroline Vale
Knew Hamlet originally The Walkmen
Caroline Vale
Lo, Do A Fool Vow originally Wall Of Voodoo
Larry The Babel Guy
Tell Flasher 'Wow' originally The Wallflowers
Lefty Lucy
Hell's Waterfowl originally The Wallflowers
I KNEW ducks were evil!
Well Father Lows originally The Wallflowers
Lefty Lucy
Wash Floret Well originally The Wallflowers
floret = a small flower
Waterfowl Shell originally The Wallflowers
Rhonda Hindle
Sell What Flower? originally The Wallflowers
Her Wallet Flows originally The Wallflowers
Giving the term 'cash flow' a new meaning?
West Flower Hall originally The Wallflowers
Low Calyx originally Wally Cox
Calyx = the sepals of a flower, seen collectively
Jessica Albatross
Table Wrecker originally Walter Becker
Probably NOT anything he'd ever do.
Wagner Tale originally Walter Egan
Jane C. Moore
A Gentle War originally Walter Egan
Is war ever gentle?
Roxanne Drake
Renewal Tag originally Walter Egan
Eel Gnaw Rat originally Walter Egan
Roxanne Drake
We Alter Nag originally Walter Egan
Patricia McClure
Gnaw At Reel originally Walter Egan
Roxanne Drake
Glean Water originally Walter Egan
Patricia McClure
A Glen Water originally Walter Egan
Roxanne Drake
We Rent A Gal originally Walter Egan
Didn't know people were rentable?!
Rat Gnaw Eel originally Walter Egan
Roxanne Drake
A Large Newt originally Walter Egan
We Rang Late originally Walter Egan
Tag Renewal originally Walter Egan
Page Was Later originally Walter Pageas
Candy Welty
Tear Law Pages originally Walter Pageas
Helen Football
Two Rejected A Hump originally The Wamdue Project
Marlene L. Ram
Tweeter Judo Champ originally The Wamdue Project
Mae Beam
Sack A Wand, Jon originally Wanda Jackson
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Wahlberg
Dan, Jan: Wackos! originally Wanda Jackson
Stu L. Pigeon
Do Sack Wan Jan originally Wanda Jackson
Jack And A Snow originally Wanda Jackson
Ann Jaws A Dock originally Wanda Jackson
Jack's Wan On Ad originally Wanda Jackson
Whatever THAT means...
Swan And A Jock originally Wanda Jackson
A peculiar duo
Regina Haniger
Swan On Jack Ad originally Wanda Jackson
Sack Wand, Joan originally Wanda Jackson
Jan, Dan: Wackos! originally Wanda Jackson
Stu L. Pigeon
Jock And A Swan originally Wanda Jackson
Marcia Todd
Nan Was Ad Jock originally Wanda Jackson
Oliver North Dakota Fanning the Flames
A Jack And Snow originally Wanda Jackson
Ann's A Wad Jock originally Wanda Jackson
Whatever THAT is...
No Wan Ads, Jack originally Wanda Jackson
Nan Saw Jock Ad originally Wanda Jackson
Oliver North Dakota Fanning the Flames
No Sad Wan Jack originally Wanda Jackson
Stu L. Pigeon
Jack's On A Wand originally Wanda Jackson
Lucinda Blair
Jaw On Snack Ad originally Wanda Jackson
Jack No Wan Ads originally Wanda Jackson
Whatever THAT means!
Kareem Abdul-Montana
Jan Won Sack Ad originally Wanda Jackson
Liza Lott
Jack Ann's Ad--Ow! originally Wanda Jackson
Sack And No Jaw originally Wanda Jackson
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Wahlberg
Aw, Jack--No Sand. originally Wanda Jackson
Jack On Swan Ad originally Wanda Jackson
Ann Saw Jock Ad originally Wanda Jackson
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Wahlberg
Jaw And No Sack originally Wanda Jackson
Jan's A Dank Cow originally Wanda Jackson
Liza Lott
Jaw Sank On Cad originally Wanda Jackson
Whereas Trend originally The Wanderers
Candy Welty
Teen Drew Rash originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Rest A New Herd originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
New Shed Rater originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Rest Wand Here originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Deter Her Swan originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Send Her Water originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Rear Shed Went originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Need Her Straw originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Tense Herd War originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Set Hen Reward originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Ted Near Shrew originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Saw Herd Enter originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Tree And Shrew originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Red Swan Three originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Deer Rash Went originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Her Western Ad originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Send Wart Here originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Rate New Shred originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
A Western Herd originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Answer Her, Ted originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Draw Nest Here originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Desert War Hen originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Rare Shed Went originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Shrew And Tree originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Here Was Trend originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Render Wet Ash originally The Wanderers
Alyssa Jayne
Red Walnuts originally Wanderlust
Aren't they usually light brown?
Max E. Padd
Wurst Laden originally Wanderlust
Hilary Nevis
Thawed Net originally The Wanted
Heck Noover Nuck
Teeth Wand originally The Wanted
Camilla Talking Bird
Want The Ed originally The Wanted
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
He Want Ted originally The Wanted
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
The Ad Went originally The Wanted
Editor's note: This band's name starts with 'The'
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Death Went originally The Wanted
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Raw originally War
Yes, easy
Regina Haniger
Worst Hackle originally The Warlocks
We Lock Trash originally The Warlocks
Elkhart Cows originally The Warlocks
Etta James Dean Martin Luther King Lear
Chalk Towers originally The Warlocks
Let Cash Work originally The Warlocks more ways than one!
How Clerk Sat originally The Warlocks
Al's Hot Wreck originally The Warlocks
Bob Oldhart
Sketch Or Awl originally The Warlocks
Skew Hot Carl originally The Warlocks
what for??
Hugh Jim Bessile
We Sort Chalk originally The Warlocks
O Thaw Clerks originally The Warlocks
Lorraine Thoanjer
Stalk Her Cow originally The Warlocks
Slot Whacker originally The Warlocks
Shock Walter originally The Warlocks
Welsh Ark Cot originally The Warlocks
Low Ark Chest originally The Warlocks
Wealth Rocks originally The Warlocks
Marilyn Westbury
Awl Or Sketch originally The Warlocks
O What Clerks originally The Warlocks
Lorraine Thoanjer
Wreck Hot Sal originally The Warlocks
Walt's Choker originally The Warlocks
Bob Oldhart
Her Cows Talk originally The Warlocks
They say things besides 'Moo'?!
Tackers Howl originally The Warlocks
Dennis Jimenez
Lash Wet Rock originally The Warlocks
At Welsh Rock originally The Warlocks
What Lockers? originally The Warlocks
Sock Her Walt originally The Warlocks
Not recommended.
Jake Eastbrook
Her Low Tacks originally The Warlocks
Sew Ark Cloth originally The Warlocks
Bob Oldhart
Clerk Was Hot originally The Warlocks
Anna Graham
Stew Or Chalk originally The Warlocks
Clerk To Wash originally The Warlocks
Anna Graham
Chalk Or Stew originally The Warlocks
Shackler Two originally The Warlocks
Shocker Walt originally The Warlocks
This Person
Warlock Seth originally The Warlocks
Catcher's Mitt Romney
Work Chalets originally The Warlocks
Slow Ark Etch originally The Warlocks
Stu L. Pigeon
Show Tackler originally The Warlocks
Hot Clerk Saw originally The Warlocks
Chest Or Walk originally The Warlocks
Anna Graham
Raw Rant originally Warrant
Rant War originally Warrant
Warn Art originally Warrant
Warn Rat originally Warrant
Wart Ran originally Warrant
Warn Tar originally Warrant
Earth Wren Brothers originally The Warren Brothers
Anna Faris Wheel
Rag Wren originally Warren G
Mirth Answer originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Wrens Harm It originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
New Ram Shirt originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Her Twin Arms originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Resin Warmth originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
His Warm Tern originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
A Wren's Mirth originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Marsh Winter originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Stir Warm Hen originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
New Rim Trash originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Arm Threw Sin originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Her Warm Nits originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Risen Warmth originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Shrew In Tram originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Threw In Arms originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Her Swim Rant originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Rent Raw Shim originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Her Wrist, Man originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Rim Rash Went originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Newt Harm, Sir originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Star Men Whir originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Ram New Shirt originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
New Shirt Arm originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Shirt War, Men originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Trim New Rash originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Her Nit Swarm originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Mar Hen Wrist originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Raw Shirt, Men originally Warren Smith
Candy Welty
Strewn Armor originally Warren Storm
Rhoda Dohr
Errant Worms originally Warren Storm
Rhoda Dohr
Worn Armrest originally Warren Storm
Rhoda Dohr
Warmer Snort originally Warren Storm
Rhoda Dohr
Rents Marrow originally Warren Storm
For WHAT would one rent marrow?
Rhoda Dohr
Zen Van Rower originally Warren Zevon
As Two Swan originally Was (Not Was)
Idont Haveaname
Wants A Sow originally Was (Not Was)
Newt Gingpoor
Saw (Saw Not) originally Was (Not Was)
At Saws Now originally Was (Not Was)
Natalie Snortman
Yet, Both Swear originally The Waterboys
Beware Hot Sty originally The Waterboys
Regina Haniger
The Pure Cave Wits originally The Wave Pictures
Paula Bland
View The Super Cat originally The Wave Pictures
View The True Caps originally The Wave Pictures
Capture The Views originally The Wave Pictures
Capture The Wives originally The Wave Pictures
Jenny Gnaws Lion originally Waylon Jennings
Justin B. Burr
Jean's Nylon Wing originally Waylon Jennings
Justin B. Burr
Loan Jenny Wings originally Waylon Jennings
Justin B. Burr
Nylon Ensign Jaw originally Waylon Jennings
Justin B. Burr
Bred Anyway originally Wayne Brady
O.J. Chamberlain
We Want No Yen originally Wayne Newton
Must be disinterested in Japanese currency?
A New Yen Town originally Wayne Newton
Japan establishes another city?
Wayne Went On originally Wayne Newton
Wayne Pouts originally Wayne Toups
Anna Graham
Ye Want Soup originally Wayne Toups
Angelica Monaghan
We Ate In Her Crowd originally We Are The In Crowd
Corinne Auterlehr
I've Few originally We Five
Claire Annette Player
Few Vie originally We Five
Shrew Ate The Girl originally The Weather Girls
How sad. :(
Mermaid's Pedicurist
Her Light Sweater originally The Weather Girls
As opposed to a heavy (thick) one
Alright, The Sewer originally The Weather Girls
Mermaid's Pedicurist
Straighter Wheel originally The Weather Girls
Be Ox Wreath originally Weatherbox
Andy Gibb's Free Energy
Wet Heavers originally The Weavers
Sandy Duncan Donuts
Ewe Harvest originally The Weavers
Serve Wheat originally The Weavers
Sandy Weed originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
We Dye Sand originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
Dye Den Saw originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
Say 'Den Dew' originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
Weedy Sand originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
Saw Den Dye originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
Seedy Dawn originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
As New Eddy originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
Seedy Wand originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
As Dewy Den originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
Sew And Dye originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
Say 'Dew End' originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
Dewy Sedan originally Wednesday
Joy Stick
He Knew Ted originally The Weeknd
Muhammad Firza
The Kew End originally The Weeknd
Kew = botanical garden in London
Caroline Vale
The Ken Wed originally The Weeknd
Note: The performer name DOES start with 'The'
Caroline Vale
A Wacky, Livid Nero originally Weird Al Yankovic
Clownery, via a Kid originally Weird Al Yankovic
Live Kinda Wary, Co. originally Weird Al Yankovic
Some Random Guy
Dandy New Lisa originally Wendy And Lisa
Lisa Rose
Dandy New Sail originally Wendy And Lisa
Lisa Rose
Danny Wed Lisa originally Wendy And Lisa
Lisa Rose
Lisa Wed Danny originally Wendy And Lisa
Lisa Rose
End Wails, Andy originally Wendy And Lisa
Lisa Rose
Wry Laced Son originally Wendy Carlos
Angie O'Plasty
Cold Yawners originally Wendy Carlos
Angie O'Plasty
Draws Ceylon originally Wendy Carlos
Angie O'Plasty
Snowy Cradle originally Wendy Carlos
Angie O'Plasty
Yew Caldrons originally Wendy Carlos
Angie O'Plasty
Manly Dawn Dew originally Wendy Waldman
Not sure what this means!
Boy George Harrison Ford Explorer
Waddly New Man originally Wendy Waldman
Little Old Lady Hu
Damn Dewy Lawn originally Wendy Waldman
Angie O'Plasty
Mandy, Lew, Dawn originally Wendy Waldman
Lyman Wed Dawn originally Wendy Waldman
Wan Lewd Mandy originally Wendy Waldman
My Walden Dawn originally Wendy Waldman
Boy George Michael Jackson Browne
Lew, Dawn, Mandy originally Wendy Waldman
My Lawn Dawned originally Wendy Waldman
Does that mean it grew??
Dawn Wed Lyman originally Wendy Waldman
Dawn, Mandy, Lew originally Wendy Waldman
Many Weld Wand originally Wendy Waldman
Liza Lott
New Wald, Mandy originally Wendy Waldman
Lawn Dam, Wendy! originally Wendy Waldman
Lewd Adam Wynn originally Wendy Waldman
Indian Stew Girl originally West Indian Girl
Trina Lufkin
Indian List Grew originally West Indian Girl
Carolyn Morgenstern
Wet Indian's Girl originally West Indian Girl
Carolyn Morgenstern
Wet Indian Girls originally West Indian Girl
Carolyn Morgenstern
Wet Flies originally Westlife
I Sew Felt originally Westlife
Penelope Beckinsale
Swift Eel originally Westlife
Penelope Beckinsale
Elf Is Wet originally Westlife
Penelope Beckinsale
We Stifle originally Westlife
Penelope Beckinsale
Tint A Pew originally Wet Paint
Yvette Bristle
We Pat Tin originally Wet Paint
Yvette Bristle
I Went, Pat originally Wet Paint
Candy Welty
We Tap Tin originally Wet Paint
Yvette Bristle
Taint Pew originally Wet Paint
Candy Welty
Pet A Twin originally Wet Paint
Yvette Bristle
I Tap Newt originally Wet Paint
Yvette Bristle
Ten Paw It originally Wet Paint
Yvette Bristle
We Tint Pa originally Wet Paint
Yvette Bristle
We Pat Nit originally Wet Paint
Yvette Bristle
I Want Pet originally Wet Paint
Yvette Bristle
We Tap Nit originally Wet Paint
Yvette Bristle
We Will Tie originally Wet Willie
Dorothy Jansen
Sis Hit What? originally What Is This
Schadenfreudian Slip
Hit This Saw originally What Is This
Melanie Black
That Is Wish originally What Is This
Saw This Hit originally What Is This
Hit With Ass originally What Is This
Mr. Unfunny
Sit With Ash originally What Is This
Melanie Black
I Twist Shah originally What Is This
This Was Hit originally What Is This
Melanie Black
Swath Is Hit originally What Is This
Steve Losewood
Was This Hit? originally What Is This
Melanie Black
What Hit Sis? originally What Is This
Liza Lott
What E.T. Haunts? originally The Whatnauts
Daisy Pappus
Thaw The Aunts originally The Whatnauts
Daisy Pappus
What Use? originally Wheatus
Shut Awe originally Wheatus
Can awe be shut?
Zodma Kitten
Sew A Hut originally Wheatus
Use What? originally Wheatus
Yvette Bristle
Thaw Sue originally Wheatus
What Sue? originally Wheatus
Men In Whore originally When In Rome
Angelina Laide
Wren In Home originally When In Rome
Angelina Laide
Hen Win More originally When In Rome
Angelina Laide
Hen Win Rome originally When In Rome
Angelina Laide
Whiled Fig originally Whigfield
yes, While can be a verb.
Shrewish Pet originally The Whispers
He Threw Piss originally The Whispers
If this is offensive, please take it down.
Dennis Jimenez
Lew Hits originally Whistle
Anna Graham
Hew List originally Whistle
Candy Welty
He Wilts originally Whistle
Is he a plant of some sort?!
Anna Graham
Hew Slit originally Whistle
Anna Graham
This, Lew! originally Whistle
Anna Graham
His Welt originally Whistle
Anna Graham
Sew Hilt originally Whistle
Anna Graham
Whiten Oil originally White Lion
Lefty Lucy
Hi, Wet Lion! originally White Lion
Lauryn Canna
I Win Hotel originally White Lion
Lauryn Canna
While On It originally White Lion
Zodma Kitten
Hint: We Oil originally White Lion
Lauryn Canna
I Let In How? originally White Lion
Lauryn Canna
Lithe Wino originally White Lion
Lauryn Canna
Hit New Oil originally White Lion
Lauryn Canna
Win His Plate originally White Plains
With Spaniel originally White Plains
Win Late Ship originally White Plains
That No-one Candy Nye
Win The Pails originally White Plains
Slip In Wheat originally White Plains
That No-one Candy Nye
I Whiten Pals originally White Plains
That No-one Candy Nye
Whiten Pails originally White Plains
Making a whiter shade of pail?
That No-one Candy Nye
Reb With Baits originally White Rabbits
A rebel is going fishing?
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Reb Wit Habits originally White Rabbits
Rebels have habits of being witty?
Eva Shortoria
Hi, We Hit Rest Pest originally The White Stripes
The group branches out as pest control company?
George Straitjacket
Spites Therewith originally The White Stripes
Resist Wet Hip originally White Stripes
James d
Sheepish Twitter originally The White Stripes
We Won't Hit originally White Town
Joe Siebert
I Won't Whet originally White Town
Angelina Laide
I Whet Town originally White Town
How would one whet a town?
Angelina Laide
Hi, Wet Snake! originally Whitesnake
But snakes can't hear you.
Stu L. Pigeon
We Hit Snake originally Whitesnake
No, we don't.
When I Skate originally Whitesnake
Shake Twine originally Whitesnake
Whiten Sake originally Whitesnake
Sake, as in rice "wine" (pronounced 'socky')
Natalie Starboardman
Hits Weaken originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
We Sank It, Eh? originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Ah! Kite News! originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Ah! New Kites! originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
I Skate When? originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
We Think Sea originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Win Steak, Eh? originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
His New Teak originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Teak Is Hewn originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Waste Ink, Eh? originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
His Tan Week originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
I Thank Ewes originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Weakish Net originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
He Takes Win originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Saw Hit Knee originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Seek Twin, Ah! originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
What Kin See originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Wash Tee Ink originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Wise Tank, Eh? originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Ha! Nits Week! originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
I Shake Newt originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Saw Keen Hit originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
A Newt Hikes originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
White As Ken originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Saw Hen Kite originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
A Sheik Went originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Wins Teak, Eh? originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
His Weak Net originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Eat Hewn Ski originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Ah! Tins Week! originally Whitesnake
Yvette Bristle
Whitest Olive Bay originally Whitest Boy Alive
Hayley Spalding
Shut It Now, Honey! originally Whitney Houston
Youth Whines Not originally Whitney Houston
Oh really?
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Twain
Whet Ho originally The Who
Terror Reid
Hew Hot originally The Who
Makes the most sense of any anagram of their name.
Drew Scarymore
Who The? originally The Who
It is often the startingly simple things that are
Dr Sanguivore
The How originally The Who
Arcade Windpipes originally Widespread Panic
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Low, Thin Barriers originally Wilbert Harrison
Widest Slab originally Wild Beasts
Jane Farnsworth
Bed Wit Lass originally Wild Beasts
Tiffany Carriker
Blew Sadist originally Wild Beasts
Jane Farnsworth
Wide Blasts originally Wild Beasts
Tiffany Carriker
Her Wild Cry originally Wild Cherry
Regina Haniger
Decry Whirl originally Wild Cherry
Regina Haniger
Wryer Child originally Wild Cherry
Regina Haniger
Child Sat Wet originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
The Clad Wits originally The Wildcats
Reese Without her spoon
Wet Child Sat originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Switch Al, Ted originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
The Wild Acts originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Cast Hit Weld originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Castle Width originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Delta Switch originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
This Claw, Ted originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Lad Set Witch originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Test Hid Claw originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
This Lewd Cat originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Halt Wet Disc originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
The Wild Cast originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Cat Whistled originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Witch Set Lad originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Cat With Sled originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
That Disc, Lew originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Dealt Switch originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
A Lewd Stitch originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Child At Stew originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Claw This, Ted originally The Wildcats
Alyssa Jayne
Yew LI originally Wiley
Yew number 51 in a row of yew trees
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Whist Mill originally Will Smith
The Mole
With Mills originally Will Smith
Willow Trope originally Will To Power
Stallion High Wine
We Twirl Loop originally Will To Power
Cal Amari
Wow, Pie Troll originally Will To Power
Cal Amari
Poet Will Row originally Will To Power
Cal Amari
Pillow Tower originally Will To Power
Cal Amari
Lies Below originally Will-O-Bees
'Far' Will Do originally Willa Ford
Fill A Word originally Willa Ford
Aim Well, Bill originally William Bell
Regina Haniger
O Brit, I Am Will originally William Orbit
Olivia Tame
O Will, I Am Brit originally William Orbit
Olivia Tame
I Am Ill Wren's Hat originally William Shatner
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Slim Alien Wrath originally William Shatner
Wool Libbie originally Willie Bobo
How can Libbie be made of wool??
Candace Mercer
O Bow, Billie originally Willie Bobo
Tracy Stockton
Senile Ill Now originally Willie Nelson
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Nellie Wilson originally Willie Nelson
Not really a spoonerism, as one submitter posted.
I, Elite Lew originally Willie Tee
Lauryn Canna
Lit Wee Lei originally Willie Tee
Tie Eli, Lew originally Willie Tee
Lauryn Canna
Eli Lit Ewe originally Willie Tee
Lauryn Canna
Eli Wet Lei originally Willie Tee
Lauryn Canna
Tee Willie originally Willie Tee
Lauryn Canna
Tie Lew, Eli originally Willie Tee
Lauryn Canna
Eli, Lew Tie originally Willie Tee
Lauryn Canna
Elite Wile originally Willie Tee
Lauryn Canna
Tie Ill Ewe originally Willie Tee
Lauryn Canna
We Tile Eli originally Willie Tee
Lauryn Canna
Phillip's Low Sin originally Wilson Phillips
Sylvia Curruca
PS: I Won Hill Lips originally Wilson Phillips
George Straitjacket
Lowest Nitpick originally Wilson Pickett
Tip Two Nickels originally Wilson Pickett
How about one dime instead?
Natalie's Belt Crept Down originally Wilton Place Street Band
She must've had a wardrobe malfunction! :o
In The Swan originally The Winans
Tori Spelling Bee
The Wan Sin originally The Winans
Tori Spelling Bee
Was In Then originally The Winans
Carolyn Morgenstern
Thea N. Wins originally The Winans
Was The Inn originally The Winans
Carolyn Morgenstern
Was Tin Hen originally The Winans
Carolyn Morgenstern
Saw The Inn originally The Winans
Carolyn Morgenstern
Shorted Wins originally The Windsors
Candy Welty
We Grin originally Winger
Kara Oke
Grew In originally Winger
Kara Oke
New Rig originally Winger
R. Jeanine O'Succinate
We Ring originally Winger
R. Jeanine O'Succinate
Swing originally Wings
Joe Blow
Re-sweep Lint originally Wintersleep
Anna Faris Wheel
We Is originally Wise
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Who Banishes originally Wishbone Ash
Chris Chendo
Bowen Is Hash originally Wishbone Ash
How can someone named Bowen be hash?
Naomi Swanson
Who Is Shane B? originally Wishbone Ash
James d
Shoe Ban Wish originally Wishbone Ash
Why wish for a ban on shoes?
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
Bo Shaw Is Hen originally Wishbone Ash
Clara Suzette Bartilson
Wish One Bash originally Wishbone Ash
Carrie Dawn Knight-Lee
Bash One Wish originally Wishbone Ash
Carrie Dawn Knight-Lee
Toni With Pine Mat originally Within Temptation
Diana Jasper
Met Toni With Paint originally Within Temptation
Diana Jasper
Tot Met Pain Within originally Within Temptation
Diana Jasper
Toni Met Pat Within originally Within Temptation
Diana Jasper
Met To Paint Within originally Within Temptation
Diana Jasper
Flow originally Wolf
Candy Welty
Fowl originally Wolf
From a mammal to a bird
Doodah Bobo
Wolf Celia originally Wolf Alice
Penny Nichols
A Lice Wolf originally Wolf Alice
Penny Nichols
Alice Flow originally Wolf Alice
Penny Nichols
Moth Flower originally Wolfmother
Andy Gibbs Free Energy
Mother Fowl originally Wolfmother
Naomi Swanson
Floor Them W originally Wolfmother
James d
Thermo-Flow originally Wolfmother
Beverly Stiles
The Form Owl originally Wolfmother
Throw Me, Flo originally Wolfmother
Rachel Stedman
Beans Flow originally Wolfsbane
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Safe Blown originally Wolfsbane
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Snow Fable originally Wolfsbane
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Fans Elbow originally Wolfsbane
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Base Flown originally Wolfsbane
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
A Snob Flew originally Wolfsbane
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Fans Below originally Wolfsbane
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Wine Lover originally Wolverine
Farlow Maitland
Lower Vine originally Wolverine
Alison Runyon
At The Wombs originally The Wombats
Rachel Stedman
Rod Newsgirl originally Wonder Girls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Now Red Girls originally Wonder Girls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Words Linger originally Wonder Girls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
North Weed Girls originally The Wonder Girls
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
Regrind Slow originally Wonder Girls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
The Downer Girls originally The Wonder Girls
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
World Resign originally Wondergirls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
World Reigns originally Wondergirls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Grinder Slow originally Wondergirls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
World Singer originally Wondergirls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Girdles Worn originally Wondergirls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Old Wringers originally Wondergirls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
World Signer originally Wondergirls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Grind Slower originally Wondergirls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Lord Swinger originally Wondergirls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Diner Growls originally Wondergirls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Down Theres originally The Wonders
Nonstandard, I know. But it works.
Drew The Son originally The Wonders
As in, a son whose name is Drew or Andrew
Duncan Moore
The Downers originally The Wonders
Duncan Moore
Hot Wenders originally The Wonders
Duncan Moore
There's Down originally The Wonders
Duncan Moore
Howdy Moaner originally Woody Herman
Monday Whore originally Woody Herman
Someone obsessed with the start of a workweek?
Smelma Pitz
Whore Dynamo originally Woody Herman
Army Hoedown originally Woody Herman
Her Woody Man originally Woody Herman
Partly Word originally World Party
Crystal Paisley
Pry Old Wart originally World Party
Apt Wry Lord originally World Party
Tardy Prowl originally World Party
Anna Graham
Dry War Plot originally World Party
Lop Dry Wart originally World Party
Eeeugh, disgusting!
Wry Port Lad originally World Party
Max E. Padd
Wrap Dry Lot originally World Party
Liza Lott
Party World originally World Party
Reversing the order of words changes the meaning!
Dry Owl Trap originally World Party
Dry Low Part originally World Party
Try Word 'Alp' originally World Party
Try Word 'Pal' originally World Party
Dry Port Law originally World Party
Try Word 'Lap' originally World Party
Dry Low Trap originally World Party
Dry Owl Part originally World Party
Pry Low Dart originally World Party
Try Old Wrap originally World Party
Trap Dry Owl originally World Party
Try Awl Drop originally World Party
Hen And Vow originally Woven Hand
Kirsten Abercrombie
Tan Gnu Claw originally Wu Tang Clan
(although gnus have hooves rather than claws)
Karen Smith
New Clef, Jay originally Wyclef Jean
Candy Welty
Fancy Jewel originally Wyclef Jean

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