Making fun of music, one song at a time. Since the year 2000.
Check out the two amIright misheard lyrics books including one book devoted to misheard lyrics of the 1980s.
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Names -> Band Name Anagrams -> R

Take a band name, and make an anagram out of it.

Other Pages: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Misc.

Entries Beginning with R

Try Alan Or Ed originally R. Dean Taylor
Try Ed Or Alan originally R. Dean Taylor
Dana Or Tyler originally R. Dean Taylor
Penny Nichols
Later, Roy Dan originally R. Dean Taylor
Penny Nichols
Rely On A Dart originally R. Dean Taylor
Or Dana Tyler originally R. Dean Taylor
Penny Nichols
Royal Art Den originally R. Dean Taylor
Tyler Or Dana originally R. Dean Taylor
Penny Nichols
Alter Any Rod originally R. Dean Taylor
Do Alert Ryan originally R. Dean Taylor
Yard Not Real originally R. Dean Taylor
It contains artificial turf?
Lot Near Yard originally R. Dean Taylor
Troy And Earl originally R. Dean Taylor
Earl And Troy originally R. Dean Taylor
Rarely Do Tan originally R. Dean Taylor
Larry Atoned originally R. Dean Taylor
He made amends about something.
Only A Trader originally R. Dean Taylor
To Any Larder originally R. Dean Taylor
Tardy Lorena originally R. Dean Taylor
A Tardy Loner originally R. Dean Taylor
Tardy Loaner originally R. Dean Taylor
Real To Randy originally R. Dean Taylor
Not Roy Adler originally R. Dean Taylor
A Royal Trend originally R. Dean Taylor
Already Torn originally R. Dean Taylor
To Ryan Adler originally R. Dean Taylor
whoever he is...
Restroom, Evie originally R. Stevie Moore
Pepsi's Hartebeest
Heal A Car Lamp originally Rachael Lampa
Strange way to say a headlight needs replacing?
Carolyn Morgenstern
Rachel A. Sage originally Rachael Sage
Can't Help Later originally Rachel Platten
Car Talent Help originally Rachel Platten
Laurie Cassid
Pat Can Tell Her originally Rachel Platten
Eager Clash originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Gas A Lecher originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Large Chase originally Rachel Sage
Naomi Swanson
See Gal Char originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Chase Lager originally Rachel Sage
Naomi Swanson
Eagle Crash originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Rachel's Age originally Rachel Sage
Naomi Swanson
A Gal's Cheer originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Her Lace Sag originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Regal Chase originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Seal Charge originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Gash Cereal originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
A Lecher Sag originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Lash Car? Gee! originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
A Gal Cheers originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Sale Charge originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Car Gash, Lee originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Gas Cheer, Al originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
A Leg Search originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Her Gas Lace originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Search Gale originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Clash? Agree! originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Chase Glare originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Search A Gel originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Crash, Al? Gee! originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Lecher Saga originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Her Slag Ace originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Each Glares originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Lag Her Case originally Rachel Sage
Joy Stick
Scrap Thelma originally Rachel Stamp
Her Lamp Acts originally Rachel Stamp
Whatever those might be
Evan Shortoria
Cat Help Mars originally Rachel Stamp
What would a cat help Mars do??
Samantha Wayland
Maple Starch originally Rachel Stamp
Wade Miley Cyrus McCormick Spice Girls
Ample Starch originally Rachel Stamp
Anna Graham
Tamp Charles originally Rachel Stamp
Pack someone in a hole? That's torture!
Boy George Harrison Ford Mustang Sally Field Goal
Pam T. Charles originally Rachel Stamp
Kerianne Hopkins
Acts Help Ram originally Rachel Stamp
Pat Chalmers originally Rachel Stamp
The Plasm Arc originally Rachel Stamp
Dustout Hoffman
Slam Chapter originally Rachel Stamp
Anna Graham
Arc Lamp, Seth originally Rachel Stamp
The Ram Clasp originally Rachel Stamp
Rick James Brown Sugar Ray Charles Bronson Arroyo
Ram The Clasp originally Rachel Stamp
Liza Lott
Preach Malts originally Rachel Stamp
Lydia Helton
Ram Helps Cat originally Rachel Stamp
Anita Bath
Sharp Cat Mel originally Rachel Stamp
Cast Her Palm originally Rachel Stamp
Chalet Ramps originally Rachel Stamp
Lydia Helton
The Alps, Marc. originally Rachel Stamp
Pointing out a Swiss landmark to a certain guy.
Katy Perry Mason-Dixon Line Dancing
Paschal Term originally Rachel Stamp
Anna Graham
Clasp The Arm originally Rachel Stamp
Sample Chart originally Rachel Stamp
Anna Graham
Cast Me, Ralph! originally Rachel Stamp
Sandy Duncan Donuts
Sharp Act, Mel! originally Rachel Stamp
Harm Alps, Etc. originally Rachel Stamp
Bad idea.
Satchel Ramp originally Rachel Stamp
Lydia Helton
Trample Cash originally Rachel Stamp
Pastel Charm originally Rachel Stamp
Anna Graham
Her Cat Lamps originally Rachel Stamp
Liza Lott
Chart Sample originally Rachel Stamp
Cat Helps Ram originally Rachel Stamp
Samantha Wayland
Help Art Scam originally Rachel Stamp
Her Palm Cast originally Rachel Stamp
Her Palm Acts originally Rachel Stamp
Hamster Clap originally Rachel Stamp
Liza Lott
Harm Pest, Cal originally Rachel Stamp
Her Camp Salt originally Rachel Stamp
Joe Blow
Cats Help Ram originally Rachel Stamp
Could they?
Joe Blow
Her Calm Past originally Rachel Stamp
Joe Blow
Act Sharp, Mel! originally Rachel Stamp
Anna Graham
Cat Helps Mar originally Rachel Stamp
Samantha Wayland
Rams Help Cat originally Rachel Stamp
Liza Lott
Cats Help Mar originally Rachel Stamp
Sometimes they do.
Joe Blow
Never Satchels originally Rachel Stevens
Candy Welty
Rachel's Events originally Rachel Stevens
Candy Welty
Hat Cleverness originally Rachel Stevens
Candy Welty
Steven Charles originally Rachel Stevens
Kerianne Hopkins
Relevant Chess originally Rachel Stevens
Candy Welty
Charles's Event originally Rachel Stevens
Kerianne Hopkins
A Trench Vessel originally Rachel Stevens
Candy Welty
Charles Events originally Rachel Stevens
Kerianne Hopkins
Ten Elves Crash originally Rachel Stevens
Candy Welty
Her Class Event originally Rachel Stevens
Candy Welty
Clever Ash Nest originally Rachel Stevens
Candy Welty
Stench Leavers originally Rachel Stevens
Candy Welty
Secret Whale originally Rachel Sweet
Melissa Conway
We're Chalets originally Rachel Sweet
Melissa Conway
We Char Sleet originally Rachel Sweet
Candy Welty
Set Car Wheel originally Rachel Sweet
Candy Welty
Car Wets Heel originally Rachel Sweet
Candy Welty
Lee's Watcher originally Rachel Sweet
Candy Welty
Let Chew Ears originally Rachel Sweet
Candy Welty
Trace Wheels originally Rachel Sweet
Candy Welty
Ye Lean, Rachel originally Rachele Lynae
Karen Smith
Rachel E. Laney originally Rachele Lynae
Noel Archangel originally Rachelle Ann Go
Long Canal Here originally Rachelle Ann Go
Nacho Allergen originally Rachelle Ann Go
I've always thought nachos did something to me.
Marge Pegram
Challenge Roan originally Rachelle Ann Go
Marge Pegram
No Hell Carnage originally Rachelle Ann Go
Marge Pegram
Recall Freer Hell originally Rachelle Ferrell
Dionne Peacewick
Her Rare Cell Fell originally Rachelle Ferrell
Candy Welty
Other Centaurs originally The Raconteurs
Southern Crate originally The Raconteurs
Orchestra Tune originally The Raconteurs
Is that how their music sounds?
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Run To Teachers originally The Raconteurs
Northeast Cure originally The Raconteurs
Shorten A Truce originally The Raconteurs
Southern Trace originally The Raconteurs
Return To Chase originally The Raconteurs
as in Chase Bank
Scene To Arthur originally The Raconteurs
The Carton User originally The Raconteurs
Earth Counters originally The Raconteurs
Not Chartreuse originally The Raconteurs
...but a different shade of light-green?
Unto The Racers originally The Raconteurs
Runs To Teacher originally The Raconteurs
Author's Center originally The Raconteurs
Distant Hare originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Rate Ant Dish originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Raid The Ants originally The Radiants
Dent A Hat, Sir originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
I Trash Ad Ten originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Dart Is At Hen originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Stair Had Net originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
I Sand The Art originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hard Nits Ate originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
That Sardine originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
A Dent, A Shirt originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Saint At Herd originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hard In Taste originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
I Tar Tan Shed originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Sad Tin Hater originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Tart In Shade originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
The Drain Sat originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
At Their Sand originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Stein Had Rat originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Eat Hard Nits originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
A Stint, A Herd originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Tear Tan Dish originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hid Tan Aster originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Red Satin Hat originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
The Sad Train originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
I Sand The Tar originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Radish At Ten originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Site And Hart originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Tan His Dater originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Saint Thread originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Trash And Tie originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hen Is At Dart originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Sad Hen Trait originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Tan Diet Rash originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
This Rat, Dean originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Aster Hid Ant originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Thread Is Tan originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
I Stand Earth originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Sad Nit Hater originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Neat Rat Dish originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
As Tenth Raid originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
I Tan Shed Rat originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
A Shirt, A Dent originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Sent Hart Aid originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hair And Test originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
I Shed Tan Art originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Trade His Ant originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Herd At Saint originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Dart In Haste originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
I Sand The Rat originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
His Rent Data originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
I Tar Handset originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Eat Tin Shard originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Trash It, Dean originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Ran This Date originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hard Seat Nit originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Dean Hit Tsar originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hart And Site originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
End That Sari originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hard In State originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Stein Had Tar originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Had Stair Ten originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
This Tar, Dean originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Neat Shirt Ad originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Their Sad Ant originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hart Instead originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Dean Hit Star originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
End This, Tara originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Stand Hit Ear originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
A Herd, A Stint originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Stir Head Ant originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
East Rat Hind originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
His Tart Dean originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Rate Tan Dish originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Start Hen Aid originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hasten Triad originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
His Tern Data originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
That Siren Ad originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
This Art, Dean originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Darn This Tea! originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Send That Air originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Third Sea Ant originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Red Hat Stain originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Stein Had Art originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
And The Sitar originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Read 'This Ant' originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hard Ant Site originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hit Star Dean originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Ant Death, Sir originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Saint Hatred originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Tar This, Dean originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Then Aid Star originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Her Staid Ant originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
An East Third originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Transit Head originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Shirt And Tea originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Tsar Hit Dean originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
His Ant Trade originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
A Distant Her originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Tie And Trash originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Stain Hatred originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Insert Hat Ad originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Detain Trash originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Rinse That Ad originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Test And Hair originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Striate Hand originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
That Resin Ad originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Death Strain originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
And The Stair originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Tarnish A Ted originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Satin Dearth originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Red Saint Hat originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Tea And Shirt originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Shatter In Ad originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Tarnish Date originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
A Radish Tent originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Satin Hatred originally The Radiants
Alyssa Jayne
Hide A Road originally Radiohead
Radioed Ha originally Radiohead
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
A Road Hide originally Radiohead
when you run over cows on the road
Arman Sookiassian
Head Radio originally Radiohead
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Radioed Ah originally Radiohead
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Idea Hoard originally Radiohead
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Roadie Had originally Radiohead
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Faster Rodney originally Radney Foster
Yearns For Ted originally Radney Foster
Any Reed Frost originally Radney Foster
Cal Amari
Any Defroster originally Radney Foster
Cal Amari
Ay, End Froster originally Radney Foster
Cal Amari
Ye And Froster originally Radney Foster
Cal Amari
Drummer's Ear originally Rae Sremmurd
Ava Murphy
Mare Murders originally Rae Sremmurd
Hilary Nevis
Treat The Eels originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Tear The Steel originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
A Letter Sheet originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Seattle There originally The Raelettes
We must be in the Pacific Northwest!
Steal Teether originally The Raelettes
But why?
Anna Graham
The Eel's Treat originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Heel Rate Test originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Tree Athletes originally The Raelettes
They work hard to climb trees each day?
He Let Tear Set originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Steel Theater originally The Raelettes
Test Thee, Earl originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Terse Athlete originally The Raelettes
Test Ale There originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Steal The Tree originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Lee's The Treat originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Leatherettes originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Test Heart, Lee originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Rate The Steel originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
Late Teethers originally The Raelettes
Anna Graham
As Ether originally The Raes
Has Tree originally The Raes
Anna Graham
Her Seat originally The Raes
See Hart originally The Raes
Anna Graham
Ash Tree originally The Raes
Esther A. originally The Raes
Her Teas originally The Raes
Hat Seer originally The Raes
Aster, Eh? originally The Raes
Heaters originally The Raes
Rates, Eh? originally The Raes
Hear Set originally The Raes
Set Hare originally The Raes
Stu L. Pigeon
Her Eats originally The Raes
Tears, Eh? originally The Raes
As Three originally The Raes
Reheats originally The Raes
Ate Hers originally The Raes
Ah! Trees! originally The Raes
Ah! Steer! originally The Raes
Sat Here originally The Raes
A Rest, Eh? originally The Raes
The Sear originally The Raes
Tree Ash originally The Raes
Seat Her originally The Raes
He Rates originally The Raes
He Tears originally The Raes
The Ears originally The Raes
Stare, Eh? originally The Raes
Eat Hers originally The Raes
Gare originally Rage
Gare is French for railway station.
Lucille Ball sized hail
Gear originally Rage
Lucille Ball sized hail
Grate Machine Again, Seth originally Rage Against The Machine
Roxanne Drake
Rag Machine Against Thee originally Rage Against The Machine
Megan Tereon
E.T. Heir Matches Nag Again originally Rage Against The Machine
Tattoo Head & The Crack Whore
E.T. Hire Matches Nag Again originally Rage Against The Machine
Tattoo Head & The Crack Whore
The Red Sari originally The Raiders
Read Theirs originally The Raiders
The Rear Ids originally The Raiders
As The Rider originally The Raiders
Lynne O'Leahy-Cassid
The Rare Ids originally The Raiders
Salvador Dali Parton
The Bail Renders originally The Railbenders
Previously posted spoonerism is also an anagram.
The Quirkfetch Kid
Render The Basil originally The Railbenders
Valerie Cameron
The Real Binders originally The Railbenders
Anna Graham
Leather Binders originally The Railbenders
Anna Graham
Boar Win originally Rainbow
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Iran Bow originally Rainbow
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Win Boar originally Rainbow
Angie O'Plasty
In A Brow originally Rainbow
James d
I Won Bar originally Rainbow
Angie O'Plasty
Bar Wino originally Rainbow
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Wino Bar originally Rainbow
Angie O'Plasty
Inarguable Woe originally Rainbow League
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Fairest Ids originally Raised Fist
Regina Haniger
Isis Farted originally Raised Fist
Isis = Egyptian goddess of nature and magic.
Tiffany Furlong
Iris Fasted originally Raised Fist
Regina Haniger
First Ideas originally Raised Fist
Regina Haniger
Loren Rand originally Ral Donner
Jean Goodsprings
Rand Loren originally Ral Donner
Jean Goodsprings
Err On Land originally Ral Donner
Lauryn Canna
I Mar Rot originally Ram Trio
Rot better left unmarred?
Selena Stopmez
Arm Trio originally Ram Trio
Gretchen Wieners
Arm Tori originally Ram Trio
Selena Stopmez
Roar, Tim originally Ram Trio
Gretchen Wieners
Mit Roar originally Ram Trio
Gretchen Wieners
Ram Riot originally Ram Trio
Gretchen Wieners
Arm Riot originally Ram Trio
Gretchen Wieners
Smart Mine originally Rammstein
Military term
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Mantis Rem originally Rammstein
Lefty Lucy
Man Remits originally Rammstein
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
It's Merman originally Rammstein
Alice Spoonerism
Man Merits originally Rammstein
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
I Am Mr. Sten originally Rammstein
Winter Pepper
Main Terms originally Rammstein
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Ms. Mae Train originally Rammstein
Lefty Lucy
Merman Sit originally Rammstein
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
I Am Mr. Tens originally Rammstein
Ms. Tin Mare originally Rammstein
Lefty Lucy
Mare's Mint originally Rammstein
Lisa Rose
Marin Stem originally Rammstein
Winter Pepper
Ramen Mist originally Rammstein
Cotton Lorraine
Master Min originally Rammstein
Winter Pepper
The Moaners originally The Ramones
Condoleeza Rice Pilaf
Roman Sheet originally The Ramones
Ether Moans originally The Ramones
How can ether moan?
Felly Nurtado
There Moans originally The Ramones
There moans what?
George Straitjacket
One Hamster originally The Ramones
Moans There originally The Ramones
Don Corleona Lewis
Ahem, Stoner originally The Ramones
Wesley As Rim originally Ramsey Lewis
Tiffany Furlong
Mars Yew Leis originally Ramsey Lewis
What leis are made of on Mars?
Tiffany Furlong
Wesley Is Ram originally Ramsey Lewis
Tiffany Furlong
Her Tall Dens originally The Ran-Dells
Louisa Ferncliff
Rented Halls originally The Ran-Dells
Louisa Ferncliff
Tall Red Hens originally The Ran-Dells
Louisa Ferncliff
Ted Ran Hells originally The Ran-Dells
Louisa Ferncliff
Ten Red Halls originally The Ran-Dells
Louisa Ferncliff
In Card originally Rancid
Boy George Harrison Ford Escort
Can Rid originally Rancid
Bob Oldhart
Narc Id originally Rancid
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Car Din originally Rancid
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Card In originally Rancid
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Norma D. originally Random
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Morn Ad originally Random
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Mar Don originally Random
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Mad Ron originally Random
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Ram Don originally Random
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
So Handwrite Any Brand originally Randy and the Rainbows
Ban Charm, Andy originally Randy Bachman
Dogniss Everdeen
Mary E.'s Dinner originally Randy Meisner
Men Rinse Yard originally Randy Meisner
by hosing it or running the sprinklers
Any Riders, Men? originally Randy Meisner
Dreamy Sinner originally Randy Meisner
Any Reminders originally Randy Meisner
Dianne R. Myers originally Randy Meisner
Gender-change by anagramming
Warmed Nanny originally Randy Newman
Damn New Yarn originally Randy Newman
Myna And Wren originally Randy Newman
Now he's two birds!
Warm Ed, Nanny originally Randy Newman
Blake Dreary
Drawn Any Men originally Randy Newman
Wry Manna Den originally Randy Newman
Blake Dreary
Man Drawn Yen originally Randy Newman
Blake Dreary
Wanna Dry Men originally Randy Newman
Frederick Gale
Ill Sandy Hornet originally Randy Stonehill
Gretchen Wieners
Dawn Remarry Van originally Randy VanWarmer
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
My Wren Radar Van originally Randy VanWarmer
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Envy Darn Ram War originally Randy VanWarmer
What a thing to envy!
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Finland Rake originally Rank And File
Helen Back
Ranked Final originally Rank And File
Natasha Bly
Laker Fan Din originally Rank And File
Made by a LOUD Laker fan
Penelope Beckinsale
Andrea F. Link originally Rank And File
Natasha Bly
Frank And Eli originally Rank And File
Penelope Beckinsale
The Pear Rut originally The Rapture
Selena Stopmez
The True Rap originally The Rapture
Ursula Turpin
The Pure Rat originally The Rapture
Selena Stopmez
The Pure Tar originally The Rapture
Selena Stopmez
Rat Up There originally The Rapture
Selena Stopmez
Rear Earth originally Rare Earth
Rear Heart originally Rare Earth
Hare Rater originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Rare Heart originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Her, A Rater? originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Her Ear Tar originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Her Rat Era originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
At Her Rear originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Her Rat Ear originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Her Ear Art originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Her Art Era originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Rare Hater originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Her Errata originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Hear Rater originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Rear Hater originally Rare Earth
Yvette Bristle
Flat Salt Scar originally Rascal Flatts
That No-one Candy Nye
Last Flatcars originally Rascal Flatts
All-Star Facts originally Rascal Flatts
Last Fractals originally Rascal Flatts
Far Act Stalls originally Rascal Flatts
The Scalars originally The Rascals
scalars = one-dimensional mathematical quantities
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
The Car Lass originally The Rascals
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Same Ruths originally The Rasmus
Christy Blanchard
Heart Sums originally The Rasmus
Francesca Burleson
Mars Us originally Rasmus
Stan Doff
Rams Us originally Rasmus
Stan Doff
Am Russ originally Rasmus
Stan Doff
The Sprier Bears originally The Raspberries
Job Lowe
I Repress The Bar originally The Raspberries
Harry Truman Capote
Hate Rib Presser originally The Raspberries
Harry Truman Capote
I Run At Sap originally Rasputina
But doesn't sap run through trees?
Put Ana, Sir originally Rasputina
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Purist Ana originally Rasputina
Aunt Paris originally Rasputina
If Nicky Hilton has kids, her sister would be this
Input 'Sara' originally Rasputina
I, Sara, Punt originally Rasputina
Boy George Harrison Ford Focus Lens
Sinatra Up originally Rasputina
Rain At Pus originally Rasputina
Pasta Ruin originally Rasputina
Nip Us, Tara originally Rasputina
Tuna Pairs originally Rasputina
I Run At Asp originally Rasputina
Many would run away from an asp.
Francine Harper
As A Turnip originally Rasputina
Anna Graham
A Nit, A Spur originally Rasputina
Anna Graham
Tiara Puns originally Rasputina
Spur It, Ana originally Rasputina
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Aunt Pairs originally Rasputina
Pus In Tara originally Rasputina
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Nutria's Pa originally Rasputina
Jason P.
Spa Air Nut originally Rasputina
Blue Ant
Ruin Pasta originally Rasputina
Can do that by cooking it too long.
A Sip, A Turn originally Rasputina
Smelma Pitz
Tiara Spun originally Rasputina
Tara In Pus originally Rasputina
Eeeughhh! That's disgusting!!
Nutria Spa originally Rasputina
I Rasp Aunt originally Rasputina
How/why could anyone do THAT?!
Stun A Pair originally Rasputina
Ruin At Spa originally Rasputina
Newt Gingpoor
Train Us, Pa originally Rasputina
A Spur, A Tin originally Rasputina
I Rust A Pan originally Rasputina
I must be a horrible cook.
Apian Ruts originally Rasputina
Boy George Michael Douglas Fairbanks Alaska
Pair Aunts originally Rasputina
A Past Ruin originally Rasputina
Rap Is 'Aunt' originally Rasputina
Kevin Bacon Bits & Pieces
I Run At Spa originally Rasputina
Francine Harper
I Spar Aunt originally Rasputina
Artisan Up originally Rasputina
Pa Ran Suit originally Rasputina
Little Old Lady Hu
Rip At Anus originally Rasputina
I hope this isn't too offensive.
A Turn, A Sip originally Rasputina
Anna Graham
Pin Us, Tara originally Rasputina
I Spar Tuna originally Rasputina
Ruin At Pa's originally Rasputina
Newt Gingpoor
Rap Is 'Tuna' originally Rasputina
Kevin Bacon Bits & Pieces
A Stair Pun originally Rasputina
Anna Graham
Austin Rap originally Rasputina
Up, Tsarina! originally Rasputina
tsarina: alternate spelling of czarina
Nutrias, Pa originally Rasputina
I Run At Pa's originally Rasputina
Put In Sara originally Rasputina
Anna Graham
Trip Us, Ana originally Rasputina
Newt Gingpoor
As Puritan originally Rasputina
Sauna Trip originally Rasputina
I Spun A Rat originally Rasputina
Why'd you do that?!
Stanley Doff
Spur Anita originally Rasputina
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
I Rasp A Nut originally Rasputina
As if a nut was rough in the first place?
Spun Tiara originally Rasputina
I Rasp Tuna originally Rasputina
As if tuna had any roughness in the first place
At A Tart originally Ratatat
Cart Hell originally Ratchell
Can that be done?
Miranda Turner
All Chert originally Ratchell
No other rock type in this formation
Miranda Turner
Hasten Tailor originally The Rationals
I Salt Another originally The Rationals
Shorten A Tail originally The Rationals
Iron Lathe Sat originally The Rationals
Hotel Artisan originally The Rationals
Tan Horse Tail originally The Rationals
I Lean To Trash originally The Rationals
Alan Tore This originally The Rationals
I Lash Art Note originally The Rationals
That Iron Sale originally The Rationals
Hailstone Art originally The Rationals
Theorist Alan originally The Rationals
Hate Nail Sort originally The Rationals
Toenail Trash originally The Rationals
Heat A Nostril originally The Rationals
Eat Short Nail originally The Rationals
Tart originally Ratt
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Verna originally Raven
Reva N. originally Raven
Lorraine Thoanjer
Vera N. originally Raven
Lorraine Thoanjer
Evan R. originally Raven
Lorraine Thoanjer
My Raven Nose originally Raven Symone
Lefty Lucy
Same On Nervy originally Raven Symone
Lefty Lucy
Envy Oarsmen originally Raven Symone
Claire Grayson
Ma Never Nosy originally Raven Symone
Claire Grayson
Even Masonry originally Raven Symone
Claire Grayson
Every Man's On originally Raven Symone
Claire Grayson
Amy Never Son originally Raven Symone
...since the name pertains to girls, not boys
Claire Grayson
Namer's Envoy originally Raven Symone
Claire Grayson
Men Envy Rosa originally Raven Symone
Claire Grayson
Raven's Money originally Raven-Symone
Claire Grayson
A Hottest Veneer originally The Raveonettes
Hank E. Panky
Threaten Vetoes originally The Raveonettes
Hank E. Panky
Heave Ten Otters originally The Raveonettes
Hank E. Panky
Heaven Tree Tots originally The Raveonettes
Hank E. Panky
Have Teen Otters originally The Raveonettes
Hank E. Panky
Heaven Tree Tots originally The Raveonettes
Hank E. Panky
Shark Air Van originally Ravi Shankar
Twila Paris Hilton
Ravish An Ark originally Ravi Shankar
Twila Paris Hilton
Tony Ran Hay originally Ray Anthony
Hay, Not Yarn originally Ray Anthony
Any Hot Yarn originally Ray Anthony
Yarn, Not Hay originally Ray Anthony
Any Hay Torn? originally Ray Anthony
Any Torn Hay originally Ray Anthony
Arch Layers originally Ray Charles
Harry's Alec originally Ray Charles
An actor named Harry plays a character named Alec
Crasher Lay originally Ray Charles
Cry 'A Lasher!' originally Ray Charles
Bob Oldhart
Crash Layer originally Ray Charles
Cry 'Hear!', Sal originally Ray Charles
Lay Her Cars originally Ray Charles
Cars, Harley. originally Ray Charles
Carry Leash originally Ray Charles
Ah, Cry 'Laser!' originally Ray Charles
Shy Rear Cal originally Ray Charles
Carl's Hayer originally Ray Charles
Rarely Cash originally Ray Charles
Cry 'Lash Era!' originally Ray Charles
Sara Cheryl originally Ray Charles
Changing two boy names into two girl names!
Cry 'Shear, Al!' originally Ray Charles
Orville Beddenrocker
Rachel's Ray originally Ray Charles
A lady named Rachel has a b.f. or son named Ray
Anna Graham
Cry 'Real Ash!' originally Ray Charles
Anna Graham
Racy Lasher originally Ray Charles
Little Old Lady Hu
Shyer Carla originally Ray Charles
Ashley Carr originally Ray Charles
Gender-change by anagramming!
Race Rashly originally Ray Charles
Shy Racer Al originally Ray Charles
Cry 'Share, Al!' originally Ray Charles
Orville Beddenrocker
Carry Shale originally Ray Charles
Anna Graham
Cry 'Ear Lash!' originally Ray Charles
O.J. Chamberlain
Al's Archery originally Ray Charles
Hears Lacy R. originally Ray Charles
Cynthia Avery
Chase Larry originally Ray Charles
Sharer Lacy originally Ray Charles
Crash A Lyre originally Ray Charles
But why?
Ah, Clay Errs originally Ray Charles
A guy named Clay makes a mistake.
Etta James Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
A Sly Archer originally Ray Charles
Natasha Bly
Al As Cherry originally Ray Charles
Scale, Harry originally Ray Charles
Stu L. Pigeon
Al's A Cherry originally Ray Charles
Maybe Al's last name is Cherry?
Scar Harley originally Ray Charles
Bob Oldhart
Cheryl Sara originally Ray Charles
Changing two boy names to two girl names!
Anna Graham
Alec's Harry originally Ray Charles
An actor named Alec is playing the role of Harry
Hears Carly originally Ray Charles
Cynthia Avery
A Shyer Carl originally Ray Charles
Say 'Her', Carl originally Ray Charles
Little Old Lady Hu
Earl Has Cry originally Ray Charles
Ashy Carrel originally Ray Charles
Carrel: study desk in a library. Why is it ashy??
Etta James Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
He's Ray, Carl originally Ray Charles
Shy L.A. Racer originally Ray Charles
He's Carl Ray originally Ray Charles
Ray can be a last name
Hears Clary originally Ray Charles
Cynthia Avery
Lacy Sharer originally Ray Charles
Anna Graham
Cry 'Hare!', Sal originally Ray Charles
Scarry Heal originally Ray Charles
It gets worse before it gets better?
Arch Slayer originally Ray Charles
Say 'Her Carl' originally Ray Charles
Larch Years originally Ray Charles
I'd Save Ray originally Ray Davies
Dairy Vase originally Ray Davies
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
I Rave Days originally Ray Davies
But his raving is silenced at night?
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
I Saved Ray originally Ray Davies
Rave Daisy originally Ray Davies
Brittany James
I Save Yard originally Ray Davies
Eva's Diary originally Ray Davies
Ideas Vary originally Ray Davies
A Ray Dives originally Ray Davies
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
Save Dairy originally Ray Davies
Eva's Dairy originally Ray Davies
Diva Years originally Ray Davies
Arise, Davy originally Ray Davies
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
Daisy Vera originally Ray Davies
Could be some gal's name
Save Diary originally Ray Davies
Diva's Year originally Ray Davies
Avery Said originally Ray Davies
What did s/he say?
Advise Ray originally Ray Davies
A Zany Remark originally Ray Manzarek
No-Melt Ray originally Ray Melton
Candy Welty
A Myrtle, No? originally Ray Melton
Candy Welty
My Tenor, Al originally Ray Melton
Candy Welty
A Term Only originally Ray Melton
Candy Welty
My Toner, Al originally Ray Melton
Candy Welty
Ark Jar Pryer originally Ray Parker Jr.
Job Lowe
Pester Ray? No! originally Ray Peterson
Retry One Spa originally Ray Peterson
A Prose Entry originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Rarest Peony originally Ray Peterson
American Idle
Snore At Prey originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Stone Prayer originally Ray Peterson
American Idle
Pry A Rose Net originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
One Party Set originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Rate Rosy Pen originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Type 'Rose Ran' originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
So Try A Preen originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Rosy Tree Pan originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Say 'Torn Peer' originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Try One Parse originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Ran Prose Yet originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Near Rye Post originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Ten-Ray Prose originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
A Nest Or Pyre originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Rose Pen Tray originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Opera Sentry originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Ate Pen, Sorry! originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Tenor As Prey originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
One Rye Strap originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Pay Rent, Rose originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Snore At Pyre originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Any Terse Pro originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Rare Spy Tone originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Try One Spear originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Errant Posey originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
A Nose Per Try originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Ear Pen Story originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
No Aster Pyre originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Pry Stone Ear originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
One Spa, Terry originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Pen Story Era originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Sorry Ape Net originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Any Store Rep originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Try One Spare originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
No Tarry Seep originally Ray Peterson
Alyssa Jayne
Carry Pie originally Ray Price
Prayer CI originally Ray Price
101st in a sequence of prayers
Rachel Stedman
Seven Trays originally Ray Stevens
Candace Mercer
Y's Veterans originally Ray Stevens
Didn't know the YMCA had veterans.
Tabitha Cartwright
Nasty Verse originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Ray's Events originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Save Sentry originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Nerves Stay originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Tenses Vary originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Nervy Asset originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Artsy Seven originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Say 'Venters' originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Navy Steers originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Assert Envy originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Taverns? Yes originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Nasty Serve originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Servant? Yes originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Never Stays originally Ray Stevens
Candy Welty
Rio Day originally Raydio
Stan Doff
I Do Ray originally Raydio
Stan Doff
Aid Roy originally Raydio
Megan Ura
O Dairy originally Raydio
Sister Hazel Nuts And Bolts Of Lightning Whelk
Any Rug originally Raygun
Miss Elanius
Guy Ran originally Raygun
Miss Elanius
Hart? Yes! originally The Rays
Shy Tear originally The Rays
Arts, Hey! originally The Rays
Someone enthusiastic about arts in general?
Thy Arse originally The Rays
Pam Tabor
He's Arty originally The Rays
Rye Hats originally The Rays
Those would be unusual!
Rhea Sty originally The Rays
Little Old Lady Hu
Hare Sty originally The Rays
You've heard of a pig sty; now hares have one! ;D
Thomas Foolery
Artsy, Eh? originally The Rays
Try A She originally The Rays
Hey, Star! originally The Rays
Anna Graham
Hay Rest originally The Rays
Her Stay originally The Rays
Anna Graham
Rash Yet originally The Rays
Liza Lott
Hey, Rats! originally The Rays
Ben Dover
She? Arty? originally The Rays
Anna Graham
Hey, Tsar! originally The Rays
Anna Graham
Hear Sty originally The Rays
Roy Van originally Rayvon
Natalie Stonecipher
Elf Rex originally Re-flex
An elf king?
Sardine Taylor
Flexer originally Re-flex
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Ref Lex originally Re-flex
A referee named "Lex"; this is also space-change
Lydia Helton
They Read For World originally Ready For The World
Rose Cathcart
Lease Treat originally Real Estate
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Al Ate Steer originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Tease Later originally Real Estate
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Else Eat Tar originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Area Settle originally Real Estate
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
See Rat Tale originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
A Late Reset originally Real Estate
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Real Tee Sat originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Teaser Tale originally Real Estate
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Eel Ate Star originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Tease Alert originally Real Estate
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Steal A Tree originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Eaters Tale originally Real Estate
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
A State Reel originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Sleet At Ear originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Late Teaser originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
A Street Ale originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
See L.A. Treat originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Ease Rattle originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Steel At Ear originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Let Tara See originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
A Stale Tree originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Treat Easel originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Later Tease originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
See Late Tar originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Lee Set A Rat originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
A Terse Tale originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
See A Rattle originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Stale Eater originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Alter Tease originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Slate Eater originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Easel Treat originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Settle Area originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Real Tea Set originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Least Eater originally Real Estate
Becky Bright
Lila Reef originally Real Life
Lila has a reef named for her?
Hilary Nevis
Frail Eel originally Real Life
Regina Haniger
Flee Liar originally Real Life
Heather Brockwell
Feel Rail originally Real Life
Candy Welty
Flee Lair originally Real Life
Candy Welty
Real File originally Real Life
Candy Welty
Ale Flier originally Real Life
One who transports ale by air
Heather Brockwell
Flee Rail originally Real Life
Candy Welty
Fire Ella originally Real Life
What did she do?
Nigel Shave Cream
Relief, Al originally Real Life
Candy Welty
Eel Flair originally Real Life
Candy Welty
I Free All originally Real Life
Candy Welty
Feel Lair originally Real Life
Candy Welty
Coyer Clam originally Real McCoy
My Coracle originally Real McCoy
Leather Night originally The Real Thing
Corinne Auterlehr
Cab Tree Miner originally Reba McEntire
Excellent example of random nonsense!
Rapunzel Gladstone
Carrie Bent Me originally Reba McEntire
She made me a contortionist?
Amber Rice Net originally Reba McEntire
Candy Welty
Beer Can Merit originally Reba McEntire
Candy Welty
A Mere Crib Net originally Reba McEntire
Candy Welty
Certain Ember originally Reba McEntire
Candy Welty
Erect A Rib, Men originally Reba McEntire
Candy Welty
Scarabs Eject Me originally Rebecca St. James
The heck you say!
Angie O'Plasty
Became Crass Jet originally Rebecca St. James
Angie O'Plasty
Rejects Same Cab originally Rebecca St. James
Angie O'Plasty
Became Jars Sect originally Rebecca St. James
Angie O'Plasty
Amber Jet Access originally Rebecca St. James
Angie O'Plasty
Bake Her originally Rebekah
Hannah Montanalestes
Her Beak originally Rebekah
Hannah Montanalestes
Hark Bee originally Rebekah
Hannah Montanalestes
Steel Herb originally The Rebels
Beth's Reel originally The Rebels
Serb Ethel originally The Rebels
He's Elbert originally The Rebels
Anna Graham
Bert's Heel originally The Rebels
Eel's Berth originally The Rebels
Rebel Seth originally The Rebels
He Let Serb originally The Rebels what?
Stu L. Pigeon
Eel Berths originally The Rebels
Heels, Bert originally The Rebels
Let's Be Her originally The Rebels
Anna Graham
Sheer Belt originally The Rebels
Be Shelter originally The Rebels
Belts Here originally The Rebels
Anna Graham
Sleet, Herb! originally The Rebels
Trebles, Eh? originally The Rebels
Anna Graham
He's Belter originally The Rebels
Her Betels originally The Rebels
Beth Reels originally The Rebels
Beth's Leer originally The Rebels
Lee's Berth originally The Rebels
Sleekly Clerks originally Reckless Kelly
Elk Love Cress originally Reckless Love
Derelict Hip Hoppers originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Cherished Ripple Pot originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Decipher Her Lip Post originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Chide Pliers Prophet originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Pipe Price Threshold originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Joy Stick
Cherished Triple Pop originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Decipher 'Propel This' originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Pierce Pip Threshold originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Horrid Tipple Speech originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Childish Peep Report originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Kayla Kalyak
Decipher Her Pop List originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Decipher This: 'Propel' originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Police Trip Shepherd originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Decipher Her Slop Tip originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Decipher Her Lip Spot originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Cripple The Spheroid originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Joy Stick
Cherish Pipe Droplet originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Report Childish Peep originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Third Crisp Peephole originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Kayla Kalyak
Her Prophet Disciple originally Red Hot Chili Peppers
Jump Up A Parasite's Turd originally Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
American Idle
Slender Ma originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Dream Lens originally Red Mansel
Candy Welty
Les Mander originally Red Mansel
Sally's brother?
Annette Oraline Fisher
Den Realms originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Mel's A Nerd originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Men's Alder originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Earl Mends originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Len Rams Ed originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Mel Snared originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Snared Elm originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Ma's Lender originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
A Nerd's Elm originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Al's Red Men originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Ed Rams Len originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Slander Me originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Del's Namer originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Ned's Realm originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Al's Mender originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Elm Sander originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
L.A. Menders originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Lame Nerds originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Lender Sam originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Namers Led originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Send Realm originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Red Lens, Ma originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Lens Dream originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Del's Ramen originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Mender Sal originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Lend Maser originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Saner Meld originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Me Slander? originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Del Remans originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Man's Elder originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Lamer Dens originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Sand Elmer originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Ma Relends originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Armed Lens originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Lend Reams originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Am Slender originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Reman Sled originally Red Mansel
Lauryn Canna
Sketched Error originally The Red Rockers
Job Lowe
Errors Deck originally Red Rockers
Chelsea Turtle
Her Resort Deck originally The Red Rockers
Job Lowe
Rocket Herders originally The Red Rockers
Job Lowe
Her Stork Creed originally The Red Rockers
Job Lowe
Devon's Ire originally Red Sovine
End Or Vise originally Red Sovine
Need Visor originally Red Sovine
Vise Or End originally Red Sovine
An unusual choice of options...
Redo Vines originally Red Sovine
On Red Vise originally Red Sovine
I Send Over originally Red Sovine
Ed Or Vines originally Red Sovine
I Never Sod originally Red Sovine
Sod Envier originally Red Sovine
Little Old Lady Hu
Oven Dries originally Red Sovine
Regina Haniger
Norse Dive originally Red Sovine
Den Is Over originally Red Sovine
Veins Or Ed originally Red Sovine
Lucy Lawmore
Rose Vined originally Red Sovine
Doodah Bobo
Vines Or Ed originally Red Sovine
Drive Nose originally Red Sovine
I Rove Dens originally Red Sovine
Do Even, Sir originally Red Sovine
Stu L. Pigeon
Derive Son originally Red Sovine
End Is Over originally Red Sovine
Captain Obvious
No Red Vise originally Red Sovine
Or Endives originally Red Sovine
I Served, No? originally Red Sovine
I Serve Don originally Red Sovine
Ed Or Veins originally Red Sovine
Rod Is Even originally Red Sovine
Dove's Rein originally Red Sovine
Drive Eons originally Red Sovine
No Deviser originally Red Sovine
Anna Graham
Ned Is Over originally Red Sovine
Anna Graham
One's Drive originally Red Sovine
I Vend Ores originally Red Sovine
I Vend Rose originally Red Sovine
Do In Verse originally Red Sovine
Rafeal De La Ghetto
I Verse Don originally Red Sovine
Ed Tried originally Red Tide
Not quite a spoonerism, though
Tired Ed originally Red Tide
Red Edit originally Red Tide
Well, editing is often done in red ink.
Led Vervet originally Red Velvet
Vervet is a kind of monkey.
Vicky Norton
Reveled TV originally Red Velvet
Chris Chendo
Ed Lever TV originally Red Velvet
Chris Chendo
Vervet Leg Day Run originally Red Velvet Ray Gun
Vervet = African species of monkey
Carolyn Morgenstern
Be Drone originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Ben Rode originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Been Rod originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Den Robe originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
No Breed originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Doer Ben originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Bore Ned originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Deboner originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Robe End originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Be No Red originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Rob Eden originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Ed Or Ben originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Beer, Don! originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
End Bore originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Bore Den originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Enrobed originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
One Bred originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Be Ron, Ed! originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Need Rob originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Ender Bo originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Boner, Ed! originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Be On Red originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Ned Bore originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Breed On! originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Dee Born originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Ben Or Ed originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
End Robe originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Red Bone originally Redbone
Change a compound-word name into two words!
Yvette Bristle
Redo, Ben! originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Eden Orb originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Beer Nod originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Bend Roe originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Need Orb originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
End Boer originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Be Ed, Ron! originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Bore End originally Redbone
Yvette Bristle
Red-Dish Gent originally The Reddings
This Den Dreg originally The Reddings
I dont know what to say...
Tend Her Digs originally The Reddings
Dig Shred Ten originally The Reddings
Seth Grinded originally The Reddings
He worked in a coffee shop?
Anna Graham
Ten Hid Dregs originally The Reddings
The Den Grids originally The Reddings
Send The Grid originally The Reddings
Tin Shed Dreg originally The Reddings
Whatever THAT means...
Jake Eastbrook
Ted's Herding originally The Reddings
End This Dreg originally The Reddings
Reddish Gent originally The Reddings
Ed Ends Girth originally The Reddings
Shed Grid Ten originally The Reddings
Sight Nerd Ed originally The Reddings
Stu L. Pigeon
Dig Net Shred originally The Reddings
Ed Ends Right originally The Reddings
Ed's Right, Ned! originally The Reddings
Send Right Ed originally The Reddings
Ended Rights originally The Reddings
Nat King Cole Slaw
Ned's Right, Ed! originally The Reddings
Herd Ten Digs originally The Reddings
Ned's Righted originally The Reddings
Send Ed Right originally The Reddings
Sight Red Den originally The Reddings
End Shed Grit originally The Reddings
Stu L. Pigeon
End Grid, Seth originally The Reddings
End Red Sight originally The Reddings
Dig The Nerds originally The Reddings
Sight Red Ned originally The Reddings
Get Nerd Dish originally The Reddings
Tinged Shred originally The Reddings
Ed Then Girds originally The Reddings
Tinged Herds originally The Reddings
Dig Ten Herds originally The Reddings
Her Ted Dings originally The Reddings
Thin Dredges originally The Reddings
Ye Deer originally Redeye
Patricia McClure
Arm End originally Redman
Kara Oke
Earn M.D. originally Redman
Sylvia Curruca
Ram Den originally Redman
Do any rams live in dens?
Claire Annette Player
Remand originally Redman
Darn Me originally Redman
Ned MacCamden
Mr. Dean originally Redman
Mandre originally Redman
Rex Den originally Rednex
Angie O'Plasty
Free originally Reef
Emmy Kay Butanone
Bilge Fisher originally Reel Big Fish
Hayley Spalding
Sue Fred originally Refused
Nutmeg Ryan
Fed User originally Refused
Alyssa Jayne
Defer Us originally Refused
Alyssa Jayne
Free Sud originally Refused
As if a single "sud" could be separated from suds.
Nutmeg Ryan
E.R. Feuds originally Refused
NOT in the patients' best interest!
Melissa Conway
Fur Seed originally Refused
Alyssa Jayne
Red Fuse originally Refused
Alyssa Jayne
Due Serf originally Refused
Alyssa Jayne
Fed Suer originally Refused
Alyssa Jayne
Freed Us originally Refused
Alyssa Jayne
Dee's Fur originally Refused
Alyssa Jayne
Ten Get Hers originally The Regents
10 people get an item belonging to some lady
Anna Graham
Gets Nether originally The Regents
Chris Chendo
Three Gents originally The Regents
Almost sounds like original name!
Erg Ten, Seth originally The Regents
Set Her Gent originally The Regents
Anna Graham
Tenth Serge originally The Regents
Anna Graham
Egrets Then originally The Regents
Gents There originally The Regents
He Gets Tern originally The Regents
Gent Set Her originally The Regents
He Gets Rent originally The Regents
Regent Seth originally The Regents
Anna Graham
Hen Getters originally The Regents
The Ten Ergs originally The Regents
Get Her Nest originally The Regents
Anna Graham
Get Hen Rest originally The Regents
Anna Graham
Get Her Tens originally The Regents
Anna Graham
Get Her Nets originally The Regents
Anna Graham
Gainer originally Regina
In Gear originally Regina
A Reign originally Regina
Regain originally Regina
Regain Belle originally Regina Belle
Braille Gene originally Regina Belle
Chris Chendo
General Bile originally Regina Belle
Alyssa Jayne
Able Eel Ring originally Regina Belle
Alyssa Jayne
Near Legible originally Regina Belle
Alyssa Jayne
Large Eel Nib originally Regina Belle
Alyssa Jayne
Liberal Gene originally Regina Belle
Alyssa Jayne
Bagel In Reel originally Regina Belle
Alyssa Jayne
I Label Genre originally Regina Belle
Alyssa Jayne
Granite Pokers originally Regina Spektor
Reese Witherfork
Reeking Pastor originally Regina Spektor
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Teasing Porker originally Regina Spektor
Reese Witherfork
Perkier Tangos originally Regina Spektor
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Starker Pigeon originally Regina Spektor
Reese Witherfork
Be Hiring Lips originally Regis Philbin
Kissing booth
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Like Tern originally Relient K
Amanda Svenson
Like Rent originally Relient K
Amanda Svenson
Lint Reek originally Relient K
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
Trek Line originally Relient K
Amanda Svenson
I Rent Elk originally Relient K
What would one rent an elk for?
Adrienne Schnell
Inert Elk originally Relient K
Adrienne Schnell
The Brand Terms originally The Rembrandts
Brent Had Terms originally The Rembrandts
Brad Rents Them originally The Rembrandts
What things does he rent?
Me Army originally Remy Ma
An army of one?
Megan Ura
My Mare originally Remy Ma
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Read Hymns originally Remy Shand
Dear Hymns originally Remy Shand
Sabrina Flowe
My Rad Hens originally Remy Shand
Kirsten Abercrombie
Henry's Mad originally Remy Shand
Henry Dams originally Remy Shand
Kirsten Abercrombie
My Handers originally Remy Shand
Kirsten Abercrombie
My Red Hans originally Remy Shand
Kirsten Abercrombie
Mr. Hyena SD originally Remy Shand
Lefty Lucy
Annal Near Edge originally Rene And Angela
Yvette Bristle
Arena End Angle originally Rene And Angela
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Dean Near Angel originally Rene And Angela
Yvette Bristle
End Angel Arena originally Rene And Angela
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Glean Arena End originally Rene And Angela
Yvette Bristle
Anneal Grenade originally Rene And Angela
Yvette Bristle
Angel Near Dean originally Rene And Angela
Yvette Bristle
Dean Alan Green originally Rene And Angela
Yvette Bristle
Need Range, Alan originally Rene And Angela
Yvette Bristle
Ray Near Den originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
Any Rear End originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
End Near Ray originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
Neared Yarn originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
Any Rare End originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
Nerdy Arena originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
Any Rare Den originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
Any Rear Den originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
End Any Rear originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
Any Deer Ran originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
Ran A Rye Den originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
Ray Near End originally Rene And Ray
Alyssa Jayne
Ethel Rants originally The Rentals
Loree Dare
Rent Lathes originally The Rentals
Tenth Laser originally The Rentals
Loree Dare
Ethel's Rant originally The Rentals
Loree Dare
Spewed Oregano originally REO Speedwagon
Russell Shaddox
Aged-Owner Pose originally REO Speedwagon
Good Apes Renew originally REO Speedwagon
Renegade Swoop originally REO Speedwagon
Larcen Tyler
Pal Cements There originally The Replacements
Hayley Spalding
Her Petal Cements originally The Replacements
Hayley Spalding
Cattlemen Herpes originally The Replacements
The Paler Cements originally The Replacements
Hayley Spalding
A Pier Club originally Republica
Lacier Pub originally Republica
As if a pub could have a 'lacy' quality...
Rile Up Cab originally Republica
How does one rile up a cab?
Rice Lab Up originally Republica
Caliber Up originally Republica
A Cub Peril originally Republica
I Clear Pub originally Republica
Boy George Michael Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Rub Ice, Pal originally Republica
Not sure if I want to know...
Are Public originally Republica
Curable Pi originally Republica
What disease does Pi have that could be curable?
I Pare Club originally Republica
Little Old Lady Hu
April Cube originally Republica
What about for the other months??
Curb A Pile originally Republica
Burp Celia originally Republica
If it's a baby named Celia, might be OK to do
U. Guest It
A Pub Relic originally Republica
I Leap Curb originally Republica
A Ripe Club originally Republica
Anna Graham
Bar Lice Up originally Republica
I, Pal Bruce originally Republica
I, Cub Rep Al originally Republica
A Republic originally Republica
A Club Pier originally Republica
Dyan Cannonball
Burlap Ice originally Republica
Quite an odd combo if you ask me!!
I Burp Lace originally Republica
How would one do THAT?!
Rub Lap Ice originally Republica
Hugh Jim Bessile
Cub Pal Ire originally Republica
David Wells Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
Public Ear originally Republica
Ronald Lammers
Rip L.A. Cube originally Republica
Public Rae originally Republica
Ronald Lammers
Lace Up Rib originally Republica
No comment here!
Public Era originally Republica
Ronald Lammers
Real Pubic originally Republica
Anna Graham
I Blur Cape originally Republica
however one does that..
Etta James Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
L.A. Pub Rice originally Republica
Angela Bassett Hound Dog Whisperer
Cuba Peril originally Republica
Denzel Washington Square Root Beer Nuts & Bolts
A Curb Pile originally Republica
Pub, Claire. originally Republica
Pointing out a pub to some gal named Claire.
O.J. Chamberlain
I Rub Place originally Republica
I Place Rub originally Republica
ahem; no comment!
Boy George Michael Jackson Mississippi River Banks
I Curb Plea originally Republica
Mister X
Pail, Bruce originally Republica
Rub Alp Ice originally Republica
What for??
Stu L. Pigeon
Burp Alice originally Republica
If it's a baby named Alice, might be OK to do
U. Guest It
Dinette's Hers originally The Residents
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Shined Street originally The Residents
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Resented This originally The Residents
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Shed Interest originally The Residents
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
The Dissenter originally The Residents
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Needs Tithers originally The Residents
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
The Tiredness originally The Residents
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Resented Hits originally The Residents
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
There's Less Tar originally Restless Heart
Hears Settlers originally Restless Heart
Candy Welty
Restless Earth originally Restless Heart
Settler Shares originally Restless Heart
Candy Welty
Sal's Her Tester originally Restless Heart
Candy Welty
Settler's Hares originally Restless Heart
Candy Welty
Restless Hater originally Restless Heart
Candy Welty
There's Less Art originally Restless Heart
Candy Welty
Her Tress Tales originally Restless Heart
Candy Welty
Shelter Asters originally Restless Heart
Candy Welty
Worn Blue Heel originally Reuben Howell
Our Hewn Belle originally Reuben Howell
Blur One Wheel originally Reuben Howell
Reel Whole Bun originally Reuben Howell
Run Wheel Lobe originally Reuben Howell
Burn Lee Whole originally Reuben Howell
If he dies and gets cremated?
Heel Below Urn originally Reuben Howell
Well, Be Our Hen originally Reuben Howell
Lower Blue Hen originally Reuben Howell
Oh, Reel Bun, Lew originally Reuben Howell
Hen Rule Below originally Reuben Howell
He Blew No Rule originally Reuben Howell
Ewe On Her Bull originally Reuben Howell
Run Below Heel originally Reuben Howell
Blur Wheel One originally Reuben Howell
Rub Lone Wheel originally Reuben Howell
New Belle Hour originally Reuben Howell
Burn Whole Eel originally Reuben Howell
Might make sense if you're gonna make sushi
Hen Below Lure originally Reuben Howell
Blue Heron, Lew originally Reuben Howell
Urn Wheel Lobe originally Reuben Howell
Hen Below Rule originally Reuben Howell
Bull One Where? originally Reuben Howell
Hurl Eel On Web originally Reuben Howell
Lure Below Hen originally Reuben Howell
Holler 'Wee Bun!' originally Reuben Howell
One Wheel Blur originally Reuben Howell
Hurl Wee Noble originally Reuben Howell
Urn Below Heel originally Reuben Howell
Be Our New Hell originally Reuben Howell
Hen Elbow Rule originally Reuben Howell
Bull On Her Ewe originally Reuben Howell
Hurl Lee On Web originally Reuben Howell
No Reel Hub, Lew originally Reuben Howell
Belle Hue Worn originally Reuben Howell
One Wheel Burl originally Reuben Howell
Oh, Lee Blew Run originally Reuben Howell
Hew Noble Lure originally Reuben Howell
I Run One originally Reunion
Alyssa Jayne
One Ruin originally Reunion
Alyssa Jayne
No Urine originally Reunion
Alyssa Jayne
Our Nine originally Reunion
Alyssa Jayne
I Let No Rave originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Real Vote In originally Revelation
Candy Welty
Eat No Liver originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Near To Evil originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Native Lore originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Oil Veteran originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Rate Novel originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Tore Navel originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Linear Vote originally Revelation
Becky Bright
One Tar Veil originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Lean Over It originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Enter Oval originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Rent A Love originally Revelation
Becky Bright
One Art Veil originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Are Not Vile originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Iron Vat, Lee originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Eat-In Lover originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Love Retina originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Invert Aloe originally Revelation
Becky Bright
A Novel Tire originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Never At Oil originally Revelation
Becky Bright
One Evil Rat originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Even Tailor originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Neat Or Evil originally Revelation
Becky Bright
One Live Rat originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Tale Or Vine originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Tile Or Vane originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Earn To Live originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Alter Oven originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Not Evil Era originally Revelation
Becky Bright
A Novel Rite originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Ale Over Tin originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Violent Era originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Not A Lever originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Love A Rent originally Revelation
Becky Bright
A Novel: 'Rite' originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Native Role originally Revelation
Becky Bright
A Lone Rivet originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Entire Oval originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Iron Eel Vat originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Ear Not Evil originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Rate No Evil originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Near To Veil originally Revelation
Becky Bright
One Vile Art originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Retail Oven originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Earn Violet originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Overt Alien originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Reveal Ton originally Revelation
Becky Bright
In Oval Tree originally Revelation
Becky Bright
One Evil Art originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Even Rot Al originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Are Violent originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Vine To Earl originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Ornate Evil originally Revelation
Becky Bright
To Real Vine originally Revelation
Becky Bright
No Tee Rival originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Leave Torn originally Revelation
Becky Bright
One Vile Rat originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Leaven Trio originally Revelation
Becky Bright
A Tier Novel originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Tale Or Vein originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Are Not Evil originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Oven Lit Ear originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Near Violet originally Revelation
Becky Bright
A Live Tenor originally Revelation
Becky Bright
I Learn Vote originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Even Oil Art originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Ear Not Vile originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Rivet Alone originally Revelation
Becky Bright
A Novel Tier originally Revelation
Becky Bright
Svelte Her originally The Revels
Alyssa Jayne
Viser originally Revis
An alternate spelling of 'visor'
Conan O'Brien Potatoes
The Revival Sits originally The Revivalists
Sex Mirth originally Rex Smith
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
Choir Snore originally Rhinoceros
Only when they're all sleeping.
Or Chin Sore originally Rhinoceros
Miss Elanius
Oh Corn, Rise! originally Rhinoceros
Susie Creamcheese
Rich Ore, Son originally Rhinoceros
Sore On Rich originally Rhinoceros
Jake Eastbrook
Chin Or Rose originally Rhinoceros
Or Sore Chin originally Rhinoceros
Boy George Washington Post Office Depot
Chin Or Sore originally Rhinoceros
No Rich Sore originally Rhinoceros
I Scorn Hero originally Rhinoceros
Rich Roe, Son originally Rhinoceros
Jacques Strapp
Corn Is Hero originally Rhinoceros
Hoe Corn, Sir originally Rhinoceros
I Scorn Hoer originally Rhinoceros
Cornish Ore originally Rhinoceros
Inch Or Rose originally Rhinoceros
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Sir On Chore originally Rhinoceros
His Coroner originally Rhinoceros
Inch Or Sore originally Rhinoceros
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
No Rich Rose originally Rhinoceros
I Score Horn originally Rhinoceros
Cornish Roe originally Rhinoceros
No Sore, Rich originally Rhinoceros
No Chore, Sir originally Rhinoceros
Steve Losewood
Rhino's Core originally Rhinoceros
Vincent Had Ron originally Rhonda Vincent
Lefty Lucy
Verdict Nonnah originally Rhonda Vincent
Lefty Lucy
Invent No Chard originally Rhonda Vincent
Tracy Frummond
Rhoda N. Vincent originally Rhonda Vincent
Dinah Bartilson
Thin Can Vendor originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Cannon Thrived originally Rhonda Vincent
Tracy Frummond
Adorn Chin Vent originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Darn Thin Coven originally Rhonda Vincent
Blake deKalb
Vendor Can Hint originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Do Ninth Cavern originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Ninth Oven Card originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
I Can Vend Thorn originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Chevron And Tin originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Vend Tin Anchor originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
And Ninth Cover originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Rhino Can't Vend originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
No Driven Chant originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Adorn Inch Vent originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Crave Ninth Don originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Divan On Trench originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Ninth Van Credo originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Inn Vendor Chat originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Darn Ninth Cove originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Ninth Vane Cord originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Do Invent Ranch originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Chevron And Nit originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Ninth Van Decor originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Thin Vendor Can originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Vend Thin Acorn originally Rhonda Vincent
Kara Oke
Barb Hur originally Rhubarb
Ben Hur's sister?!?
Mary Ellen Jasper
Thyme Harm Chin originally Rhythm Machine
Can thyme do that?
Norman Cornelius
The Robbins originally The Ribbons
Shannon Ingrid Travis
Seth Robbin originally The Ribbons
Shannon Ingrid Travis
Seth Ribbon originally The Ribbons
Shannon Ingrid Travis
Beth S. Robin originally The Ribbons
Shannon Ingrid Travis
Beth S. Biron originally The Ribbons
Shannon Ingrid Travis
Raise Cock originally Ric Ocasek
as in rooster, of course
Orville Beddenrocker
I Rock Aces originally Ric Ocasek
Dinah Bartilson
A Sock, Eric originally Ric Ocasek
Orville Beddenrocker
I Rock Case originally Ric Ocasek
Dinah Bartilson
By Choir originally Rich Boy
Regina Haniger
I Cry 'Hob!' originally Rich Boy
Candy Welty
Richard And The Ugly Onions originally Richard And The Young Lions
Richard And The Sunny Igloo originally Richard And The Young Lions
Richard And The Young Loins originally Richard And The Young Lions
Richard And The Lion's Young originally Richard And The Young Lions
Richard And The Goony Linus originally Richard And The Young Lions
Richard And The Unnoisy Log originally Richard And The Young Lions
Dare Rich Baron originally Richard Barone
Dare him to do what?
Chelsea Footler
Bar Hen Ricardo originally Richard Barone
Veronica Persica
An Herb, Ricardo originally Richard Barone
Veronica Persica
A Hardy Rich Man originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Chain Mad Harry originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Handy Armchair originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
I Had Ranch Army originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Char Ham In Yard originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Hard Yam In Arch originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
I Had Yarn Charm originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Canary Hid Harm originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Harry Hid Can, Ma originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Hand Harry Mica originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
I Hand Harry Cam originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Ma Had Rich Yarn originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Chain Hardy Ram originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Harm China Yard originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
I Harm Handy Car originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Hairy Ranch Dam originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
A Hard Army Inch originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Harm Rancid Hay originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Car Hid Any Harm originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Hard Army Chain originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Char A Handy Rim originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Anarchy Had Rim originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
A Ranch Army Hid originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Ram Handy Chair originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Char Main Hydra originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Harm Yard Chain originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Hair Can Dry Ham originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Handy Chair Arm originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Chain Dam, Harry originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Main Hardy Arch originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Car Ham Hid Yarn originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
I Harm Day Ranch originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Hardy Chairman originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
A Handy Ram, Rich originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Rich Had Yarn, Ma originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Hardy Ham In Car originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Any Rich Dharma originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Hard Army China originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Can I Harm Hydra? originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
I Had Army Ranch originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Hand Army Chair originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Rich, A Hardy Man originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
My Hard Hair Can originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Car Hid Yarn, Ham originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Harm Yard China originally Richard Hayman
Alyssa Jayne
Moths Nip Orchard originally Richard Thompson
Uh, an orchard plagued with pests!
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Posh Mint Orchard originally Richard Thompson
What kind of posh mints come from an orchard?
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Come, Irish Arab! originally Richie Sambora
Would be a person of multicultural descent.
Oh, Cram Siberia originally Richie Sambora
With what? lol
Orville Beddenrocker
Comb Irish Area originally Richie Sambora
Anna Graham
More Basic Hair originally Richie Sambora
Maria Chose Rib originally Richie Sambora
Marcia Bore His originally Richie Sambora
What did she bear? His child?
Sober Mariachi originally Richie Sambora
Anna Faris Wheel
Is A Brim A Chore? originally Richie Sambora
I suppose it depends on your point of view.
Arabic Heroism originally Richie Sambora
Claire Grayson
Ram Boise Chair originally Richie Sambora
What for??
Miss Elanius
Oh, Macabre Iris originally Richie Sambora
Anna Faris Wheel
I Mob Rae; I Crash originally Richie Sambora
Mob Cashier Ira originally Richie Sambora
What for?
Semi-Arab Choir originally Richie Sambora
Comb; Raise Hair originally Richie Sambora
Ice Brash Mario originally Richie Sambora
I Rob Cashier, Ma originally Richie Sambora
But then the cops bust me
So Charm Iberia originally Richie Sambora
Hi, Sober Marcia! originally Richie Sambora
A Basic Hero Rim originally Richie Sambora
I Rob Mae; I Crash originally Richie Sambora
I Bash Core, Irma originally Richie Sambora
Boy George Michael Douglas MacArthur Park Avenue
His Aerobic Ram originally Richie Sambora
Raise Hair Comb originally Richie Sambora
His Aerobic Arm originally Richie Sambora
A Bar Is Homeric originally Richie Sambora
I Bore Charisma originally Richie Sambora
Is Area Rhombic? originally Richie Sambora
I Bore As I March originally Richie Sambora
Aerobic Ham, Sir originally Richie Sambora
Anna Grammer
Eat Sly Rick originally Rick Astley
Stale Ricky originally Rick Astley
Heather Brockwell
Silky Crate originally Rick Astley
Regina Haniger
Sly Rick Ate originally Rick Astley
Say 'Trickle' originally Rick Astley
Car Key Slit originally Rick Astley
Stu L. Pigeon
Take Lyrics originally Rick Astley
Car Key List originally Rick Astley
Lit Car Keys originally Rick Astley
Arty Sickle originally Rick Astley
Risky Cleat originally Rick Astley
Anna Graham
Lit Rye Sack originally Rick Astley
A Style, Rick originally Rick Astley
Sly Ear Tick originally Rick Astley
I haven't the slightest idea what this means...
Orville Greenenbacher
Sky Recital originally Rick Astley
Elsie Greer
Rick Staley originally Rick Astley
Heather Brockwell
Ricky's Late originally Rick Astley
Say It, Clerk originally Rick Astley
Boy George Harrison Ford Pinto Beans
Real Sticky originally Rick Astley
Anna Graham
Try A Sickle originally Rick Astley
Sticky Earl originally Rick Astley
Sickle Tray originally Rick Astley
Boy George Michael Jordan Knight Rider Strong
Let Rick Say originally Rick Astley
Let him say what?
Ricky's Tale originally Rick Astley
Kate's Lyric originally Rick Astley
Strike Clay originally Rick Astley
Tricky Sale originally Rick Astley
Tricky Seal originally Rick Astley
Rain, Chuck originally Rick Cunha
Directing Chuck's attention to precipitation
Stu L. Pigeon
Incur Hack originally Rick Cunha
Bob Dylan Thomas Jefferson Airplane
I Ran, Chuck originally Rick Cunha
Anna Graham
I Crack Hun originally Rick Cunha
A Chick Urn originally Rick Cunha
A Chick Run originally Rick Cunha
I, Chuck, Ran originally Rick Cunha
Huck In Car originally Rick Cunha
Run A Chick originally Rick Cunha
Nick Darko originally Rick Danko
Akron Dick originally Rick Danko
Someone named Dick from Akron
Pam Tabor
Kick Rodan originally Rick Danko
Rodan = 1956 film or monster therein
Pam Tabor
Red Ringer Rick originally Rick Derringer
Dogniss Everdeen
Jim Creaks originally Rick James
He makes weird noises?
Carrie Overwood
Jerks Mica originally Rick James
Angela Sleepyhorse
Jack's Emir originally Rick James
Angela Sleepyhorse
Jack's Mire originally Rick James
Angela Sleepyhorse
I Scam Jerk originally Rick James
Angela Sleepyhorse
Rock In Lens originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Inner Locks originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Ink Cloners originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Clerk Son In originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Lens On Rick originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Lock Sinner originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
No Clerk Sin originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Ron's Nickel originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
No Clinkers originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Len In Rocks originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Crinkle Son originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Rink Clones originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Likens Corn originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Scorn In Elk originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Kin's Cloner originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Liken Scorn originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Inn Lockers originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
No Clerks In originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Cloner's Kin originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Silken Corn originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Cork In Lens originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Loners Nick originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Elk's In Corn originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Censor Link originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Rick On Lens originally Rick Nelson
Becky Bright
Priding Flickers originally Rick Springfield
Lefty Lucy
Flick Spider Ring originally Rick Springfield
Pick Girlfriends originally Rick Springfield
Girl Rips Deck Fin originally Rick Springfield
Markka Wince originally Rick Wakeman
Lefty Lucy
Kick Wan Mare originally Rick Wakeman
Not a nice thing to do!
Olivia Tame
Kari Knew Mac originally Rick Wakeman
Kick Raw Mane originally Rick Wakeman
Olivia Tame
Any Rim Trick originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
In My Art, Rick originally Ricky Martin
Tiny Rack Rim originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Ricky In Tram originally Ricky Martin
Mink: Carry It originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Try A Rim, Nick originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Main Try, Rick originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
I Try Car Mink originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Try Mini-Rack originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Mar City Rink originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
I Try Man, Rick originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Tiny Arm, Rick! originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
In My Tar, Rick originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Rank Icy Trim originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Tiny Ram Nick originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Rimy Art, Nick originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
My Rain Trick originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
I Try Arm, Nick originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Marry It, Rick originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Rimy Cat Rink originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
I Try Mink Arc originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Try Mica Rink originally Ricky Martin
Yvette Bristle
Connery Silk originally Ricky Nelson
Pepsi's Hartebeest
Silky Conner originally Ricky Nelson
Pepsi's Hartebeest
Tech Rico originally Ricochet
That is, a technician named Rico
Loree Dare
I Crochet originally Ricochet
Loree Dare
Did Rid Links originally Riddlin' Kids
Axl Sean
A Spider Therefore Gulps originally Riders of the Purple Sage
Russell Shaddox
Righted Far Ids originally Right Said Fred
After far ids toppled over?
Laura Wilkins
Raid Sight Fred originally Right Said Fred
Whatever "raid sight" would be...
Dan Warner
Had First Dirge originally Right Said Fred
Good Charlotte Bobcats
Fred Said 'Girth' originally Right Said Fred
Had Fried Grits originally Right Said Fred
Good Charlotte Bobcats
Raided Frights originally Right Said Fred
Red Fad Is Right originally Right Said Fred
Laura Wilkins
Red Ad Is Fright originally Right Said Fred
Laura Wilkins
Hi, Anna R. originally Rihanna
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Hina Ran originally Rihanna
Ana Hirn originally Rihanna
Hirn: obscure German surname
Lori I. Kyle originally Rilo Kiley
Sam Bucus the elder
Oily Liker originally Rilo Kiley
Candy Welty
Likely Rio originally Rilo Kiley
Veruca Pepper
Lily Or Ike originally Rilo Kiley
Candy Welty
I Roll; I Key originally Rilo Kiley
Candy Welty
I Roil Kyle originally Rilo Kiley
Candy Welty
Roil Kylie originally Rilo Kiley
Candy Welty
Or I Likely originally Rilo Kiley
Candy Welty
Ill Yorkie originally Rilo Kiley
Candy Welty
Ike Or Lily originally Rilo Kiley
Candy Welty
Grin Or Star originally Ringo Starr
Cynthia Avery
Ring Or Rats originally Ringo Starr
Cynthia Avery
Raring Sort originally Ringo Starr
Eager to organize something?
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Twain
Grin Or Rats originally Ringo Starr
Cynthia Avery
Ring Or Star originally Ringo Starr
Cynthia Avery
Tori originally Riot
A girl's name
Pete Worst
Trio originally Riot
But another band has already taken that name
Pete Worst
A Giant Rises originally Rise Against
Uh oh
Resist Again originally Rise Against
Pete Worst
As I Eat Grains originally Rise Against
That's curious!
George Straitjacket
Sister Again originally Rise Against
Satin Sea Rig originally Rise Against
Nautical Miley Cyrus McCormick Spice Girls
A Teasing Sir originally Rise Against
Sir, you are annoying
A Logic Editor originally Rita Coolidge
I Dig Cool Rate originally Rita Coolidge
Cassandra Lund
Dig A Cool Rite originally Rita Coolidge
Crystal Paisley
I Carted Igloo originally Rita Coolidge
As in an Igloo ice chest product
A Direct Igloo originally Rita Coolidge
Aria Rot originally Rita Ora
Lefty Lucy
Tor Aria originally Rita Ora
Lefty Lucy
Insert Aria originally Rita Raines
Nastier Ira originally Rita Raines
Tinier Sara originally Rita Raines
Tsarina Ire originally Rita Raines
Ira Retains originally Rita Raines
I Earn Stair originally Rita Raines
Kareem Abdul-Montana
A Tin Ear, Sir originally Rita Raines
No comment...
Iris' Tan Ear originally Rita Raines
I Sat In Rear originally Rita Raines
A Retina, Sir originally Rita Raines
Something said in an eye doctor's clinic?
Evan Shortoria
Rita Is Near originally Rita Raines
Nit Area, Sir originally Rita Raines
I Near Sitar originally Rita Raines
Penny Nichols
I Earn Sitar originally Rita Raines
I Rent A Sari originally Rita Raines
Anna Graham
Ira's Retina originally Rita Raines
I Ran Satire originally Rita Raines
Anna Graham
I Rear Saint originally Rita Raines
However one does that...
I Rinse Tara originally Rita Raines
Rita's A Rein originally Rita Raines
Peculiar thing for Rita to be!
Kerianne Hopkins
Rise In Tara originally Rita Raines
A Train Rise originally Rita Raines
Tin Area, Sir originally Rita Raines
Anna Graham
Sari Near It originally Rita Raines
Anna Graham
Art Is In Ear originally Rita Raines
Music is an art, so this actually makes sense!
Retains I.R.A. originally Rita Raines
IRA = Individual Retirement Account
I Star; I Earn originally Rita Raines
Air Retinas originally Rita Raines
Blake Dreary
I Sear Train originally Rita Raines
Dr. Allan Allard
I Earn; I Star originally Rita Raines
Sit Near Air originally Rita Raines
I Stain Rear originally Rita Raines
Might seem gross, but it'll do.
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Zuckerberg
Resin Tiara originally Rita Raines
Anna Graham
Rain Satire originally Rita Raines
Retinas, Ira originally Rita Raines
Neat Air, Sir! originally Rita Raines
I Star In Era originally Rita Raines
Raisin Rate originally Rita Raines
I Near Stair originally Rita Raines
Tear In Sari originally Rita Raines
An example of wardrobe malfunction?
A Rater Is In originally Rita Raines
Retain Sari originally Rita Raines
Raise Train originally Rita Raines
Irina, Stare originally Rita Raines
Penelope Beckinsale
Rinse Tiara originally Rita Raines
Anti-Sierra originally Rita Raines
Liza Lott
Artisan Ire originally Rita Raines
Tar Is In Ear originally Rita Raines
Eew, that's disgusting!!
Ben Dover
Artsier Ian originally Rita Raines
Eat Rain, Sir originally Rita Raines
But how??
I Tan Ear, Sir originally Rita Raines
Boy George Harrison Ford Escort
Air At Resin originally Rita Raines
Tire As I Ran originally Rita Raines
Rate Raisin originally Rita Raines
Michael S.
Arisen Rita originally Rita Raines
Iris Ran Tea originally Rita Raines
Iris can be a girls name
I Stir Arena originally Rita Raines
Ear In Stair originally Rita Raines
Mr. Unfunny
A Nit Is Rare originally Rita Raines
Irina's Rate originally Rita Raines
Penelope Beckinsale
Rain At Sire originally Rita Raines
Stu L. Pigeon
A Sierra Tin originally Rita Raines
Anna Graham
Retains Air originally Rita Raines
Aster In Air originally Rita Raines
I Raise Rant originally Rita Raines
Susie Creamcheese
I Restrain A originally Rita Raines
A what?
Blake Dreary
Ear Is In Tar originally Rita Raines
Strange place for it to be!
Michael S.
Tiara Reins originally Rita Raines
Or at least it symbolizes a rein.
Melissa Officinalis
Retain A Sir originally Rita Raines
Orville Greenenbacher
Raisin Tare originally Rita Raines
Blake Dreary
I Rinse A Rat originally Rita Raines
If you keep a rat as a pet and bathe it, I suppose
Michael S.
Sitar In Rae originally Rita Raines
Penny Nichols
Ear Is In Art originally Rita Raines
It must be depicted in a painting.
Michael S.
A Rise In Tar originally Rita Raines
Could be a problem...
Newt Gingpoor
Tear Raisin originally Rita Raines
The raisin must be REALLY dry to do that.
Michael S.
Sitar In Ear originally Rita Raines
That means you hear someone playing it
Penny Nichols
I Strain Ear originally Rita Raines
By being exposed to too much loud noise?
Michael S.
A Rise In Art originally Rita Raines
Newt Gingpoor
Sitar In Era originally Rita Raines
Penny Nichols
Halt In Service originally Ritchie Valens
Loree Dare
In The Visceral originally Ritchie Valens
visceral: relating to deep inward feelings
Trisha C. Levine originally Ritchie Valens
Gender change by anagramming!
Silent Archive originally Ritchie Valens
Loree Dare
I Christen Elva originally Ritchie Valens
Elect Irish Van originally Ritchie Valens
that is, a guy named Van who is Irish
Versatile Chin originally Ritchie Valens
Invite Charles originally Ritchie Valens
Let In Archives originally Ritchie Valens
Nice Shirt, Elva! originally Ritchie Valens
Vertical Shine originally Ritchie Valens
Invite Rachel S. originally Ritchie Valens
Clean Irish Vet originally Ritchie Valens
Viral Schools originally Rival Schools
Dogniss Everdeen
Lavish Colors originally Rival Schools
Dogniss Everdeen
Cool Shiv, Lars originally Rival Schools
Lars has an impressive knife.
Dogniss Everdeen
There Is Ravi originally The Rivieras
Here's Trivia originally The Rivieras
I Hear Rivets originally The Rivieras
Such pins don't usually make noise, though
Revisit Hare originally The Rivieras
Hire Travis E. originally The Rivieras
Anna Graham
Revisit Rhea originally The Rivieras
Visit Her, Rae. originally The Rivieras
Seth Rivera I originally The Rivieras
The first in line of guys named Seth Rivera
The Harder Ammos originally The Road Hammers
Blake Dreary
Be Boars originally Rob Base
Courtney Mears
Sob Bare originally Rob Base
Courtney Mears
Strobo Ham originally Rob Thomas
Richard Wetfuss
Bathrooms originally Rob Thomas
Conan O'Brien Potatoes
Abhors Tom originally Rob Thomas
Sham Robot originally Rob Thomas
Conan O'Brien Potatoes
Booze Brim originally Rob Zombie
Caroline Vale
Roe Biz Mob originally Rob Zombie
Caroline Vale
I Bomb Zero originally Rob Zombie
Bimbo Zero originally Rob Zombie
Elsie Greer
Zombie Orb originally Rob Zombie
Elsie Greer
No Vile Bribe originally Robbie Nevil
Candy Welty
Never Oil Bib originally Robbie Nevil
Candy Welty
No Evil Bribe originally Robbie Nevil
Anna Graham
I Nibble Over originally Robbie Nevil
Candy Welty
Be Evil Robin originally Robbie Nevil
Jill Conrad
Revile No Bib originally Robbie Nevil
Candy Welty
Evil Robbie N. originally Robbie Nevil
Sylvia Curruca
Bin Bore Veil originally Robbie Nevil
Candy Welty
I Be Born Evil originally Robbie Nevil
Sylvia Curruca
A Bimbo Will Rise originally Robbie Williams
Errant Baby Cord originally Robert Cray Band
Roberta Cry Band originally Robert Cray Band
Allison Lafferty
A Berry Bract, Don originally Robert Cray Band
Robbery And Cart originally Robert Cray Band
Rob Terry And Cab originally Robert Cray Band
Joy Stick
Bread Art By Corn originally Robert Cray Band
Ban Drab Rectory originally Robert Cray Band
Nab Cord By Rater originally Robert Cray Band
Cry 'A Barn Bed Rot!' originally Robert Cray Band
Trendy Carob Bar originally Robert Cray Band
Allison Lafferty
Be Contrary, Brad originally Robert Cray Band
Joy Stick
Try Red Cobra Ban originally Robert Cray Band
Rob A Trendy Cab originally Robert Cray Band
Joy Stick
Try Darn Cab Robe originally Robert Cray Band
Bread By Corn Art originally Robert Cray Band
Crab Trod Nearby originally Robert Cray Band
No Drab Cab, Terry originally Robert Cray Band
Drab Entry Or Cab originally Robert Cray Band
Nab Derby Carrot originally Robert Cray Band
Cornbread By Art originally Robert Cray Band
Drab Cobra Entry originally Robert Cray Band
Art By Cornbread originally Robert Cray Band
Try Barn Brocade originally Robert Cray Band
Barry Bet On Card originally Robert Cray Band
Cry 'Abbot Errand!' originally Robert Cray Band
Barren Cart Body originally Robert Cray Band
Bad Berry Carton originally Robert Cray Band
It contains defective crops?
Corn By Bread Art originally Robert Cray Band
Cry 'Baronet Brad!' originally Robert Cray Band
Corn Art By Bread originally Robert Cray Band
Cart And Robbery originally Robert Cray Band
Decry A Torn Barb originally Robert Cray Band
Carry Debtor Ban originally Robert Cray Band
Try Bear Cord Ban originally Robert Cray Band
Cranberry To Dab originally Robert Cray Band
Ban Derby Carrot originally Robert Cray Band
Rob Got Reborn originally Robert Gordon
Reese Witherfork
Emil Roberts originally Robert Miles
Paige Evans
Merle's Orbit originally Robert Miles
Don Bass
Robert's Lime originally Robert Miles
Paige Evans
Bert Or Slime originally Robert Miles
Don Bass
Balm Reporter originally Robert Palmer
Justin Burr
Mr. Pale Robert originally Robert Palmer
Melissa Officinalis
Robe Trampler originally Robert Palmer
Justin Burr
Marble Report originally Robert Palmer
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Ambler Report originally Robert Palmer
Justin Burr
Labor Preterm originally Robert Palmer
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Lamb Reporter originally Robert Palmer
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Barn Plotter originally Robert Plant
Track Or Fable originally Roberta Flack
Robert A. Flack originally Roberta Flack
space-change for performer names
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
A Fart Blocker originally Roberta Flack
I hope this isn't too offensive.
Bear Flat Cork originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Bare Flat Rock originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Bear Flat Rock originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Rob A Fat Clerk originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Real Back Fort originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Far Rocket Lab originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Calf Broke Rat originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Fable Or Track originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Able Fort Rack originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Barter A Flock originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Able Cork Raft originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Cobra Left Ark originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
A Tab For Clerk originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Rare Bat Flock originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Rack For A Belt originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Art Rock Fable originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
A Far Cork Belt originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Bar Freak Colt originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Lack Of Barter originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Bracket Flora originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Far Boat Clerk originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Bare Loft Rack originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
A Rack For Belt originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Cobra Felt Ark originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Back For Later originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Rear Bat Flock originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Boar Left Rack originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Rob Far Tackle originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Able Cart Fork originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
A Fat Bar Clerk originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Calf Tore Bark originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Ark Left Cobra originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Back Rear Loft originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Bark For Cleat originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
A Flock Barter originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Back For Alert originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Alter Cab Fork originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
A Bark Or Cleft originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
A Far Bat Clerk originally Roberta Flack
Alyssa Jayne
Peter A. Roberts originally Roberta Peters
michelle (hell in mice)
Robert A. Peters originally Roberta Peters
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Sad To Borrow Here originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Robert A. Sherwood originally Roberta Sherwood
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
How Sad To Be Error originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Tab Her Or Do Worse originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Do Her Rose Row Tab originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Throw Ore Or Be Sad originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Had Oboe Err Worst originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Dab Other Sore Row originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Her Bad Root Worse originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Other Bad Or Worse originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Oh Bad Tree Sorrow originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Bad Host Error Woe originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Bad Horse Or Tower originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Two See Bad Horror originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Her Bad Toe Sorrow originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Sow Her Breadroot originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Brother Saw Rodeo originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
He Orders Rowboat originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Heard Worse Robot originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Beware: Short Door originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Robot Drew Ashore originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
We Abhorred Roost originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Showboat Orderer originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Harrowed Booster originally Roberta Sherwood
Candy Welty
Boyer originally Robey
A French name, pronounced 'boy-AY'
Keira Dayley
Be Roy originally Robey
Candy Welty
A Bride Omen originally Robin Meade
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bi Rod Enema originally Robin Meade
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
I Broaden Me originally Robin Meade
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Ion Bared Me originally Robin Meade
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Mine Bad Ore originally Robin Meade
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
No Ribs originally Robin S.
Stallion High Wine
Iron Be Thick originally Robin Thicke
Flora Rolf
Worn Orbiter originally Robin Trower
Tin Borrower originally Robin Trower
Ned MacCamden
Browner Riot originally Robin Trower
Ned MacCamden
Wind Or Bar originally Robin Ward
Almost like 'Wunderbar' (German for 'Wonderful')
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Wahlberg
Rob In Ward originally Robin Ward
If we had space-change for artists, this'd work.
Rib Or Wand originally Robin Ward
Interesting choice of options...
Anna Graham
Word In Bar originally Robin Ward
Narrow Bid originally Robin Ward
Ward Robin originally Robin Ward
Reversal of the words gives a different meaning!
Pete & Repete
A Worn Bird originally Robin Ward
Lauryn Canna
No Raw Bird originally Robin Ward
Draw On Rib originally Robin Ward
Carrie Dawn Knight-Lee
No War Bird originally Robin Ward
Brad In Row originally Robin Ward
Lauryn Canna
Brain Word originally Robin Ward
Anything beginning with 'neuro-'?
Orb In Ward originally Robin Ward
I Drown Bar originally Robin Ward
I Brand Row originally Robin Ward
Lauryn Canna
Bard In Row originally Robin Ward
Lauryn Canna
I Saw Minor Bill originally Robin Williams
Honest Rib originally Robins, The
Robin Seth originally Robins, The
On The Ribs originally Robins, The
Their Snob originally Robins, The
Anna Graham
Her Son Bit originally Robins, The
Ben Or This originally Robins, the
Anna Graham
Hens Orbit originally Robins, The
Anna Graham
Other Bins originally Robins, The
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Loretta Swit
Hen Orbits originally Robins, The
No Beth, Sir originally Robins, The
Anna Graham
Oh, Sir Bent originally Robins, The
Rib On Seth originally Robins, The
Name written this way to avoid conflict w/ Robin S
Fiona Montrose
Seth Robin originally Robins, the
Anna Graham
Sit On Herb originally Robins, The
Anna Graham
He Rots Bin originally Robins, The
Bet Or Shin originally Robins, The
Sir On Beth originally Robins, the
Timmy O'Toole
Sin Or Beth originally Robins, The
Shot Brine originally Robins, The
Anna Graham
Ron Bet His originally Robins, The
his money? If so, on what?
Anna Graham
I, Short Ben originally Robins, The
Anna Graham
Ton Ribs, Eh? originally Robins, The
Anna Graham
Best Rhino originally Robins, The
Sober Hint originally Robins, The
Hayley Spalding
Rinse Both originally Robins, the
Other Nibs originally Robins, The
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Loretta Swit
Not Ribs, Eh? originally Robins, The
Conan O'Brien Potatoes
Thin Robes originally Robins, The
Hayley Spalding
Birth Nose originally Robins, The
Hi, Son Bert! originally Robins, The
She Bit Ron originally Robins, the
Anna Graham
Thin Bores originally Robins, The
Hayley Spalding
Hot Sir Ben originally Robins, The
His Ten Rob originally Robins, The
10 of some guy's people go looting?
He Bit Ron's originally Robins, the
Shin Or Bet originally Robins, the
Anna Graham
Then Boris originally Robins, The
Anna Graham
This Or Ben originally Robins, The
Anna Graham
Both Risen originally Robins, the
Beth Or Sin originally Robins, The
Both Rinse originally Robins, the
Beth On Sir originally Robins, The
Enos' Birth originally Robins, The
Be On Shirt originally Robins, the
Be This, Ron originally Robins, the
NY Bro originally Robyn
As in a brother in New York
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Byron originally Robyn
Natalie Portmanteau Word
By Ron originally Robyn
The Chores originally The Roches
Sandy Duncan Donuts
Chord & Key originally Rock & Hyde
Jessica Albatross
I Try Cock originally Rock City
As in rooster, of course.
Natalie Portmanteau Word
City Cork originally Rock City
Melanie Black
Coy Trick originally Rock City
Melanie Black
City Rock originally Rock City
Melanie Black
Lack Parole originally Rockapella
A Local Perk originally Rockapella
Lock A Pearl originally Rockapella
onto a necklace.
Clear Polka originally Rockapella
Brick On Reels originally Rockin' Rebels
Will Scarlett Johansson
Eric Polk originally Rockpile
Possible full name of some guy
Sandy Duncan Donuts
Lick Pore originally Rockpile
Zodma Kitten
Pick Lore originally Rockpile
Pick Role originally Rockpile
Anna Graham
Like Crop originally Rockpile
Especially if it's good.
Susie Creamcheese
Pork Lice originally Rockpile
Zodma Kitten
Pier Lock originally Rockpile
Gebbie Dibson
Cork Pile originally Rockpile
Lock Pier originally Rockpile
Bob Oldhart
Lick Rope originally Rockpile
I'd rather not.
Or Pickle originally Rockpile
Bob Oldhart
Owl Clerk originally Rockwell
American Idle
Low Clerk originally Rockwell
Cell Work originally Rockwell
American Idle
Burn Rocket Yet originally Rocky Burnette
Dinah Bartilson
Rocky Brunette originally Rocky Burnette
Switching a pair of adjacent letters
No Sky Color originally Rocky Olson
Lauryn Canna
Or Only Sock originally Rocky Olson
Lauryn Canna
Crooks Only originally Rocky Olson
Lauryn Canna
Rocky Loons originally Rocky Olson
Lauryn Canna
Corky Loons originally Rocky Olson
Lauryn Canna
Only Crooks originally Rocky Olson
Lauryn Canna
So Rock Only originally Rocky Olson
Lauryn Canna
Corny Looks originally Rocky Olson
Lauryn Canna
No Sly Crook originally Rocky Olson
Lauryn Canna
Hard Rot originally Rod Hart
Candy Welty
Old Urn Era originally Rod Lauren
Anna Graham
Adorn Rule originally Rod Lauren
However one does that...
Eac Zeffron
Urn Ordeal originally Rod Lauren
Ran Our LED originally Rod Lauren
Round Earl originally Rod Lauren
Rural Node originally Rod Lauren
Boy George Washington Post Office Depot
Do Real Run originally Rod Lauren
Worst Trade originally Rod Stewart
Ed's Rat Wort originally Rod Stewart
Rated Worst originally Rod Stewart
Rachel Stedman
Darts Tower originally Rod Stewart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Treat Words originally Rod Stewart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Two Traders originally Rod Stewart
Trade Worst originally Rod Stewart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Draws Otter originally Rod Stewart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Tarots Drew originally Rod Stewart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Toward Rest originally Rod Stewart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Started Row originally Rod Stewart
British Row= argument/fight
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Draw Otters originally Rod Stewart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Starred Two originally Rod Stewart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Yanked Intros originally Rodney Atkins
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Donkey Trains originally Rodney Atkins
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Dankest Irony originally Rodney Atkins
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Anodyne Skirt originally Rodney Atkins
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Annoyed Skirt originally Rodney Atkins
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Colder Wry Noel originally Rodney Crowell
Regina Haniger
Old Worn Celery originally Rodney Crowell
Regina Haniger
Worldly Encore originally Rodney Crowell
Regina Haniger
Record Own Yell originally Rodney Crowell
Regina Haniger
Or Erg originally Roger
Yvette Bristle
Go Err originally Roger
Yvette Bristle
Go, Terry Adler originally Roger Daltrey
Try Alder Ogre originally Roger Daltrey
Karen Smith
Retry Ogre Lad originally Roger Daltrey
Karen Smith
Retro Grey Lad originally Roger Daltrey
Karen Smith
Order Greatly originally Roger Daltrey
Dry Ogre Later originally Roger Daltrey
Karen Smith
Let Gary Order originally Roger Daltrey
Dry Alter Ogre originally Roger Daltrey
Karen Smith
Grime Roller originally Roger Miller
Regina Haniger
Retro Gaylor originally Roger Taylor
Lefty Lucy
Rotor Argument originally Roger Troutman
Greater Rows originally Roger Waters
Grew Tar Rose originally Roger Waters
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
Rat Grew Sore originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
Roger's Water originally Roger Waters
Wages Terror originally Roger Waters
Arrow's Egret originally Roger Waters
Art Grew Rose originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
Wore Garters originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
Regret War So originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
Art Grew Sore originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
Worse Garter originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
A Resort Grew originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
Rose Grew Rat originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
Worse Grater originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
A Roster Grew originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
Rat Sore Grew originally Roger Waters
Candy Welty
Roger T. Whitaker originally Roger Whittaker
At first I thought his surname was spelt Whitaker
Get Artwork Heir originally Roger Whittaker
Candy Welty
Their Great Work originally Roger Whittaker
Candy Welty
Earthwork Tiger originally Roger Whittaker
Scarlett Lopez
A Tighter Worker originally Roger Whittaker
Candy Welty
O Weave Rug originally Rogue Wave
Sylvia Curruca
Vaguer Woe originally Rogue Wave
Valerie Cameron
Vogue Ware originally Rogue Wave
Valerie Cameron
Our Nymph Iris originally Roisin Murphy
Dogniss Everdeen
Irish Rum Pony originally Roisin Murphy
Dogniss Everdeen
Bold Anal Razor originally Roland Orzabal
Most probably TOO bold!
Tiffany Furlong
No Razor Ballad originally Roland Orzabal
Tiffany Furlong
Ban A Doll Razor originally Roland Orzabal
Why would dolls need razors anyway?
Tiffany Furlong
A Zonal Bar Lord originally Roland Orzabal
Can't think of a comment about that one.
Tiffany Furlong
Lo, A Bland Razor originally Roland Orzabal
At least ONE of his razors is bland!
Tiffany Furlong
Selling To Thrones originally The Rolling Stones
Long Holier Stents originally The Rolling Stones
Sinners Got To Hell originally The Rolling Stones
What a dismal anagram!
Sell Thong In Store originally The Rolling Stones
That Guy Over There
Tell Horniest Song originally The Rolling Stones
Liza Lott
Rolling On The Sets originally The Rolling Stones
One Thrill Song Set originally The Rolling Stones
Snottier Hell Song originally The Rolling Stones
Sell Nothing Store originally The Rolling Stones
Selling Other Tons originally The Rolling Stones
...of what?
Joy Stick
Sing 'Roll The Tones' originally The Rolling Stones
Interesting; Early Stones predicted cellphones?
George Straitjacket
Rotting Noses Hell originally The Rolling Stones
Strong Hotel Lines originally The Rolling Stones
Bob Oldhart
Hose Trolling Nest originally The Rolling Stones
Sir Elton's The Long originally The Rolling Stones
Glenn Worthman
Not Ghostlier Lens originally The Rolling Stones
Hot Girls Note Lens originally The Rolling Stones
Throng Stole Lines originally The Rolling Stones
Lindsay Hihan
No Seething Trolls originally The Rolling Stones
String Tones Hello originally The Rolling Stones
Snorts The Lion Gel originally The Rolling Stones
Ummm... Okay!
Elton Sloth Singer originally The Rolling Stones
Dr. Wacky
Ron Got The Illness originally The Rolling Stones
Glenn Worthman
Hot Strolling Seen originally The Rolling Stones
The Sterling Loons originally The Rolling Stones
Lydia Helton
Hot Sinners Go Tell originally The Rolling Stones
The Snoring to Sell originally The Rolling Stones
Glenn Worthman
Got No Thrill Sense originally The Rolling Stones
Long Hostile Stern originally The Rolling Stones
Not Sell Their Song originally The Rolling Stones
Silent Loner Ghost originally The Rolling Stones
Lose Silent Throng originally The Rolling Stones
Hotter Linen Gloss originally The Rolling Stones
Longest Shrine Lot originally The Rolling Stones
Snorting Hell Toes originally The Rolling Stones
Hot Selling Stoner originally The Rolling Stones
Single Snort Hotel originally The Rolling Stones
Stolen Horse Glint originally The Rolling Stones
Lost Single Hornet originally The Rolling Stones
Rent Shingles Tool originally The Rolling Stones
Sent No Hotel Girls originally The Rolling Stones
Stolen Hotel Rings originally The Rolling Stones
Hot Loner Glistens originally The Rolling Stones
Not Selling Throes originally The Rolling Stones
Gross Hotel In Lent originally The Rolling Stones
Lent Shoot Lingers originally The Rolling Stones
Hornet Tingle Loss originally The Rolling Stones
Honest Toll Singer originally The Rolling Stones
Other Stolen Sling originally The Rolling Stones
Shrill Nose Gotten originally The Rolling Stones
Honest Song Lilter originally The Rolling Stones
Stolen Things Role originally The Rolling Stones
Lone Silo Strength originally The Rolling Stones
Strong Silent Hole originally The Rolling Stones
Bob Oldhart
Songster Lint Hole originally The Rolling Stones
Lens Thing Looters originally The Rolling Stones
Siren Stool Length originally The Rolling Stones
Got No Shrill Teens originally The Rolling Stones
Lent Hooters Sling originally The Rolling Stones
Dolls In Barn originally Rollins Band
Lindsay Doyle
Romain Hay Doll originally Roman Holliday
Whatever that would be...
Caroline Vale
Holly Manor Aid originally Roman Holliday
Caroline Vale
The Roman Tics originally The Romantics
Also a space-change (for band names)!
Natalie Portmanteau Word
Certain Moths originally The Romantics
Mother Antics originally The Romantics
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Homes In Tract originally The Romantics
Harmonic Test originally The Romantics
Terms To China originally The Romantics
Omits A Trench originally The Romantics
Tom Sent Chair originally The Romantics
Ten Chairs, Tom originally The Romantics
The Sitcom Ran originally The Romantics
Ron Matches It originally The Romantics
Not This Cream originally The Romantics
Snatch It More originally The Romantics
Chants It More originally The Romantics
Tim's One Chart originally The Romantics
Charts On Time originally The Romantics
Not Crash Time originally The Romantics
Mother Can Sit originally The Romantics
It's The Macron originally The Romantics
A bar symbol indicating a long vowel sound
Raciest Month originally The Romantics
Thirst Came On originally The Romantics
Note This, Marc. originally The Romantics
It's No Rematch originally The Romantics
Rematch--It's On! originally The Romantics
More Thin Cats originally The Romantics
They need to be fed!
Transmit Echo originally The Romantics
I Test Monarch originally The Romantics
Not Their Scam originally The Romantics
Atoms In Chert originally The Romantics
chert: a hard, dark opaque rock
Match In Store originally The Romantics
This Crane, Tom. originally The Romantics
Comet In Trash originally The Romantics
as in the Comet cleaning product
The Manic Sort originally The Romantics
The Minor Cast originally The Romantics
The Minor Cats originally The Romantics
The Minor Acts originally The Romantics
Moore Void originally Romeo Void
Duncan Moore
I'd Move Roo originally Romeo Void
Roo, as in short for kangaroo
Duncan Moore
Moor Video originally Romeo Void
Candy Welty
Ovoid Omer originally Romeo Void
Ovoid=egg-shaped; Omer=Biblical dry measure unit
Duncan Moore
Video Room originally Romeo Void
Candy Welty
More Ovoid originally Romeo Void
Ovoid = egg-shaped
Duncan Moore
Rood Movie originally Romeo Void
Candy Welty
Ovoid Rome originally Romeo Void
Ovoid = egg-shaped
Duncan Moore
I Move Odor originally Romeo Void
Candy Welty
Door Movie originally Romeo Void
Candy Welty
I Move Door originally Romeo Void
Candy Welty
Odor Movie originally Romeo Void
Candy Welty
Room Video originally Romeo Void
Candy Welty
Moo Or Dive originally Romeo Void
Candy Welty
Sought A Red Rome originally Romeo's Daughter
Julia Cox
No Leg Ran originally Ron Nagle
Handicapped folks?
Danbury Roland originally Ronald And Ruby
Lives in one of various places called Danbury
Francine Harper
Roland, Rub Andy originally Ronald And Ruby
Francine Harper
No Laundry, Brad originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Danbury Arnold originally Ronald And Ruby
Lives in one of various places called Danbury
Francine Harper
Bard On Laundry originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Arnold and Ruby originally Ronald and Ruby
Arnold is an anagram of Ronald!
Our Bland Randy originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Danbury Ronald originally Ronald And Ruby
Lives in one of various places called Danbury
Francine Harper
Nun By Old Radar originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Ronald, Rub Andy originally Ronald And Ruby
Francine Harper
A Bold Run, Randy! originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Arnold, Rub Andy originally Ronald And Ruby
Francine Harper
Ban Laundry Rod originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Roland and Ruby originally Ronald and Ruby
Roland is also an anagram of Ronald!
A Dry Lunar Bond originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Lard Nun By Road originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Old Radar Bunny originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Alan Born Ruddy originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Radar By Old Nun originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
And No Blurry Ad originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Round Barn Lady originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Laundry-Rod Ban originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Brad On Laundry originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Dandy Lunar Orb originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Old Urban Randy originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Old Nun By Radar originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Don Ran Burly Ad originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Adorn Burn Lady originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Laundry Or Band originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Dour Bland Yarn originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
A Blond Yard Urn originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Our Brandy Land originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Old Radar By Nun originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Urn Land By Road originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Nylon Radar Bud originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Band Or Laundry originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Laundry Ad Born originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
No Drab Laundry originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Duly Adorn Barn originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Run Road By Land originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Bar Laundry, Don originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Adorn Ruby Land originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Loud Barn, Randy! originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Round Bran Lady originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
No Laundry Bard originally Ronald And Ruby
Alyssa Jayne
Dolly Is Near originally Ronald Isley
Daily Loners originally Ronald Isley
Arnold Isley originally Ronald Isley
Loyal Diners originally Ronald Isley
In Old Layers originally Ronald Isley
Roland Isley originally Ronald Isley
Yes, I'll Adorn originally Ronald Isley
Lonely Raids originally Ronald Isley
Non-Tan Yarn originally Ronan Tynan
Carolyn Morgenstern
Non-Tan Ryan originally Ronan Tynan
Lois Teem
Ty Ran On Nan originally Ronan Tynan
Sylvia Curruca
Ran To Nanny originally Ronan Tynan
Carolyn Morgenstern
Ty Ran On Ann originally Ronan Tynan
Sylvia Curruca
Toner's Teeth originally The Ronettes
Sent To There originally The Ronettes
Other Tenets originally The Ronettes
Susie Creamcheese
Ten Tots Here originally The Ronettes
Her Teen Tots originally The Ronettes
Teen tots? Kind of an oxymoron.
The Teens Rot originally The Ronettes
Zach Rimer
No Vireo Den originally Ronnie Dove
Lou Quilson
No Riven Ode originally Ronnie Dove
Lou Quilson
Ride No Oven originally Ronnie Dove
Lou Quilson
Doe Over Inn originally Ronnie Dove
No lodgings under a buck!
Lou Quilson
Vennie Door originally Ronnie Dove
Lou Quilson
Sonny Rode In originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Deny No Irons originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Sonny Ironed originally Ronnie Dyson
Kristin Carpenter
Nerdy Onions originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Ninny Rodeos originally Ronnie Dyson
Kristin Carpenter
Roy On Dennis originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
No Irony Ends originally Ronnie Dyson
Kristin Carpenter
No Noisy Nerd originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Send No Irony originally Ronnie Dyson
Kristin Carpenter
Dry Inn Noose originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Roy Nine Nods originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Nosy Inn Doer originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Deny Son Iron originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
I Or Son Denny originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Dennis On Roy originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
No Nosy Diner originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Deny No Rosin originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Nine Dry Soon originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Soy Rind? None! originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Yes, Inn Donor originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Rosy Inn Node originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Synod In Reno originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Ride On, Sonny! originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
No Soy Dinner originally Ronnie Dyson
Yvette Bristle
Lemon Aspirin originally Ronnie Milsap
Naomi Swanson
Lisa Nine-Romp originally Ronnie Milsap
Meal In Prison originally Ronnie Milsap
When the prisoners get fed
Naomi Swanson
In Lame Prison originally Ronnie Milsap
Keira Dayley
Pam's Lion Rein originally Ronnie Milsap
Pam's Inner Oil originally Ronnie Milsap
Male In Prison originally Ronnie Milsap
Plenty of guys do get arrested :(
Keira Dayley
Pam's Iron Line originally Ronnie Milsap
Ronnie's Elf originally Ronnie Self
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Inept Crooners originally Ronnie Spector
Inspector Nero originally Ronnie Spector
Liza Lott
I Respect Ronno originally Ronnie Spector
Someone sees a good side to Bambi's enemy?
He Strings Footrope originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
I Forgot Posher Nest originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
He Spoofs Retorting originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
Protesting Hoofers originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
He Forgets Portions originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
Inept Frog's Soother originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
Foreigner's Potshot originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
Fostering Hoopster originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
Prisoners Of Ghetto originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
He Forgets Positron originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
Reforesting Photos originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
Repressing Hot Foot originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
Ignore Poet's Froths originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
Ignore Serf's Hot Pot originally The Rooftop Singers
Leda Metro
Roy One originally Rooney
Angela Sleepyhorse
Yon Roe originally Rooney
Angie O'Plasty
Perro originally Roper
Spanish word for 'dog'
Bob Oldhart
Hell Grog Array originally Rory Gallagher
Natalie Starboardman
Larger Holy Rag originally Rory Gallagher
Natalie Starboardman
A Lorry Haggler originally Rory Gallagher
Natalie Starboardman
Sell An IRA, Leo. originally Rosalie Allen
Rallies No Ale originally Rosalie Allen
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Lonelier, Alas originally Rosalie Allen
Buffalo Bill Codependent
No Real Allies originally Rosalie Allen
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Sell Noel Aria originally Rosalie Allen
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Sell Alien Oar originally Rosalie Allen
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Crass Ho Anne originally Rosanne Cash
Tiffany Furlong
Crass Hoe, Ann originally Rosanne Cash
Carolyn Morgenstern
Son Near Cash originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
So Crash, Anne originally Rosanne Cash
Carolyn Morgenstern
Snare No Cash originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
Ranch Season originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
Son Can Shear originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
A Crass Hen, No? originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
Anna's Chores originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
Can Ash Snore? originally Rosanne Cash
If Ash is the name of a person, probably so.
Candy Welty
Son Can Share originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
Sons Can Hear originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
Earn Cash, Son originally Rosanne Cash
Her name is spelled Rosanne, NOT Roseanne.
Candy Welty
Sane Anchors originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
A Hen Scar, Son originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
One Rash Scan originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
Ashen Acorns originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
Ran Hose Scan originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
So He Ran Scan originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
Share No Scan originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
One Ranch Ass originally Rosanne Cash
Candy Welty
Radio Wars Soon originally Rosario Dawson
Stan Doff
Cord Or Son Go originally Rosco Gordon
Loree Dare
So Corn Or Dog originally Rosco Gordon
Loree Dare
Do Go Or Scorn originally Rosco Gordon
Loree Dare
Cog Or Rod, Son originally Rosco Gordon
Loree Dare
So God Or Corn originally Rosco Gordon
Loree Dare
Good Or Scorn originally Rosco Gordon
Loree Dare
Go Scorn Door originally Rosco Gordon
Loree Dare
So Dash Core originally Roscoe Dash
Megan Tereon
Doc Has Rose originally Roscoe Dash
May Ellen Jasper
Oh So Scared originally Roscoe Dash
A Hotter Greener Sandman originally Rose And The Arrangement
Regina Haniger
Rose And The Great Men Ran originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
A Teen's Month Rearranged originally Rose And The Arrangement
Regina Haniger
Rose And The Gear Remnant originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Agent Man Err originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Germane Rant originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Green Art Man originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Sod Near The Arrangement originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Gear Men Rant originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Remnant Rage originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Ten-Man Anger originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Do Snare The Arrangement originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Men Rent A Rag originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Rag Man Enter originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Egret Man Ran originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Read The Arrangement, Son originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rare Rose And The Gnat Men originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Regret Rose And The Manna originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Art Anger Men originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
The Arrangement, Dear Son originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Near-Term Nag originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Green-Arm Tan originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Green-Man Art originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Near The Sod Arrangement originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Rose And The Errant Mange originally Rose And The Arrangement
Becky Bright
Garden Or These originally The Rose Garden
Teresa Christie
The Dose Ranger originally The Rose Garden
Hayley Spalding
Near Three Dogs originally The Rose Garden
The Nose Grader originally The Rose Garden
Hayley Spalding
The Sore Danger originally The Rose Garden
Surreal Ones originally Rose Laurens
Pete Worst
Lauren's Sore originally Rose Laurens
Big Rip Van Winkle
Elena R. Russo originally Rose Laurens
Pete Worst
Lauren's Rose originally Rose Laurens
Pete Worst
Rosey Core originally Rose Royce
Rosie Finch
Sore Corey originally Rose Royce
Rosie Finch
Totes A Roost originally Rose Tattoo
Toot At Rose originally Rose Tattoo
Chelsea Dunn
Ears To Toot originally Rose Tattoo
But how can ears toot?
Bea O'Problem
Store A Toot originally Rose Tattoo
How can one store a toot?
No One In Particular
The Rude Boss originally The Rosebuds
Kara Oke
Our Best Shed originally The Rosebuds
Kara Oke
Bore The Suds originally The Rosebuds
Can suds be bored?
Regina Haniger
See Host Drub originally The Rosebuds
Kara Oke
Brushed Toes originally The Rosebuds
Lucille Ball Sized hail
Red Hose Stub originally The Rosebuds
Kara Oke
Tush Bedsore originally The Rosebuds
Lucille Ball Sized hail
Use Short Bed originally The Rosebuds
Kara Oke
Hotbed Users originally The Rosebuds
Lucille Ball Sized hail
Toss Bud Here originally The Rosebuds
Kara Oke
Bust Red Hose originally The Rosebuds
Kara Oke
Three Do Buss originally The Rosebuds
Kara Oke
Racy Morse Looney originally Rosemary Clooney
A crazy person sending out naughty telegrams
Ornery Clay Moose originally Rosemary Clooney
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Origin: Seth And Rosalie originally Rosie And The Originals
Tracy Stockton
Original Headstone, Sir originally Rosie And The Originals
Tarry Theo Connection originally The Rotary Connection
Penny Nichols
They Connect Orion Art originally The Rotary Connection
Some kind of alien art?
Samantha Wayland
They Connect Orion Rat originally The Rotary Connection
Some kind of alien rat?
Samantha Wayland
They Connect Tar Or Ion originally The Rotary Connection
Samantha Wayland
They Connect Orion Tar originally The Rotary Connection
Some kind of alien tar?
Samantha Wayland
I'd Run Boron originally Round Robin
Dionne Peacewick
Idunn Or Bro originally Round Robin
Idunn = Norse goddess, keeper of apples of youth
Rachel Stedman
Earth Snow originally The Rowans
Candy Welty
Snow Hater originally The Rowans
Candy Welty
Hot Answer originally The Rowans
Candy Welty
The Raw Son originally The Rowans
Candy Welty
We Ran Host originally The Rowans
Candy Welty
Saw Hornet originally The Rowans
Candy Welty
She Won Art originally The Rowans
Candy Welty
Was Not Her originally The Rowans
Candy Welty
Oxen Ran originally Roxanne
Candy Welty
Or Annex originally Roxanne
Candy Welty
Ex-Otter originally Roxette
Yvette Bristle
Ore Text originally Roxette
Yvette Bristle
Ex-Toter originally Roxette
Julie Ann
To Exert originally Roxette
Yvette Bristle
Tote Rex originally Roxette
Carla Jorgensen
Roe Text originally Roxette
Yvette Bristle
Mix Us, Cory originally Roxy Music
Stan Doff
Icy Ox Rums originally Roxy Music
Ox Rums ?? What would that be?
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Music Oryx originally Roxy Music
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
O Cuff Ray originally Roy Acuff
Dana Thompkins
Lo, Hoary Mint originally Roy Hamilton
Chelsea Dunn
Roy, Moan Hilt originally Roy Hamilton
Dierdre Collins
Hoary Milton originally Roy Hamilton
Chelsea Dunn
Milton Or Hay originally Roy Hamilton
Deirdre Collins
Oh, Ray Milton originally Roy Hamilton
Deirdre Collins
So Irony, Bro originally Roy Orbison
Boys Or Iron originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Or Roy Bison originally Roy Orbison
From when Orbison used to roam the plains?
George Straitjacket
No Boy Or Sir originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
I Sob On Rory originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Sorry, No Bio originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
I Or Nosy Rob originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Boy Or Rosin originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Robin Or Soy originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Or Noisy Rob originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Rosiny Boor originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Or Boy's Iron originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Sob Or Irony originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Or Noisy Orb originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
I On Rosy Rob originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Sorry In Boo originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Or Soy In Orb originally Roy Orbison
Kara Oke
Sorer Orgy originally Roy Rogers
Lorraine Thoanjer
Gus Altered Harmony originally The Royal Guardsmen
Gourmet Salad, Henry originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Aldermen Shout 'Gray!' originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
A Grandmother's Yule originally The Royal Guardsmen
Lucille Ball Sized hail
Northerly Dam Usage originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
A Sour Myth Enlarged originally The Royal Guardsmen
Lucille Ball Sized hail
Her Sturgeon Malady originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
A Daughterly Sermon originally The Royal Guardsmen
Lucille Ball Sized hail
Hard Male Youngster originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
A Mushy Rot Enlarged originally The Royal Guardsmen
Lucille Ball Sized hail
Anhydrous Telegram originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Maltose Guard Henry originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Gray South Aldermen originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Hornet Malady Surge originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Manslaughter Or Dye originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Sure Nomad Lethargy originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
A Laughter Syndrome originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Male Greyhound Star originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Ray Sought Aldermen originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Many Held Surrogate originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Day Sermon Laughter originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Dye Or Manslaughter originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Hardy Male Sturgeon originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Say 'Modern Laughter' originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Rather Young Damsel originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Sturdy Manhole Gear originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Mandatory Eel Shrug originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Hungry Maestro Dale originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Deny Mural Shortage originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
The Dangerous Mylar originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Halt Gruesome Randy originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Smear Only Daughter originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Rough Desert Layman originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Telegram On Rush Day originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Read 'Ghostly Manure' originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Hostelry Urn Damage originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Regulatory Men Dash originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Darn Mouse Lethargy! originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Regular Dam Honesty originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Trashy-Manor Deluge originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Rate Laugh Syndrome originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Dangerous Earl Myth originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Ugly Horseman Dater originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Real Hydrous Magnet originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Destroy Ham Granule originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Regular Shanty Demo originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Harm Youngster Dale originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Destroy Large Human originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Dangerous Helm Tray originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Gather Some Laundry originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Adult Gray Horsemen originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Gutsy Hero Alderman originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Adorn Leathery Mugs originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Gash Remote Laundry originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Halt Dreamy Surgeon originally The Royal Guardsmen
Candy Welty
Only A Hurt originally Royal Hunt
Deirdre Collins
Ah, Only Rut originally Royal Hunt
Deirdre Collins
Only A Ruth originally Royal Hunt
Deirdre Collins
He Stole Treaty originally The Royalettes
Rash Tot Let Eye originally The Royalettes
Not sure what THIS means!
Dennis Jimenez
Toy Sheet Alert originally The Royalettes
Toe-Style Hater originally The Royalettes
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Loretta Swit
Test Heat, Leroy originally The Royalettes
Easy Lot Tether originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
Stole Heart Yet originally The Royalettes
Taste Heel, Troy originally The Royalettes
And how does heel taste?!
Other Tea Style originally The Royalettes
They Settle Oar originally The Royalettes
Say 'Otter', Ethel originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
Try Hotel Tease originally The Royalettes
Liza Lott
They Store Late originally The Royalettes
Heal Street Toy originally The Royalettes
To A Style There originally The Royalettes
Street Lot, Yeah originally The Royalettes
Sandy Duncan Donuts
Seth Or Layette originally The Royalettes
Miss Elanius
Tasty Heel Tore originally The Royalettes
Whatever!! I have no comment!
The Teal Oyster originally The Royalettes
Barry Manihigh
Settle Toy Hare originally The Royalettes
Settle A Theory originally The Royalettes
Steal Otter? Hey! originally The Royalettes
Ida Noh
A Lottery Sheet originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
Her Seattle Toy originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
Lee Shot Treaty originally The Royalettes
Steer Toy Lathe originally The Royalettes
Eat Toy Shelter originally The Royalettes
NOT something that I would advise. :p
Hugh Jim Bessile
Stray Teeth, Leo originally The Royalettes
Taste Other Lye originally The Royalettes
I wouldn't recommend it. :X
Boy George Harrison Ford Pinto Bean Bags
Oat Style Three originally The Royalettes
Halt Stereo Yet? originally The Royalettes
Tasty Leo There originally The Royalettes
Layette Or Seth originally The Royalettes
Liza Lott
Other Salty Tee originally The Royalettes
Shatter Toy Eel originally The Royalettes
Somewhere a kiddie is upset. :(
Kareem Abdul-Montana
Lost Hearty Tee originally The Royalettes
Ethel Ate Story originally The Royalettes
I hope this is figurative.
Hear Steely Tot originally The Royalettes
The Late Oyster originally The Royalettes
Leash Otter Yet originally The Royalettes
Rosy-Teeth Tale originally The Royalettes
Shatter Leo Yet originally The Royalettes
Rattle Hose Yet originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
The Oyster Tale originally The Royalettes
See Hat Lottery originally The Royalettes
Lay The Rosette originally The Royalettes
Little Old Lady Hu
They Lost Eater originally The Royalettes
Lost Earthy Tee originally The Royalettes
Carrie Overwood
Rattle Shoe Yet? originally The Royalettes
I'm not sure!
Last Tee Theory originally The Royalettes
Dennis Jimenez
Rattle Hoes Yet originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
Salty Toe Three originally The Royalettes
Theresa Let Toy originally The Royalettes
Steel Earth Toy originally The Royalettes
Try Seattle Hoe originally The Royalettes
It's just as good as a hoe from any other city!
Leather Toy Set originally The Royalettes
The Sea Lottery originally The Royalettes
Daphne Fairhope
Alert Those Yet originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
Ray Stole Teeth originally The Royalettes
Naughty Ray(mond)!
Hear Toy Settle originally The Royalettes
Hasty Otter Lee originally The Royalettes
Set Leather Toy originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
The Eatery's Lot originally The Royalettes
Lucy Crosland
Set Late Theory originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
Steel-Toy Hater originally The Royalettes
Oyster At Ethel originally The Royalettes
Lose Arty Teeth originally The Royalettes
Oyster Teeth, Al originally The Royalettes
Thomas Foolery
Alter Toy Sheet originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
Sleety Hat Tore originally The Royalettes
Seattle Theory originally The Royalettes
Dyan Cannonball
Seal Teeth, Troy originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
Oyster Athlete originally The Royalettes
Earthy Tee Slot originally The Royalettes
Anna Graham
Hot Yale Street originally The Royalettes
Salty Toe There originally The Royalettes
Sky Or Pop originally Royksopp
Zodma Kitten
Porky Pros originally Royksopp
Zodma Kitten
Sky Op Pro originally Royksopp
Zodma Kitten
Spook Pry originally Royksopp
Zodma Kitten
Porky Ops originally Royksopp
Zodma Kitten
Duo Err Or Ebb originally Rubber Rodeo
Jessica Albatross
Our Robber Ed originally Rubber Rodeo
Jessica Albatross
Brad Dusted Urn originally Ruben Studdard
Rafeal De La Ghetto
Bard Under Dust originally Ruben Studdard
Rafeal De La Ghetto
Rub Coin originally Rubicon
Alyssa Jayne
Cob Ruin originally Rubicon
Alyssa Jayne
Rub Icon originally Rubicon
also a space-change for band names!
Candy Welty
I On Curb originally Rubicon
Alyssa Jayne
Curb Ion originally Rubicon
Alyssa Jayne
Ruin Cob originally Rubicon
Alyssa Jayne
Iron Cub originally Rubicon
Alyssa Jayne
So Tire No Hub originally The Rubinoos
Candy Welty
Hire Tub Soon originally The Rubinoos
Candy Welty
Wes, Rub Randy originally Ruby Andrews
Erica Tetralix
We Rub Sandy R. originally Ruby Andrews
Erica Tetralix
Randy, Rub Wes originally Ruby Andrews
Erica Tetralix
We Rub Randy S. originally Ruby Andrews
Erica Tetralix
Why Rub Grit? originally Ruby Wright
Yvette Bristle
Ugh, Wry Brit! originally Ruby Wright
Yvette Bristle
Why Brig Rut? originally Ruby Wright
Yvette Bristle
Hit Wry Grub originally Ruby Wright
Yvette Bristle
Bury Wright originally Ruby Wright
Yvette Bristle
Medial Turn originally Rudimental
Joe Siebert
Late Rum Din originally Rudimental
Trina Lufkin
Mild Nature originally Rudimental
Joe Siebert
Ruined Malt originally Rudimental
Adult Miner originally Rudimental
Most miners are grown up; minOrs are not.
Joe Siebert
Late Dim Run originally Rudimental
Trina Lufkin
I Dry Us, Lew originally Rudy Lewis
Yvette Bristle
I Slur Dewy originally Rudy Lewis
Amber D'Allesio
Duel Is Wry originally Rudy Lewis
Yvette Bristle
Lurid Yews originally Rudy Lewis
Amber D'Allesio
Use Wry Lid originally Rudy Lewis
Yvette Bristle
I Slew Rudy originally Rudy Lewis
Geez! WHO slew Rudy? Maybe Lurid Wes Y.?
Caroline Vale
Lurid Wes Y. originally Rudy Lewis
Caroline Vale
Rely Valued originally Rudy Vallee
Roxanne Drake
Rude Valley originally Rudy Vallee
How can a valley be rude?
Roxanne Drake
U Surf originally Rufus
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
Surfs A Mouth originally Rufus Thomas
Mouth surfing? Bizarre!
Leona Lewis's Woodpecker
Oust Sham Fur originally Rufus Thomas
No friend of Greenpeace?
Milwaukee Brewers Blackbird
Wharf Gurus In Wit originally Rufus Wainwright
Beth R.'s Guy originally The Rugbys
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
By The Rugs originally The Rugbys
Kerianne March
Try Bugs, Eh? originally The Rugbys
Kerianne March
Tugs By Her originally The Rugbys
Kerianne March
Guy's Berth originally The Rugbys
Kerianne March
Get Brushy originally The Rugbys
Kerianne March
By Her Guts originally The Rugbys
Kerianne March
Rest Humbler originally The Rumblers
Blurt: Hermes originally The Rumblers
Amy Vodkahaus
Her Stumbler originally The Rumblers
Berth Lemurs originally The Rumblers
Lemur's Berth originally The Rumblers
Blur Her Stem originally The Rumblers
Amy Vodkahaus
Mel's Rut, Herb originally The Rumblers
Her Slum, Bert originally The Rumblers
The Elm Burrs originally The Rumblers
Her Mel Burst originally The Rumblers
Liza Lott
Herb's Rut, Mel originally The Rumblers
Rush Bert, Mel originally The Rumblers
Herb Met Slur originally The Rumblers
Shrub Melter originally The Rumblers
Brush Melter originally The Rumblers
Her Tumblers originally The Rumblers
Remelt Shrub originally The Rumblers
Her Tumbrels originally The Rumblers
Her Belt's Rum originally The Rumblers
Burst Her Elm originally The Rumblers
Burst Her, Mel originally The Rumblers
Herb Lets Rum originally The Rumblers
Helmet's Burr originally The Rumblers
Bobby Brown Sugar Ray Charles Bronson Arroyo
Rush Mel, Bert originally The Rumblers
Helm Burster originally The Rumblers
Bobby Brown Sugar Ray Charles Bronson Arroyo
Helmet Burrs originally The Rumblers
Bobby Brown Sugar Ray Charles Bronson Arroyo
Remelt Brush originally The Rumblers
Run MDC originally Run DMC
The 1600th run
Victoria Abbot
Run MCD originally Run DMC
The 1400th run
Victoria Abbot
I Run Drunk originally Run Kid Run
Anna Faris Wheel
Drunk Ruin originally Run Kid Run
Anna Faris Wheel
Run Urn, Kid originally Run Kid Run
Anna Faris Wheel
A Runway June originally Runaway June
Cheryl Jordan
Run June Away originally Runaway June
Cheryl Jordan
Shorter Plume originally Rupert Holmes
Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
Short Eel Rump originally Rupert Holmes
Orville Beddenrocker
Her Mop Result originally Rupert Holmes
Anna Graham
Her Super Molt originally Rupert Holmes
Elmhurst Rope originally Rupert Holmes
Short Peru Elm originally Rupert Holmes
Rumor: He Slept originally Rupert Holmes
Shorter Mel Up originally Rupert Holmes
Boy George Washington Post Office Depot
Pert Slum Hero originally Rupert Holmes
I just thought it sounded neat. :D
Lose Perth Rum originally Rupert Holmes
Pete Worst
Rumple Others originally Rupert Holmes
Lush Peer Mort originally Rupert Holmes
Store Her Lump originally Rupert Holmes
Sandy Duncan Donuts
Tumor Helpers originally Rupert Holmes
Hemp-Sort Rule originally Rupert Holmes
Result Or Hemp originally Rupert Holmes
Boy George Washington Post Office Depot
Rump Slot Here originally Rupert Holmes
Rum Hero Slept originally Rupert Holmes
Hot Spur, Elmer! originally Rupert Holmes
Anna Graham
Hemp Or Rustle originally Rupert Holmes
Loree Dare
Short Pure Elm originally Rupert Holmes
Port Slum Here originally Rupert Holmes
Boy George Michael Douglas Fairbanks Alaska
Others Rumple originally Rupert Holmes
Thumper Roles originally Rupert Holmes
Her Plum Store originally Rupert Holmes
Eels Hurt Prom originally Rupert Holmes
Rush Or Temple originally Rupert Holmes
Leper Shot Rum originally Rupert Holmes
Thumper's Role originally Rupert Holmes
A friend of the title character in 'Bambi'!
Sure Port Helm originally Rupert Holmes
Slump Or Ether originally Rupert Holmes
Tiffany Furlong
Peer Tom Hurls originally Rupert Holmes
Is he sick or something?
Sheer Rum Plot originally Rupert Holmes
Temple Or Rush originally Rupert Holmes
Short Pure Mel originally Rupert Holmes
Plum Or Esther originally Rupert Holmes
Help Rome Rust originally Rupert Holmes
But why???
Her Elm Sprout originally Rupert Holmes
Helm Posturer originally Rupert Holmes
Strum Her Pole originally Rupert Holmes
Petrel's Humor originally Rupert Holmes
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Her Serum Plot originally Rupert Holmes
Her Stump Role originally Rupert Holmes
Might be unusual in a sense...
Humorer's Pelt originally Rupert Holmes
Ruth Romps, Lee originally Rupert Holmes
romp: to play roughly and energetically
Hurt Elm Prose originally Rupert Holmes
Anna Graham
Hemp Or Result originally Rupert Holmes
Loree Dare
Repel Rum Host originally Rupert Holmes
Lee Romps, Ruth originally Rupert Holmes
Ether Or Slump originally Rupert Holmes
Ida Ngo
Hemp Or Luster originally Rupert Holmes
Loree Dare
Repels Hot Rum originally Rupert Holmes
Esther Or Plum originally Rupert Holmes
Her Sole Trump originally Rupert Holmes
Lump Or Esther originally Rupert Holmes
Mere Lush Port originally Rupert Holmes
Report Lush Me originally Rupert Holmes
Hugh Jim Bessile
Help Sure Mort originally Rupert Holmes
Lump Sort Here originally Rupert Holmes
Help Rust More originally Rupert Holmes
Repel Rush, Tom originally Rupert Holmes
Slum Report, Eh? originally Rupert Holmes
Rustle Her Mop originally Rupert Holmes
Repel Shot Rum originally Rupert Holmes
Rustle Or Hemp originally Rupert Holmes
Lost Rump Here originally Rupert Holmes
Esther Or Lump originally Rupert Holmes
Shur originally Rush
A frequent location in the Hebrew Bible.
Blue Ant
Rush Off Loos originally Rush Of Fools
Evangeline York
Lush Of Roofs originally Rush Of Fools
Louisa Ferncliff
Radar's Bulls originally Russ Ballard
Cal Amari
A Lard's Blurs originally Russ Ballard
Cal Amari
Brad Slurs Al originally Russ Ballard
Cal Amari
Rad Russ Ball originally Russ Ballard
Cal Amari
Mourns Rags originally Russ Morgan
If 'Rags' is a family pet, this would make sense.
Russ Gorman originally Russ Morgan
Anagram one surname to get another!
Ransom Rugs originally Russ Morgan
Son Rams Rug originally Russ Morgan
Or Snug Arms originally Russ Morgan
Boy George Harrison Ford Escort
Rug Moss Ran originally Russ Morgan
Roman's Rugs originally Russ Morgan
Gross Urn, Ma originally Russ Morgan
Nag's Rumors originally Russ Morgan
Gross Run, Ma originally Russ Morgan
Mass Or Rung originally Russ Morgan
Rum On Grass originally Russ Morgan
Armor's Snug originally Russ Morgan
Sung 'Armors' originally Russ Morgan
As Norm's Rug originally Russ Morgan
Rams No Rugs originally Russ Morgan
Gnus Or Rams originally Russ Morgan
Norm's Sugar originally Russ Morgan
Russ Circles Ian originally Russian Circles
Francine Harper
Russian Clerics originally Russian Circles
Honey Mustard Plaster Of Paris Hilton
Classic Insurer originally Russian Circles
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Ian Circles Russ originally Russian Circles
Francine Harper
Set Door Rut originally Rusted Root
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Dour Otters originally Rusted Root
Duster Too originally Rusted Root
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Trusted Roo originally Rusted Root
Someone really trusted a kangaroo!
Sheila Koffel
Rodeo Strut originally Rusted Root
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Dust Or Toe originally Rusted Root
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Tutors Rode originally Rusted Root
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Wiry Trues originally Rusty Wier
Belinda Vanlisle
Urey Wrist originally Rusty Wier
Urey is a surname. Ex.: Harold Urey, chemist
Crystal Paisley
Wryer Suit originally Rusty Wier
Lefty Lucy
Rusty Wire originally Rusty Wier
How I thought the name was spelled at first!
The Rutting originally Ruth Etting
Truth Tinge originally Ruth Etting
Sylvia Curruca
Tint The Rug originally Ruth Etting
To change it to a different color?
Thin Gutter originally Ruth Etting
Steel Ruth originally The Rutles
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
The Luster originally The Rutles
The Rustle originally The Rutles
A sound made by making contact with dry leaves.
Eel's Truth originally The Rutles
Candy Welty
The Result originally The Rutles
Cry Or Ode originally Ry Cooder
Lydia Helton
Rye Or Doc originally Ry Cooder
Lydia Helton
Rye Or Cod originally Ry Cooder
Lydia Helton
Trendy Dare originally Ryan Tedder
Tender Yard originally Ryan Tedder
Deter Randy originally Ryan Tedder
Deter him from what?

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