Entries Beginning with R
It contains artificial turf?
He made amends about something.
Strange way to say a headlight needs replacing?
Carolyn Morgenstern
Whatever those might be
Evan Shortoria
What would a cat help Mars do??
Samantha Wayland
Wade Miley Cyrus McCormick Spice Girls
Pack someone in a hole? That's torture!
Boy George Harrison Ford Mustang Sally Field Goal
Rick James Brown Sugar Ray Charles Bronson Arroyo
Pointing out a Swiss landmark to a certain guy.
Katy Perry Mason-Dixon Line Dancing
Sometimes they do.
Joe Blow
I've always thought nachos did something to me.
Marge Pegram
Is that how their music sounds?
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
...but a different shade of light-green?
when you run over cows on the road
Arman Sookiassian
We must be in the Pacific Northwest!
They work hard to climb trees each day?
Gare is French for railway station.
Lucille Ball sized hail
Tattoo Head & The Crack Whore
Tattoo Head & The Crack Whore
Previously posted spoonerism is also an anagram.
The Quirkfetch Kid
Inarguable Woe originally Rainbow League
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Isis = Egyptian goddess of nature and magic.
Tiffany Furlong
Rot better left unmarred?
Selena Stopmez
Military term
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
How can ether moan?
Felly Nurtado
There moans what?
George Straitjacket
What leis are made of on Mars?
Tiffany Furlong
Boy George Harrison Ford Escort
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
by hosing it or running the sprinklers
Gender-change by anagramming
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
What a thing to envy!
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Made by a LOUD Laker fan
Penelope Beckinsale
scalars = one-dimensional mathematical quantities
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
But doesn't sap run through trees?
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
If Nicky Hilton has kids, her sister would be this
Boy George Harrison Ford Focus Lens
Many would run away from an asp.
Francine Harper
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Can do that by cooking it too long.
Eeeughhh! That's disgusting!!
How/why could anyone do THAT?!
I must be a horrible cook.
Boy George Michael Douglas Fairbanks Alaska
Kevin Bacon Bits & Pieces
I hope this isn't too offensive.
Kevin Bacon Bits & Pieces
tsarina: alternate spelling of czarina
Why'd you do that?!
Stanley Doff
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
As if a nut was rough in the first place?
As if tuna had any roughness in the first place
At A Tart originally Ratatat
Can that be done?
Miranda Turner
No other rock type in this formation
Miranda Turner
...since the name pertains to girls, not boys
Claire Grayson
An actor named Harry plays a character named Alec
Changing two boy names into two girl names!
A lady named Rachel has a b.f. or son named Ray
Anna Graham
Gender-change by anagramming!
A guy named Clay makes a mistake.
Etta James Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
Maybe Al's last name is Cherry?
Changing two boy names to two girl names!
Anna Graham
An actor named Alec is playing the role of Harry
Carrel: study desk in a library. Why is it ashy??
Etta James Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
Ray can be a last name
It gets worse before it gets better?
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
But his raving is silenced at night?
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
Could be some gal's name
101st in a sequence of prayers
Rachel Stedman
Didn't know the YMCA had veterans.
Tabitha Cartwright
Sister Hazel Nuts And Bolts Of Lightning Whelk
Someone enthusiastic about arts in general?
Those would be unusual!
You've heard of a pig sty; now hares have one! ;D
Thomas Foolery
An elf king?
Sardine Taylor
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
A referee named "Lex"; this is also space-change
Lydia Helton
Lila has a reef named for her?
Hilary Nevis
One who transports ale by air
Heather Brockwell
What did she do?
Nigel Shave Cream
Excellent example of random nonsense!
Rapunzel Gladstone
She made me a contortionist?
The heck you say!
Angie O'Plasty
Sally's brother?
Annette Oraline Fisher
An unusual choice of options...
Not quite a spoonerism, though
Well, editing is often done in red ink.
Vervet is a kind of monkey.
Vicky Norton
Vervet = African species of monkey
Carolyn Morgenstern
Change a compound-word name into two words!
Yvette Bristle
I dont know what to say...
He worked in a coffee shop?
Anna Graham
Whatever THAT means...
Jake Eastbrook
Do any rams live in dens?
Claire Annette Player
As if a single "sud" could be separated from suds.
Nutmeg Ryan
NOT in the patients' best interest!
Melissa Conway
10 people get an item belonging to some lady
Anna Graham
Almost sounds like original name!
Kissing booth
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
What would one rent an elk for?
Adrienne Schnell
What things does he rent?
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
As if a pub could have a 'lacy' quality...
How does one rile up a cab?
Boy George Michael Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Not sure if I want to know...
What disease does Pi have that could be curable?
What about for the other months??
If it's a baby named Celia, might be OK to do
U. Guest It
Quite an odd combo if you ask me!!
How would one do THAT?!
David Wells Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
however one does that..
Etta James Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
Angela Bassett Hound Dog Whisperer
Denzel Washington Square Root Beer Nuts & Bolts
Pointing out a pub to some gal named Claire.
O.J. Chamberlain
ahem; no comment!
Boy George Michael Jackson Mississippi River Banks
If it's a baby named Alice, might be OK to do
U. Guest It
If he dies and gets cremated?
Might make sense if you're gonna make sushi
An alternate spelling of 'visor'
Conan O'Brien Potatoes
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
Only when they're all sleeping.
Boy George Washington Post Office Depot
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Ben Hur's sister?!?
Mary Ellen Jasper
Can thyme do that?
Norman Cornelius
as in rooster, of course
Orville Beddenrocker
Dare him to do what?
Chelsea Footler
Uh, an orchard plagued with pests!
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
What kind of posh mints come from an orchard?
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Would be a person of multicultural descent.
With what? lol
Orville Beddenrocker
What did she bear? His child?
I suppose it depends on your point of view.
But then the cops bust me
Boy George Michael Douglas MacArthur Park Avenue
I haven't the slightest idea what this means...
Orville Greenenbacher
Boy George Harrison Ford Pinto Beans
Boy George Michael Jordan Knight Rider Strong
Directing Chuck's attention to precipitation
Stu L. Pigeon
Bob Dylan Thomas Jefferson Airplane
Someone named Dick from Akron
Pam Tabor
Rodan = 1956 film or monster therein
Pam Tabor
He makes weird noises?
Carrie Overwood
Not a nice thing to do!
Olivia Tame
That is, a technician named Rico
Loree Dare
After far ids toppled over?
Laura Wilkins
Whatever "raid sight" would be...
Dan Warner
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Hirn: obscure German surname
Eager to organize something?
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Twain
But another band has already taken that name
Pete Worst
That's curious!
George Straitjacket
Nautical Miley Cyrus McCormick Spice Girls
Sir, you are annoying
As in an Igloo ice chest product
Something said in an eye doctor's clinic?
Evan Shortoria
However one does that...
Peculiar thing for Rita to be!
Kerianne Hopkins
Music is an art, so this actually makes sense!
IRA = Individual Retirement Account
Might seem gross, but it'll do.
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Zuckerberg
An example of wardrobe malfunction?
Eew, that's disgusting!!
Ben Dover
Boy George Harrison Ford Escort
Iris can be a girls name
Strange place for it to be!
Michael S.
Or at least it symbolizes a rein.
Melissa Officinalis
If you keep a rat as a pet and bathe it, I suppose
Michael S.
It must be depicted in a painting.
Michael S.
Could be a problem...
Newt Gingpoor
The raisin must be REALLY dry to do that.
Michael S.
That means you hear someone playing it
Penny Nichols
By being exposed to too much loud noise?
Michael S.
visceral: relating to deep inward feelings
Gender change by anagramming!
that is, a guy named Van who is Irish
Lars has an impressive knife.
Dogniss Everdeen
Such pins don't usually make noise, though
The first in line of guys named Seth Rivera
It contains defective crops?
space-change for performer names
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
I hope this isn't too offensive.
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
A French name, pronounced 'boy-AY'
Keira Dayley
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Almost like 'Wunderbar' (German for 'Wonderful')
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Wahlberg
If we had space-change for artists, this'd work.
Interesting choice of options...
Anna Graham
Reversal of the words gives a different meaning!
Pete & Repete
Anything beginning with 'neuro-'?
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Loretta Swit
Name written this way to avoid conflict w/ Robin S
Fiona Montrose
his money? If so, on what?
Anna Graham
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Loretta Swit
10 of some guy's people go looting?
As in a brother in New York
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
As in rooster, of course.
Natalie Portmanteau Word
Possible full name of some guy
Sandy Duncan Donuts
Especially if it's good.
Susie Creamcheese
Switching a pair of adjacent letters
However one does that...
Eac Zeffron
Boy George Washington Post Office Depot
British Row= argument/fight
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
At first I thought his surname was spelt Whitaker
Most probably TOO bold!
Tiffany Furlong
Why would dolls need razors anyway?
Tiffany Furlong
Can't think of a comment about that one.
Tiffany Furlong
At least ONE of his razors is bland!
Tiffany Furlong
What a dismal anagram!
Interesting; Early Stones predicted cellphones?
George Straitjacket
Whatever that would be...
Caroline Vale
Also a space-change (for band names)!
Natalie Portmanteau Word
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
A bar symbol indicating a long vowel sound
They need to be fed!
chert: a hard, dark opaque rock
as in the Comet cleaning product
Roo, as in short for kangaroo
Duncan Moore
Ovoid=egg-shaped; Omer=Biblical dry measure unit
Duncan Moore
Ovoid = egg-shaped
Duncan Moore
Ovoid = egg-shaped
Duncan Moore
No Leg Ran originally Ron Nagle
Handicapped folks?
Lives in one of various places called Danbury
Francine Harper
Lives in one of various places called Danbury
Francine Harper
Arnold is an anagram of Ronald!
Lives in one of various places called Danbury
Francine Harper
Roland is also an anagram of Ronald!
Teen tots? Kind of an oxymoron.
No lodgings under a buck!
Lou Quilson
When the prisoners get fed
Naomi Swanson
Plenty of guys do get arrested :(
Keira Dayley
Someone sees a good side to Bambi's enemy?
Spanish word for 'dog'
Bob Oldhart
If Ash is the name of a person, probably so.
Candy Welty
Her name is spelled Rosanne, NOT Roseanne.
Candy Welty
But how can ears toot?
Bea O'Problem
How can one store a toot?
No One In Particular
Can suds be bored?
Regina Haniger
A crazy person sending out naughty telegrams
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Some kind of alien art?
Samantha Wayland
Some kind of alien rat?
Samantha Wayland
Some kind of alien tar?
Samantha Wayland
Idunn = Norse goddess, keeper of apples of youth
Rachel Stedman
Ox Rums ?? What would that be?
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
From when Orbison used to roam the plains?
George Straitjacket
Not sure what THIS means!
Dennis Jimenez
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Loretta Swit
And how does heel taste?!
Whatever!! I have no comment!
NOT something that I would advise. :p
Hugh Jim Bessile
I wouldn't recommend it. :X
Boy George Harrison Ford Pinto Bean Bags
Somewhere a kiddie is upset. :(
Kareem Abdul-Montana
I hope this is figurative.
It's just as good as a hoe from any other city!
Naughty Ray(mond)!
also a space-change for band names!
Candy Welty
Most miners are grown up; minOrs are not.
Joe Siebert
Geez! WHO slew Rudy? Maybe Lurid Wes Y.?
Caroline Vale
How can a valley be rude?
Roxanne Drake
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
Mouth surfing? Bizarre!
Leona Lewis's Woodpecker
No friend of Greenpeace?
Milwaukee Brewers Blackbird
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
Bobby Brown Sugar Ray Charles Bronson Arroyo
Bobby Brown Sugar Ray Charles Bronson Arroyo
Bobby Brown Sugar Ray Charles Bronson Arroyo
The 1600th run
Victoria Abbot
The 1400th run
Victoria Abbot
Boy George Washington Post Office Depot
I just thought it sounded neat. :D
Boy George Washington Post Office Depot
Boy George Michael Douglas Fairbanks Alaska
A friend of the title character in 'Bambi'!
Is he sick or something?
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Might be unusual in a sense...
romp: to play roughly and energetically
A frequent location in the Hebrew Bible.
Blue Ant
If 'Rags' is a family pet, this would make sense.
Anagram one surname to get another!
Boy George Harrison Ford Escort
Honey Mustard Plaster Of Paris Hilton
Someone really trusted a kangaroo!
Sheila Koffel
Urey is a surname. Ex.: Harold Urey, chemist
Crystal Paisley
How I thought the name was spelled at first!
To change it to a different color?
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
A sound made by making contact with dry leaves.
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.