Entries Beginning with C
Rec, as in recreation
Jessica Childress
Chet plays the role of Ted?
Fiona Montrose
Bon appétit!
Beverly Stiles
Ted plays the role of Chet?
Fiona Montrose
Teach some people all named Ted.
Alyssa Jayne
Boy George Michael Jackson Mississippi River Banks
Ahem...no comment
Anna Graham
Showing a Cadillac car to a guy named Seth?
Joe King
As in a cat named Chad?
Kanye East
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Loretta Swit
Michelle In Act I originally Caitlin Michele
Jacqui O'Day
Taj = crown. How can one of those lead a car?
Chelsea Dunn
As opposed to a heavy one
Peculiar thing to call a mole!
The 101st in a lineage of Dans
Roxanne Drake
As if someone thought she were?
Janice Ferrell
Well, that's eerie!
Janice Ferrell
Cady Spoon has a theater in Kentucky.
Joanna Hawthorne
Also a space change for performer names.
Candy Welty
Well, wouldn't that be great!
Taylor Dadsen
Chap = chiefly British for 'guy'
However one does THAT!
As your ringtone (or your alarm even)?
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Twain
as in, pets that tend to sit on chairs
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Twain
Hopefully NOT descriptive of their music!
Remarkable if their caps did the singing! lol
Stan Doff
'Tis possible...
Newt Gingpoor
What do they rip? And why?
What is a pin cat??
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
A nicer-sounding music name than original!
It's Me
collard: various loose-leafed greens
Yvette Bristle
Vac, as in short for vacuum cleaner
Penny Nichols
At a car auction, of course!
Little Old Lady Hu
The 501st in a lineage of Carbs
Francine Harper
The 501st in a lineage of Crabs
Francine Harper
The 101st in a lineage of Brads
Francine Harper
The 101st in a lineage of Bards
Francine Harper
Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
As in, there's rarely any candy (in certain cases)
Isn't this obvious?
Orville Beddenrocker
If you blurt out something, at least do it clearly
Cynthia Avery
What drizzle often does.
How could clams wear shirts?
Chelsea Dunn
I don't even want to know what that would be.
There might be a guy with this name.
U. Guest It
Anagramming one girl's name gives another!
U. Guest It
Anagramming each word individually!
Loree Dare
as in, speaking like people from New Joisey
Is Ron some kind of reptile?
Hey, that's a space-change for band names!
Alyssa Jayne
Nara = a city in Japan
Narnia = the fantasy land created by C.S. Lewis
Christina Caraway
She must be taking the position of a public office
Anoa: dwarf buffalo of Indonesia. Name one Cheryl?
Marjorie Danvers
An accurate description of her music
Lira was former foreign currency
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Scarp = cliff or precipice or abrupt slope change
Angela Bassett Hound
more chaste (morally pure)
Lorraine Thoanjer
How can caca be sad?
Dogniss Everdeen
Dace = type of fish. They play chess?!?
Marcia Zarwetten-Grassi
Asa can be a given name (usually masculine)
Tracy Stockton
Well you've heard of 'Puss In Boots', right?
Alyssa Jayne
How can a trigonometric function have a hat?
Lisa Rose
Rec, as in short for 'recreation'
Pam Tabor
Even though they're considered "songbirds"!
Samantha Wayland
As in, discontinue use of it (for now)
Causal = relating to a cause of some effect
Karen Smith
Are leis made by casting?
Adlai Alda
Also a space change (in a band name)
No Name Given
Not a common bird to keep as a pet...
Praise The Lord & Taylor Swift
Praise The Lord & Taylor Swift
I suppose it would hurt you if you slipped on it.
Charlie Brown Sugar Ray Charles Bronson Arroyo
Boy George Michael Jackson Mississippi River
I'm sure there was a purpose.
Alexander Pope Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger
Alexander Pope Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger
That's good, you should never cheat anywhere.
Whatever THAT would be!
Lucy Crosland
Hen Cereal? What would that be??
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Why rile ANY cheetah?
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Also notice that 'Sinned' is 'Dennis' backwards!
michelle (hell in mice)
awn =bristle from grain flower or seed. Covetable?
Sardine Taylor
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
So have they gotten mean now?
Dionne Peacewick
Anagram one girl-name to get another!
Conan O'Brien Potatoes
Ivan IV was first Russian Czar
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Good for playing an online game!
What's a caillou lens?
Calcite's a soft mineral, but still hard to mow.
Alicia Sturdivant
Handle Cal originally Chad Allen
Candy Welty
Lemon Cheetahs originally The Chameleons
What a headline!
Newt Gingpoor
That is, roofs made of a certain material
K.N. Pepper
Hard to get IN a crowbar!
Hanky E. Panky
As opposed to a faraway lad
Dinah Bartilson
Same sound, different meaning!
Lucinda Blair
Another gender change by anagramming!
Nerd, Comical 'n' Hell originally Charlie McDonnell
Can broken chalk be repaired?
Anna Faris Wheel
Botanically impossible
Regina Olsen
Botanically impossible
Regina Olsen
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Gee, Charlotte is unlucky anagrammatically.
Angie O'Plasty
Something that a reckless driver does?
Danny Partridge In A Pear Tree
However one does that...
Boy George Washington Post Office Depot
However one does THAT...
Remarkable leg!
Eva Shortoria
Help them do what?!?
Eva Shortoria
Imitating chicken calls on a Saxophone?
Barry Amassa Tate
...if you know what it means in French
Charlie Beans
Could still apply to her
Olivia Tame
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Oh, what an enviable anagram to have!
Alison Runyon
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Wahlberg
Hey, 'Rivera' is an anagram of 'arrive'!
Is it really?
Boy George Harrison Ford Mustang Sally Field Goal
A tree hugger? Just so he doesn't hug honey locust
Kirsten Abercrombie
Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
THAT I'd like to see!
Reese Witherfork
Like Neil Diamond in "I Am....I Said"?
Reese Witherfork
...something (or in some condition)
I'd prefer to drive a clean car on a trip anyways.
Birth name Anne Christine Perfect
Another artist-name space change!
Lucinda Blair
This is also a space-change!
Francine Harper
Whatever You'd Like To Call Me
Also a spoonerism
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Uhm... I thought a Coke was something to drink!
Keira Dayley
The hundredth in a sequence of arias
Corinne Auterlehr
Is "I" last initial or a Roman numeral for 1?
Corinne Auterlehr
Not the best, but I had limited options
Anna Graham
Nereid has to do with Greek mythology.
Claire Grayson
Relative of hero of "Crogan's Adventures"?
Jill Conrad
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Strange toe!
Hilary Duffelbag
Was any zit ever epic?
Hilary Duffelbag
Three real words, but probably won't fly
Adlai Alda
Taylor Swift Kick in the Pants
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Is sumac ever baled (like hay)?
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Something in Emeril Lagasse's contract?
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Foxy Lox C. Man originally Clan of Xymox
"Clan of" is an alternate name.
Mickey D.
The elements in composition of common "table" salt
Paige Evans
Someone who's and ace at "the classics"
Cheryl Jordan
Sass the 301st in a lineage of Leas?
Cheryl Jordan
The 201st class in sea classification?
Cheryl Jordan
The 201st in lineage with name Lea S. Cass?
Cheryl Jordan
The 201st in a lineage of class seas??
Cheryl Jordan
The Classics Six, or... The ClasSIX? ;D
More like a frozen pond?
Did he ever play a knight in armor?
Natalie Starboardman
Editor's note: Please make individual submissions
Would be perfect for space-change of band names.
Penny Nichols
Something done on a golf course?
The 201st Ford Flurry
Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
The 151st in a line of peopole named Max
The eleventh clam in some sequence
The ninth clam in some sequence
The 1009th in a line of Cals
Iris Verna
The 1011th in a line of Cals
Iris Verna
I'm the tenth in a line of Cals
Iris Verna
...on his criminal record
Baseball Diamond Ring Around The Rosie O'Donnell
Interesting title for a film...
I wonder what it's about...??
Kara Oke
The complete criminal record of a bad guy?
Keira Dayley
What an enviable thing to be!?!
Amanda Svenson
Could this be from a stutterer?
The story of a criminal?
Keira Dayley
very fitting
Joel Bothello
C could stand for anything like Vitamin C, etc...
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Hosta: shade-tolerant foliage plant
Anna Graham
Boy George Michael Jordan Knight Rider Strong
Odd choice of options...
Queen Elizabeth Taylor Swift Kick in the Pants
So her injury recovery will take even longer...
I hope this isn't too offensive.
Boy George Harrison Ford Mustang Sally Field Goal
Boy George Harrison Ford Pinto Bean Bag
However one does that...
Oh, who would've seen that coming?
Nunnya Bizniss
Who'd wanna keep their roaches in anything less?
Evil Olive
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
Imitate a dall sheep?
Hannah Montanalestes
Anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
Anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
She must have just come back from Hawaii
Fitting if he ever did Christmas music
In hockey, if a team makes a comeback?
Cali can be someone's name
Ah, a gender change by anagramming!
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
The tenth in a lineage named "Dion Colton"
Brittany James
The eleventh in a lineage named "Don Colton"
Brittany James
The tenth in a lineage named "Dino Colton"
Brittany James
The ninth in a lineage named "Don Colton"
Brittany James
Oca = Oxalis tuberosa, a South American food plant
Rachel Stedman
Moa = an extinct giant flightless bird
Cheryl Jordan
Today, those would be fractional euros.
Cans what?
Melissa Officinalis
Preceded by 8 other guys named Francisco?
Son Cannot originally Consonant
Something done in a video game?
As in a treasure chest
Cony = pika, hyrax, or certain types of fish!
Etta James Taylor Swift
Cod Are Nosy?
Etta James Taylor Swift
Sandy makes like a dove?
Etta James Taylor Swift
Coon, as in short for raccoon
Etta James Taylor Swift
Just like a dove?
Richard Wetfuss
A "wardrobe malfunction", maybe?
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
A very unlikely hybrid
Regina Haniger
Yes. Carrots are good for you.
Troy must be short.
can be a Hispanic surname, w/ or w/o tilde over N
1997 action movie starring Nicolas Cage
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Saying 'no' to someone named Cora
Probably not quite
Gordy N. Knott
Cryo = pertaining to extreme cold, or cryogenics
Bridal Shower Curtain Call Waiting Room
...until I read and understand the contract.
Big enough for a heavy set clown?
Etta James Dean Martin Luther King Lear
How could a moth buoy a cow?
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Obscure meaning, but improvement on original
Hilary Duffelbag
I just /had/ to have some flowers!
Car Diva? Huuunnnnhh?
Norman Cornelius
Maps of a chert rock formation?
Tara Gilmer
Chert = sedimentary rock of precipitated silica
Monica Harpootlian
Might refer to dice -- or whatever....
Elsie Greer
What a thing to crave!
Natalie Lundgren
The 101st band named 'Trashed'?
Lisa Rose
Twentieth in a lineage named "Liz Cray"
Consta Pate
"Crixx" is as much a word as "Lixx"
Natalie Merchant's Milpond
XLIX = Roman numeral for 49
No One In Particular
LXIX = Roman numeral for 69
No One In Particular
LXXI = Roman numeral for 71
No One In Particular
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Craig David Keith Urban Legend
Such as a lion or tiger?
Ceram is an island in Indonesia.
Regina Haniger
Chert = chemically precipitated siliceous rock
Vicky Norton
Another Anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
A guy named Rich(ard) places a bet
Well that's bizarre!
Melanie Bianca Green
A cove isn't an easy thing to fry!
Natalie Starboardman
Anther = a pollen-producing part of a flower
Ruby Gillespie
Wonder if that's intentional?
Regina Olsen
Now it could be someone else's name!
Wendy Torrance
She needs a bath bad!
Wendy Torrance
Hopefully this is acceptable
Miss Elanius
In baseball, 3 balls and 2 strikes on a batter
Can a cup have an id?
Angie O'Plasty
Hesitatingly giving "Crete" as answer to question
Anita Corning
shorthand for 'See you there'
...cute what?
George Straitjacket
Ugh, not being very nice to Kirk
Karen Smith
Curt Perkins was a session singer/composer
NC = North Carolina
Cotton Lorraine
Col = mountain pass or other ridge low point
Sylvia Curruca
Raggedy Andy Dick Clark Gable
Kevin Bacon Cheeseburger In Paradise Lost
Now gives her first name the more common spelling.
Angelica Monghan
Ry can be a short name for Ryan.
Prune as a verb can mean to reduce
Antarctica, anyone?
what "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" with?
Changes her first name to more common spelling.
Hilary Nevis
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.