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Names -> Band Name Anagrams -> C

Take a band name, and make an anagram out of it.

Other Pages: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Misc.

Entries Beginning with C

Clear originally C-Real
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
A Catboat Reviler originally Cabaret Voltaire
Courtney Mears
A Brattier Alcove originally Cabaret Voltaire
Courtney Mears
Aviator Bracelet originally Cabaret Voltaire
Courtney Mears
A Vertical Boater originally Cabaret Voltaire
Courtney Mears
Aerobatic Travel originally Cabaret Voltaire
Courtney Mears
A Veritable Actor originally Cabaret Voltaire
Courtney Mears
A Rectal Abortive originally Cabaret Voltaire
Courtney Mears
Relative Acrobat originally Cabaret Voltaire
Courtney Mears
Reactivate Labor originally Cabaret Voltaire
Courtney Mears
Cage Dance Rec originally Cadence Grace
Rec, as in recreation
Jessica Childress
Chet As Ted originally The Cadets
Chet plays the role of Ted?
Fiona Montrose
Chaste Ted originally The Cadets
Caroline Vale
Detect Ash originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Chase Ted T. originally The Cadets
Cadet Seth originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Eat The CDs originally The Cadets
Bon appétit!
Beverly Stiles
Sect Death originally The Cadets
Natalie Portmanteau Word
Ted As Chet originally The Cadets
Ted plays the role of Chet?
Fiona Montrose
Etch Dates originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Ate The CDs originally The Cadets
Beverly Stiles
Ted's Act, Eh? originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Ed's The Cat originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Steed Chat originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
A Chest, Ted originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Hated Sect originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Scathe Ted originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Chest Date originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Ed's The Act originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Teach Teds originally The Cadets
Teach some people all named Ted.
Alyssa Jayne
Detach Set originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
He's Cat, Ted originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
The Sect Ad originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
He Acts, Ted. originally The Cadets
Alyssa Jayne
Acid Hellcats originally The Cadillacs
The Mole
Each Tall Disc originally The Cadillacs
Dialect Clash originally The Cadillacs
This Decal, Cal originally The Cadillacs
Loree Dare
I Catch Sled, Al originally The Cadillacs
I Led Clash Act originally The Cadillacs
Boy George Michael Jackson Mississippi River Banks
Child Cal Eats originally The Cadillacs
Clad Tech Lisa originally The Cadillacs
Citadel Clash originally The Cadillacs
Anna Graham
Hectic Lad Sal originally The Cadillacs
I Call Sad Tech originally The Cadillacs
Anna Graham
I Call Cat Shed originally The Cadillacs comment
Anna Graham
Cadillac, Seth. originally The Cadillacs
Showing a Cadillac car to a guy named Seth?
Joe King
I Sell Cat Chad originally The Cadillacs
As in a cat named Chad?
Kanye East
Chad Still Ace originally The Cadillacs
Rick Atoni
A Cell Hit Cats originally The Cadillacs
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Loretta Swit
A Castle Child originally The Cadillacs
I Scald Chalet originally The Cadillacs
What for??
Cast Each Dill originally The Cadillacs
Shield Cat, Al originally The Cadillacs
Cal Hid Castle originally The Cadillacs
Hectic Dallas originally The Cadillacs
Last Child Ace originally The Cadillacs
Cloned As Clam originally Caedmon's Call
Flora Rolf
Cold Manacles originally Caedmon's Call
Flora Rolf
Caress Thea originally The Caesars
Patricia McClure
Thea's Acres originally The Caesars
Patricia McClure
Sees A Chart originally The Caesars
Thea's Cares originally The Caesars
Patricia McClure
Search Teas originally The Caesars
The Sea Cars originally The Caesars
Patricia McClure
As Teachers originally The Caesars
Cheetah Angel Pet originally Cage the Elephant
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Get Each Elephant originally Cage The Elephant
Corinne Auterlehr
Pet Angel Cheetah originally Cage The Elephant
The Elegance Path originally Cage The Elephant
The Leech Pageant originally Cage The Elephant
Michelle In Act I originally Caitlin Michele
Jacqui O'Day
Jeer Mac originally Cajmere
Janis Ian Fleming
Talc Jar, Ed originally Cal Tjader
Rachel Stedman
DJ Carl Ate originally Cal Tjader
Taj Led Car originally Cal Tjader
Taj = crown. How can one of those lead a car?
Chelsea Dunn
Real DJ Act originally Cal Tjader
Hall, Etc. originally The Call
Joy Stick
Cat Hell originally The Call
Joy Stick
Etch All originally The Call
Candy Welty
Cell Hat originally The Call
Joy Stick
Hat Cell originally The Call
Candy Welty
Hellcat originally The Call
Joy Stick
All Tech originally The Call
Candy Welty
Chiseler's Talents originally The Callen Sisters
Lefty Lucy
He Calls Net Sister originally The Callen Sisters
Cheryl Jordan
Tiller Chasteness originally The Callen Sisters
Lefty Lucy
Acting Hell originally The Calling
Daryl Hannah Montana
Light Lance originally The Calling
As opposed to a heavy one
Agent Chill originally The Calling
Daryl Hannah Montana
Clean Light originally The Calling
Hellcat Gin originally The Calling
Daryl Hannah Montana
Change Till originally The Calling
Daryl Hannah Montana
A Cow Ally originally Calloway
Nutmeg Ryan
On Marc originally Cam'ron
Etta James Taylor Swift
Macron originally Cam'ron
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Corn Ma originally Cam'ron
Etta James Taylor Swift
Cram On originally Cam'ron
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Norma C. originally Cam'ron
Etta James Taylor Swift
Call Mole 'Abaci' originally Camila Cabello
Peculiar thing to call a mole!
Mail Cacao Bell originally Camila Cabello
Beverly Stiles
Claimable Cola originally Camila Cabello
A Comical Label originally Camila Cabello
Pete Worst
Each No-Pavement Verb originally Camper Van Beethoven
Cotton Lorraine
Can Id originally Candi
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Dan CI originally Candi
The 101st in a lineage of Dans
Roxanne Drake
I'd Can originally Candi
Regina Haniger
Constant Aid originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Not Antacids originally Candi Staton
As if someone thought she were?
Janice Ferrell
Action Stand originally Candi Staton
Leopard Seal
Tin Satan Doc originally Candi Staton
Well, that's eerie!
Janice Ferrell
Donna's Attic originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
I Sand Tan Cot originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Tint Soda Can originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Instant Coda originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Toni And Cats originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Ian, Scott, Dan originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Cat Into Sand originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Scott, Ann, Ida originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Cantina Dots originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Static Donna originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Ida, Scott, Nan originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Stand In A Cot originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Constant Ida originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Natant Disco originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
I Scan Tot Dan originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Ton Antacids originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
A Tan Ton Disc originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
No Attic Sand originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Can Do A Stint originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Nit And Coast originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Stand A Tonic originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
No Static, Dan originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
I Can't Tan Sod originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Dot's Cantina originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Cast It, Donna originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Sanction Tad originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Tina Cast Nod originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
And Otis Can't originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Scott, Nan, Ida originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Toni Cast Dan originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
I Stand On Cat originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Scan Dot, Tina originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Dan Can't, Otis originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Stoic Tan Dan originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Ann, Ida, Scott originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Staid Canton originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Cats And Toni originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Not A Tan Disc originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Scott, Ian, Dan originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Toads Incant originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Nina's Cat Dot originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Stain Cot, Dan originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Annatto Disc originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
I Stand No Cat originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Tan Cod Stain originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Coast And Nit originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Ida, Scott, Ann originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Dan Into Cats originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Otis Can't, Dan originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Soda-Can Tint originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Nan, Ida, Scott originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Dan Cast Toni originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
And No Static originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Sand Into Cat originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Dan, Scott, Ian originally Candi Staton
Alyssa Jayne
Ox Bed Clan originally Candlebox
Jessica Albatross
Coax Blend originally Candlebox
Kerianne Hopkins
Clan Boxed originally Candlebox
Kerianne Hopkins
Bald Ex-con originally Candlebox
Kerianne Hopkins
Named Class originally Candlemass
Cleans Dams originally Candlemass
Sam's Candle originally Candlemass
Thy Spook Candy Eater originally Candy Spooky Theater
Farlow Maitland
Cady Spoon KY Theater originally Candy Spooky Theater
Cady Spoon has a theater in Kentucky.
Joanna Hawthorne
Thy Candy Spook Eater originally Candy Spooky Theater
Farlow Maitland
Candy, Man! originally Candyman
Also a space change for performer names.
Candy Welty
And My Can originally Candyman
Candy Welty
Cheated Nan originally Canned Heat
James d
Hate Can End originally Canned Heat
Well, wouldn't that be great!
Taylor Dadsen
Then A Dance originally Canned Heat
Taylor Dadsen
Can Date Hen originally Canned Heat
Taylor Dadsen
Each Tanned originally Canned Heat
Taylor Dadsen
Chops It Late originally The Capitols
Ethical Stop originally The Capitols
Ethical Tops originally The Capitols
Pitch So Late originally The Capitols
Ethical Post originally The Capitols
Tito's Chapel originally The Capitols
Teach Pilots originally The Capitols
Chap Stole It originally The Capitols
Chap = chiefly British for 'guy'
Stole A Pitch originally The Capitols
I Stole Patch originally The Capitols
Pitches A Lot originally The Capitols
I Lost The Cap originally The Capitols
Eat Lost Chip originally The Capitols
Cathie's Plot originally The Capitols
Chair Pest originally The Capris
Cipher Sat originally The Capris
Anna Graham
Is Chapter originally The Capris
Susie Creamcheese
Trip Aches originally The Capris
However one does THAT!
Rich Paste originally The Capris
Anna Graham
Set A Chirp originally The Capris
As your ringtone (or your alarm even)?
Ship Crate originally The Capris
Anna Graham
Set Rich Pa originally The Capris
Dennis Jimenez
This Caper originally The Capris
Beverly Stiles
Rip A Chest originally The Capris
Jake Eastbrook
I Rap Chest originally The Capris
East Chirp originally The Capris
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Twain
Rest A Chip originally The Capris
Chair Pets originally The Capris
as in, pets that tend to sit on chairs
Parish, Etc. originally The Capris
Crisp Thea originally The Capris
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Twain
Is The Crap originally The Capris
Hopefully NOT descriptive of their music!
Etch Paris originally The Capris
Each Strip originally The Capris
Chest Pair originally The Capris
Is The Carp originally The Capris
Beverly Stiles
Shire Pact originally The Capris
Reach Pits originally The Capris
A Rich Step originally The Capris
Newt Gingpoor
Cheap Stir originally The Capris
Anna Graham
Trash Epic originally The Capris
Their Caps originally The Capris
Remarkable if their caps did the singing! lol
Stan Doff
Chet Paris originally The Capris
Trina Lufkin
Tape Chris originally The Capris
Search Pit originally The Capris
The Cap, Sir originally The Capris
A Rich Pest originally The Capris
'Tis possible...
Newt Gingpoor
A Pet, Chris originally The Capris
Pet His Car originally The Capris
His Carpet originally The Capris
Parch Site originally The Capris
As Pitcher originally The Capris
Search Tip originally The Capris
This Pacer originally The Capris
A Tech Rips originally The Capris
What do they rip? And why?
Trace Ship originally The Capris
Chair Step originally The Capris
Trace Hips originally The Capris
Ancient Ape Tend Ant Hill originally The Captain and Tennille
Fine Heat: Crap Beat originally Captain Beefheart
James d
Done By A Pin Cat originally Captain Beyond
What is a pin cat??
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Done By Captain originally Captain Beyond
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Cat Beyond Pain originally Captain Beyond
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Done By Pat Cain originally Captain Beyond
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Painless Cabinet originally Captain Sensible
Comb River Bard originally Car Bomb Driver
A nicer-sounding music name than original!
It's Me
Carnal Idol originally Cara Dillon
Yvette Bristle
In A Collard originally Cara Dillon
collard: various loose-leafed greens
Yvette Bristle
Collar In Ad originally Cara Dillon
Yvette Bristle
Ran A Vac originally Caravan
Vac, as in short for vacuum cleaner
Penny Nichols
Vacate Sheller originally The Caravelles
Chris Anthemum
Car Bid originally Cardi B
At a car auction, of course!
Little Old Lady Hu
Bardic originally Cardi B
Paige Evans
Carb DI originally Cardi B
The 501st in a lineage of Carbs
Francine Harper
Crab DI originally Cardi B
The 501st in a lineage of Crabs
Francine Harper
Brad CI originally Cardi B
The 101st in a lineage of Brads
Francine Harper
Bard CI originally Cardi B
The 101st in a lineage of Bards
Francine Harper
Acid Cars originally Cardiacs
Paige Evans
Arcade Nights originally The Cardigans
Ursula Turpin
I Drag The Cans originally The Cardigans
Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
I Snag The Card originally The Cardigans
Sting Charade originally The Cardigans
Ursula Turpin
Free Bacon Is Rare originally Care Bears On Fire
The Quirkfetch Kid
Fire On A Beer Car originally Care Bears On Fire
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Rare Beacon Fires originally Care Bears On Fire
Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
One Ear's Fir Brace originally Care Bears On Fire
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Rare Beacon Serif originally Care Bears On Fire
Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
The Reef Races originally The Carefrees
Paige Evans
Rarely Candy originally Carey Landry
As in, there's rarely any candy (in certain cases)
Racy Rye Land originally Carey Landry
Rose Cathcart
Racy Dry Lane originally Carey Landry
Dana Thompkins
Ha! Racism originally Carishma
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Charisma originally Carishma
Isn't this obvious?
Orville Beddenrocker
Scam Hair originally Carishma
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Archaism originally Carishma
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Ah, Racism originally Carishma
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Crash Aim originally Carishma
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Cable Ran originally Carl Bean
Lean Carb originally Carl Bean
Thessaly Danes
Learn ABC originally Carl Bean
Crab Lane originally Carl Bean
Frederick Gale
Carla, Ben originally Carl Bean
Clara, Ben originally Carl Bean
Bull Tracer originally Carl Butler
Alyssa Jayne
Bull Crater originally Carl Butler
Cynthia Avery
Taller Curb originally Carl Butler
Alyssa Jayne
Cull Barter originally Carl Butler
Cynthia Avery
Let Bra Curl originally Carl Butler
Alyssa Jayne
Clear Blurt originally Carl Butler
If you blurt out something, at least do it clearly
Cynthia Avery
Barrel Cult originally Carl Butler
Alyssa Jayne
Rub Rat Cell originally Carl Butler
Alyssa Jayne
Let Bar Curl originally Carl Butler
Alyssa Jayne
Rub Cell Art originally Carl Butler
Alyssa Jayne
Local Guards originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Cal Loads Rug originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Al Lugs A Cord originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Callous Grad originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Gulls Or A Cad originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Old Clara, Gus originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
A Scrod, A Gull originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Carol Lugs Ad originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Lug Carloads originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Gal's Loud Arc originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Local Rug Ads originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Card Lags Lou originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
A Cad Or Gulls originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Call Dog Ursa originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Olga Curls Ad originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Lug Sad Carol originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Cal Dogs Raul originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Do Lug Rascal originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Cold L.A. Sugar originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Old Gus, Clara originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Loud L.A. Crags originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Curl A Log's Ad originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Lug Dorcas, Al originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Al Dug Carols originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
A Gull, A Scrod originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Call Duo 'Rags' originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Lou Lags Card originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Our Cad's Gall originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Local U.S. Grad originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Or A Cad's Gull originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Also Lag Crud originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Old Gaul Scar originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Curl Sad Olga originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Raul Dogs Cal originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Call Road 'Gus' originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Old Curl Saga originally Carl Douglas
Yvette Bristle
Carver Gals originally Carl Graves
Gravel Scar originally Carl Graves
Lefty Lucy
Carvers Lag originally Carl Graves
Lefty Lucy
Kiln Scraper originally Carl Perkins
Regina Haniger
Sprinkle Car originally Carl Perkins
What drizzle often does.
Clam Shirt originally Carl Smith
How could clams wear shirts?
Chelsea Dunn
Calm Shirt originally Carl Smith
Chelsea Dunn
I Run Car Lab originally Carla Bruni
Candy Welty
A Lunar Crib originally Carla Bruni
Lefty Lucy
Urinal Crab originally Carla Bruni
I don't even want to know what that would be.
A Blur In Arc originally Carla Bruni
Candy Welty
Rural Cabin originally Carla Bruni
A Brain Curl originally Carla Bruni
Candy Welty
I Curl A Barn originally Carla Bruni
Candy Welty
Railcar Bun originally Carla Bruni
Candy Welty
Rub Car In L.A. originally Carla Bruni
Candy Welty
Liar Can Rub originally Carla Bruni
Candy Welty
Racial Burn originally Carla Bruni
Candy Welty
Cat Harm Also originally Carla Thomas
Oscar Latham originally Carla Thomas
There might be a guy with this name.
U. Guest It
Tram Chaos, Al originally Carla Thomas
Coal At Marsh originally Carla Thomas
Clara Thomas originally Carla Thomas
Anagramming one girl's name gives another!
U. Guest It
Almost A Char originally Carla Thomas
Halt Sarcoma originally Carla Thomas
Joy Stick
A Solar Match originally Carla Thomas
U. Guest It
A Mat Scholar originally Carla Thomas
Joy Stick
Arm Cast Halo originally Carla Thomas
Joy Stick
A Marshal Cot originally Carla Thomas
Joy Stick
Mash Coal Tar originally Carla Thomas
Joy Stick
Hot Cars, Alma originally Carla Thomas
Joy Stick
Scar Hot Alma originally Carla Thomas
Joy Stick
Marshal Coat originally Carla Thomas
Joy Stick
Oral Hat Scam originally Carla Thomas
Joy Stick
Slam A Hot Car originally Carla Thomas
Joy Stick
Central Career originally Carlene Carter
Loree Dare
Car Renter Alec originally Carlene Carter
Loree Dare
Cleaner Crater originally Carlene Carter
Anagramming each word individually!
Loree Dare
Carnal Sonatas originally Carlos Santana
Carly Nears Jeep originally Carly Rae Jepsen
Ray Replaces Jen originally Carly Rae Jepsen
Clean Jersey Rap originally Carly Rae Jepsen
Jen Replaces Ray originally Carly Rae Jepsen
Jersey Parlance originally Carly Rae Jepsen
as in, speaking like people from New Joisey
My Clarions originally Carly Simon
Mylar Icons originally Carly Simon
Christina Caraway
I'm Scaly Ron originally Carly Simon
Is Ron some kind of reptile?
Mylar Scion originally Carly Simon
Christina Caraway
My Loin Scar originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Mylar Coins originally Carly Simon
Christina Caraway
I'm Carolyn S. originally Carly Simon
I'm Nosy Carl originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Moan Lyrics originally Carly Simon
Eileen Wright
I Cry 'Salmon!' originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Sonic Mylar originally Carly Simon
No Slimy Car originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Slim Crayon originally Carly Simon
I'm Al's Crony originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Slimy Acorn originally Carly Simon
Lacy Rim, Son originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
I Only Scram originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Cry 'Silo Man!' originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
On Slimy Car originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Scar My Loin originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
I Cry 'Slam On!' originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
My Sin, Carol originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Norm Is Lacy originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
A Slimy Corn originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
No Slimy Arc originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Cry 'Mail', Son! originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Sail My Corn originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Cry Son, I'm Al originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Rosy In Clam originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Scar My Lion originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Cry 'Soil Man!' originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Is Norm Clay? originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
I'm Sly On Car originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
My Corn Sail originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
I Slam Crony originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Lyric Mason originally Carly Simon
Joy Stick
Ran Cam originally Carman
Alyssa Jayne
Car Man originally Carman
Hey, that's a space-change for band names!
Alyssa Jayne
Ram Can originally Carman
Alyssa Jayne
Arc Man originally Carman
Alyssa Jayne
Can Mar originally Carman
Alyssa Jayne
Cream 'N' Cream originally Carmen McRae
Chelsea Dunn
Ramen Rec Cam originally Carmen McRae
Penny Nichols
Carmen Cream originally Carmen McRae
Chelsea Dunn
Me Arm Cancer originally Carmen McRae
Frederick Gale
Mandarin Cream originally Carmen Miranda
A Rancid Merman originally Carmen Miranda
Crammed In Nara originally Carmen Miranda
Nara = a city in Japan
Crammed Narnia originally Carmen Miranda
Narnia = the fantasy land created by C.S. Lewis
Christina Caraway
Nicer Drama, Man originally Carmen Miranda
Wins Real Coin originally Carnie Wilson
Win Real Coins originally Carnie Wilson
No, Claire Wins. originally Carnie Wilson
Swirl In Ocean originally Carnie Wilson
Ironical News originally Carnie Wilson
Claire In Snow originally Carnie Wilson
Caroline Wins originally Carnie Wilson
Clean Iris Now originally Carnie Wilson
Social Winner originally Carnie Wilson
Clarion Is New originally Carnie Wilson
Alice Sworn In originally Carnie Wilson
She must be taking the position of a public office
Rain Cover originally Carnivore
Avatarred And Feathered
Over Cairn originally Carnivore
Avatarred And Feathered
Crave Iron originally Carnivore
Avatarred And Feathered
Carve Iron originally Carnivore
Avatarred And Feathered
Cheryl Anoa originally Carol Haney
Anoa: dwarf buffalo of Indonesia. Name one Cheryl?
Marjorie Danvers
One Hay, Carl? originally Carol Haney
Lucinda Blair
Ah, Carolyn E. originally Carol Haney
Sylvia Curruca
Any Hoe, Carl? originally Carol Haney
Lucinda Blair
Ha, Carolyn E. originally Carol Haney
Sylvia Curruca
Genial Rock originally Carole King
An accurate description of her music
Link Or Cage originally Carole King
Chris Anthemum
King Oracle originally Carole King
Sam Bucus the elder
Clarion Keg originally Carole King
Sam Bucus the elder
Lacking Ore originally Carole King
Sam Bucus the elder
Organic Elk originally Carole King
Sam Bucus the elder
Air Clone originally Caroline
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Lair Once originally Caroline
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Rail Once originally Caroline
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Lira Once originally Caroline
Lira was former foreign currency
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Loan Rice originally Caroline
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Liar Once originally Caroline
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Near Coil originally Caroline
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Real Coin originally Caroline
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Real Icon originally Caroline
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Crane Oil originally Caroline
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
No Eclair originally Caroline
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Carol's Nine Pies originally Caroline's Spine
Tabitha Cartwright
Carolyn Sander originally Carolyn Arends
Sheila Oh
Nearly No Cards originally Carolyn Arends
Steve Losewood
Carly Anderson originally Carolyn Arends
Samantha Wayland
Carolyn's A Nerd originally Carolyn Arends
Steve Losewood
Any Dern Corals originally Carolyn Arends
Samantha Wayland
Me As Carolyn originally Carolyne Mas
Karen Smith
Amy Rose Clan originally Carolyne Mas
Heather Brockwell
Same Carolyn originally Carolyne Mas
Heather Brockwell
Sean, My Carol originally Carolyne Mas
Heather Brockwell
My Sane Carol originally Carolyne Mas
Heather Brockwell
Carol's Meany originally Carolyne Mas
Heather Brockwell
Nowhere Clear originally Caron Wheeler
Her Net Carpets originally The Carpenters
Rachel Stedman
Peter Snatcher originally The Carpenters
Elsie Greer
Enter The Scarp originally The Carpenters
Scarp = cliff or precipice or abrupt slope change
Angela Bassett Hound
Enter The Carps originally The Carpenters
Naomi Swanson
Hairless Racer originally Carrie Hassler
Ava Rice
Racier Slasher originally Carrie Hassler
Ava Rice
Crude Indoor Ware originally Carrie Underwood
Candy Welty
Narrowed Rice Duo originally Carrie Underwood
Render Crow Audio originally Carrie Underwood
Candy Welty
Coward Diner Euro originally Carrie Underwood
Around Weird Core originally Carrie Underwood
Candy Welty
Weird Rude Racoon originally Carrie Underwood
Rosie Finch
Chaster originally The Cars
more chaste (morally pure)
Lorraine Thoanjer
The Arcs originally The Cars
Cher Sat originally The Cars
George Straitjacket
Her Cast originally The Cars
George Straitjacket
Her Cats originally The Cars
She Cart originally The Cars
George Straitjacket
Her Scat originally The Cars
Has Cert originally The Cars
George Straitjacket
The Scar originally The Cars
Retry A Borsch originally Cary Brothers
Regina Haniger
Heros Try Crab originally Cary Brothers
Regina Haniger
Try Shore Crab originally Cary Brothers
Regina Haniger
Hos Try Bracer originally Cary Brothers
Regina Haniger
Try Horse Crab originally Cary Brothers
Regina Haniger
Heros Try Carb originally Cary Brothers
Regina Haniger
Sad Caca originally Cascada
How can caca be sad?
Dogniss Everdeen
Dace At Chess originally The Cascades
Dace = type of fish. They play chess?!?
Marcia Zarwetten-Grassi
Aces originally Case
michelle (hell in mice)
When Ye Doc Asa originally Casey Donahew
Asa can be a given name (usually masculine)
Tracy Stockton
Ye Do A Hewn Sac originally Casey Donahew
Tracy Stockton
When Ye Do A Sac originally Casey Donahew
Tracy Stockton
Hates Coins originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Cat In Shoes originally The Casinos
Well you've heard of 'Puss In Boots', right?
Alyssa Jayne
She's In Coat originally The Casinos
Candy Welty
Cosine's Hat originally The Casinos
How can a trigonometric function have a hat?
Lisa Rose
Hates Icons originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Notice Sash originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Coat Shines originally The Casinos
Regina Haniger
The Ass Icon originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Satin's Echo originally The Casinos
Regina Haniger
Itch Season originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Taco Shines originally The Casinos
Regina Haniger
The Caisson originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Casino, Seth! originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
I Scan Those originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hit Ass Once originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
His Cat Enos originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Chat Noises originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Oat In Chess originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Scan His Toe originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Coats Shine originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Cash On Site originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Chaos In Set originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
I Chose Stan originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Oh, I Set Cans originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Nacho Sites originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
This One Sac originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
One Cat Hiss originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Stash No Ice originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Ash Section originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Each In Toss originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Chose Satin originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Chase It, Son originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Nice As Host originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hoist Canes originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Achiest Son originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Nice Hostas originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Chosen As It originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Can't Hoe Sis originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Not His Case originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
This As Cone originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Ton Chaises originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
A Chest Is On originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
As Nice Host originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Cheat On Sis originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
One Ass Itch originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
I Scathe Son originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Sachet Ions originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
His Ton Case originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Echo Tan Sis originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Toss In Each originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
In Each Toss originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
I Set No Cash originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Cast His One originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Nice Hot Ass originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Shoes In Act originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hen Is A Cost originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hates Scion originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
His Cat Nose originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
I Stash Once originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Shoe Antics originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Saint Chose originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
I Stash Cone originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Host In Case originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Note Is Cash originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Saint's Echo originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Inch Ass Toe originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Net Is Chaos originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Has Notices originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Scion Heats originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
No, This Case! originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Chit Season originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Ian To Chess originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hi, Enos' Cats! originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hot In Cases originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Tonic Ashes originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Ass Hit Cone originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
His Nose Act originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Oh, I Scan Set originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Stein Chaos originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
This Ace Son originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hose Antics originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Saints Echo originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Chose Saint originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
The Ass Coin originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Cast Hose In originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Cane Is Shot originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Not Chaises originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
No Cash Site originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Tinas Chose originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Toni Cashes originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Act In Shoes originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
This On Case originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Heats Icons originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hone Act, Sis originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Scion Hates originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
China's Toes originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hits Canoes originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hoses In Act originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Chia's Tones originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
So Chase Tin originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
As The Scion originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Nose His Cat originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
She's Action originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Has Section originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Cane Hoists originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Toe's Chains originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Heats Coins originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Chose Stain originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Shot In Case originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Echo Saints originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Heats Scion originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Chases Into originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Hate Sonics originally The Casinos
Alyssa Jayne
Lois' Castle originally Cass Elliot
Cheryl Jordan
Castle Silo originally Cass Elliot
Cheryl Jordan
Soil Cleats originally Cass Elliot
The Mole
Lilac's Toes originally Cass Elliot
The Mole
I Lost Scale originally Cass Elliot
I Slot Laces originally Cass Elliot
The Mole
I Sell Coats originally Cass Elliot
I Sell Tacos originally Cass Elliot
Close A List originally Cass Elliot
Cleo Is Last originally Cass Elliot
Celia's Lost originally Cass Elliot
Alice's Lost originally Cass Elliot
Alec Is Lost originally Cass Elliot
Lace Is Lost originally Cass Elliot
Steal Coils originally Cass Elliot
Stale Coils originally Cass Elliot
Close Tails originally Cass Elliot
I Lost Laces originally Cass Elliot
Lost A Slice originally Cass Elliot
Slices A Lot originally Cass Elliot
So, A Cellist originally Cass Elliot
Locals' Ties originally Cass Elliot
Local Sites originally Cass Elliot
Collies Sat originally Cass Elliot
Oscillates originally Cass Elliot
Recs Of The Chaste originally The Cast Of Cheers
Rec, as in short for 'recreation'
Pam Tabor
The Cast's Away originally The Castaways
Alyssa Jayne
Calls The Set originally The Castells
Natalie Starboardman
Tess, Hellcat originally The Castells
Natalie Starboardman
Sells The Cat originally The Castells
Natalie Starboardman
Crows Can't Sing originally Casting Crowns
Even though they're considered "songbirds"!
Samantha Wayland
Scanting Crows originally Casting Crowns
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
I Stress The Castle originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
The Elastic Stress originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Stretch A Site Less originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Settle His Actress originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Actress Lit Theses originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Assist Eel Stretch originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Castle Street Hiss originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Resist Talc Theses originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
This Actress' Steel originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
I Stretch Seat Less originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
His Scarlet Testes originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Assist Lecher Test originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Secret Salt Thesis originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Slit Actress Sheet originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
I Stash Steel Crest originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Stitch Lesser Seat originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
I Salt Chess Street originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Halt Testes Crises originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Secret Ass Thistle originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Assert Chess Title originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Last Secret Thesis originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
I Start Steel Chess originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Actress List Sheet originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
I Stress Tech Least originally The Castle Sisters
Claire Grayson
Shut A Scale originally The Casuals
As in, discontinue use of it (for now)
The Causals originally The Casuals
Causal = relating to a cause of some effect
Karen Smith
Casual Seth originally The Casuals
Karen Smith
Such A Steal originally The Casuals
Cuss At Leah originally The Casuals
but why?
She's Actual originally The Casuals
I Cast A Slue originally Casualties
The Quirkfetch Kid
Cast Us A Lei originally Casualties
Are leis made by casting?
Adlai Alda
Casual Ties originally Casualties
Also a space change (in a band name)
No Name Given
We Rot Cap originally Cat Power
Some Random Guy
Cop Water originally Cat Power
A Pet Crow originally Cat Power
Not a common bird to keep as a pet...
We Rap 'Cot' originally Cat Power
Some Random Person
Pa To Crew originally Cat Power
Act Or Pew originally Cat Power
Pet A Crow originally Cat Power
Praise The Lord & Taylor Swift
Pew Actor originally Cat Power
Sabrina Flowe
Cap Tower originally Cat Power
We Or Pact originally Cat Power
Orca Wept originally Cat Power
Praise The Lord & Taylor Swift
Carpet, Ow! originally Cat Power
I suppose it would hurt you if you slipped on it.
Pew Or Cat originally Cat Power
Steve Losewood
Cat Or Pew originally Cat Power
Bob Oldhart
Actor Pew originally Cat Power
A Crew Pot originally Cat Power
Taper Cow originally Cat Power
A Pert Cow originally Cat Power
Charlie Brown Sugar Ray Charles Bronson Arroyo
A Wet Crop originally Cat Power
Wet Copra originally Cat Power
Pew Or Act originally Cat Power
Anna Graham
We Cop Rat originally Cat Power
A Pot Crew originally Cat Power
We Cap Rot originally Cat Power
Tower Cap originally Cat Power
We Cop Tar originally Cat Power
A Top Crew originally Cat Power
Top A Crew originally Cat Power
Boy George Michael Jackson Mississippi River
Act Power originally Cat Power
We Cop Art originally Cat Power
Water Cop originally Cat Power
Wrote 'Cap' originally Cat Power
I'm sure there was a purpose.
Caper Two originally Cat Power
Tape Crow originally Cat Power
Power Act originally Cat Power
Crow Tape originally Cat Power
We Top Car originally Cat Power
Or Wet Cap originally Cat Power
Atop Crew originally Cat Power
Tow Caper originally Cat Power
We Top Arc originally Cat Power
A Vest Scent originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Castes Vent originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Cast Events originally Cat Stevens
Lucille Ball sized hail
Cave Stents originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Cat's Events originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Scan Vet Set originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
A Vest's Cent originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Set Vet's Can originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Vets Can Set originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
A Vet's Scent originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Can Set Vest originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Vest Ascent originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Cave's Tents originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Set Vet Scan originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Vet's Ascent originally Cat Stevens
Lauryn Canna
Oat In A Cat originally Catatonia
Heather Brockwell
Be That Scorer originally Cate Brothers
Store The Carb originally Cate Brothers
Candy Welty
Score At Berth originally Cate Brothers
Score The Brat originally Cate Brothers
Candy Welty
Brasher Octet originally Cate Brothers
Retraces Both originally Cate Brothers
Batter's Chore originally Cate Brothers
Both Terraces originally Cate Brothers
Ten Cater In A Vale originally Caterina Valente
Thessaly Danes
Cat Herald originally Cathedral
Alexander Pope Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger
Halted Car originally Cathedral
Alexander Pope Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger
I Echo New Earth originally Catherine Howe
Whet Canoe Heir originally Catherine Howe
Other Wee Chain originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Her White Canoe originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Nice Wheat Hero originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Oh, Nice Weather! originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Once-White Hare originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
I Cheat Nowhere originally Catherine Howe
That's good, you should never cheat anywhere.
I Teach Nowhere originally Catherine Howe
Echo In Weather originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
A New Hero Ethic originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Eat Chow In Here originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
We Iron Cheetah originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Ace Hit Nowhere originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Chin Heater Woe originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
What Niece Hero? originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Which Eaten Roe? originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Echo Wine Hater originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Echo When I Rate originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Three Owe China originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Each Two In Here originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Tow Each In Here originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Here With A Cone originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Chew Oat In Here originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Hit Canoe Where? originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Ate Chow In Here originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Hew A Coin There originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
Oh, A New Heretic originally Catherine Howe
Allisa Casilla
The Eel Whine Car originally Catherine Wheel
Whatever THAT would be!
Lucy Crosland
White Hen Cereal originally Catherine Wheel
Hen Cereal? What would that be??
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Rile New Cheetah originally Catherine Wheel
Why rile ANY cheetah?
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Catch Ray R. originally Cathy Carr
Lucinda Blair
Deny A Snitch originally Cathy Dennis
Chris Chendo
Ninety Chads originally Cathy Dennis
90 people named Chad?
Any Snitched originally Cathy Dennis
Chris Chendo
He Isn't Candy originally Cathy Dennis
Handy Insect originally Cathy Dennis
Chris Chendo
Cathy Sinned originally Cathy Dennis
Also notice that 'Sinned' is 'Dennis' backwards!
michelle (hell in mice)
Sac Can't Fly originally Cats Can Fly
Caroline Vale
Acts Can Fly originally Cats Can Fly
Caroline Vale
Cast Can Fly originally Cats Can Fly
Caroline Vale
Caught The Antic originally Caught In The Act
Yvette Bristle
I, Nate, Catch Thug originally Caught In The Act
Yvette Bristle
Caught That Nice originally Caught In The Act
Yvette Bristle
I Catch Thug Nate originally Caught In The Act
Yvette Bristle
I Caught Etchant originally Caught In The Act
Yvette Bristle
A Cat Hut Etching originally Caught In The Act
Yvette Bristle
Caught In The Cat originally Caught In The Act
Yvette Bristle
Attaching Chute originally Caught In The Act
Yvette Bristle
Caught Attic Hen originally Caught In The Act
Yvette Bristle
I Teach Tug Chant originally Caught In The Act
Yvette Bristle
Ice Van originally Cave In
Want Cove originally Cavetown
Sardine Taylor
Waco Vent originally Cavetown
Holly Stefan
Covet Awn originally Cavetown
awn =bristle from grain flower or seed. Covetable?
Sardine Taylor
Vet Cowan originally Cavetown
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
Nice Pot Scene originally Ce Ce Peniston
Dionne Peacewick
Pence Section originally Cece Peniston
Once Nice Pets originally CeCe Peniston
So have they gotten mean now?
Dionne Peacewick
Encore Glee originally Cee Lo Green
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Creole Gene originally Cee Lo Green
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Alice Cruz originally Celia Cruz
Anagram one girl-name to get another!
Conan O'Brien Potatoes
Czar I Clue originally Celia Cruz
Ivan IV was first Russian Czar
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Online Dice originally Celine Dion
Good for playing an online game!
Coined Line originally Celine Dion
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Iced Online originally Celine Dion
Kerianne Hopkins
Coiled Nine originally Celine Dion
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Dice Online originally Celine Dion
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Codeine Nil originally Celine Dion
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
If Loren Fuels Cola originally Cellarful of Noise
Offer Caillou Lens originally Cellarful of Noise
What's a caillou lens?
Lost Leech originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Colt's Heel originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Oh, Set Cell originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Lee's Cloth originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Sell Cot, Eh? originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Eel's Cloth originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Heel's Clot originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
So The Cell originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Hello, Sect! originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Leech Lots originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Celt's Hole originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Sole Letch originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Leech Slot originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Else Cloth originally The Cellos
Kara Oke
Claim New Cot originally Celtic Woman
Claw In Comet originally Celtic Woman
Lactic Women originally Celtic Woman
Alicia Sturdivant
Comical Newt originally Celtic Woman
Alicia Sturdivant
Went Comical originally Celtic Woman
Tim the Slipperman
Mown Calcite originally Celtic Woman
Calcite's a soft mineral, but still hard to mow.
Alicia Sturdivant
Handle Cal originally Chad Allen
Candy Welty
Back Chord originally Chad Brock
Julia Cox
Bard Chock originally Chad Brock
Julia Cox
Rock Chad B. originally Chad Brock
Julia Cox
I Sketch One Marsh originally The Chainsmokers
Kim Has Hot Screen originally The Chainsmokers
Kim Has The Censor originally The Chainsmokers
Ah, More Thickness originally The Chainsmokers
Hi, Carmen of the Board! originally Chairmen of the Board
Lemon Cheetahs originally The Chameleons
Ham Can Peg originally Champagne
Kayla Kalyak
Change Map originally Champagne
Kayla Kalyak
Patch Mesh originally The Champs
That No-one Candy Nye
Patch Hems originally The Champs
That No-one Candy Nye
Hemp Chats originally The Champs
That No-one Candy Nye
Aging Chef's Can originally Changing Faces
Newt Gingpoor
Chief Cans Gang originally Changing Faces
What a headline!
Newt Gingpoor
Czar Taken Via Hulk originally Chantal Kreviazuk
Any Thatches originally The Chantays
That is, roofs made of a certain material
K.N. Pepper
Say The Chant originally The Chantays
K.N. Pepper
Yes, Hat Chant originally The Chantays
Roxanne Drake
Racoon Theme originally Chante Moore
Mother Ocean originally Chante Moore
Moon Cheater originally Chante Moore
Nacho Remote originally Chante Moore
Moon Teacher originally Chante Moore
Throne Cameo originally Chante Moore
Canoe Mother originally Chante Moore
Chant 'Elle, I Gape' originally Chantelle Paige
Caroline Vale
Chant 'I Page Elle' originally Chantelle Paige
Caroline Vale
I Page Chantelle originally Chantelle Paige
Caroline Vale
Health Scent originally The Chantels
Karen Smith
Helen T. Chats originally The Chantels
Camilla Talking Bird
Let Hens Chat originally The Chantels
Karen Smith
The Net Clash originally The Chantels
Karen Smith
Lent The Cash originally The Chantels
Karen Smith
The Hill's Entrance originally The Chantrellines
The Hill Entrances originally The Chantrellines
Mocha Racism originally
Lefty Lucy
Wry Iron Batch originally Charity Brown
Hanky E. Panky
Why Iron Bract? originally Charity Brown
Hanky E. Panky
Browny, Char It originally Charity Brown
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Wry Tin Broach originally Charity Brown
Hanky E. Panky
I Chart Browny originally Charity Brown
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Try Brain Chow originally Charity Brown
Hanky E. Panky
Born With A Cry originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Hit Wry Carbon originally Charity Brown
Hanky E. Panky
Car Hit Browny originally Charity Brown
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
In Thy Crowbar originally Charity Brown
Hard to get IN a crowbar!
Hanky E. Panky
Icy Bra Thrown originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Now Try A Birch originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Tiny Brow Char originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Tiny Brow Arch originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Throw Any Crib originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
War Cry In Both originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
I Chant: 'Wry Orb!' originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
I Warn By Torch originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
I Try Bran Chow originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
I Try Barn Chow originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Why A Torn Crib? originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
A Birth Cry Now originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Icy Bar Thrown originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
What Robin Cry? originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Throw Icy Bran originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Oh, Wintry Crab originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
What Corny Rib? originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Birch Tray Won originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Wintry Broach originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Thin Wry Cobra originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Why Carrot Nib? originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Icy Brown Hart originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Why Bar Citron? originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
No Warty Birch originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Any Crow Birth originally Charity Brown
Yvette Bristle
Cher Lane originally Charlene
Orville Beddenrocker
Carleen H. originally Charlene
Ava Murphy
Her Lance originally Charlene
Kara Oke
Clean Her originally Charlene
Kara Oke
Ranch Eel originally Charlene
Kara Oke
Clear Hen originally Charlene
Kara Oke
Charles, Near Lad originally Charles Earland
As opposed to a faraway lad
Dinah Bartilson
Charles And Earl originally Charles Earland
Dinah Bartilson
Earl And Charles originally Charles Earland
Dinah Bartilson
Elf Chars Ox originally Charles Fox
Rachel Stedman
Ox Chars Elf originally Charles Fox
Rachel Stedman
Ox Char Self originally Charles Fox
Rachel Stedman
Charline Lost Ham originally Charles Hamilton
Alison Runyon
Charley Pried originally Charley Pride
Same sound, different meaning!
Lucinda Blair
He Pried Carly originally Charley Pride
Lucinda Blair
Harley D. Price originally Charley Pride
Andy Gibb's Free Energy
Harley C. Pried originally Charley Pride
Lucinda Blair
Celery Had Rip originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Harley C. Pride originally Charley Pride
Lucinda Blair
Relayed Chirp originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
I Lay Red Perch originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Pry Rich Adele originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
I Pry Chard, Lee originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Peel Dry Chair originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
I Pedal Cherry originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Chile Drapery originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
I Pry Reel, Chad originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Heed Cry, April! originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
I Reel Dry Chap originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Diaper Cheryl originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
I Pry Rachel, Ed originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Rapid Lechery originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Pry Ed, Charlie originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
I Peel Dry Arch originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Cheer Rip Lady originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
I Pry Larch, Dee originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Pry Herd, Alice originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
I Parch Dry Lee originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Pry Herd, Celia originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Rid Ape, Cheryl originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Ace Phil Ryder originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
I Pry Ed, Rachel originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Rip Ed, Charley originally Charley Pride
Candy Welty
Ah! Relic! originally Charlie
Kara Oke
Clear 'Hi!' originally Charlie
Kara Oke
Rich Lea originally Charlie
Kara Oke
Relic, Ha! originally Charlie
Kara Oke
Rich Ale originally Charlie
Kara Oke
Cleaned His Lair originally Charlie Daniels
In Chilled Areas originally Charlie Daniels
Had Nicer Alias originally Charlie Daniels
Cleaned His Rail originally Charlie Daniels
Claire H. Daniels originally Charlie Daniels
Another gender change by anagramming!
Charlie's Denial originally Charlie Daniels
Hilda Is Cleaner originally Charlie Daniels
Claire Had Lines originally Charlie Daniels
Lanie Had Relics originally Charlie Daniels
Claire Had Liens originally Charlie Daniels
Lia's Chandelier originally Charlie Daniels
All Reach Inside originally Charlie Daniels
A Chillier Sedan originally Charlie Daniels
Rachel Sailed In originally Charlie Daniels
Chilled In Areas originally Charlie Daniels
Hi, Edna Carlisle! originally Charlie Daniels
Hi, Dean Carlisle! originally Charlie Daniels
Alice Hires Dan L. originally Charlie Daniels
Celia Hires Dan L. originally Charlie Daniels
Scaled Hairline originally Charlie Daniels
Heidi Calls Rena originally Charlie Daniels
Daniel Laid Branches originally Charlie Daniels Band
Alan Declared His Bin originally Charlie Daniels Band
A Balderdash Incline originally Charlie Daniels Band
Ariane Held Clad Bins originally Charlie Daniels Band
Stu L. Pigeon
Rachel Deals In A Bind originally Charlie Daniels Band
Dani Reaches Blind Al originally Charlie Daniels Band
Dr. Linda Baca In Heels originally Charlie Daniels Band
Band Had Nicer Alias originally Charlie Daniels Band
Hard-Core Lie originally Charlie Dore
Candy Welty
Charlie Rode originally Charlie Dore
Cold Air Here originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Chile Roared originally Charlie Dore
Frederick Gale
Load Her Rice originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Choir Leader originally Charlie Dore
Frederick Gale
Hold Rare Ice originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Hardcore Lei originally Charlie Dore
Frederick Gale
I Hold Career originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Her Idol Care originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Deal Rich Ore originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Heir Or Decal originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Hold Rear Ice originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
I Cheer A Lord originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Chloride Era originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Idle Car Hero originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
I Char Rod, Lee originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Her Cedar Oil originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Earl Cried 'Oh!' originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Cheer Or Dial originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Reach Red Oil originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Old Acre Heir originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
I Cheer Rod, Al originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Her Rice Load originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Do Rail Cheer originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Her Acid Lore originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
I Clear Horde originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Read 'Her Coil' originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Hear Ice Lord originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Decal Or Heir originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Oh, Real Cider! originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Echo Red Liar originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Her Dear Coil originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Hard Ice Role originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Rich Red Aloe originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Dire Chorale originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
A Horde Relic originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Her Rail Code originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Erode Rich Al originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Derail Chore originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Rid Each Role originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Her Idol Race originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Dial Or Cheer originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Red Rice Halo originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Her Coed Lair originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Oil Card Here originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
I Herald Core originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
A Choir Elder originally Charlie Dore
Claire Grayson
Nerd, Comical 'n' Hell originally Charlie McDonnell
Chalk Repairer originally Charlie Parker
Can broken chalk be repaired?
Anna Faris Wheel
Preachier Lark originally Charlie Parker
Anna Faris Wheel
A Perkier Larch originally Charlie Parker
Anna Faris Wheel
Chap Eli Ruth originally Charlie Puth
Veruca Pepper
Chili Archer originally Charlie Rich
Regina Olsen
Hi, Arch Relic originally Charlie Rich
Regina Olsen
Her Chili Car originally Charlie Rich
Regina Olsen
Larch Is Rose originally Charlie Ross
Botanically impossible
Regina Olsen
Charles Rios originally Charlie Ross
Rose Is Larch originally Charlie Ross
Botanically impossible
Regina Olsen
Not Charlie's Ex originally Charlie Sexton
Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
Charles On Exit originally Charlie Sexton
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Chlorine Taxes originally Charlie Sexton
Regina Haniger
Earth's Lexicon originally Charlie Sexton
Regina Haniger
Rectal Crotch, Huh originally Charlotte Church
Gee, Charlotte is unlucky anagrammatically.
Angie O'Plasty
Hath Crotch Ulcer originally Charlotte Church
Tiffany Furlong
Ah, Her Crotch Cult originally Charlotte Church
Tiffany Furlong
Hath Cruel Crotch originally Charlotte Church
Tiffany Furlong
Erect That Mesh originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
That Erect Mesh originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
That Mere Chest originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Chest Met Earth originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
The Terse Match originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Cheer Math Test originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Tether Matches originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Ratchet's Theme originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Test Her Hem Act originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
A Stretch Theme originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Meet Thatchers originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
The Hamster, Etc. originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Test Arch Theme originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
She Met Art Tech originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
The Tether Scam originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Match Tethers originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Teeth Met Crash originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Teeth Matchers originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Three-Chest Mat originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Stretch A Theme originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Her Matte Chest originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Hatchet Meters originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
The Chest Mater originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Tether Chest, Ma originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
He Met Art Chest originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Chatter Themes originally The Charmettes
Lauryn Canna
Match Hers originally The Charms
Anna Graham
Ms. Hatcher originally The Charms
Anna Graham
Crash Them originally The Charms
Anna Graham
Esther Thrust Cab originally The Chartbusters
Max E. Padd
Stab Erect Thrush originally The Chartbusters
Shut Sherbet Cart originally The Chartbusters
Carrie Overwood
Better Crush Hats originally The Chartbusters
but why??
The Arch Buttress originally The Chartbusters
Shatter The Curbs originally The Chartbusters
Something that a reckless driver does?
Danny Partridge In A Pear Tree
Herbert Shut Cast originally The Chartbusters
That Secret Brush originally The Chartbusters
Arrest Butch, Seth! originally The Chartbusters
Shatter The Scrub originally The Chartbusters
However one does that...
Boy George Washington Post Office Depot
Thrust Bare Chest originally The Chartbusters
That Secret Shrub originally The Chartbusters
Actress Beth Ruth originally The Chartbusters
Hear Tubs Stretch originally The Chartbusters
Oddness for sure!
Thrust Three Cabs originally The Chartbusters
Brush That Secret originally The Chartbusters
Stretch Base, Ruth originally The Chartbusters
Lauryn Canna
Barter Shut Chest originally The Chartbusters
Rush Chaste Brett originally The Chartbusters
Reach Best Thrust originally The Chartbusters
Stretch Sub Hater originally The Chartbusters
Lauryn Canna
Stretch Her Tubas originally The Chartbusters
Mary Ellen Jasper
Bertha Shut Crest originally The Chartbusters
Crush Street Bath originally The Chartbusters
However one does THAT...
Herbert Cut Stash originally The Chartbusters
Better Rush Chats originally The Chartbusters
Stretch Bus Hater originally The Chartbusters
Lauryn Canna
Actress Ruth Beth originally The Chartbusters
Ya never know...
Best Chest, Arthur originally The Chartbusters
Shut Bare Stretch originally The Chartbusters
Arrest Seth, Butch! originally The Chartbusters
Retract Bush, Seth originally The Chartbusters
Thus Cast Herbert originally The Chartbusters
Stretch Us, Bertha originally The Chartbusters
Lauryn Canna
The Starch originally The Charts
Thatcher's originally The Charts
E-Cash originally Chase
Aches originally Chase
Joy Stick
Cashing Victory originally Chasing Victory
Carving City Hos originally Chasing Victory
Coy Virgin Chats originally Chasing Victory
Kelly Blythe
Cosy Virgin Chat originally Chasing Victory
Kelly Blythe
Virgin Coach Sty originally Chasing Victory
Kelly Blythe
Coach String Ivy originally Chasing Victory
Craving City Hos originally Chasing Victory
Grayish Convict originally Chasing Victory
Catch Virgins, Yo originally Chasing Victory
Regal Chips originally Cheap Girls
Eva Shortoria
Charge Slip originally Cheap Girls
Eva Shortoria
A Leg Chirps originally Cheap Girls
Remarkable leg!
Eva Shortoria
I Help Crags originally Cheap Girls
Help them do what?!?
Eva Shortoria
Leg / Hip Scar originally Cheap Girls
Eva Shortoria
Peach Girls originally Cheap Girls
Eva Shortoria
Scape Hex originally Cheap Sex
Hannah Montanalestes
Cheep Sax originally Cheap Sex
Imitating chicken calls on a Saxophone?
Barry Amassa Tate
Ax Speech originally Cheap Sex
Hannah Montanalestes
Paces Hex originally Cheap Sex
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Peach Sex originally Cheap Sex
Hannah Montanalestes
Patch Erick originally Cheap Trick
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Ticker Chap originally Cheap Trick
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Peach Trick originally Cheap Trick
Renee Sutton
Pick Her Cat originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
Rich Packet originally Cheap Trick
...of money.
Tick Preach originally Cheap Trick
Avatarred And Feathered
Check A Trip originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
I Peck Chart originally Cheap Trick
Liza Lott
Pick The Car originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
Picket Arch originally Cheap Trick
Renee Sutton
I Check Part originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
Thicker Cap originally Cheap Trick
Renee Sutton
He Pick Cart originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
Char Picket originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
Hectic Park originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
Pack Thrice originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
Cheat Rick P. originally Cheap Trick
Angie O'Plasty
I Catch Perk originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
Racket Chip originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
The Cap, Rick! originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
Pick Her Act originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
I Check Trap originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
A Perch Tick originally Cheap Trick
Candy Welty
Gal Hitches There originally The Cheetah Girls
The Regal Hitches originally The Cheetah Girls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Gathers The Chile originally The Cheetah Girls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Ethic Leg -- A Thresh originally The Cheetah Girls
Reaches The Light originally The Cheetah Girls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
The Higher Castle originally The Cheetah Girls
Joanna Whitmire
The Slighter Ache originally The Cheetah Girls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
The Clear Heights originally The Cheetah Girls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
The Clearest High originally The Cheetah Girls
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Cheryl Wight originally Chely Wright
Brittany James
Chew Thy Girl originally Chely Wright
Lydia Helton
Cher Dolly originally Cher Lloyd
Winter Peppr
Holly Cred originally Cher Lloyd
The Mole
Old Cheryl originally Cher Lloyd
Chery Doll originally Cher Lloyd
Lefty Lucy
Hydro Cell originally Cher Lloyd
The Mole
Delly Orch originally Cher Lloyd
Lefty Lucy
Yell Chord originally Cher Lloyd
Wanda Pierce
Ryche Doll originally Cher Lloyd
Lefty Lucy
Do Hell Cry originally Cher Lloyd
Wanda Pierce
Cycler Hole originally Cheryl Cole
Lefty Lucy
Cry 'Hoe Cell!' originally Cheryl Cole
Liza Lott
Yell 'Croche!' originally Cheryl Cole
...if you know what it means in French
Charlie Beans
Cry, Ol' Leech originally Cheryl Cole
Eva Shortoria
Chelly Core originally Cheryl Cole
Fiscal Cliff Richard
Ole Cheryl C. originally Cheryl Cole
Could still apply to her
Olivia Tame
Lo, Her Cycle originally Cheryl Cole
Natalie Starboardman
Cheer Colly originally Cheryl Cole
Olivia Tame
Her Coy Cell originally Cheryl Cole
Hell Rye Chewer originally Cheryl Wheeler
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Her Wry Eel Lech originally Cheryl Wheeler
Lew Here, Cheryl originally Cheryl Wheeler
Little Old Lady Hu
Yell 'Where, Cher?' originally Cheryl Wheeler
Cheryl Here, Lew originally Cheryl Wheeler
Little Old Lady Hu
Yell 'Her Chewer!' originally Cheryl Wheeler
Kayla Kalyak
We Cry 'Hell Here!' originally Cheryl Wheeler
Kayla Kalyak
Her Cheery Well originally Cheryl Wheeler
Her Chewer Lyle originally Cheryl Wheeler
Beach Trek originally Chet Baker
Kara Oke
Be The Rack originally Chet Baker
Kara Oke
Back There originally Chet Baker
Kara Oke
Three Back originally Chet Baker
Kara Oke
The Backer originally Chet Baker
Kara Oke
Torn Chalice originally Chi Coltrane
Dawn Anwad
Roach Client originally Chi Coltrane
Dawn Anwad
Chancel Riot originally Chi Coltrane
Dawn Anwad
Ethical Corn originally Chi Coltrane
Lion Catcher originally Chi Coltrane
Lice Shit originally Chi-Lites
Oh, what an enviable anagram to have!
Alison Runyon
Go, Chica originally Chicago
A Chic Go originally Chicago
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
G.I. Coach originally Chicago
Cal Amari
Go Chica Poodle originally Chicago Poodle
Aimee Collett
Coach Erick originally Chick Corea
Edyth Bowen
Badger Choice originally Chico DeBarge
Chicago Breed originally Chico DeBarge
Kerianne Hopkins
Fetch No Fish originally The Chiffons
No Shift, Chef originally The Chiffons
Rhonda Hindle
Not Fish Chef originally The Chiffons
Chosen Fifth originally The Chiffons
Alice Spoonerism
I Sham Child Bingo originally Childish Gambino
Marcia Todd
Find Bold Moocher originally Children Of Bodom
Twila Paris Hilton
Fob Children Doom originally Children Of Bodom
Natasha Bly
Fob Children Mood originally Children Of Bodom
Natasha Bly
Mood Of Bern Child originally Children Of Bodom
Natasha Bly
Doom Of Bern Child originally Children Of Bodom
Natasha Bly
A Chick Will originally Chilliwack
...will do what?
A Chill Wick originally Chilliwack
Me, His Tech originally The Chimes
Chemist, Eh? originally The Chimes
I Etch Mesh originally The Chimes
Hem Itches originally The Chimes
Hitches Me originally The Chimes
Hit Scheme originally The Chimes
Mesh Ethic originally The Chimes
Oh, Disco! originally Chiodos
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Wahlberg
The Chump's Kin originally The Chipmunks
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Arrive, Chita. originally Chita Rivera
Hey, 'Rivera' is an anagram of 'arrive'!
I Avert Chair originally Chita Rivera
Phonic originally Chopin
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Birch Sworn originally Chris Brown
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Brown's Rich originally Chris Brown
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Browns Rich originally Chris Brown
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Chic Lagers originally Chris Cagle
Jane C. Moore
Regal Chics originally Chris Cagle
Jane C. Moore
Shag Circle originally Chris Cagle
Jane C. Moore
Large Chics originally Chris Cagle
Jane C. Moore
Hit Inch Scar, Sir originally Chris Christian
Itch Sir In Crash originally Chris Christian
Jake Eastbrook
Can This Rich Sir originally Chris Christian
Snatch Rich Iris originally Chris Christian
Arch Crisis Hint originally Chris Christian
Max E. Padd
Hart-Chin Crisis originally Chris Christian
Air McMahon
Chic Sir In Trash originally Chris Christian
Scar His Nit, Rich originally Chris Christian
Little Old Lady Hu
Scar Is Hint, Rich originally Chris Christian
Little Old Lady Hu
Sir Can Hitch, Sir originally Chris Christian
I Snatch Rich Sir originally Chris Christian
I, Thin Crass Rich originally Chris Christian
I Scan Rich Shirt originally Chris Christian
Chant Is 'Rich Sir' originally Chris Christian
Is it really?
Boy George Harrison Ford Mustang Sally Field Goal
Chic Shin Tar, Sir originally Chris Christian
Chic Shin Art, Sir originally Chris Christian
Crisis Hit Ranch originally Chris Christian
Can't His Rich Sir? originally Chris Christian
Joe Blow
Stir In Cash, Rich originally Chris Christian
Critic Shin Rash originally Chris Christian
Thin-Arch Crisis originally Chris Christian
Scar Is Thin, Rich originally Chris Christian
Tarnish Chic Sir originally Chris Christian
Rich Sis In Chart originally Chris Christian
Cart His Chin, Sir originally Chris Christian
Iris' Chin Starch originally Chris Christian
Rich Cons Ron originally Chris Connor
Candace Troy Powers
Ron Cons Rich originally Chris Connor
Candace Troy Powers
Corn Chillers originally Chris Cornell
Cross By Rich originally Chris Crosby
Rich Boss' Cry originally Chris Crosby
Miss Elanius
Rich By Cross originally Chris Crosby
Miss Elanius
Scorch By Sir originally Chris Crosby
Cry 'Rich Boss!' originally Chris Crosby
Hugs Red Birch originally Chris De Burgh
A tree hugger? Just so he doesn't hug honey locust
Kirsten Abercrombie
Chris, Bug Herd originally Chris DeBurgh
Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
Sick As Hair originally Chris Isaak
A Chair Skis originally Chris Isaak
THAT I'd like to see!
Reese Witherfork
I Ask Chairs originally Chris Isaak
Like Neil Diamond in "I Am....I Said"?
Reese Witherfork
Her Car Is originally Chris Rea
...something (or in some condition)
Hi Racers originally Chris Rea
Regina Haniger
Heir Scar originally Chris Rea
Yvette Bristle
Is Archer originally Chris Rea
Regina Haniger
His Racer originally Chris Rea
Regina Haniger
I Scar Her originally Chris Rea
Regina Haniger
Shire Car originally Chris Rea
Yvette Bristle
Crash Ire originally Chris Rea
Yvette Bristle
Is Her Car originally Chris Rea
Yvette Bristle
Reach, Sir originally Chris Rea
Yvette Bristle
Rice Rash originally Chris Rea
Yvette Bristle
Is Her Arc originally Chris Rea
Yvette Bristle
Arch Rise originally Chris Rea
Yvette Bristle
Rich Cries originally Chris Rice
Gretchen Wieners
Northeast Clips originally Chris Stapleton
Pistol Snatcher originally Chris Stapleton
Pinochle Starts originally Chris Stapleton
Splotches In Art originally Chris Stapleton
Crimson Hilt originally Chris Tomlin
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
No Rich Guys originally Chris Young
Rich Ties originally Christie
Joy Stick
Is Thrice originally Christie
Joy Stick
Tie Chris originally Christie
Candy Welty
I Etch, Sir originally Christie
Joy Stick
Sire Itch originally Christie
Joy Stick
Shirt Ice originally Christie
Joy Stick
Rich Site originally Christie
Joy Stick
This Rice originally Christie
Joy Stick
Hits Rice originally Christie
Joy Stick
I Set Rich originally Christie
Joy Stick
Lush Criteria Again originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
I Sight Laura In Race originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
A Cashiering Ritual originally Christina Aguilera
Joe Blow
Curtail Shire Again originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Chair Angularities originally Christina Aguilera
Candy Welty
I Crush Egalitarian originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Hire Rustic Al Again originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
I Gash Rail Race Unit originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Tag Each Urinal, Iris originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
I Lash Recruit Again originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
A Raisin Article--Ugh! originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
His Actuarial Reign originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Raisin Chateau Girl originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Incite Garish Laura originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
I Ice Triangular Ash originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Gauche Raisin Trail originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
I Hang Rail Race Suit originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Hail Ruins Rat Cage I originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
I Lash Carriage Unit originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
His Curtain Regalia originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
I Raise L.A. Urchin Tag originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Nice Rag Hair Suit, Al! originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
I Rate Car; I Languish originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Citrus Heir Again originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
I Stain Race Rail--Ugh! originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Grail Race In Hiatus originally Christina Aguilera
Alyssa Jayne
Ugly Satanic Hair originally Christina Aguilera
Optimus Lime
Christian Tracer originally Christina Carter
Billy Reuben
Rich Erratic Ants originally Christina Carter
Billy Reuben
Irish Crane Tract originally Christina Carter
Billy Reuben
Rich Titan Racers originally Christina Carter
Billy Reuben
Stir A Rich Nectar originally Christina Carter
Billy Reuben
Stir Chert Crania originally Christina Carter
Billy Reuben
Sting Rich Mimi Rae originally Christina Grimmie
Brianna Holden
Riper Christina originally Christina Perri
Archer In Spirit originally Christina Perri
Shinier Car Trip originally Christina Perri
I'd prefer to drive a clean car on a trip anyways.
Nip Racier Shirt originally Christina Perri
Inherit Crap, Sir originally Christina Perri
No thank you...
Linen Archivist originally Christine Lavin
Candy Welty
Christina Levin originally Christine Lavin
In This Viler Can originally Christine Lavin
Tiffany Furlong
Itch In Navel, Sir originally Christine Lavin
Hannah Bullecter
Silver-Tin Chain originally Christine Lavin
Candy Welty
Sit In Rich Navel originally Christine Lavin
Hannah Bullecter
Has Civil Intern originally Christine Lavin
Candy Welty
I Christen Alvin originally Christine Lavin
Candy Welty
Enrich Its Anvil originally Christine Lavin
Candy Welty
Enriches Victim originally Christine McVie
Birth name Anne Christine Perfect
Christie McVine originally Christine McVie
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Cross The Top, Chris originally Christopher Cross
Chris, Top Her Cross originally Christopher Cross
Another artist-name space change!
Lucinda Blair
Christopher C. Ross originally Christopher Cross
This is also a space-change!
Francine Harper
Cross The Pot, Chris originally Christopher Cross
Scorcher Hits Pros originally Christopher Cross
Whatever You'd Like To Call Me
A Simple Ostrich Whirl originally Christopher Williams
Switch A Hill Primrose originally Christopher Williams
Historic Smaller Whip originally Christopher Williams
Imperil Shortish Claw originally Christopher Williams
Allisa Casilla
I List Scholar Whimper originally Christopher Williams
Whisper 'Similar Cloth' originally Christopher Williams
Whirl A Simple Ostrich originally Christopher Williams
Sample Historic Swirl originally Christopher Williams
Allisa Casilla
Cherish Optimal Swirl originally Christopher Williams
Prehistoric Swim Hall originally Christopher Williams
Anna Graham
Whirl Polish Matrices originally Christopher Williams
Chill Homer originally Chrome Hill
Wendy Torrance
Buck Her Cry originally Chuck Berry
Carmen Nunki
Buck Cherry originally Chuck Berry
Also a spoonerism
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
One Magic Chunk originally Chuck Mangione
Keira Dayley
Ion Change Muck originally Chuck Mangione
Lorraine Thoanjer
Munching A Coke originally Chuck Mangione
Uhm... I thought a Coke was something to drink!
Keira Dayley
Irk Cell Chum originally Chuck Miller
michelle (hell in mice)
Rich Elm Luck originally Chuck Miller
michelle (hell in mice)
Lick Me, Churl originally Chuck Miller
michelle (hell in mice)
Any Huck originally Chunky A
Candy Welty
Aria C originally Ciara
The hundredth in a sequence of arias
Corinne Auterlehr
Cara I originally Ciara
Is "I" last initial or a Roman numeral for 1?
Corinne Auterlehr
I Boo Matt C. originally Cibo Matto
Not the best, but I had limited options
Anna Graham
Tomcat Bio originally Cibo Matto
Anna Graham
Black Lilac originally Cilla Black
Claire Annette Player
Click A Ball originally Cilla Black
Claire Annette Player
All Lick Cab originally Cilla Black
Claire Annette Player
Relic Limo originally Cimorelli
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Icier Moll originally Cimorelli
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Ed In Cellar originally Cinderella
Cliff Adair
Lend A Relic originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Decal Liner originally Cinderella
Cliff Adair
Relic-Laden originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Deli Lancer originally Cinderella
Cliff Adair
Den Relic, Al originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Red Lei Clan originally Cinderella
Cliff Adair
Race In Dell originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Cleaner Lid originally Cinderella
Cliff Adair
I Lend Clear originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Red In A Cell originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Cradle Lien originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
I Recall Den originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Call In Deer originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
A Nicer Dell originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
I Led Lancer originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
All Nice Red originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Care In Dell originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
I End Cellar originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
End All Rice originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Dear In Cell originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Car Led Line originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Recline, Lad! originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
I, A Cell Nerd originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Cell And Ire originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Declare Nil originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Air Cell End originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
End Relic, Al originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
I Call Ender originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Red-Clan Lie originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
All Den Rice originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
I End Caller originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
A Diner Cell originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
I Lend Lacer originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Acre In Dell originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Cradle Line originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Need Ill Car originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Call Nereid originally Cinderella
Nereid has to do with Greek mythology.
Claire Grayson
All Red? Nice! originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Read In Cell originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
End Ill Care originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Ill Ace Nerd originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
All In Creed originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Ire And Cell originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
I Recall End originally Cinderella
Claire Grayson
Rex, Lea, And Cindy originally Cindy Alexander
Holly Stefan
Alex Y. And Cinder originally Cindy Alexander
Tim Panuchus
Lex, Rea, And Cindy originally Cindy Alexander
Holly Stefan
Lucy Blends In originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Nun Belly Disc originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Sell Cud By Inn originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Bind Sly Uncle originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Den In Sly Club originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Lucy Binds Len originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Bind Lens, Lucy originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Lenny's Club I.D. originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
End In Sly Club originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Lend Lucy Bins originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Nelly's Cub Din originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Lucy Lends Bin originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Be Null Syndic originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Lend Bins, Lucy originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Sell Cindy Bun originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Len Binds Lucy originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Ned In Sly Club originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Lynn's Cube Lid originally Cindy Bullens
Yvette Bristle
Mindy Crogan originally Cindy Morgan
Relative of hero of "Crogan's Adventures"?
Jill Conrad
Groan, Mindy C. originally Cindy Morgan
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Mindy Ran Cog originally Cindy Morgan
Samantha Wayland
Groan, Cindy M. originally Cindy Morgan
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Icy Snow Den originally Cindy Owens
Candy Welty
Sew On, Cindy originally Cindy Owens
Holly Stefan
Draws Out Quiche originally Cirque Du So What
That No-one Candy Nye
Epic Zinc Toe originally Citizen Cope
Strange toe!
Hilary Duffelbag
Once Epic Zit originally Citizen Cope
Was any zit ever epic?
Hilary Duffelbag
Zinc Gin Kite originally Citizen King
Three real words, but probably won't fly
Adlai Alda
Nice King Zit originally Citizen King
Taylor Swift Kick in the Pants
Icy Thigh originally City High
Hank E. Panky
Lamb Cause originally Clam Abuse
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Les MacAbu originally Clam Abuse
Diana Jasper
Sumac Bale originally Clam Abuse
Is sumac ever baled (like hay)?
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Use Calm Ab originally Clam Abuse
Joanna Hawthorne
'Bam' Clause originally Clam Abuse
Something in Emeril Lagasse's contract?
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Foxy Lox C. Man originally Clan of Xymox
"Clan of" is an alternate name.
Mickey D.
Na and Cl originally Clannad
The elements in composition of common "table" salt
Paige Evans
Ann Clad originally Clannad
Rose Cathcart
Nan Clad originally Clannad
Francesca Burleson
Clear Recent Arc originally Clarence Carter
Chet's Lark originally The Clarks
Bruce Curb
Seth Clark originally The Clarks
Zodma Kitten
Hat Clerks originally The Clarks
Lisa Rose
Lash Chet originally The Clash
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Classics Ace originally Classic Case
Someone who's and ace at "the classics"
Cheryl Jordan
Sass Lea CCCI originally Classic Case
Sass the 301st in a lineage of Leas?
Cheryl Jordan
Sea Class CCI originally Classic Case
The 201st class in sea classification?
Cheryl Jordan
Lea S. Cass CCI originally Classic Case
The 201st in lineage with name Lea S. Cass?
Cheryl Jordan
Class Sea CCI originally Classic Case
The 201st in a lineage of class seas??
Cheryl Jordan
Class Ethics originally The Classics
Access Hilts originally The Classics
Ethics Class originally The Classics
Sis, Catch Elvis originally The Classics IV
Karen Smith
The Classics VI originally The Classics IV
The Classics Six, or... The ClasSIX? ;D
Ugly Arcade originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Cradle A Guy originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
A Car Guy Led originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Clear Ad Guy originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
A Gluey Card originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Caldera Guy originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Ace Rug Lady originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Ugly Ad Race originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Car Guy Dale originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Gray Ad Clue originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Aye, Crud Gal! originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Dug Clay Ear originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Cue Glad Ray originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Dye A Car Lug originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Ace Lard Guy originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Racy Luge Ad originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Lead Car Guy originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Gray Claude originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Crude Gay Al originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Car Deal Guy originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
A Dry Lug Ace originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Gluey Car Ad originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Lead Arc Guy originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Aye, Curd Gal! originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Cure Gay Lad originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Ugly Ad Care originally Claude Gray
Alyssa Jayne
Genial Duck originally Claude King
Tiffany Furlong
A Dug Nickel originally Claude King
Lauryn Canna
A Duck In Gel originally Claude King
Lauryn Canna
Licked A Gun originally Claude King
Lauryn Canna
Lug In A Deck originally Claude King
Lauryn Canna
Claud In A Clerk originally Claudine Clark
Rachel Blattington
An Icy Lake originally Clay Aiken
More like a frozen pond?
I Yank Lace originally Clay Aiken
But why?
U. Guest It
Cyan Alike originally Clay Aiken
Weast Weasel
Yea, I Clank originally Clay Aiken
Did he ever play a knight in armor?
Natalie Starboardman
Can't Bid Lean originally Clean Bandit
Marion Shelby
Can It Be Land? originally Clean Bandit
Editor's note: Please make individual submissions
Band, Clean It originally Clean Bandit
Marion Shelby
The Clef Stone originally The Cleftones
Christy Blanchard
The Cleft Nose originally The Cleftones
Penny Nichols
The Left Cones originally The Cleftones
Penny Nichols
The Cleft Ones originally The Cleftones
Would be perfect for space-change of band names.
Penny Nichols
Plot A Race originally Cleopatra
Alert A Cop originally Cleopatra
Locate Par originally Cleopatra
Something done on a golf course?
Actor Plea originally Cleopatra
A Pectoral originally Cleopatra
A type of muscle
A Clear Top originally Cleopatra
Pale Actor originally Cleopatra
A Clear Pot originally Cleopatra
To A Parcel originally Cleopatra
5 Lick Chet originally The Click 5
Carolyn Morgenstern
Edward's Cliff originally Cliff Edwards
Anita Grade
Ford Flurry CCI originally Clifford Curry
The 201st Ford Flurry
Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
Max CLI originally Climax
The 151st in a line of peopole named Max
Clam XI originally Climax
The eleventh clam in some sequence
Clam IX originally Climax
The ninth clam in some sequence
Cal MIX originally Climax
The 1009th in a line of Cals
Iris Verna
Cal MXI originally Climax
The 1011th in a line of Cals
Iris Verna
I'm Cal X originally Climax
I'm the tenth in a line of Cals
Iris Verna
Semi-Rich Life originally Climie Fisher
Anna Graham
Fish Crime Lie originally Climie Fisher
Cheer If I Slim originally Climie Fisher
Anna Graham
Chief Is Miler originally Climie Fisher
Rich File Is Me originally Climie Fisher
Uhmmm... okay
File His Crime originally Climie Fisher
...on his criminal record
I See Rich Film originally Climie Fisher
Rifle His Mice originally Climie Fisher
What for??!
If Rime, Chisel! originally Climie Fisher
I Ice Shelf Rim originally Climie Fisher
Baseball Diamond Ring Around The Rosie O'Donnell
Elm Chief Iris originally Climie Fisher
Chef Iris' Lime originally Climie Fisher
His Rim, Felice originally Climie Fisher
Fish, Rice, Lime originally Climie Fisher
Fishier Clime originally Climie Fisher
Natalie Lundgren
Film Is 'I Cheer' originally Climie Fisher
Interesting title for a film...
Chief Mile, Sir originally Climie Fisher
I, Chief Smiler originally Climie Fisher
Anna Graham
Her Film Is 'Ice' originally Climie Fisher
I wonder what it's about...??
Kara Oke
His Crime File originally Climie Fisher
The complete criminal record of a bad guy?
Keira Dayley
Chief Lime, Sir originally Climie Fisher
Shire-Ice Film originally Climie Fisher
Hi, I'm Lice Serf originally Climie Fisher
What an enviable thing to be!?!
Amanda Svenson
Film Shire Ice originally Climie Fisher
Sandy Duncan Donuts
Leif Is Chimer originally Climie Fisher
Orville Beddenrocker
Iris' Chief Elm originally Climie Fisher
I, I, Me--Rich Self! originally Climie Fisher
Could this be from a stutterer?
His Crime Life originally Climie Fisher
The story of a criminal?
Keira Dayley
See Firm Chili originally Climie Fisher
Anna Graham
See Chili Firm originally Climie Fisher
Anna Graham
Old West Action originally Clint Eastwood
very fitting
Joel Bothello
Lichens Molt originally Clint Holmes
Lydia Idyl
Splice originally Clipse
Natalie Portmanteau Word
Rodger Had Clogs originally Clodagh Rodgers
Trina Lufkin
Loco Yen originally Clooney
Meg Owens
C-Lover originally Clover
C could stand for anything like Vitamin C, etc...
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Loves Chert originally The Clovers
Beverly Stiles
Cover Seth L. originally The Clovers
Beverly Stiles
Covert Shel originally The Clovers
Beverly Stiles
Chet's Lover originally The Clovers
Beverly Stiles
Bounce Uvula originally Club Nouveau
Gordy N. Knott
Cub Luau Oven originally Club Nouveau
Gordy N. Knott
Fleet Cub originally Clubfeet
Vicky Norton
Felt Cube originally Clubfeet
Vicky Norton
Beef Cult originally Clubfeet
Vicky Norton
Marble Coach originally Coal Chamber
Gretchen Wieners
Macabre Loch originally Coal Chamber
Gretchen Wieners
A Macro Belch originally Coal Chamber
Gretchen Wieners
Beach Clamor originally Coal Chamber
Gretchen Wieners
Camel Broach originally Coal Chamber
Gretchen Wieners
Close Ace originally Coalesce
Miss Elanius
Across Teeth originally The Coasters
Etta James Taylor Swift
State Chores originally The Coasters
Octets Share originally The Coasters
Joy Stick
Echoes Start originally The Coasters
Hector's Teas originally The Coasters
These Actors originally The Coasters
These Or Cast originally The Coasters
Chose Treats originally The Coasters
Rotate Chess originally The Coasters
Hate Corsets originally The Coasters
Kara Oke
East Torches originally The Coasters
Anna Graham
Actor's Sheet originally The Coasters
Anna Graham
Here To Casts originally The Coasters
Fiona Pear
Test Roaches originally The Coasters
These Or Cats originally The Coasters
Three Coasts originally The Coasters
Anna Graham
Stores Cheat originally The Coasters
He Rests A Cot originally The Coasters
Not Good With Anagrams
Secret Hosta originally The Coasters
Hosta: shade-tolerant foliage plant
Anna Graham
The Coarsest originally The Coasters
Hate Sectors originally The Coasters
Boy George Michael Jordan Knight Rider Strong
Cast The Rose originally The Coasters
Theses Or Cat originally The Coasters
Odd choice of options...
Queen Elizabeth Taylor Swift Kick in the Pants
A Secret Shot originally The Coasters
Anna Graham
See Short Act originally The Coasters
Heat Corsets originally The Coasters
Octet Rashes originally The Coasters
Joy Stick
Other Castes originally The Coasters
Toast Cheers originally The Coasters
Anna Graham
Host Creates originally The Coasters
She Tore Cast originally The Coasters
So her injury recovery will take even longer...
A Secret Host originally The Coasters
Anna Graham
Sheets Or Cat originally The Coasters
Cast Or These originally The Coasters
Octet Shares originally The Coasters
Joy Stick
Sore Cat Seth originally The Coasters
Anna Graham
Scatter Hose originally The Coasters
Cats Or Sheet originally The Coasters
Street Chaos originally The Coasters
Joy Stick
Rest Hot Case originally The Coasters
Erect Hot Ass originally The Coasters
I hope this isn't too offensive.
Boy George Harrison Ford Mustang Sally Field Goal
Share Octets originally The Coasters
Hector's Seat originally The Coasters
Create Shots originally The Coasters
Sheet Or Cats originally The Coasters
Hosts Create originally The Coasters
Hosta Secret originally The Coasters
Boy George Harrison Ford Pinto Bean Bag
See Short Cat originally The Coasters
Chase Toters originally The Coasters
Kara Oke
There's Coast originally The Coasters
Hoes Scatter originally The Coasters
Hotter Cases originally The Coasters
Scot Sat Here originally The Coasters
Otters Chase originally The Coasters
Sheet Or Acts originally The Coasters
Toter Chases originally The Coasters
Tasters Echo originally The Coasters
Taster Chose originally The Coasters
Otter Chases originally The Coasters
Heat Sectors originally The Coasters
Etcher's Oats originally The Coasters
Recast Those originally The Coasters
Kara Oke
Tot Searches originally The Coasters
Kara Oke
Cat Or Theses originally The Coasters
A Sector, Seth originally The Coasters
Anna Graham
Toss Cheater originally The Coasters
Cat Or Sheets originally The Coasters
Escort Haste originally The Coasters
However one does that...
Toss Cat Here originally The Coasters
Car-Hose Test originally The Coasters
Kara Oke
Her Seat Cost originally The Coasters
Kara Oke
Actor Theses originally The Coasters
Heater's Cost originally The Coasters
Toters Chase originally The Coasters
Scot Theresa originally The Coasters
Otter's Aches originally The Coasters
Acts Or Sheet originally The Coasters
Kara Oke
Cheat Tosser originally The Coasters
Anna Graham
A Corset, Seth originally The Coasters
Kara Oke
Top Brass Chair originally Cobra Starship
Evil Olive
Boars Shit Crap originally Cobra Starship
Oh, who would've seen that coming?
Nunnya Bizniss
Costar Bar Ship originally Cobra Starship
Gebbie Dibson
Brass Hip Actor originally Cobra Starship
Evil Olive
Brass Roach Pit originally Cobra Starship
Who'd wanna keep their roaches in anything less?
Evil Olive
Leticia, Call Bo originally Colbie Caillat
Bo, Call Leticia originally Colbie Caillat
Locate Bacilli originally Colbie Caillat
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
A Balletic Coil originally Colbie Caillat
All A Celtic Bio originally Colbie Caillat
Clod originally Cold
Valerie Cameron
Lob Old Cod originally Cold Blood
Becky Bright
Old Old Cob originally Cold Blood
Becky Bright
Do Cob Doll originally Cold Blood
Becky Bright
Close Child originally Cold Chisel
Eva Cave
Card Low Kids originally Cold War Kids
Joanna Hawthorne
Raw Dock Lids originally Cold War Kids
Joanna Hawthorne
Do Draw Licks originally Cold War Kids
Sheena Weston
Discord Walk originally Cold War Kids
Rad Old Wicks originally Cold War Kids
Sheena Weston
Scold Raw Kid originally Cold War Kids
Pam Tabor
Old War Dicks originally Cold War Kids
Sheena Weston
Work Carl's Id originally Cold War Kids
Joanna Hawthorne
Scold War Kid originally Cold War Kids
Pam Tabor
Dock War Lids originally Cold War Kids
Joanna Hawthorne
Dopy Call originally Coldplay
Lucille Ball sized hail
Lady Clop originally Coldplay
Play Clod originally Coldplay
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Do Clay LP originally Coldplay
Play Cold originally Coldplay
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Call Dopy originally Coldplay
Billy Reuben
Copy Dall originally Coldplay
Imitate a dall sheep?
Hannah Montanalestes
Dolly Cap originally Coldplay
Daphne Hughes
Plodclay originally Coldplay
Acorn Lid originally Coldrain
Anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
Dr. Oilcan originally Coldrain
Hayley Spalding
Laid Corn originally Coldrain
Anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
Lion Card originally Coldrain
Hayley Spalding
Rand Coil originally Coldrain
Hayley Spalding
Loin Card originally Coldrain
Hayley Spalding
Teal Correct originally Colette Carr
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Late Correct originally Colette Carr
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Retrace Clot originally Colette Carr
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Tale Correct originally Colette Carr
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Lace Log originally Collage
Jim Raveling
Geo Call originally Collage
Candace Troy Powers
Cog, Ella originally Collage
Log Lace originally Collage
Smellma Pitz
Ogle Cal originally Collage
Chuma Pantzov
Cola Gel originally Collage
Ego Call originally Collage
Log Alec originally Collage
Coal Gel originally Collage
Occult Oil Elves originally Collective Soul
Marcia Todd
Lei On Carly originally Collin Raye
She must have just come back from Hawaii
I Rely On Cal originally Collin Raye
A 'Noel' Lyric originally Collin Raye
Fitting if he ever did Christmas music
Rally On Ice originally Collin Raye
In hockey, if a team makes a comeback?
Lyrical One originally Collin Raye
Rely On Cali originally Collin Raye
Cali can be someone's name
Nicer Alloy originally Collin Raye
Lina Corley originally Collin Raye
Ah, a gender change by anagramming!
Only A Relic originally Collin Raye
Color Mad Bed originally Color Me Badd
Harry Truman Capote
Combo Ladder originally Color Me Badd
Clam Brooded originally Color Me Badd
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
A Combed Lord originally Color Me Badd
Carrie-Ann Crowe
Molded Cobra originally Color Me Badd
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
Doc, Blame Rod originally Color Me Badd
Cradled Boom originally Color Me Badd
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
Ladder Combo originally Color Me Badd
Molded Carob originally Color Me Badd
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
Clod Fort originally Colt Ford
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Cold Fort originally Colt Ford
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Not Cold In Ox originally Colton Dixon
Holly Stefan
Dion Colton X originally Colton Dixon
The tenth in a lineage named "Dion Colton"
Brittany James
Don Colton XI originally Colton Dixon
The eleventh in a lineage named "Don Colton"
Brittany James
Dino Colton X originally Colton Dixon
The tenth in a lineage named "Dino Colton"
Brittany James
Don Colton IX originally Colton Dixon
The ninth in a lineage named "Don Colton"
Brittany James
Them Ocas originally The Comas
Oca = Oxalis tuberosa, a South American food plant
Rachel Stedman
Moa Chest originally The Comas
Moa = an extinct giant flightless bird
Cheryl Jordan
Most Ache originally The Comas
Cheryl Jordan
Met Chaos originally The Comas
Cheryl Jordan
Chet Amos originally The Comas
Cheryl Jordan
He Rots Commode originally The Commodores
Regina Haniger
Escorted Ho Mom originally The Commodores
Regina Haniger
Other Commodes originally The Commodores
Axl Sean
Modest Moocher originally The Commodores
Regina Haniger
Con Mom originally Common
Anna Faris Wheel
Cop By Man originally Company B
Lauryn Canna
By No Camp originally Company B
Lauryn Canna
My Cob Pan originally Company B
Lauryn Canna
Mop By Can originally Company B
Lauryn Canna
Bony Camp originally Company B
Lauryn Canna
Ban My Cop originally Company B
Lauryn Canna
My Bop Can originally Company B
Lauryn Canna
Once Bold Center originally Concrete Blonde
Carrie Overwood
Blond Crete Cone originally Concrete Blonde
Karen Smith
Be Old Connector originally Concrete Blonde
Carrie Overwood
O Blend Concrete originally Concrete Blonde
Karen Smith
Bled On Concrete originally Concrete Blonde
Karen Smith
Cut On Cord originally Conductor
Becky Bright
Cod On Curt originally Conductor
Becky Bright
Do Cut Corn originally Conductor
Becky Bright
Or Conduct originally Conductor
Becky Bright
Crud On Cot originally Conductor
Becky Bright
Curd On Cot originally Conductor
Becky Bright
No Cut Cord originally Conductor
Becky Bright
No Cod, Curt originally Conductor
Becky Bright
Concur Dot originally Conductor
Becky Bright
Cord Count originally Conductor
Becky Bright
Corn To Cud originally Conductor
Becky Bright
Newborn Icon originally Connie Brown
Naomi Swanson
Own Neon Crib originally Connie Brown
Naomi Swanson
Newborn Coin originally Connie Brown
Naomi Swanson
On No New Crib originally Connie Brown
Naomi Swanson
New Moon Crib originally Connie Brown
Naomi Swanson
Coins In France originally Connie Francis
Today, those would be fractional euros.
If Corinne Cans originally Connie Francis
Cans what?
Melissa Officinalis
Francisco Nine originally Connie Francis
Preceded by 8 other guys named Francisco?
Mini-Notches originally Connie Smith
Winter Pepper
Intense Covens originally Connie Stevens
Rapunzel Gladstone
Seine Convents originally Connie Stevens
Rapunzel Gladstone
Teens In Covens originally Connie Stevens
Rapunzel Gladstone
Son Cannot originally Consonant
Chet On Tours originally The Contours
Sylvia Curruca
Roust The Con originally The Contours
Ruby Spinel
Hot Counters originally The Contours
Sort No Chute originally The Contours
Dogniss Everdeen
Chosen Tutor originally The Contours
Other Counts originally The Contours
One Cut Short originally The Contours
Count Others originally The Contours
No Hot Cruets originally The Contours
The Croutons originally The Contours
Contest Hour originally The Contours
Hunt To Score originally The Contours
Something done in a video game?
Hot Recounts originally The Contours
No Cuter Host originally The Contours
Cohorts' Tune originally The Contours
Chosen Trout originally The Contours
Southern Cot originally The Contours
Honest Court originally The Contours
Not Our Chest originally The Contours
As in a treasure chest
Barn And Cot originally Contraband
Ava Murphy
Don't Ban Car originally Contraband
Corn And Bat originally Contraband
Megan Tereon
Cover Gen originally Converge
Cotton Lorraine
Never Cog originally Converge
A Cony's Sod originally Conya Doss
Cony = pika, hyrax, or certain types of fish!
Etta James Taylor Swift
Nosy As Cod originally Conya Doss
Cod Are Nosy?
Etta James Taylor Swift
Do Scan Soy originally Conya Doss
Etta James Taylor Swift
Sandy Coos originally Conya Doss
Sandy makes like a dove?
Etta James Taylor Swift
Say 'Condos' originally Conya Doss
Etta James Taylor Swift
Coon's Days originally Conya Doss
Coon, as in short for raccoon
Etta James Taylor Swift
Cosy As Nod originally Conya Doss
Etta James Taylor Swift
I Cook These originally The Cookies
Rhonda Hindle
Choose Kite originally The Cookies
Rhonda Hindle
Oo, Coil originally Coolio
Paige Evans
Lo, I Coo originally Coolio
Just like a dove?
Richard Wetfuss
Other Cotes originally The Cooters
Top Coco Shop originally Cop Shoot Cop
Wendy Torrance
Posh Coco Pot originally Cop Shoot Cop
Wendy Torrance
Posh Coco Shop originally Cop Shoot Cop
Wendy Torrance
Chop To Scoop originally Cop Shoot Cop
Wendy Torrance
Posh Coop Cot originally Cop Shoot Cop
Wendy Torrance
Copal Den originally Copeland
Regina Haniger
Copal End originally Copeland
Regina Haniger
Old Pecan originally Copeland
Renee Sutton
Dope Clan originally Copeland
Natasha Bly
Clean Pod originally Copeland
Renee Sutton
Open Clad originally Copeland
A "wardrobe malfunction", maybe?
Chloe Art originally The Coral
Lore Chat originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Chlorate originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Alto Cher originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
The Carol originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Hotel Car originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Hear Colt originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
A Chortle originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Halt Core originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Cart Hole originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Her Octal originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Reach Lot originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Other Cal originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Let Roach originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Cloth Era originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Hot Clare originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Latch Ore originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Hot Lacer originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Are Cloth originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Cloth Ear originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Chelator originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Torch Ale originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Hotel Arc originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
To Rachel originally The Coral
Alyssa Jayne
Coin Rubble originally Corbin Bleu
Christina Caraway
Icon Rubble originally Corbin Bleu
Christina Caraway
Rather Coy originally Corey Hart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Tray Chore originally Corey Hart
Emmy Kay Butanone
Rye Ho Cart originally Corey Hart
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
Toy Archer originally Corey Hart
Lucille Ball sized hail
Car Theory originally Corey Hart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Oat Cherry originally Corey Hart
A very unlikely hybrid
Regina Haniger
Arc Theory originally Corey Hart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Carrot, Hey? originally Corey Hart
Yes. Carrots are good for you.
Archer Toy originally Corey Hart
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Reach Troy originally Corey Hart
Troy must be short.
Yo Try Oracle originally Corey Taylor
Ned MacCamden
Rye Coral Toy originally Corey Taylor
Ned MacCamden
Carino originally Corina
can be a Hispanic surname, w/ or w/o tilde over N
Con Air originally Corina
1997 action movie starring Nicolas Cage
Rare Connie Bailey originally Corinne Bailey Rae
Gordy N. Knott
Son Or Perch originally Cornershop
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Heron Corps originally Cornershop
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
No, Cora originally Corona
Saying 'no' to someone named Cora
On Orca originally Corona
Jean Goodsprings
Racoon originally Corona
No Orca originally Corona
Jean Goodsprings
On Cora originally Corona
Jean Goodsprings
Crooner originally Coroner
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
O Coroner originally Coroner
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Short Rec originally The Corrs
I Cart Horses originally The Corsairs
Gordy N. Knott
Air The Cross originally The Corsairs
Natalie Portmanteau Word
Is Orchestra originally The Corsairs
Probably not quite
Gordy N. Knott
Riot Chasers originally The Corsairs
Gordy N. Knott
Roy C. originally Cory
R. Jeanine O'Succinate
Cryo originally Cory
Cryo = pertaining to extreme cold, or cryogenics
Bridal Shower Curtain Call Waiting Room
Or Cy originally Cory
Candy Welty
O Cry originally Cory
Candy Welty
Girls' Comics originally Cosmic Girls
I've Fun Cot originally Count Five
Lucinda Blair
Fount Vice originally Count Five
Tiffany Furlong
Counts The Arts originally Count The Stars
Anna Faris Wheel
Seth, Count Rats originally Count The Stars
Anna Faris Wheel
He Starts Count originally Count The Stars
Anna Faris Wheel
Seth, Count Tars originally Count The Stars
Anna Faris Wheel
He Counts Tarts originally Count The Stars
Anna Faris Wheel
Trouncing Cows originally Counting Crows
..sounds scary
Won Stucco Ring originally Counting Crows
How peculiar!
Anna Graham
Scouting Crown originally Counting Crows
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Cut Crow In Song originally Counting Crows
Not Circus Gown originally Counting Crows
Now Ring Stucco originally Counting Crows
Icon Stung Crow originally Counting Crows
Count Cow Rings originally Counting Crows
Joanna Hawthorne
Sign Won't Occur originally Counting Crows
...until I read and understand the contract.
Grow Stucco Inn originally Counting Crows
Grown In Stucco originally Counting Crows
Rocco Swung Tin originally Counting Crows
Doug Pitts
Ton Circus Gown originally Counting Crows
Big enough for a heavy set clown?
Cows Not Cursing originally Counting Crows
Sonic Cow Grunt originally Counting Crows
Coin Stung Crow originally Counting Crows
Crow Stung Coin originally Counting Crows
Sing 'Two Concur' originally Counting Crows
I Scorn Cut Gown originally Counting Crows
Maybe at a junk sale?
Concur Sign Two originally Counting Crows
Crow Sung In Cot originally Counting Crows
I Cut Crown Song originally Counting Crows
Carrie Overwood
Wrong Sonic Cut originally Counting Crows
Count Corn Wigs originally Counting Crows
You Jet The Corn And Fish originally Country Joe And The Fish
Etta James Dean Martin Luther King Lear
Joyce And The Fish On Rut originally Country Joe And The Fish
Conjure The Toy And Fish originally Country Joe And The Fish
Cure Joy And The Ton Fish originally Country Joe And The Fish
Jet Our Cony And The Fish originally Country Joe And The Fish
Cue Torn Joy And The Fish originally Country Joe And The Fish
Enjoy The Court And Fish originally Country Joe And The Fish
Trounce Joy And The Fish originally Country Joe And The Fish
Courtney Jo And The Fish originally Country Joe And The Fish
Coy Volunteer originally Courtney Love
Dan Drackley
Clone Your Vet originally Courtney Love
Axl Sean
You Not Clever originally Courtney Love
Axl Sean
Lout Conveyer originally Courtney Love
Axl Sean
Hi, Rust Cop originally Courtship
Penny Nichols
I Hop Crust originally Courtship
Penny Nichols
I Crush The Top originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Shirt Coup originally Courtship
Penny Nichols
This Other Cup originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Hit Hot Spruce originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
The Torch Is Up originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
I Chop The Rust originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
The Chorus Pit originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Ice Shop Truth originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Super Hot Chit originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
The Chorus Tip originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Poetic Thrush originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Stir The Pouch originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
I Shut The Crop originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Hospice Truth originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Thrice Shot Up originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Chop Tire Thus originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
The Pit Chorus originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
I Torch The Pus originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Touch Hipster originally The Courtship
Claire Grayson
Seth, Rig Clover originally The Cover Girls
Christina Caraway
Light's Coverer originally The Cover Girls
Chest Over Girl originally The Cover Girls
Rich Voter's Gel originally The Cover Girls
Grovelers Itch originally The Cover Girls
Lighter Covers originally The Cover Girls
Rigs The Clover originally The Cover Girls
Voter's Rich Gel originally The Cover Girls
Liza Lott
Rivet Her Clogs originally The Cover Girls
Lighter's Cover originally The Cover Girls
Clogs The River originally The Cover Girls
Cover Lighters originally The Cover Girls
Joy Stick
Rich Voter's Leg originally The Cover Girls
Stir Clever Hog originally The Cover Girls
Rig Elves' Torch originally The Cover Girls
So Clever, Right? originally The Cover Girls
Anna Graham
Sever Rig Cloth originally The Cover Girls
Givers Chortle originally The Cover Girls
Chortlers Give originally The Cover Girls
Rest Rich Glove originally The Cover Girls
Girl Over Chest originally The Cover Girls
Joy Stick
The Rig's Clover originally The Cover Girls
Joy Stick
Richest Glover originally The Cover Girls
Glitch Or Verse originally The Cover Girls
Chris Got Lever originally The Cover Girls
Joy Stick
Sever Torch, Gil originally The Cover Girls
Relight Covers originally The Cover Girls
Verse Or Glitch originally The Cover Girls
Clover Sighter originally The Cover Girls
Her Legs, Victor originally The Cover Girls
Anna Graham
Recover Lights originally The Cover Girls
Elves Rig Torch originally The Cover Girls
Joy Stick
Cover Girl, Seth originally The Cover Girls
Joy Stick
Cover Seth, Girl originally The Cover Girls
Joy Stick
Cows Copy Boa originally Cowboy Copas
Regina Haniger
A Cowboy's Cop originally Cowboy Copas
Regina Haniger
Uh, Tomboy Cow originally Cowboy Mouth
Moth Buoy Cow originally Cowboy Mouth
How could a moth buoy a cow?
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Cow Youth Mob originally Cowboy Mouth
Carrie Dawn Knight-Lee
Youth Mow Cob originally Cowboy Mouth
H. Tim Smith
By Cow Or Toy originally Cowboy Troy
Daryl Hannah Montana
Toy Boy Crow originally Cowboy Troy
Angela Sleepyhorse
Chet's Ill Sow originally The Cowsills
Helena Hoover
Seth's Ill Cow originally The Cowsills
Helena Hoover
Chilliest Sow originally The Cowsills
Jessica Junderworth
Stitch to Eyesores originally The Coyote Sisters
Frieda Evans
The Coy Toe Sisters originally The Coyote Sisters
Cheryl Jordan
Resist The Coyotes originally The Coyote Sisters
The Mole
Resist The Coy Toes originally The Coyote Sisters
Cheryl Jordan
Rent Blob Papacy originally Crabby Appleton
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Capably Born Pet originally Crabby Appleton
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Be Bony Claptrap originally Crabby Appleton
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Anal Bebop Crypt originally Crabby Appleton
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Rec Rack originally Cracker
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
A Riffled Cloth originally Cradle of Filth
Third Focal Elf originally Cradle Of Filth
Obscure meaning, but improvement on original
Hilary Duffelbag
Floral Itch Fed originally Cradle of Filth
I just /had/ to have some flowers!
Cablegram Clip originally Craig Campbell
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Be Calm, Cap Girl originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Climb Large Cap originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Climb Clear Gap originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
A Big Cell Cramp originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Relic Bag Clamp originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
I Call Camp Berg originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Big Clam Parcel originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Legal Camp Crib originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Crimp Ball Cage originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Grab Camel Clip originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Calm Cable Grip originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Rig Cable Clamp originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Crimp Cable Gal originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Big Clear Clamp originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Climb Pale Crag originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Big Camp Cellar originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Magic Carp Bell originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Big Camp Caller originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Cram Bagel Clip originally Craig Campbell
Joy Stick
Gad, Vicar Id originally Craig David
Norman Cornelius
Dig Car Diva originally Craig David
Car Diva? Huuunnnnhh?
Norman Cornelius
Chert Maps originally The Cramps
Maps of a chert rock formation?
Tara Gilmer
Pam's Chert originally The Cramps
Chert = sedimentary rock of precipitated silica
Monica Harpootlian
Them Craps originally The Cramps
Might refer to dice -- or whatever....
Elsie Greer
Barren Heretics originally The Cranberries
Transcribe Here originally The Cranberries
A Terrier's Bench originally The Cranberries
Regina Haniger
Mr. Schmidt Uses Tea originally Crash Test Dummies
Craves Gash originally Crash Vegas
What a thing to crave!
Natalie Lundgren
Shave Crags originally Crash Vegas
Natasha Bly
Trash Dice originally Crashdiet
Lisa Rose
Trashed CI originally Crashdiet
The 101st band named 'Trashed'?
Lisa Rose
Recent Hazy Pal originally Crazy Elephant
Hazy Tern Place originally Crazy Elephant
Apt Crazy Helen originally Crazy Elephant
Pet Zachary, Len originally Crazy Elephant
Bob Oldhart
Help Crazy Nate originally Crazy Elephant
The Lazy Prance originally Crazy Elephant
Rent Hazy Place originally Crazy Elephant
Anna Graham
Recent Hazy Alp originally Crazy Elephant
Pat Crazy Helen originally Crazy Elephant
Mr. Bump
Hazy Parcel Net originally Crazy Elephant
Lazy-Hen Carpet originally Crazy Elephant
Pet Len, Zachary originally Crazy Elephant
Bob Oldhart
Zap A Net, Cheryl originally Crazy Elephant
A Lazy Hen Crept originally Crazy Elephant
Tap Crazy Helen originally Crazy Elephant
The Crazy Plane originally Crazy Elephant
Cheap Lazy Tern originally Crazy Elephant
Then Play 'Craze' originally Crazy Elephant
Zap Neat Cheryl originally Crazy Elephant
Crazy Planet, Eh? originally Crazy Elephant
Lazy Neat Perch originally Crazy Elephant
Pelt A Crazy Hen originally Crazy Elephant
Hertz Anyplace originally Crazy Elephant
Pry A Cent, Hazel originally Crazy Elephant
The Crazy Panel originally Crazy Elephant
Zap Net, Charley originally Crazy Elephant
Liz Cray XX originally Crazy Lixx
Twentieth in a lineage named "Liz Cray"
Consta Pate
Lazy Crixx originally Crazy Lixx
"Crixx" is as much a word as "Lixx"
Natalie Merchant's Milpond
Crazy XLIX originally Crazy Lixx
XLIX = Roman numeral for 49
No One In Particular
Crazy LXIX originally Crazy Lixx
LXIX = Roman numeral for 69
No One In Particular
Crazy LXXI originally Crazy Lixx
LXXI = Roman numeral for 71
No One In Particular
Oozy Tract originally Crazy Otto
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Try Cat Zoo originally Crazy Otto
Craig David Keith Urban Legend
To Cozy Rat originally Crazy Otto
Try Zoo Act originally Crazy Otto
Try Zoo Cat originally Crazy Otto
Such as a lion or tiger?
Me Car originally Cream
Mr. Ace originally Cream
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
McRae originally Cream
Sarah Tonin
Ceram originally Cream
Ceram is an island in Indonesia.
Regina Haniger
Create Sour Vice originally Creative Source
Marjorie Danvers
Reactive Source originally Creative Source
Trina Lufkin
Chest Rest originally The Crests
Sets Chert originally The Crests
Chert = chemically precipitated siliceous rock
Vicky Norton
Stretches originally The Crests
The Stone Rec originally The Cretones
Another Anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
The One Crest originally The Cretones
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Set The Crone originally The Cretones
Sheena Weston
The Teen Orcs originally The Cretones
Janis Ian Fleming
The Ten Cores originally The Cretones
Hannah Montanalestes
Rich Bets originally The Cribs
A guy named Rich(ard) places a bet
Britches originally The Cribs
Ads Blasting Synchronously originally Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
Gary Albright
A Serf's Doc originally Crossfade
Jessica Bielzebub
Dross Cafe originally Crossfade
Natalie Stonecipher
Safer Docs originally Crossfade
Jessica Bielzebub
Scarf Odes originally Crossfade
Jessica Bielzebub
Fears Docs originally Crossfade
Jessica Bielzebub
Crow Dude Hose originally Crowded House
Well that's bizarre!
Melanie Bianca Green
Reduced? How So? originally Crowded House
Reuse Odd Chow originally Crowded House
Jessica Childress
Do Use Chowder originally Crowded House
Jessica Childress
Whore Sued Doc originally Crowded House
Douse Chowder originally Crowded House
Jessica Childress
Draws Such Ox originally Cruxshadows
Toni Minot
Wash Ox Curds originally Cruxshadows
Toni Minot
Lo, Fry Cove originally Cry Of Love
A cove isn't an easy thing to fry!
Natalie Starboardman
They Sham Cranes originally The Cryan' Shames
Francine Harper
Cy Shames Anther originally The Cryan' Shames
Anther = a pollen-producing part of a flower
Ruby Gillespie
Last Stars Cycle originally Crystal Castles
Clearly Stagy originally Crystal Gayle
A Salty Clergy originally Crystal Gayle
Bridget Andrews
Greatly Scaly originally Crystal Gayle
Bridget Andrews
A Moldy Stretch originally Crystal Method
Regina Olsen
Matched Sly Rot originally Crystal Method
Regina Olsen
Do Crystal Meth originally Crystal Method
Wonder if that's intentional?
Regina Olsen
Mostly Charted originally Crystal Method
Regina Olsen
My Trot Clashed originally Crystal Method
Regina Olsen
Dana Crystal Shaw originally Crystal Shawanda
Now it could be someone else's name!
Wendy Torrance
Shaw And A Crystal originally Crystal Shawanda
Wendy Torrance
Wash Dana Crystal originally Crystal Shawanda
She needs a bath bad!
Wendy Torrance
Tasty Crawlers originally Crystal Waters
Hopefully this is acceptable
Miss Elanius
Last Waters Cry originally Crystal Waters
Courtney Mears
Crystal's Water originally Crystal Waters
Bob Oldhart
Carly's Raw Test originally Crystal Waters
A Crew's Last Try originally Crystal Waters
Bob Oldhart
Try A Screw Last originally Crystal Waters
for carpentry work
Crysta Walters originally Crystal Waters
Courtney Mears
Let's Try Cash originally The Crystals
Try The Class originally The Crystals
Try Less Chat originally The Crystals
Chart Styles originally The Crystals
Try Satchels originally The Crystals
Use Tech originally The Cues
Loree Dare
Etch, Sue. originally The Cues
Loree Dare
Celt Hut originally The Cult
Carolyn Morgenstern
Cull Of Tuna originally Cult Of Luna
A Full Count originally Cult Of Luna
In baseball, 3 balls and 2 strikes on a batter
Cult of Luan originally Cult of Luna
Brionna Secret
Be A True Cult originally Culture Beat
Hilary Nevis
A Clue: Butter originally Culture Beat
Be At Cut Lure originally Culture Beat
Paula Bland
A Blue Cutter originally Culture Beat
Cute Blue Art originally Culture Beat
A Better UCLA originally Culture Beat
A Cute Butler originally Culture Beat
Cut Blue Curl originally Culture Club
Joe Siebert
Cup Id originally Cupid
Can a cup have an id?
Angie O'Plasty
Cree Hut originally The Cure
R. Jeanine O'Succinate
Eh, Truce originally The Cure
Darryl Hannah Montana
Uh, Crete? originally The Cure
Hesitatingly giving "Crete" as answer to question
Anita Corning
Cut Here originally The Cure
Daryl Hannah Montana
C U There originally The Cure
shorthand for 'See you there'
Her Cute originally The Cure
...cute what?
George Straitjacket
The Curio -- It Killed Stacy originally Curiosity Killed The Cat
Caroline Vale
I May Curse Mover originally A Cursive Memory
Twila Paris Hilton
Curse Army Movie originally A Cursive Memory
Twila Paris Hilton
Ivory Serum Came originally A Cursive Memory
Twila Paris Hilton
May I Curse Mover? originally A Cursive Memory
Twila Paris Hilton
Curse Ivy Ear Mom originally A Cursive Memory
Twila Paris Hilton
Crowd Out Kirk originally Curt Kirkwood
Ugh, not being very nice to Kirk
Karen Smith
Trucker's Pin originally Curt Perkins
Curt Perkins was a session singer/composer
Pinker Crust originally Curt Perkins
Stephanie Craddock
Ah Curtie, Tend Boombox originally Curtie And The Boombox
Louisa Ferncliff
Cutie The Rand Boombox originally Curtie and the Boombox
Louisa Ferncliff
Cruelties originally Curtis Lee
Clue Rites originally Curtis Lee
Hank E. Panky
Cute Siler originally Curtis Lee
Hank E. Panky
Cutleries originally Curtis Lee
Rite Clues originally Curtis Lee
Hank E. Panky
Curtis's Tigers originally Curtis Stigers
Lorraine Thoanjer
To Scum originally Custom
Annette Oraline Fisher
Cot Sum originally Custom
Annette Oraline Fisher
NC Wig Cutter originally Cutting Crew
NC = North Carolina
Cotton Lorraine
By Col originally Cylob
Col = mountain pass or other ridge low point
Sylvia Curruca
Colby originally Cylob
Raggedy Andy Dick Clark Gable
Roman Cry originally Cymarron
Manor Cry originally Cymarron
H. Tim Smith
Marry Con originally Cymarron
H. Tim Smith
My Rancor originally Cymarron
H. Tim Smith
Army Corn originally Cymarron
H. Tim Smith
Corny Ram originally Cymarron
H. Tim Smith
Mary Corn originally Cymarron
H. Tim Smith
Cindy U. Pearl originally Cyndi Lauper
Kevin Bacon Cheeseburger In Paradise Lost
Cindy Lauper originally Cyndi Lauper
Now gives her first name the more common spelling.
Angelica Monghan
Laundry Epic originally Cyndi Lauper
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Uncle Ry Paid originally Cyndi Lauper
Ry can be a short name for Ryan.
Pain Crudely originally Cyndi Lauper
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
I Pruned Clay originally Cyndi Lauper
Prune as a verb can mean to reduce
Under Icy Alp originally Cyndi Lauper
...more snow?
Epic Laundry originally Cyndi Lauper
Play Inducer originally Cyndi Lauper
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Up A Cylinder originally Cyndi Lauper
Panic Rudely originally Cyndi Lauper
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
I Pander Lucy originally Cyndi Lauper
Lunacy Pride originally Cyndi Lauper
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Pure Icy Land originally Cyndi Lauper
Antarctica, anyone?
Real Dicy Pun originally Cyndi Lauper
what "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" with?
I'd Prune Clay originally Cyndi Lauper
Cyanide Purl originally Cyndi Lauper
Keith Urban Legend
Nearly Cupid originally Cyndi Lauper
Rachel Blattington
Cindy Thomson originally Cyndi Thomson
Changes her first name to more common spelling.
Hilary Nevis
In Yacht originally Cynthia
Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
Any Itch originally Cynthia
Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
Achy Tin originally Cynthia
Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
Spy Chillers originally Cypress Hill
Pricy Shells originally Cypress Hill
Crispy Shell originally Cypress Hill
Toni Minot
Crispy Hells originally Cypress Hill
Toni Minot
Elk Cry originally Cyrkle

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