Entries Beginning with J
Can Kim keep her rump from jutting out?
Fiona Apple Cider
"I'm Jo Tan," Newcleus originally
"Jam On It" Regina Olsen
"I Jam Not," Newcleus originally
"Jam On It" Regina Olsen
"Man I Jot," Newcleus originally
"Jam On It" Regina Olsen
"I Jam Ton," Newcleus originally
"Jam On It" Regina Olsen
"Jasmine, I Cry," Van Halen originally
"Jamie's Cryin'" Alexis
of course, 'Jan E.' would be a space-change!
How'd this obvious anagram get missed?
Also a space-change!
Rupert Heyburn
"Seagoing Jaunt," Aerosmith originally
"Janie's Got A Gun" Joe
"Janie's Got A Gnu," Aerosmith originally
"Janie's Got A Gun" Joe
Peculiar thing to value!
Karen Smith
However one might do that!
Karen Smith
"Ava J.'s Blue," Rick Danko originally
"Java Blues" Karen Smith
"Ava J. Lubes," Rick Danko originally
"Java Blues" Karen Smith
"Ava J.'s Lube," Rick Danko originally
"Java Blues" Karen Smith
"Fold Like Jealous Fan," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"False Junk Folio Deal," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Use Landfill Joke, Oaf," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Ease Idol Off All Junk," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Doleful Snail Of Jake," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Ask Needful Jail Fool," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Fill Dank Jealous Foe," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Fool Said 'Fallen Juke'," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Also Nail Duffel Joke," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Foul Elfin Salad Joke," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"No Dull Failsafe Joke," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Find Jealous Foal, Elk," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Fail Doleful Son Jake," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Sinful Loaf Joke, Dale," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Eel Sunk Load Off Jail," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"I Offload Sullen Jake," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Ale Ad Folks Join Fuel," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Lose Ideal Offal Junk," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Feudal Ale Folks Join," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"I Lose Foul Jade Flank," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Alfonso Filled A Juke," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Doleful Silk Oaf Jean," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Join, Seek Foul Fall Ad," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Feel Junk Salad Folio," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Effusion All Joke, Lad," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Adjoin False Foul Elk," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Jealous Elfin Ad Folk," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Final Juke Flood Sale," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
"Fold Like Jealous Fan," Garland Green originally
"Jealous Kind Of Fella" Alyssa Jayne
Now, what did Jay do to deserve that?
Claire Annette Player
"See Jennifer CCL," The Hollies originally
"Jennifer Eccles" See the 250th in a lineage of Jennifers
Ingrid McCannless
"Jennifer S. Lee CC," The Hollies originally
"Jennifer Eccles" The two-hundredth in lineage named Jennifer S. Lee
Ingrid McCannless
"Jenny L. On Iodine," Stereolab originally
"Jenny Ondioline" Hayley Spalding
"Jesu Sect," Wilco originally
"Jesus, Etc." Jesu = Latin for Jesus
Miss Elanius
"Prince Jish Sews," Frank Zappa originally
"Jewish Princess" Sutch
"Sir Pinches Jews," Frank Zappa originally
"Jewish Princess" Lefty Lucy
"Prince J.S. Wishes," Frank Zappa originally
"Jewish Princess" Sutch
"Goblin Cell Jerk," Bobby Helms originally
"Jingle Bell Rock" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Beckon Jell Girl," Bobby Helms originally
"Jingle Bell Rock" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Jelling Blocker," Bobby Helms originally
"Jingle Bell Rock" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Bingo Clerk Jell," Bobby Helms originally
"Jingle Bell Rock" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Clear Orb, Johnny.," Traffic originally
"John Barleycorn" Hank E. Panky
"Jean Or Rob Lynch," Traffic originally
"John Barleycorn" Ned
"Joy, Her Clan Born," Traffic originally
"John Barleycorn" Ned
"Oh No, Jerry Blanc!," Traffic originally
"John Barleycorn" Ned
"Rob Choral Jenny," Traffic originally
"John Barleycorn" But why??
"He Fit John Sherman," Primus originally
"John The Fisherman" Gretchen Wieners
Convents might have fancy plumbing for all I know.
Deirdre Collins
"Johnny Be Good," Chuck Berry originally
"Johnny B. Goode" Pronounced exactly the same way!
"Oh, Deny Bong Joy," Chuck Berry originally
"Johnny B. Goode" Johnny! Don't smoke that!
The meaning of joking (being a joker).
"Joan, Wash A Prophet," VeggieTales originally
"Jonah Was A Prophet" Lori Sifferan
"Who Jolted Troy?," Traditional OR Three Dog Night originally "Joy To The World"
Ava Murphy
"Holy Jet Tow Rod," Traditional originally
"Joy To The World" Weird!
Emmy Kay Butanone
Come on, I doubt ANYBODY enjoys flu!
Kerianne Hopkins
"I Dry Joe," Roxette originally
"Joyride" Cheryl Jordan
"Dire Joy," Roxette originally
"Joyride" Sounds like pretty much of an oxymoron!
Dogniss Everdeen
"Be Julie," Blur originally
"Jubilee" Lydia Idyl
"Lo, I Be Jet Junk. Jeez!," KMFDM originally
"Juke Joint Jezebel" Nunya Bizniss
"Juli U.S.," Phish originally
"Julius" Could also be in Offspring Names.
Glenn Rousseau
"Right Pun, Jim," The Urge originally
"Jump Right In" Sheena Weston
"Rad Junky God," Winger originally
"Junkyard Dog" Clara Suzette Bartilson
"Just Lame Pigs," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Franka
"A Jug Stem Slip," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Jet Us Limp Gas," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Annette Oraline Fisher
"Just A Slim Peg," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Jest Smug Pal," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Slim U.S. Jet Gap," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Map Is Just Gel," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Simple Jug Sat," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Jump Glass Tie," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Jump, Get Lass," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Tug Palm, Jess," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Miss Jug Plate," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Jump Lag Is Set," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Smug Jail Pest," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Pa Lit Gum, Jess," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Jump Lit Gases," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Same Split Jug," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Paste Slim Jug," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Slam Just Peg," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Pat Glum Jess," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Jug Seam Split," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Jail Smug Pest," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Tap Glum Jess," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Slam Jug Pest," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"A Slim Jug Pest," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Jug Is Past Elm," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Elm Jug: Pass It," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Stem Plus A Jig," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Julep Gas Mist," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I, Jess, Tug Lamp," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Pass Me Lit Jug," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Jump Slag Site," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Tug Lamp, Jess," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Jump Tag Less," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Metal Piss Jug," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Tip L.A. Mug, Jess," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Slap Jug Stem," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Impel Just Gas," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Just Slim Page," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Tug A Limp Jess," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Gap Just Miles," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"I Slap Just Gem," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Miss A Jet Plug," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Tip Jug Mess, Al," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Pa Set Slim Jug," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Just A Gem Slip," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
"Past Jug Slime," InMe originally
"Just A Glimpse" Joy Stick
What injustice did Tami E. commit?
Pepsi's Hartebeest
"I Just Read," Jem originally
"Just A Ride" pronounced 'red', as in past tense... to a book
Carlito Syrichta
"I Just Dare," Jem originally
"Just A Ride" Carlito Syrichta
"Just Ranted 'Ahoy!'," Oingo Boingo originally
"Just Another Day" Claudio VerKnight
"Just Good To Be Green," Professor Green originally
"Just Be Good To Green" Sylvia Curruca
"Can't Just Get One Hug," Depeche Mode originally
"Just Can't Get Enough" Ed
"Just Cannot Get Huge," Depeche Mode originally
"Just Can't Get Enough" Ralph
"Jean's Duct," Lady Gaga originally
"Just Dance" Mary
"T.J.'s A Dunce," Lady Gaga originally
"Just Dance" Ed
"J.T.'s A Dunce," Lady Gaga originally
"Just Dance" Ed
"Just One Hug," Aslyn originally
"Just Enough" Yvette Bristle
"The Jug On Us," Aslyn originally
"Just Enough" Yvette Bristle
"The Jug Onus," Aslyn originally
"Just Enough" Yvette Bristle
"One Shut Jug," Aslyn originally
"Just Enough" Yvette Bristle
"Thus One Jug," Aslyn originally
"Just Enough" Yvette Bristle
"Enough Juts," Aslyn originally
"Just Enough" Yvette Bristle
"Gun Joust, Eh?," Aslyn originally
"Just Enough" Yvette Bristle
"Lucky Tot's Jock," JoBoxers originally
"Just Got Lucky" Alyssa Jayne
"Tug Lusty Jock," JoBoxers originally
"Just Got Lucky" Alyssa Jayne
"Jolt Guts, Yuck!," JoBoxers originally
"Just Got Lucky" Alyssa Jayne
"Go Tuck Justly," JoBoxers originally
"Just Got Lucky" Alyssa Jayne
"Tut's Lucky Jog," JoBoxers originally
"Just Got Lucky" Alyssa Jayne
"Just Got i-Pad," N'Sync originally
"Just Got Paid" Nicole Parsons
"I Have Steel Junk," The Cure originally
"Just Like Heaven" Joe Siebert
"Elevate His Junk," The Cure originally
"Just Like Heaven" Joe Siebert
To a space station?
"Just The Way I Sit, Baby," The Rembrandts originally
"Just The Way It Is, Baby" Alexis
"Jen Studied Wheat," The Cars originally
"Just What I Needed" Alexis
Is she playing tag?
Penny Nichols
Someone sits down for a while in June?
Penny Nichols
May just ended.
Penny Nichols
Can one sin with jute?
Penny Nichols
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.