Entries Beginning with T
Can cats groan?
Hayley Spalding
What kind of can would a goat have?
Cynthia Avery
"Tend A Violet," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Candace Troy Powers
"Don't Leave It," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Alexis
"Elva Noted It," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" What did she note?
"Do Ventilate," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Alexis
"Dee Not Vital," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Roxanne Drake
"Talent Video," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Alexis
"Oval Dinette," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Alexis
"Vital Net Doe," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Roxanne Drake
"Tina Told Eve," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Alexis
"Valid Net Toe," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Roxanne Drake
"Violent Date," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Something no one wants to experience, I'm sure
"Eve Told Tina," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Alexis
"One TV Detail," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Alexis
"Tee Not Valid," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Now why would a tee not be valid?
"Levitate Don," Soft Cell originally
"Tainted Love" Alexis
"Boat Weak," Madonna originally
"Take a Bow" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Bat Awoke," Madonna originally
"Take a Bow" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Boat Wake," Madonna originally
"Take a Bow" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Check On A Manatee," ABBA originally
"Take A Chance On Me" Calop
"Taken A Chance, Moe?," ABBA originally
"Take A Chance On Me" Calop
"Keen Cacao Anthem," ABBA originally
"Take A Chance On Me" Calop
"Eat A Brick Deity," Swampwater originally
"Take A City Bride" Laura Wilkins
"Deity Ate A Brick," Swampwater originally
"Take A City Bride" Laura Wilkins
"Ate A Brick Deity," Swampwater originally
"Take A City Bride" Laura Wilkins
"A Kind Taker," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" Hilary Duffelbag
"Rake Dat Ink," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" Naomi Swanson
"Kind Karate," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" Yvette Bristle
"I'd Rake Tank," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
"Kirk At Dean," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" Yvette Bristle
"Neat Ad, Kirk!," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" Yvette Bristle
"Darken A Kit," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" Yvette Bristle
"Dark Intake," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" Yvette Bristle
"Neat Ark, Kid!," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" Yvette Bristle
"A Trade Kink," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" Yvette Bristle
"Ariela Tate Market," R.B. Greaves originally
"Take a Letter Maria" Belinda Trucklisle
"Taut Ark Piece," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"A Pure Cat Kite," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Take Cut Pear," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Take Up Crate," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Artie Put Cake," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Cut Parakeet," Filter originally
"Take a Picture" You're SICK!!
"Tip A Cute Rake," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Capture A Kite," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Cure Apt Katie," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Rate Cat Puke," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Sounds like a strange hobby there!
"Take Up Ice Art," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Capture Kate," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Dogniss Everdeen
"A Cute Kite Rap," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Pat True Cake," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Capture Katie," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Pat Cute Rake," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Keep Utica Tar," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Peru Cat Katie," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Pet A Cur, Kate," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Cute Pair," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Rate Ape Tuck," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Teacup At Erik," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"A Cute Trap, Ike!," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Kept A Cut Ear," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Katie Cut Pear," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Actuate Perk," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Keep Utica Art," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Teacup Art, Ike," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Tap Cute Rake," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Pure Cat Katie," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Kept Cue, Tara," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Cute Pair, Kate!," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"A Cute Park Tie," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Keep A Cut Rat," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Put A Cake Tier," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Rate Cup, Kate," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Cute Rap, Katie!," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Truck A Tee, Pa," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Tuck Irate Ape," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"A Cute Rake Tip," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Keep Utica Rat," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"True Cap, Katie," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"A Pure Kite Act," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Kept At A Cure," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Tuck Ape Artie," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Erik At Teacup," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"A True Cake Tip," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Rate Cut Peak," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Pair, Kate," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Keep Cut Tara," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Cat Puke, Artie," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"Pear Cut Katie," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"I Tuck Tape, Rae," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"A Cup Tier, Kate," Filter originally
"Take A Picture" Alyssa Jayne
"For You Ate Cake," Shanice originally
"Take Care of You" redsimba
Axl Rose Of Sharon Stone Temple Pilots
"Cat Bake Kit," Pink Floyd originally
"Take It Back" As long as it's not Shake 'n Bake!
"Tack At Bike," Pink Floyd originally
"Take It Back" Elizabeth
"Kite At Back," Pink Floyd originally
"Take It Back" Elizabeth
"Take Cab Kit," Pink Floyd originally
"Take It Back" Elizabeth
"Kick Tea Tab," Pink Floyd originally
"Take It Back" Elizabeth
"Tick At Beak," Pink Floyd originally
"Take It Back" Elizabeth
"Bike At Tack," Pink Floyd originally
"Take It Back" Elizabeth
"Back At Kit," Pink Floyd originally
"Take It Back" Elizabeth
"I Ate Tamale Kink," The Offspring originally
"Take It Like a Man" Josh
Whatever that is...
Not the Same Bob
"Take Me Back To A Slut," Bob Wills originally
"Take Me Back To Tulsa" Tiffany Furlong
"Take Meg To Thin Home," Eddie Money originally
"Take Me Home Tonight" Jennifer
"A Tome, Ken," A-ha originally
"Take On Me" Yvette Bristle
"Take Moen," A-ha originally
"Take On Me" i.e., Moen faucets
Not the Same Bob
"Keno Team," A-ha originally
"Take On Me" Yvette Bristle
"Taken Moe," A-ha originally
"Take On Me" Joe Siebert
"Keen Atom," A-ha originally
"Take On Me" dxman
"Knee Atom," A-ha originally
"Take On Me" Yvette Bristle
"Akon Meet," A-Ha originally
"Take On Me" DJ Blaze
"Make Note," A-ha originally
"Take On Me" Yvette Bristle
"Make Tone," A-ha originally
"Take On Me" Doug Wells
"Oh, Take That Tank Bet," Shalamar originally
"Take That To The Bank" Candy Welty
"Take That Bath To Ken," Shalamar originally
"Take That To The Bank" Candy Welty
"Take That Bath Token," Shalamar originally
"Take That To The Bank" Candy Welty
"Take That Bet To Hank," Shalamar originally
"Take That To The Bank" Candy Welty
"Take That To Bath, Ken," Shalamar originally
"Take That To The Bank" Candy Welty
"Take That At The Knob," Shalamar originally
"Take That To The Bank" Candy Welty
"Take That Token Bath," Shalamar originally
"Take That To The Bank" Candy Welty
"Take That Hot Banket," Shalamar originally
"Take That To The Bank" Banket = a gold-bearing rock
Candy Welty
"Take That; Both Taken!," Shalamar originally
"Take That To The Bank" Candy Welty
"Take The Homely Wagon," Supertramp originally
"Take The Long Way Home" Quyjibo
"Take Her Stiff Mouth," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"A Fifth Tusk Theorem," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take This Off The Rum," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"I Market The Shutoff," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"A Fresh Hot Tuft, Mike," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Furthest Thief Amok," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"I Mark Off Shut Teeth," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Hi, Mother! Take Stuff?," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Fifth Sure Moth," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Must Take Fifth Hero," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Affirm Hot Skeet Hut," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take This Other Muff," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Off Thrush Mite," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take This Fur Of Them," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Off Thrush Item," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"I Make Hot Fur Thefts," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Hurt Stiff Home," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Thrush Off Item," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take The Rim Shutoff," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Mute Fish Forth," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"I Mark Shut Teeth Off," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Off Thrush Item," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take This Heft Forum," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Fifth Home Rust," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take This Or The Muff," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take The Forum Shift," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take This Hum Effort," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Mite Off Thrush," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take From Thief Thus," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take This Heft Of Rum," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take This Fume Forth," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take Item Off Thrush," Don Covay originally
"Take This Hurt Off Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Take This Long Gin," Leonard Cohen originally
"Take This Longing" Butch
"Takes A Little Item," Amy Grant originally
"Takes A Little Time" Alexis
"Late Title Mistake," Amy Grant originally
"Takes A Little Time" Alexis
"A Teakettle's Limit," Amy Grant originally
"Takes A Little Time" Alexis
"Two Skate To Tango," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Takes Two Ton Goat," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Mighty big goat!
Joanna Hawthorne
"Tow Steak To Tango," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Takes Two To Tonga," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Tot Wakes To Tango," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Knot East Goat Two," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Took East Gnat Two," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Two Stake To Tango," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Tow Steak To Tonga," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Waste Kong Tattoo," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Won Gasket Tattoo," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Own Gasket Tattoo," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Knew A Tog's Tattoo," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"A Town Gasket, Otto," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Know East Tag, Otto," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Tow East Togo Tank," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Know Stage Tattoo," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
"A Gasket Won't Toot," Pearl Bailey originally
"Takes Two To Tango" Yvette Bristle
Takin = a large Asian member of goat family
Hayley Spalding
Takin = a large Asian member of goat family
Hayley Spalding
"U save bale fly tossers," Cream originally
"Tales of Brave Ulysses" James d
"Satan Bakeshop Lit Out," R.E.M. originally
"Talk About the Passion" Josh
"Talk Back; Pelt Limbs; Grin," Johnny Tillotson originally
"Talk Back Trembling Lips" Lily Orange
"Talk Back, Spent Grim Bill!," Johnny Tillotson originally
"Talk Back Trembling Lips" Lily Orange
"Spell 'Bring Tim Talk Back'," Johnny Tillotson originally
"Talk Back Trembling Lips" Lily Orange
"Talk Back; Beg Mill Prints," Johnny Tillotson originally
"Talk Back Trembling Lips" Lily Orange
"Talk; Smell Big Back Print," Johnny Tillotson originally
"Talk Back Trembling Lips" Lily Orange
"Melt Lips; Bring Talk Back," Johnny Tillotson originally
"Talk Back Trembling Lips" Lily Orange
"Talk Girl Sent Blimp Back," Johnny Tillotson originally
"Talk Back Trembling Lips" Lily Orange
"Talk; Let Limb Spring Back," Johnny Tillotson originally
"Talk Back Trembling Lips" Lily Orange
"Bald Toy King," Tove Lo originally
"Talking Body" Evangeline York
"I Ignore Punky Stella," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Still A Gunky Pioneer," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"A Genuine Spiky Troll," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"I, Kelly, Roast Penguin," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"A Stinky Pioneer Gull," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"I, Kelly, Sing 'Eruption'," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Kill A Guernsey Pinto," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"A Genuine Sporty Kill," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Splintery Like Guano," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Alien Spoken Liturgy," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Solar Kelp Ingenuity," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"A Gunky Triple Lesion," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Skip Internal Eulogy," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Ignore A Puny Skillet," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Singular Inept Yokel," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"A Gone Silly Turnpike," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"A Turnpike Gone Silly," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Insulate Perky Lingo," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Skinny-Parolee Guilt," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"A Pistol-Like Gunnery," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Ignore A Pulley Stink," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Original Steely Punk," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Ignore A Sputnik Yell," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Orange Skyline Tulip," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Puny Skeletal Origin," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Opulent Kaiser Lying," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Like Plain Youngster," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Gunky Petrel Liaison," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Legal Noisy Turnpike," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Insult A Perky Legion," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Stinky Laurel Pigeon," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Kill Sanguine Poetry," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Insult A Like Progeny," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Gunky Toenail Pliers," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Rapt, Ingenious Kelly," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Genuine Payroll Skit," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Pour Skyline Gelatin," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Keep Gantry Illusion," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Silly Pink Entourage," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Sanguine Triple Yolk," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Perky Linguist Alone," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Perky Linguist Alone," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"A Lone Perky Linguist," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"Perky-Agent Illusion," The Romantics originally
"Talking In Your Sleep" Yvette Bristle
"A Lull? Apt," Annette originally
"Tall Paul" Dinah Bartilson
"Pull At Al," Annette originally
"Tall Paul" Dinah Bartilson
"Pat A Lull," Annette originally
"Tall Paul" However one pats a lull
Dinah Bartilson
"Up, Tall Al," Annette originally
"Tall Paul" Dinah Bartilson
"Tap A Lull," Annette originally
"Tall Paul" However one taps a lull
Dinah Bartilson
Denzel Washington Square Root Beer Nuts And Bolts
How can one nag a tent?
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Dint Up Blue Angel," Bob Dylan originally
"Tangled Up In Blue" Why dint up an angel (of any color)?
Natalie Starboardman
Moxico is a province in Angola.
Stacy Poole
"Paste-on G," The Kills originally
"Tape Song" A letter G to be pasted onto something
Dinah Bartilson
"Note Gasp," The Kills originally
"Tape Song" Joanna Whitmire
"Stone Gap," The Kills originally
"Tape Song" Marjorie Danvers
"No Gas Pet," The Kills originally
"Tape Song" Joanna Whitmire
"Pat's Gone," The Kills originally
"Tape Song" Marjorie Danvers
"Tap's Gone," The Kills originally
"Tape Song" Marjorie Danvers
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
"To Part," Alabama originally
"Tar Top" Sabrina Flowe
"Tot Rap," Alabama originally
"Tar Top" Sylvia Curruca
"Art Pot," Alabama originally
"Tar Top" Bob
"Rat Pot," Alabama originally
"Tar Top" Spelling each individual word backwards!
"Get Tar," Embrace originally
"Target" Candy Welty
"Get Art," Embrace originally
"Target" Candy Welty
"Get Rat," Embrace originally
"Target" Candy Welty
troika=Russian vehicle or 3 people working closely
Joe Kurr
"Kin Of Seth Tate," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Ashley Michelle McGowan
"The Stink of Tea," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Some might deem tea's odor unpleasant.
Ashley Michelle McGowan
"It's Not The Fake," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Ironic, as band also sings "I'm A Fake"
"Hit Stake Often," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"The Oaf Kittens," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Joe
"Haste Of Kitten," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Taste Hot Knife," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"I Shot Tank Feet," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Oh, Kitten Feast!," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Hit Steak Often," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Eat Fish, Tot Ken!," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"It's Not The Fake," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"I Seek That Font," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Ton Stake Thief," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Fat Kitten Shoe," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Ate The Soft Kin," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Oh, I Test Fat, Ken," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"I Take Son--Theft?," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"He Fit East Knot," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"The Soft Intake," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"This Token Fate," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Soften Kite Hat," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Safe Hot Kitten," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Fat Kite--Honest!," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Eat The Soft Kin," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Hot Faint Skeet," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Toast Thief Ken," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Fish Tote Taken," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Fasten Hot Knife," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Stoke Tan Thief," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"I Knot The Feast," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Tote Taken Fish," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Knife The Toast," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Heat Kits Often," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Oh, I Test Fat Ken," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Not Thief Skate," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"The Kitten Sofa," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Thief Task Note," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"I Task Tenth Foe," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Eat Shift Token," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Hate Skit Often," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Ton Steak Thief," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Kite Shaft Note," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Tote Thief Sank," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"I Stake The Font," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"East Thief Knot," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Fast Kitten Hoe," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Foist Then Take," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Tot Ken Ate Fish," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Stoke Ant Thief," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Think Of Estate," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Often Hate Kits," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"The Oaf Kittens," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
"Fake Tit--Honest!," The Used originally
"The Taste Of Ink" Kara Oke
How does one tax a river?
Cal Amari
"A Mote," Rihanna originally
"Te Amo" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"To Mae," Rihanna originally
"Te Amo" Max E. Padd
"Mo Ate," Rihanna originally
"Te Amo" Max E. Padd
"Jodi Traded Me," Shakira originally
"Te Dejo Madrid" Bob Oldhart
A stoat is a weesel.
Brionna Secret
"Peach Tester," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Karen Smith
"Cheats Peter," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Teacher's pets often DO cheat less fortunate kids.
Hank E. Panky
"He Crept East," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Pace Her Test," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Rest Each Pet," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Erect The Spa," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Her Cape Test," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Peach Street," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Each Pet Rest," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Hate Respect," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Set Crepe Hat," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Set Pact Here," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Her Test Pace," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Estate Perch," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Hare Step, Etc.," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Etch Pest Ear," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Test Her Cape," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Cast Pet Here," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"The Sea Crept," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Pet Cast Here," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"The Crepe Sat," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Pet Cats Here," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Sheer Pet Cat," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Carpet Sheet," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Set Cap Three," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Cat Step Here," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Cheater's Pet," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"He Set Carpet," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Cheer At Pest," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Pat Set Cheer," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Cast The Peer," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Test Cap Here," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Aspect Three," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"The Steep Arc," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Sheer Pet Act," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Pest Act Here," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Her Steep Act," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Aspect There," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Set Cap There," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Step The Acre," Doris Day originally
"Teacher's Pet" Claire Grayson
"Cheater, Cheater," 38 Special originally
"Teacher, Teacher" Ralph
"Mate," Lorde originally
"Team" Candy Welty
"Meat," Lorde originally
"Team" Candy Welty
"At Me," Lorde originally
"Team" Candy Welty
"Tame," Lorde originally
"Team" Candy Welty
"Meta," Lorde originally
"Team" Candy Welty
Tell a certain Chili Peppers member something?
How could an earl be made of felt?
Teresa Christie
Uh...I don't think so.
That is, a tree with autumnal foliage.
Claire Grayson
"Erasers At Don's," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Strode Near Ass," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Yvette Bristle
"Sad Snorers Ate," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Resort Sea Sand," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Yvette Bristle
"Rode A Stern Ass," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Red-Star Season," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Yvette Bristle
"Ten Dress As Oar," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Rate Sensor Ads," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Yvette Bristle
"So Set Rare Sand," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Assert, Dear Son," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Yvette Bristle
"A Dean's Sorters," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Tan Dress Arose," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Yvette Bristle
"Dress On Sea Art," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"No Red Ass Stare," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Rest No Ass, Dear," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"As Tern Rode Ass," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"A Darner Tosses," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Tan Ass; Red Rose," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Radar Toss Seen," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Ten Are As Dross," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Endorse Ass Art," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Rest On Dear Ass," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"A Nest's Adorers," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Sad Era So Stern," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Snare Store Ads," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Ear Stress On Ad," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Dense Tar Or Ass," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Ear Sat On Dress," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"A Tress, Dear Son," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Sad Stoner's Ear," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"As Rats Endorse," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"A Tan Dress; A Rose," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Rest No Dear Ass," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"At Don's Erasers," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"See Strand Soar," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Sea Rat On Dress," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Toss Rare Sedan," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Sad Snorers Eat," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Endorser At Ass," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Reset Sonar Ads," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"A Road's Nesters," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Erase Sad Snort," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"A Dean's Rosters," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"As Ornate Dress," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Send Star A Rose," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Stress Arena," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Ardent Sore Ass," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"A Doter's Snares," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Soda Near Tress," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Adorn Terse Ass," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Sear Sad Stoner," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Adore Stern Ass," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"A Dean's Storers," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"A Sonar Dessert," Al Martino originally
"Tears And Roses" Alyssa Jayne
"Dry Tears Won The Iron," Amy Winehouse originally
"Tears Dry On Their Own" There's some good sheer nonsense!
Heck Noover Nuck
"Haven't Seen Air," Eric Clapton originally
"Tears In Heaven" Of course not! Air is not actually visible.
"See Meat," 3T originally
"Tease Me" Becky Bright
"See Team," 3T originally
"Tease Me" Hannah Bullecter
"Meet Sea," 3T originally
"Tease Me" Becky Bright
"See Mate," 3T originally
"Tease Me" Hannah Bullecter
"Mesa Tee," 3T originally
"Tease Me" Becky Bright
"Me As Tee," 3T originally
"Tease Me" Becky Bright
"Tee Seam," 3T originally
"Tease Me" Becky Bright
Lied is an anagram of Idle
Cotton Lorraine
Deli is an anagram of Idle
Cotton Lorraine
"A Batting Degree," Wheatus originally
"Teenage Dirtbag" Anagram previously submitted as space change
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Beget Tragedian," Wheatus originally
"Teenage Dirtbag" Anagram previously submitted as space change
The Quirkfetch Kid
"A Debating Egret," Wheatus originally
"Teenage Dirtbag" Anagram previously submitted as space change
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Deer Getting Baa," Wheatus originally
"Teenage Dirtbag" Anagram previously submitted as space change
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Deer Getting Baa," Wheatus originally
"Teenage Dirtbag" Anagram previously submitted as space change
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Made Green Tea," Katy Perry originally
"Teenage Dream" Alexis
"He Let Open," Lady Gaga originally
"Telephone" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"He Lept One," Lady Gaga originally
"Telephone" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Ten Eel Hop," Lady Gaga originally
"Telephone" Helen Football
"Elope Then," Lady Gaga originally
"Telephone" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Rot Telephone Opera," Pete Shelley originally
"Telephone Operator" Preacher That likes Nicole
"I Tell My Earth Tot," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" Marjorie Danvers
"Tilt Hat Remotely," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" Alexis
"Tell Thirty, Mateo.," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" Mateo will tell 30 people *something*
"To The Little Army," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" Alexis
"Time That Trolley," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" Alexis
"Tell It To The Army," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" Alexis
"Tall Tree, Timothy.," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" Alexis
"Little To The Army," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" Alexis
"To My Little Heart," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" Alexis
"I'll Haul A Tree Lover," Ray Peterson originally
"Tell Laura I Love Her" J.J.
As in ratting someone out
Emmy Kay Butanone
A guy named Art lets whom do what?
Candy Welty
"Patient Tom," Corina originally
"Temptation" Alexis
"One Tip, Matt," Corina originally
"Temptation" Alexis
"Nap Time, Tot," Corina originally
"Temptation" Napping is common for very young children.
"Time To Pant," Corina originally
"Temptation" Alexis
"No, I Attempt," Corina originally
"Temptation" Alexis
"Meant To Tip," Corina originally
"Temptation" Alexis
"A Mitten Top," Corina originally
"Temptation" Alexis
"Tempt Ed," Squeeze originally
"Tempted" Also a space-change
"Guys Yell 'No Net!'," Pat Boone originally
"Ten Lonely Guys" Candy Welty
"Guys Note Nelly," Pat Boone originally
"Ten Lonely Guys" Candy Welty
"Teeny Nosy Gull," Pat Boone originally
"Ten Lonely Guys" Candy Welty
"Guys Lent No Lye," Pat Boone originally
"Ten Lonely Guys" Candy Welty
"No Ugly Lens Yet," Pat Boone originally
"Ten Lonely Guys" Candy Welty
"Ugly Nylon Tees," Pat Boone originally
"Ten Lonely Guys" Candy Welty
"Only Teensy Lug," Pat Boone originally
"Ten Lonely Guys" Candy Welty
"Lonely Guy's Net," Pat Boone originally
"Ten Lonely Guys" Candy Welty
"Ten Yell 'No Guys!'," Pat Boone originally
"Ten Lonely Guys" Candy Welty
"Ten No-Yell Guys," Pat Boone originally
"Ten Lonely Guys" Candy Welty
"Oust Tenth Grandson," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Ten Strong Donuts, Ha!," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Had No Tungsten Sort," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"A Strong Tenth Sound," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Nag North Student So," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Ten Do A Strong Shunt," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Rotten Shunt Ad Song," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Shun Strong Toad Ten," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Had Ton Stone Strung," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Oh, Rotten Sand Stung," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Do Shorten Nag Stunt," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Sad Tern Shot Ton Gun," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Tan Nest Hurt Godson," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Rotten Handgun Toss," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Soon Had Tent Strung," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Adorns Hot Tungsten," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Nag Shot Rotund Nest," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Had One Strong Stunt," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Stung A Short Tendon," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Throng Toss Tan Nude," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Had Strong Noun Test," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Oh, Grand Stunt On Set," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Short Nag Stunt Done," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Toss Rotten Handgun," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Tenor Had Song Stunt," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Thousand Torn Gents," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Had Rotten Song 'Stun'," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Thus A Strong Tendon," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Oh Snort, Nag Student," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Had Sung Trot Sonnet," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Gotten Rush On Stand," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Honest Dragon Stunt," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Had Not Strung Stone," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"No Short Tungsten Ad," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Rotten Son Had Stung," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Turn Stone Hog Stand," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Had Strong Snout Ten," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"A North Student Song," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Had Tungsten Torn So," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Rot Suntanned Ghost," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Tug North Sandstone," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Had Strong Stun Note," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Short Suntanned Tog," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Onto Tungsten Shard," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Hand Out Strong Nest," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Sand Rotten Shotgun," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Ten Oust Strong Hand," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Donate Strong Shunt," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Shout 'Grandson Tent!'," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Godson Shut Entrant," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"No Headstrong Stunt," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Ten Had Strong Snout," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Strong Hand Sent Out," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Ghost And Turnstone," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Ten Shun A Strong Dot," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"So Had Strong Nut Ten," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Thousand Rent Tongs," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"South Grandson Tent," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Tundra Ghost Sonnet," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Adorn Shot Tungsten," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"Ten Shout 'And Strong!'," Iced Earth originally
"Ten Thousand Strong" Candy Welty
"See Us Dent Nest," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Send Us Nest Tee," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Sense Teen Dust," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Sense Nude Test," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Testes Need Sun," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Sense Teen Stud," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Sense Dune Test," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Detest Seen Sun," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Tennessee Dust," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Set Den Nest, Sue," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"See Dense Stunt," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Stun Seen Steed," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"Sent Us Seed Ten," Eddy Arnold originally
"Tennessee Stud" Claire Grayson
"A Tiger's Sirloin Strip," Nirvana originally
"Territorial Pissings" Don't touch his steak!!
As in what's grilled *on* the grills?
She must be graduating?
Don't get a reverse sex-change
Carrie Dawn Knight-Lee
"Swine Exit Head," Tanya Tucker originally
"Texas When I Die" Well, that's bizarre!
"Thanks, Rob!," Filter originally
"Thanks Bro" Yvette Bristle
"Brats Honk," Filter originally
"Thanks Bro" Yvette Bristle
"Short Bank," Filter originally
"Thanks Bro" Josh
"Brash Knot," Filter originally
"Thanks Bro" Yvette Bristle
"Both Ranks," Filter originally
"Thanks Bro" Yvette Bristle
"Knob Trash," Filter originally
"Thanks Bro" Yvette Bristle
"Hart Knobs," Filter originally
"Thanks Bro" Yvette Bristle
"The Merchant Omits Dumps," Shania Twain originally
"That Don't Impress Me Much" Joe
"That Big Old Cal Mack," Frank Sinatra originally
"That Old Black Magic" Lorraine Thoanjer
"Dating Hot Youth," The Wonders originally
"That Thing You Do" Ed
"You'd Go That Thin," The Wonders originally
"That Thing You Do" Pete Worst
"Youth Ad Tonight," The Wonders originally
"That Thing You Do" Ed
Hopefully that's not real life.
Olga Ruiz
Gotta work late shift? -- That's life!
Olga Ruiz
Awfully big mane!
Paige Evans
"Get That Moth," Ray Charles originally
"Them That Got" Alyssa Jayne
"Theme From A Wall," Mike Post originally
"Theme From L.A. Law" Joe
"Ken Hissed Theme," The Crystals originally
"Then He Kissed Me" Amanda Svenson
"The Hen Kissed Me," The Crystals originally
"Then He Kissed Me" Amanda Svenson
"He Comments On The Ring," Smash Mouth originally
"Then The Morning Comes" Rachel
As in Andre Ethier, L.A. Dodgers outfielder
"Amateurish In Tone," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Raise The Mountain," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Miniature Tan Hose," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"I Shout 'Inane Mater!'," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"A Onetime Air Shunt," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Maintain Our Sheet," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Hate Insomnia? True!," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"The Mesa Ruination," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Tan-Horse Minutiae," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Sane Titanium Hero," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Ran Intimate House," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"The One Sanitarium," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Ease Ham Nutrition," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Imitate Hoarse Nun," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Note Airmen Hiatus," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Measure Hit Nation," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Situate Mean Rhino," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Neat House Martini," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Taint Marine House," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Marine Shot Auntie," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Or vice versa; either way is bad!
Yvette Bristle
"Tease Inhuman Trio," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Non-Amateurish Tie," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Main Trainee Shout," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Another Main Suite," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Insinuate A Mother," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Our Innate Atheism," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Routine Inmate Ash," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Arouse Thin Inmate," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Stamina Out In Here," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Martin In Teahouse," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Hate Mountain Rise," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Insinuate Her Moat," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Her Seaman Tuition," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"No Titanium Hearse," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Hear East Munition," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Sea Munition Hater," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"I Hate Mensuration," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Miniature Nose Hat," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Is Mountaineer Hat," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Mountain Hare Site," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Titanium Hare Nose," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"His Mountain Eater," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Eaten Sour Thiamin," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Heat Miniature Son," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Inhumane East Riot," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Earn Titanium Shoe," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Hate Munition Sear," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Their Anise Amount," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Hear Autism In Tone," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"His Trainee Amount," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"One Amateurish Nit," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Ahem! Asinine Tutor," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Hate Miniature Son," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"This, A Mountaineer," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Inseminate Author," Donovan originally
"There Is A Mountain" Yvette Bristle
"Comet Emerita Hell," Betty Everett originally
"There'll Come A Time" Where retired bad comets go?!?
Tori Spelling Bee
"I'll Come There Tame," Betty Everett originally
"There'll Come A Time" Tori Spelling Bee
"Leather Lime Comet," Betty Everett originally
"There'll Come A Time" Tori Spelling Bee
"There I'll Come Mate," Betty Everett originally
"There'll Come A Time" Tori Spelling Bee
"Earache Fest," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Or basically every festival
"Chafe Teresa," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Fear Ace Seth," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Face Rae, Seth," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Share Cat Fee," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Her East Cafe," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"A Chef, Teresa!," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Face Seth, Rae," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Sear The Face," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"A Sheet Farce," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"The Sea Farce," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Chafe A Steer," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Chase Far Tee," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Ace Ate Fresh," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Fast Ace Here," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Cease, Father!," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Cat Safe Here," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Eat Free Cash," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"A Chef Seater," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"See Cafe Hart," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Fat Case Here," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Sea Chart Fee," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Act Safe Here," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"A Face, Esther!," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"A Sheer Facet," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Cheer A Feast," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Sat Ache-Free," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Face Theresa," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Chef As Eater," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Safe Cheater," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Create Sheaf," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"See A Far Tech," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"A Cheese Raft," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Feather Case," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Chafe Seater," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"Act Free, Shea," Eve 6 originally
"There's A Face" Yvette Bristle
"There's Gotta Be More To File," Stacie Orrico originally
"There's Gotta Be More To Life" As in, more items to put away where they belong.
"These Are The Lays Of Our Dives," Queen originally
"These Are The Days Of Our Lives" Lay, as in story. Also a Spoonerism.
Heather Brockwell
"Smash Red Tee," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"Rams Seethed," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"A Dress Theme," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"Tree Had Mess," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"She Mastered," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"He Meters Ads," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"The Reed Mass," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"Ad Mess Three," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"He Met Red Ass," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"A Desert Mesh," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"Had Semester," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"Smashed Tree," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"Hate Red Mess," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"Tread Meshes," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"Ad Mess There," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"Dream Sheets," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"Steed Masher," Heart originally
"These Dreams" Candy Welty
"He's Ted's Rug," D12 originally
"These Drugs" How can someone be Ted's rug?
"Rusts Hedge," D12 originally
"These Drugs" Joe
"Hey...Stay!," 3T originally
"They Say" Don't go anywhere!
"A Sick Bitch Ark," Jethro Tull originally
"Thick As A Brick" nonfatman
"Given The Old Call," Bonnie Raitt originally
"Thing Called Love" Joe
"Nights Can Only Get Better," Howard Jones originally
"Things Can Only Get Better" Suzanne
"Getter Bets On Clan Thingy," Howard Jones originally
"Things Can Only Get Better" Nutmeg Ryan
"Clan Thingy Gets No Better," Howard Jones originally
"Things Can Only Get Better" Nutmeg Ryan
"Moans Hitting," Leah Jung originally
"Things I Am Not" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Naming This To," Leah Jung originally
"Things I Am Not" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Titans Homing," Leah Jung originally
"Things I Am Not" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"A Nothing Mist," Leah Jung originally
"Things I Am Not" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Nations Might," Leah Jung originally
"Things I Am Not" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Thick Twine," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Franka
"Kitchen Wit," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Hit Wet Nick," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"I Twitch, Ken," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Win Tech Kit," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"The Wick Nit," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Hint: We Tick," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Nick The Wit," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"I Went Thick," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Neck With It," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"The Tin Wick," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Whet It, Nick," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Hit Wick Ten," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Thicken Wit," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Hint: Wicket," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Tint Wick, Eh?," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Hit New Tick," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"We Thin Tick," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Thick New Ti," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Win The Tick," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"New Chit Kit," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Win Thicket," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Chew Tin Kit," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Hit Wick Net," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Win Etch Kit," Eve 6 originally
"Think Twice" Lauryn Canna
"Overnight Ink," Dana Glover originally
"Thinking Over" Kimberly Townsend
"Tin King Hover," Dana Glover originally
"Thinking Over" Kimberly Townsend
"Revoking Hint," Dana Glover originally
"Thinking Over" How? Give someone amnesia about it?
Jill Conrad
"Revoking Thin," Dana Glover originally
"Thinking Over" Jill Conrad
"This Name, 'Tis Inane as Race Carts," Fall Out Boy originally
"This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race" Aninnymouse
"Still a Milder Douche," AFI originally
"This Celluloid Dream" Is that a good thing?
"This Tight Flu Night," Nazareth originally
"This Flight Tonight" Nellie McKay's Bunting
"The Inferior Stash," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Another Fir Thesis," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"No Starfish, Either," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Inherit Ash Forest," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"The Serf Historian," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Fish Horn Treatise," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"This Senior Father," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Resist Hearth Info," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Finish Roast There," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Her Fission Threat," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Treat Fish Inshore," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Rheostat Finisher," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"She Fast Inheritor," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Fishier Northeast," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Sans Fortieth Heir," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Entire Starfish? Oh.," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Rinse Fortieth Ash," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Short Thief Arisen," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Frothier Shanties," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Resist Heron Faith," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Harness Thief Trio," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Finish Horse Treat," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Their Arson Fetish," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Oh, Sinister Father," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Interfaith Horses," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Shirt Heroes Faint," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Ashen Fir Theorist," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Fortieth Resin Ash," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"She Shift Anterior," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"A Shirt Fire - Honest!," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Refashion Hitters," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Candy Welty
"This Is How Two Die," Montell Jordan originally
"This Is How We Do It" Reptone
"A Physic Sushi Tit," Weezer originally
"This Is Such a Pity" Josh
What is inside that flightless bird?
Jill Conrad
A greek letter inside a Roman one?
Jill Conrad
"You Filthier Sis," The Killers originally
"This Is Your Life" Josh
"This Is Your Thing," Amber originally
"This Is Your Night" Alexis
"Shovel It," Maroon 5 originally
"This Love" Kara Oke
"Hot Elvis," Maroon 5 originally
"This Love" Kara Oke
"Evil Host," Maroon 5 originally
"This Love" Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
"Lost Hive," Maroon 5 originally
"This Love" Kara Oke
"Hot Evils," Maroon 5 originally
"This Love" dxman
"Evil Shot," Maroon 5 originally
"This Love" Kara Oke
"Hive Slot," Maroon 5 originally
"This Love" Kara Oke
"Love This," Maroon 5 originally
"This Love" Kara Oke
"Host Veil," Maroon 5 originally
"This Love" Kara Oke
"Vile Host," Maroon 5 originally
"This Love" Kara Oke
"His Moral Lost It," Mastodon originally
"This Mortal Soil" Caroline Vale
"I Lost This Moral," Mastodon originally
"This Mortal Soil" Caroline Vale
"Molt His Art Soil," Mastodon originally
"This Mortal Soil" Caroline Vale
"Molts His Art Oil," Mastodon originally
"This Mortal Soil" Caroline Vale
"A Doodlebug: This Mystery Pun," Madonna originally
"This Used To Be My Playground" Doodlebug was German V-1 flying bomb
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
A surprising omission until now
Um, does she?
Bridget Andrews
title is '3' but I spelt it so I could anagram it
Need to spell out the number 3 to get the anagrams
"Wet Shark Eighteen," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Shaken White Egret," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Hate Sweet Gherkin," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Get With Snake Here," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Highest Eater Knew," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Geisha Knew Tether," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Ken Here With Stage," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Weaken Sight There," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Sweeten Eighth Ark," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Seek Night Weather," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Heat Sweet Gherkin," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Weaken High Street," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Eighth Sweater, Ken," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Snake Weight There," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"That Greenish Week," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Gash Week Thirteen," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"There With Knee Gas," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"We Heighten Skater," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Three Things A Week," Fats Domino originally
"Three Nights A Week" Candy Welty
"Sores There," America originally
"Three Roses" Isac
"Yes, Mel, I Read That!," The Commodores originally
"Three Times A Lady" Alexis
as in wearing lots of clothes
"She's Wet Heir," The Pierces originally
"Three Wishes" Regina Haniger
"Ruth Hog Glass," Stone Sour originally
"Through Glass" Samantha Wayland
"Though The Land Frames Fire," Dragonforce originally
"Through The Fire And Flames" Corinne Auterlehr
"They Gather Hours," Kenny Rogers originally
"Through The Years" Payroll clerks do, when reviewing timecards
"Heather's Orgy Hut," Kenny Rogers originally
"Through The Years" Heck Noover Nuck
"Troy Hugs Heather," Kenny Rogers originally
"Through The Years" Alexis
"Heather Hugs Troy," Kenny Rogers originally
"Through The Years" Alexis
"Do Throw Mess," Rich Boy originally
"Throw Some D's" Harriet Henderson
"A Thumb Line," Danny Kaye originally
"Thumbelina" Loree Dare
"The Bum In L.A.," Danny Kaye originally
"Thumbelina" Loree Dare
"Man, He Built," Danny Kaye originally
"Thumbelina" Loree Dare
"Mabel In Hut," Danny Kaye originally
"Thumbelina" Loree Dare
"I Hunt Mabel," Danny Kaye originally
"Thumbelina" Loree Dare
"A Humble Tin," Danny Kaye originally
"Thumbelina" Loree Dare
Guys who cook a certain kind of fish?
Loree Dare
"In The Album," Danny Kaye originally
"Thumbelina" Loree Dare
"Lightning And Hen Turd," Chi Coltrane originally
"Thunder And Lightning" Brianna Holden
"Light Thing Under Dan N.," Chi Coltrane originally
"Thunder And Lightning" Pepsi's Hartebeest
Can one letter D be more worthy than another?
Natalie Lundgren
As in leaving an 'A' out of a word or phrase
Claire Grayson
"Cat To Cite," Kyper originally
"Tic Tac Toe" Amanda Svenson
"Act To Cite," Kyper originally
"Tic Tac Toe" Amanda Svenson
"Hide It Highest," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"His Eighth Edit," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"I Hide The Sight," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"Hid Highest Tie," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"I Hit Shed Eight," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"Eightieth Dish," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"His Eighth Diet," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"I Dish The Eight," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"Die Hit Hardest," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"Teed Hit Is High," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"Edit His Eight," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"Hi! Hit This Edge," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"The Diet Is High," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"Hid Eighth Side," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"I Shed It Eighth," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"Hide This Eight," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"This Die Height," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"Highest Hit Die," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
"The Edit Is High," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" Kara Oke
Probably not a healthy practice.
Pirates Of Penn's Uncles
"Diet too Uptight," Hard-Fi originally
"Tied Up Too Tight" Dongquan
"Rope Tide Right," The Doors originally
"Tightrope Ride" Dorothy Jansen
"Eight Rope Dirt," The Doors originally
"Tightrope Ride" Dorothy Jansen
"Tell This Word: Lend," Britney Spears originally
"Till The World Ends" Yvette Bristle
"Ted Lost Hewn Drill," Britney Spears originally
"Till The World Ends" Yvette Bristle
"Ten Twirl Odd Shell," Britney Spears originally
"Till The World Ends" Yvette Bristle
"Sell Third Old Newt," Britney Spears originally
"Till The World Ends" Yvette Bristle
"Red Welsh Doll Tint," Britney Spears originally
"Till The World Ends" Yvette Bristle
"Won't Sell Held Dirt," Britney Spears originally
"Till The World Ends" Yvette Bristle
"Lord Held New Stilt," Britney Spears originally
"Till The World Ends" Yvette Bristle
"Sell Two, Lend Third," Britney Spears originally
"Till The World Ends" Yvette Bristle
"Sell Ted Wild Thorn," Britney Spears originally
"Till The World Ends" Yvette Bristle
"Tent Aid Dime," Basia originally
"Time And Tide" Francine Harper
"A Dime Tent ID," Basia originally
"Time And Tide" Someone will identify a tent for a dime?
Francine Harper
"Meditated In," Basia originally
"Time And Tide" Jennifer
"Tinted A Dime," Basia originally
"Time And Tide" Jennifer
"Time And Edit," Basia originally
"Time And Tide" Jennifer
"Emitted A Din," Basia originally
"Time And Tide" Joanna Hawthorne
"Edited A Mint," Basia originally
"Time And Tide" Jennifer
"Tainted Dime," Basia originally
"Time And Tide" Jennifer
"Imitated End," Basia originally
"Time And Tide" Jennifer
"Dated In Time," Basia originally
"Time And Tide" Jennifer
"Mob Bit Me," Godsmack originally
"Time Bomb" Ouch! Ouch!
"Met Bimbo," Rancid originally
"Time Bomb" Twila Paris Hilton
"Mini Toe Battle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" Josh
"Item In A Bottle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" Alina
"Ambient Toilet," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" No One In Particular
"A Shoe Lover Time," Little Feat originally
"Time Loves A Hero" Song about Imelda Marcos?
Fiona Montrose
"A Chinet Mime," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Connie Brady
"The Mica In Me," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Hit Mean Mice," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Men Came; I Hit," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Thin Ice, Emma!," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"He Came In, Tim," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Entice Him, Ma," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Inmate Chime," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"The Main Mice," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Machine Mite," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Nice Mate Him," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Emma Hit Nice," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Chia Time, Men!," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Time Nice Ham," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Mimic Ethane," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Manic Time, Eh?," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Thai Mice, Men," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Nice Emma Hit," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Ma Hit Nice Me," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"A Nice Hem, Tim!," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Machine Item," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"I Meant 'Chime'," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Nice Ham Item," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Met A Nice Him," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Ice Hint, Emma," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Mica In Theme," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Nice Tame Him," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Aim Chime Ten," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Chime In, Mate!," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"I Met Machine," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Mace Hit Mine," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Hem Mice, Tina," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Miami Hen, Etc.," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Cite Mean Him," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"I Ice Them, Man," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Hit Nice Emma," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Mice Then Aim," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Each Net, Mimi," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Mate Nice Him," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"I Aim Tech Men," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Nice Ma Hit Me," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Thin Mice, Mae!," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"I Met Nice Ham," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Mica Hen Item," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"I, Ethnic Emma," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Machine Time," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"I Chant 'I, Me, Me!'," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Me In The Mica," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Tame Him Nice," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"I Etch 'Emma' In," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Chime In, Team!," T-Pain originally
"Time Machine" Yvette Bristle
"Item Of The Season," The Zombies originally
"Time Of The Season" Mallory
"Out, Mite!," Joe Walsh originally
"Time Out" Kara Oke
"Meg Passes Tia," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"Impasse Stage," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"Message Is Apt," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"Message Is 'Tap'," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"Pastes Images," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"Tia Passes Meg," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"Passage Times," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"Pets As Images," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"Message As Tip," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"Message Is 'Pat'," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"Pita Messages," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Alexis
"It Was Me Very Long Ago," Biff Rose originally
"Time Was Very Long Ago" Jill Conrad
A time to find pus desirable? Bizarre!
Valerie Cameron
"Time Mite," Ed Ames originally
"Time, Time" Becky Bright
"Emit Item," Ed Ames originally
"Time, Time" Becky Bright
"Mite Time," Ed Ames originally
"Time, Time" Becky Bright
"Emit, Emit," Ed Ames originally
"Time, Time" Becky Bright
"Item Time," Ed Ames originally
"Time, Time" Becky Bright
"Mite, Mite," Ed Ames originally
"Time, Time" Becky Bright
"Emit Mite," Ed Ames originally
"Time, Time" Becky Bright
"Time Item," Ed Ames originally
"Time, Time" Becky Bright
"Item, Item," Ed Ames originally
"Time, Time" Becky Bright
"Me, Me! It, It!," Ed Ames originally
"Time, Time" Becky Bright
"Vote Less Lime," Saraya originally
"Timeless Love" Paula Bland
"Seek The Elitism," Foo Fighters originally
"Times Like These" ..Sounds epic
"Mr. Ito," Shakira originally
"Timor" Jed
"Hi, My Tot!," The Buoys originally
"Timothy" Yvette Bristle
"Nit Man," America originally
"Tin Man" Candy Welty
"Inn Mat," America originally
"Tin Man" Rodney
"I, Nat," Flyleaf originally
"Tina" Alyssa Jayne
"Entry Chair," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Kara Oke
"Tarry Niche," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Julian
"Her Icy Rant," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Claire Grayson
"Hear Tin Cry," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Bizarre!
Evan Shortoria
"Rye In Chart," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
"Rich Ray Ten," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Claire Grayson
"Her Racy Nit," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
"Inch Artery," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Are arteries that long?
Boy George Harrison Ford Focus Group Hug
"Terry China," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Kara Oke
"The Rain Cry," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
"Archery Nit," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Kara Oke
"A Cherry Nit," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Kayla Kalyak
"Airy Trench," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Kayla Kalyak
"Her Tiny Car," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
"Hear Nit Cry," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Kara Oke
"I Then Carry," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Kayla Kalyak
"Ran Her City," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Kara Oke
"Her Tiny Arc," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Kara Oke
"Anti-Cherry," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" John
"In At Cherry," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" Kara Oke
"Stun By Bible," Don Ho originally
"Tiny Bubbles" Helen Football
"Nuts By Bible," Don Ho originally
"Tiny Bubbles" Helen Football
"Nancy Tried," Elton John originally
"Tiny Dancer" Alexis
"Inert Candy," Elton John originally
"Tiny Dancer" Yvette Bristle
"Dry Cat Nine," Elton John originally
"Tiny Dancer" Yvette Bristle
"Tyrannic Ed," Elton John originally
"Tiny Dancer" Rosie Finch
"Card Ninety," Elton John originally
"Tiny Dancer" Yvette Bristle
"Tiny Den Arc," Elton John originally
"Tiny Dancer" Yvette Bristle
"Nice Dry Ant," Elton John originally
"Tiny Dancer" Yvette Bristle
"An Icy Trend," Elton John originally
"Tiny Dancer" Yvette Bristle
"A Dry Inn, Etc.," Elton John originally
"Tiny Dancer" Yvette Bristle
How can one tote a mathematical constant?
Polly Cannon
"Baritone Fed Legion," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Diet For Being Alone," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Biennial Egret Food," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Digital Before Neon," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Old Fireboat Engine," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Tide For Being Alone," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Glean Definite Boor," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Beige Flatiron Node," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Deliberate Inn Goof," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Erodible Infant Ego," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Aloof Beginner Tied," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Fertile Begonia, Don," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Ignore Load Benefit," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Freeing A Bed Lotion," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Feeble Indoor Giant," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Defeat Onion Gerbil," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Obligate One Friend," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Aborigine Felon Ted," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Obtain Freed Legion," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Ignore Lifeboat End," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Being Fetid Or Alone," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Green Tinfoil Abode," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Deniable Roof Tinge," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Edit 'For Being Alone'," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"I Often Bridge Alone," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Doe Genital Bonfire," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Tired Of Being On Ale," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Tired Of Being A Leno," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Aborigine Led Often," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Lifeboat Engine Rod," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Fed Trio Being Alone," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Benefit Or Dig Alone," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Tangible Indoor Fee," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Note Inbred Foliage," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Being Alone, Do I Fret?," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Ignoble Feet In Road," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Do Regional Benefit," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Denigrate No Foible," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Ideal Beginner Foot," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"No Debit Grief Alone," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Tired Of Binge Alone," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Baritone Legion Fed," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"No Frigid Beet Alone," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Benefit Orange Idol," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"End Fireboat Legion," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Baritone Feline Dog," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Forget Biennial Ode," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Lifeboat Region End," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Ogle Definite Baron," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Forbid Teenage Lion," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Definite Real Bongo," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Fold Entire Begonia," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Enable Frog Edition," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Defiant Robe Legion," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Gain Often Erodible," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Orient Olefin Badge," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Obedient Alien Frog," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Define Oblate Groin," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Feign Trainee Blood," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Feel Baritone Dingo," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Neat Goober In Field," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Definite Organ Lobe," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Denote Foreign Bail," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Begonia Filter Done," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Freeing Noodle Bait," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Glide Before Nation," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Obedient Far Legion," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Ignore If Detonable," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Negotiable Rod Fine," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Definite Oboe Gnarl," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Deft Lone Aborigine," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Begin Trainee Flood," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Gentian Before Idol," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Indoor Agent Belief," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Ignorant Doe Belief," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Tired Of Being One Al," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Indigo Felon Beater," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Got Indefinable Ore," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Foreign Lion Debate," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Intangible Rood Fee," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Dent Aborigine Floe," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Belie Afternoon Dig," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Negate Infield Boor," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Ignite Federal Boon," Al Green originally
"Tired Of Being Alone" Lauryn Canna
"Aim It, Nut!," David Guetta ft. Sia originally "Titanium"
Gladys M.
"Exit Inmate Soup," Sonic Youth originally
"Titanium Expose" Raygun Shaun
"A Solo Bride Toy," The Tassels originally
"To A Soldier Boy" Christina Caraway
"Ride To Laos, Boy," The Tassels originally
"To A Soldier Boy" Christina Caraway
"Solider Boa Toy," The Tassels originally
"To A Soldier Boy" Christina Caraway
"Rise To Load, Boy," The Tassels originally
"To A Soldier Boy" Christina Caraway
"Boa Toy Is Older," The Tassels originally
"To A Soldier Boy" Christina Caraway
"I Solder Boa Toy," The Tassels originally
"To A Soldier Boy" Christina Caraway
"Reveal Boot," Billy Idol originally
"To Be A Lover" Alexis
"Bear To Love," Billy Idol originally
"To Be A Lover" A teddy bear?
"Beaver Tool," Billy Idol originally
"To Be A Lover" Alexis
"Able To Rove," Billy Idol originally
"To Be A Lover" Alexis
"Robe To Elva," Billy Idol originally
"To Be A Lover" Alexis
"Borneo Bert," Boy George originally
"To Be Reborn" Cheryl Jordan
"To Vole With A Chin," Mando Diao originally
"To China With Love" Faith Spencer
"To Love With Chain," Mando Diao originally
"To China With Love" Faith Spencer
"Crayons Got You," Jethro Tull originally
"To Cry You a Song" Josh
"O Kingdom Comet," Passion Pit originally
"To Kingdom Come" Sabrina Flowe
"Olive And Diet In L.A.," Wang Chung originally
"To Live And Die In L.A." James Brown Pelican
"You Remove Loot," Celine Dion originally
"To Love You More" Alina
"I Flee My Turd Snot," Lacuna Coil originally
"To Myself I Turned" Amber Penn
"Sin To Flee My Turd," Lacuna Coil originally
"To Myself I Turned" Sin for WHO to flee her turd?
Amber Penn
"I Flea My Ton Turds," Lacuna Coil originally
"To Myself I Turned" Amber Penn
"I Flee My Ton Turds," Lacuna Coil originally
"To Myself I Turned" Amber Penn
"Or On A Mat," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Jed
"Moon Tara," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Eva
"Oar On Mat," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"To A Manor," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"Man Or Oat," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"A Root Man," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"Ma Ran Too," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"Or An Atom," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"A Moon Rat," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"Rot A Ma? No!," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"Oat On Arm," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"A Tar Moon," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"Oat On Ram," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"Not Oar, Ma," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"At A Moron," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"Ram No Oat," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"Manor Oat," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"A Tan Moor," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"Not Aroma," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Kara Oke
"A Tan Room," Bob Dylan originally
"To Ramona" Jed
"Batman, Do Not Choke," Savage Garden originally
"To The Moon And Back" Alexis
"Boatman Not Choked," Savage Garden originally
"To The Moon And Back" Ed
"Death Town," Thrice originally
"To What End" Franka
"On That Dew," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"Hot And Wet," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"Wet Hat, Don," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"Not The Wad," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"Endow That," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"Dew On That," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"The Town Ad," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"Ted Won Hat," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"Had Net Two," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"Tenth Ad -- Ow!," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"New Hat, Dot?," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"End To Thaw," Thrice originally
"To What End" Yvette Bristle
"A Cat Cot," Sky originally
"Toccata" Alyssa Jayne
"Cat Coat," Sky originally
"Toccata" Alyssa Jayne
"A Cot Cat," Sky originally
"Toccata" Alyssa Jayne
"To Get Her Or Fever," Rick Astley originally
"Together Forever" Lorraine Thoanjer
"He Got Retro Fever," Rick Astley originally
"Together Forever" Alexis
"Get Hero Rot Fever," Rick Astley originally
"Together Forever" Lorraine Thoanjer
"Refer To The Grove," Rick Astley originally
"Together Forever" Alexis
"Together Or Fever," Rick Astley originally
"Together Forever" Lorraine Thoanjer
"To Ever Forget Her," Rick Astley originally
"Together Forever" Alexis
"Tree For The Grove," Rick Astley originally
"Together Forever" Alexis
"Got There Forever," Rick Astley originally
"Together Forever" Alexis
"Kyoto Nights," Krokus originally
"Tokyo Nights" Kyoto is another city in Japan.
Gina Munroe
"Kyoto Things," Krokus originally
"Tokyo Nights" Blue Ant
"Tokyo Things," Krokus originally
"Tokyo Nights" Blue Ant
"Kyoto Rose," Idle Eyes originally
"Tokyo Rose" Steve Losewood
"Sold Out Yo," Nickelback originally
"Told You So" ..They wouldn't like this :p
"Sold To You," Nickelback originally
"Told You So" ..What'd you sell?
"Steamy Row," Rush originally
"Tom Sawyer" Calop
Preacher that likes Nicole
"Tomcat Thyme," Primus originally
"Tommy the Cat" Evan
"Tomorrow Even Dries," Sheryl Crow originally
"Tomorrow Never Dies" Quyjibo
"Tonight You're In Me," The Outfield originally
"Tonight You're Mine" Mary Ellen Jasper
"Toot ''Night - Night''," Hot Chelle Rae originally
"Tonight, Tonight" Christy Blanchard
"Then Beat Toy," The Sounds originally
"Tony The Beat" Liberty Anderson
"Heat Bent Toy," Sounds originally
"Tony The Beat" Toy partially melted and bent?
Megan Ura
"Thea Bent Toy," Sounds originally
"Tony The Beat" Thea can be a girl's name.
Megan Ura
"Blooded Beetroot," Zebrahead originally
"Too Bored To Bleed" Reminds me of the band 'Bloody Beetroots'
"Work Out Good Cotton Ban," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Too Good To Rub Known Cat," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Wood Bunk, Cotton Rag, Too," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Knot Our Cotton Wood Bag," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Took Burnt Wood Octagon," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Good Wok Cartoon Button," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Too Good To Ban Won Truck," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Rank Cottonwood Bug, Too," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Back Gnu Onto Root Two," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Too Good To Rank Town Cub," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Good To Turn Back Now, Too," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Rook Won't Doubt Octagon," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Buttock Onto Wood Organ," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Cut Wood; Groan; Knot Boot," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Oak Robot Got Countdown," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Brook Gnat Onto Cut Wood," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Too Good To Nab Won Truck," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Go Tow Noon Trout Back," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Cotton Bongo Workout Ad," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Rockbound Two Tango Too," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Too Good To Crank Own Tub," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Wanton Gout Book, Doctor," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Tattoo Cow, Gnu, Doorknob," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Contort Ton Oakwood Bug," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Took A Torn Cut Wood Bong," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"A Torn Tong Woodcut Book," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Wood Knob, Ton Cot, Rag Out," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Run Back To Town Too Good," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Cut Wood Knob Onto Gator," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Got Cotton; Burn Oakwood," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Tow Cotton Book Aground," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Go Bound Rock Tattoo Now," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Go Back Now Onto Tutor," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Cotton Bug Took Wood, Ran," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Rockbound Town Goat, Too," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Ban Good Cotton Workout," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Too Good To Know Curb Ant," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Woo Dragon Onto Buttock," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Tout Coat, Gown, Doorknob," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Cook Bun; Do Wrong Tattoo," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Cow Tattoo, Gun, Doorknob," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Won't Rock Bound Goat, Too?," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Tug Cotton, Wood, Knob, Oar," Rick Bowles originally
"Too Good To Turn Back Now" Alyssa Jayne
"Oh, Hold Tot Too," Major Lance originally
"Too Hot To Hold" Claire Grayson
"Lo, Hot Tot Hood!," Major Lance originally
"Too Hot To Hold" Claire Grayson
"Hold Tooth, Too," Major Lance originally
"Too Hot To Hold" Claire Grayson
"Old Tooth Hoot," Major Lance originally
"Too Hot To Hold" Claire Grayson
"Oh, Loot Hot Dot," Major Lance originally
"Too Hot To Hold" Claire Grayson
"Oh, Do Tooth Lot," Major Lance originally
"Too Hot To Hold" Claire Grayson
"Too Old; Too Hot," Major Lance originally
"Too Hot To Hold" Claire Grayson
"Oh, Hot Dolt Too," Major Lance originally
"Too Hot To Hold" Claire Grayson
"Do Hot Lot Hoot," Major Lance originally
"Too Hot To Hold" Claire Grayson
"So Handy To Man," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Tan As Don -- Oh My!," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Ohms Annoy Tad," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Nasty Manhood," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"No Hot Days, Man," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Hats On Monday," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, Tan Son, My Ad!," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Shy Oat Man Don," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Annoy Host: Mad!," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Hams Annoy Dot," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"No, Not A Shy Dam," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, Stony Ad Man," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Tony Had Mason," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Mad At Sonny? Oh.," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"No Ad, Son: A Myth," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Had Snooty Man," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"No Atoms Handy," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Had Nasty Moon," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Oh Son, My Ant Ad!," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"No Hasty Nomad," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Sad Man Tony, Oh," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, Sad Antonym," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Many Tan Hoods," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"No Hasty Dam, No!," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Hasty Moan, Don!," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Mad, Oh! Nasty, No!," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Handy Atom, Son," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, Toy Sandman," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"So, Ma Not Handy?," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Ma Not Sandy; Oh!," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Had My Ant Soon," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Had No Stony Ma," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Tan My Dahoons," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"No Handy Atoms," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, Nasty Nomad!," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Sonny Had Atom," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Annoy Sad Moth," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
"Handyman Soot," Eagles originally
"Too Many Hands" Yvette Bristle
Sprouting or coming up freely and regularly
Don Knotts' Berry Farm
Bridal Shower Curtain Call Waiting Room
Bridal Shower Curtain Call Waiting Room
Bridal Shower Curtain Call Waiting Room
Bridal Shower Curtain Call Waiting Room
"Grip Lot," G.NA originally
"Top Girl" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Log Trip," G.NA originally
"Top Girl" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Gilt Pro," G.NA originally
"Top Girl" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Rig Plot," G.NA originally
"Top Girl" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Girl Pot," G.NA originally
"Top Girl" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Ian, Foul Christ Torso's Mentor," Dimmu Borgir originally
"Tormentor Of Christian Souls" Perhaps only Dimmu Birgir could make sense of that
...but a different letter of the alphabet
Anna Graham
"Root," Latin Playboys originally "Toro"
To make one howl? Or Drug ITSELF howls?
Bruce Curb
"Four De Trance," Kraftwerk originally
"Tour De France" NOT spoonerism; Tour & Four don't rhyme.
Sylvia Curruca
"Toured France," Kraftwerk originally
"Tour De France" Carolyn Morgenstern
"Mutate Noodle," Megadeth originally
"A Tout Le Monde" Josh
"Calm Alice Led Town," The Jam originally
"Town Called Malice" David
"Acclimate New Doll," The Jam originally
"Town Called Malice" David
"Oyster Is Old," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Candy Welty
"I Sold Oyster," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Destroy Silo," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Rosy Side Lot," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"I Toss Old Rye," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Dire Toy Loss," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Solid Oyster," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Is Old Oyster," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"I Lost Rye Sod," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Rosy Toe Slid," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Sort Soil Dye," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Dry Isle Soot," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"I Rest Old Soy," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Lost Rosy Die," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Is Door Style," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Rose Slid Toy," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"I Try Sole Sod," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Rosy Doe List," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Lose Soy Dirt," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Editor So Sly," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"I Let Rosy Sod," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Solo Dry Site," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"I Lost Red Soy," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Destroy Soil," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Rosy Old Site," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Set Rosy Idol," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Becky Bright
"Aged Try," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Becky Bright
"Dry Gate," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Becky Bright
"Edgy Rat," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Jed
"Ted Gray," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Could be some guy's name
Becky Bright
"Ted! Gary!," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Becky Bright
"Gary! Ted!," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Becky Bright
"Edgy Art," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Becky Bright
"Get Dray," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Becky Bright
"Gyrated," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Becky Bright
"Drag Yet," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Becky Bright
"Get Yard," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Becky Bright
"Gray Ted," Bee Gees originally
"Tragedy" Becky Bright
"Trains And Planes Not As Bad," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Anna Graham
"Trains And Boats And Al's Pen," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Calop
"Sand In Rat, Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Train, Sand, Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" This would also work for a space-change.
"Edna Plans Trains And Boats," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Toads Ban Trains And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Remarkable toads!
"Nana's Dirt, Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Danes Plan Trains And Boats," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"A Plan Ends Trains And Boats," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Sad Tar Inn, Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Trains And Boats And Panels," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Trains And Boats Spanned L.A.," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Rat In Sand, Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Send A Plan, Trains And Boats," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Aspen Land, Trains And Boats," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Trains And Boat, Sand Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Also a space-change!
Lauryn Canna
"Nab Toad's Trains And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"L.A.'s Panned Trains And Boats," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Sad Rant In Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Trains And Boats And Lens, Pa," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Deans Plan Trains And Boats," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Lends A Pan, Trains And Boats," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Bat Ads On Trains And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Trains, Planes, And Baton Ads," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Trains And Baton Ads, Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Sand Train, Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Sat Bad On Trains And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"And In Rats, Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Tan Drains, Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" John
"No Ads Tab Trains And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"I Ran Stand, Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" John
"Strain And Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Trains And Boats As Planned," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" John
"Dean Plans Trains And Boats," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Ad Rants In Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Sand L.A. Pen, Trains And Boats," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Trains And Boast And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"In A Strand: Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Ad Tabs On Trains And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Lauryn Canna
"Rat Riot," Agnostic Front originally "Traitor"
"Tramp In Leo," Shaed originally
"Trampoline" Christy Blanchard
"Lie On Tramp," Shaed originally
"Trampoline" Christy Blanchard
"Rant, Sis: Resist Rot," Freddy Cannon originally
"Transistor Sister" Yvette Bristle
"Pox Taped In Bra," No Doubt originally
"Trapped In A Box" Uhm...no comment!
"Agenda Tripper," Thrice originally
"Treading Paper" Someone who trips on agendas
"Earth Of Trees," Bryan White originally
"Tree Of Hearts" Wendy Torrance
"Hater Of Trees," Bryan White originally
"Tree Of Hearts" Wendy Torrance
"Heart Of Steer," Bryan White originally
"Tree Of Hearts" Wendy Torrance
"Retest Op," Ex Vivian originally
"Tree Tops" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Store Pet," Ex Vivian originally
"Tree Tops" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Steep Rot," Ex Vivian originally
"Tree Tops" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Poet Rest," Ex Vivian originally
"Tree Tops" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Preset To," Ex Vivian originally
"Tree Tops" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Rope Test," Ex Vivian originally
"Tree Tops" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Tee Sport," Ex Vivian originally
"Tree Tops" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Tree Post," Ex Vivian originally
"Tree Tops" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Tree Spot," Ex Vivian originally
"Tree Tops" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Her Cents," InMe originally
"Trenches" Franka
"Her Scent," InMe originally
"Trenches" Franka
"Another Thick Gift," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Taint Eighth Frock," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Other Tack In Fight," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"I Often Track Thigh," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Eighth Intact Fork," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Take Torch In Fight," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"If I Thatch Torn Keg," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Fortieth King Chat," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Airtight Chef Knot," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"I Tag Kitchen Froth," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Hang Fortieth Tick," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Father Got In Thick," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Tighten Thick Afro," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"I Teach Fort Knight," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Freak Itch Tonight," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Take In Fight Torch," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Fortieth Hick Gnat," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"I Knit Forge Thatch," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Another Tick Fight," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"If I Tag North Ketch," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Thin Fargo Thicket," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Eighth Titan Frock," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Fortieth Thick Nag," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Kitchen Oat Fright," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Hot Racket In Fight," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"I Notch Tight Freak," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Rack Thief Tonight," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Of Theatric Knight," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Frock Night, Hattie!," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"If I Tack The Throng," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Thick Fear Tonight," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Foreign Thatch Kit," Bananarama originally
"A Trick Of The Night" Candy Welty
"Nuttier Adder," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Tired And True," Ween originally
"Tried And True" How I misread the title at first
"Rude And Trite," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Tied And Truer," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Richard Wetfuss
"Taunted Rider," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Utter And Dire," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Aunt Tried Red," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Undried Treat," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Untied Trader," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"A Dirt Denture," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Dart Under Tie," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Attuned Rider," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Tundra Dieter," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Deride Truant," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Audit Red Tern," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Untried Trade," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Tiered Tundra," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Ate Dried Runt," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Under-attired," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Art Under Edit," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Rude Ant Tried," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"A Rude Trident," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Undried Tetra," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Art Rut, Indeed," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Undried Tater," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Denture Triad," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Date Intruder," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Reunited Dart," Ween originally
"Tried And True" Yvette Bristle
"Reediting Rigs," Therapy? originally
"Trigger Inside" Jed
"In Reggie's Dirt," Therapy? originally
"Trigger Inside" Jed
"Ditsier Ginger," Therapy? originally
"Trigger Inside" Jed
"Reignited Rigs," Therapy? originally
"Trigger Inside" Jed
"Rue Bolt," Coldplay originally
"Trouble" Regina
"Our Belt," Coldplay originally
"Trouble" Regina
"True Lob," Coldplay originally
"Trouble" Anna Graham
"Blur Toe," Coldplay originally
"Trouble" Regina
"Blur Toe," Coldplay originally
"Trouble" Regina
"Blue Rot," Coldplay originally
"Trouble" Anna Graham
"Twirl Shortcut, Beckie," Alannah Myles originally
"Trouble With Crickets" Winter Pepper
"I, Turd," Donovan originally
"Trudi" Must reflect a self-defecating sense of humor
Margo Gram
"Tube Rule," Madonna originally
"True Blue" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Hate Fruit," New Order originally
"True Faith" That's a rather broad statement about all fruit.
"I Hate Turf," New Order originally
"True Faith" I prefer natural grass instead.
"Heat Fruit," New Order originally
"True Faith" Some fruit can be heated with no trouble.
"Try (Try To Fill A Novel)," Sammy Hagar originally
"Try (Try To Fall In Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Totally Flinty Rover," Sammy Hagar originally
"Try (Try To Fall In Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Try (Try To Fall On Veil)," Sammy Hagar originally
"Try (Try To Fall In Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Try (Try To Flail Novel)," Sammy Hagar originally
"Try (Try To Fall In Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Try (Try To Fan Ill Vole)," Cooker originally
"Try (Try To Fall In Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Try (Try To Fall On Evil)," Sammy Hagar originally
"Try (Try To Fall In Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Try (Try To Fill Oven, Al)," Sammy Hagar originally
"Try (Try To Fall In Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Ain't Gary," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Britney Spears into pruning hooks
"A Tiny Rag," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"Giant Ray," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"I Try A Nag," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"Arty Gain," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"I Tag Yarn," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"A Gin Tray," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"A Tiny Gar," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"Gain Tray," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"Try A Gain," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" also a space change!
Yvette Bristle
"A Gray Tin," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"Anti-Gray," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"Tangy Air," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"A Gray Nit," Aaliyah originally
"Try Again" Yvette Bristle
"Nervy Tight Rye," Shakira originally
"Try Everything" Chris Chendo
"Hying Terry Vet," Shakira originally
"Try Everything" Lori Blonde
"Thirty Energy TV," Shakira originally
"Try Everything" Natalie Benson
"Tiny Rot," Exile originally
"Try It On" Lauryn Canna
"Tint Roy," Exile originally
"Try It On" Lauryn Canna
"Or Tinty," Exile originally
"Try It On" Lauryn Canna
"I Try Ton," Exile originally
"Try It On" Lauryn Canna
"Try On It," Exile originally
"Try It On" Lauryn Canna
"Try Toni," Exile originally
"Try It On" Lauryn Canna
"Nit, Troy!," Exile originally
"Try It On" Lauryn Canna
"I Try Not," Exile originally
"Try It On" Lauryn Canna
"Tyro Tin," Exile originally
"Try It On" Lauryn Canna
"Merry Bettor Me," Tom Jones originally
"Try To Remember" Yvette Bristle
"Remember To Try," Tom Jones originally
"Try To Remember" Yvette Bristle
"Tremor By Meter," Tom Jones originally
"Try To Remember" Yvette Bristle
"To Member Terry," Tom Jones originally
"Try To Remember" Yvette Bristle
"I Right Nan Tuesday," Dylan LeBlanc originally
"Tuesday Night Rain" Is Tuesday when she fell over?
Emmy Kay Butanone
"I Right Ann Tuesday," Dylan LeBlanc originally
"Tuesday Night Rain" Is Tuesday when she fell over?
Emmy Kay Butanone
Latus: A region of the abdomen
Alyssa Jayne
Talus: The large bone of the ankle
Alyssa Jayne
This anagram is also a reversal.
Alyssa Jayne
Whatever Tea Slut might mean.
Tiffany Furlong
This anagram is actually a reversal!
Tiffany Furlong
Strange thing for Tim to be!
Iris Verna
"Rebel Uncut," InMe originally
"Turbulence" ..A new show?
"Let Cue Burn," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Bunter Clue," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Let Cube Run," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Brute Uncle," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Rub Clue Ten," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Club Tenure," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Blunter Cue," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Run Tee Club," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Ten-Cub Rule," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Rub Lent Cue," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Uncurl Beet," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Cut Reel Nub," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Rebut Uncle," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Club Tureen," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Runt Cub Lee," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Bun Lecture," InMe originally
"Turbulence" Candy Welty
"Urination Tang," Genesis originally
"Turn It On Again" Ewww!!
"Left Fourth Night," Nelly Furtado originally
"Turn Off The Light" Staying for three nights was enough.
"The Rightful Font," Nelly Furtado originally
"Turn Off The Light" Alexis
"Felt Fourth Night," Nelly Furtado originally
"Turn Off The Light" Alexis
"Hot Truffle Night," Nelly Furtado originally
"Turn Off The Light" Alexis
"Turn Your Rad Roan," Prism originally
"Turn On Your Radar" Trina Lufkin
"Get Harp Tune," Bob Seger originally
"Turn The Page" Alexis
"Gather Up Ten," Bob Seger originally
"Turn The Page" 10 of some item
"Run To Cat," Anti Flag originally
"Turncoat" American Idle
"Under Tout," Helmet originally
"Turned Out" Polly Cannon
"Tuned Rout," Helmet originally
"Turned Out" Polly Cannon
"Sage Nan Ruin Jet," Vapors originally
"Turning Japanese" Peter
"Ban Turtle," TLC originally
"Turntable" How does one ban a turtle?
Cheryl Jordan
"Let Turban," TLC originally
"Turntable" Cheryl Jordan
"Huts," ZZ Top originally
"Tush" Dionne Peacewick
"Shut," ZZ Top originally
"Tush" Dionne Peacewick
"Slimy Event If Wet," Edwin Starr originally
"Twenty Five Miles" Waldo D. Law
"Few Envy Slime Tit," Edwin Starr originally
"Twenty Five Miles" Waldo D. Law
"New Elm Festivity," Edwin Starr originally
"Twenty Five Miles" Waldo D. Law
"Twenty-Four Hours Form A Slut," Gene Pitney originally
"Twenty-Four Hours From Tulsa" Isac
Anagram, not spoonerism as previously posted.
American Idle
"List Dog Twice," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"List Dog Twice," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Cow Digs Title," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Josh
"I Test Wild Cog," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Dig Closet Wit," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Cold Twig Site," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"I Test Cow Gild," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Twist Dog Lice," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"I Set Cold Twig," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Digest Lit Cow," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Got Lids Twice," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Cite Sold Twig," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"I Sold Twig, Etc.," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Lost Wig Edict," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Solid Twig, Etc.," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Twist Log Dice," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"I Test Cold Wig," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Slit Dog Twice," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Twist Gold Ice," Coldplay originally
"Twisted Logic" Becky Bright
"Worst Randiest Tits," Korn originally
"Twisted Transistor" Saaaay nooo more!
Sir David Grady III
"Brothers Tow," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Stow Brother," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Short Wet Rob," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Throw Strobe," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Rob The Worst," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Or Best Throw," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Rest Hot Brow," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Tow Brothers," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Short Web Rot," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Stew Or Broth," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"The Worst Orb," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Beth Rots Row," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Brother Tows," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Short Wet Orb," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"We Sort Broth," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Wrest Hot Orb," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Two Herbs Rot," David Hill originally
"Two Brothers" Becky Bright
"Shrew Too Fat," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Yvette Bristle
"The Rats Woof," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
"Hot Software," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Yvette Bristle
"Oho, Wet Farts," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Could be inconvenient in some of Stacey's outfits.
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
"Tow Fat Horse," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Yvette Bristle
"Wet-Foot Rash," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Yvette Bristle
"Whose Far Tot?," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Yvette Bristle
"Rate How Soft," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Yvette Bristle
"Other Fat Sow," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Yvette Bristle
"Short, Fat: Woe!," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Yvette Bristle
"Woo Farthest," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Yvette Bristle
"Fast Hero Two," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Yvette Bristle
It probably won't last long.
Kara Oke
Several roads have this name.
Kara Oke
"It's Lonely Land," Eminem originally
"Tylenol Island" Quyjibo
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.