Entries Beginning with O
"Cris Thomas' Tree," Traditional originally
"O Christmas Tree" Mary Ann Brite
"Chris Tomas' Tree," Traditional originally
"O Christmas Tree" Mary Ann Brite
"A Huffy Metallic Oleo," Traditional originally
"O Come, All Ye Faithful" No Xmas is complete without huffy metallic oleos!
Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"On Our Fat," Carl Orff originally
"O Fortuna" Gigi
"A Nut Roof," Carl Orff originally
"O Fortuna" Diana Jasper
"Ran Out Of," Carl Orff originally
"O Fortuna" out of what or where?
"A Fun Root," Carl Orff originally
"O Fortuna" Diana Jasper
"Onto A Fur," Carl Orff originally
"O Fortuna" Gigi
"A Roof Nut," Carl Orff originally
"O Fortuna" Diana Jasper
"Run Afoot," Carl Orff originally
"O Fortuna" Gigi
"Tuna Roof," Carl Orff originally
"O Fortuna" Diana Jasper
"Not A Four," Carl Orff originally
"O Fortuna" but a different number (or playing card) instead
"Be Filth Howl Toot Element," Traditional originally
"O Little Town Of Bethlehem" Ah, gotta be SOME profound message there!
Emmy Kay Butanone
"O Little Hem Of Bethel Town," Traditional originally
"O Little Town Of Bethlehem" Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
"No Butane, Man!," Traditional originally
"O Tannenbaum" Ed
"I'd Boo A Ballad," The Beatles originally
"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" Daisy Pappus
"I Do Boa Ballad," The Beatles originally
"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" Daisy Pappus
"Jog Onto Cabinet," Shakira originally
"Objection (Tango)" Something bugs might do?
"Objection, O Gnat," Shakira originally
"Objection (Tango)" Penelope Beckinsale
"Job Notice (Tonga)," Shakira originally
"Objection (Tango)" nally
"Objection (Tonga)," Shakira originally
"Objection (Tango)" nally
"Eve, A Noun Ace," Yellowcard originally
"Ocean Avenue" Loree Dare
"A Canoe Venue," Yellowcard originally
"Ocean Avenue" Hilary Duffelbag
"Their Hen Eye Canoe," Motorpsycho originally
"The Ocean In Her Eye" Heather Brockwell
"O To Eden Thus," Dredg originally
"Ode To The Sun" Chelsea Footler
And leave otherwise?
Justin B. Burr
And leave otherwise?
Justin B. Burr
Much less lofty concept than original!
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
"Hoe Hay!," Yello originally
"Oh Yeah!" Deirdre Collins
"Hometown Party," Roy Orbison originally
"Oh, Pretty Woman" Flo Wolf
"Now Potty Harem," Roy Orbison originally
"Oh, Pretty Woman" Flo Wolf
"Noteworthy Map," Roy Orbison originally
"Oh, Pretty Woman" Flo Wolf
"Harem Won Potty," Roy Orbison originally
"Oh, Pretty Woman" Flo Wolf
"Lad Irate Now," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Nail Tore Wad," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Toenail Ward," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Josh
"I Lean Toward," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"No War Detail," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Old Arena Wit," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Neat Owl Raid," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Load In Water," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Toe In L.A. Ward," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"A Worn Detail," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Eat Lard, Wino!," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"I Want Ordeal," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Wrote Nail Ad," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Own Ideal Rat," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Want Oil, Dare?," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Sure, I'll take some!
Loree Dare
"Dale In Tar - Ow!," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"A New Lad Trio," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Want Laid Ore," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Twin Oar Deal," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"I Rate Lad Now," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Near Dial Two," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Wan Trail Ode," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"No Awl Tirade," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"I Eat Lard Now," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Oral Twine Ad," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Wade On Trial," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"I Wed On Tar, Al," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"End Oral Wait," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"I Land A Tower," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Ideal Rat Won," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"I Tan Red, Al - Ow!," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Dew On Lariat," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"I Trod Anew, Al," Incubus originally
"Oil And Water" Loree Dare
"Polka," M83 originally
"OK Pal" Peggy Pollock
"Opal K.," M83 originally
"OK Pal" Might be someone's first name & last initial
Peggy Pollock
... Because panda just isn't good cold!
"Old Brown Hoes," The Beatles originally
"Old Brown Shoe" Candy Welty
"Bold Horse Won," The Beatles originally
"Old Brown Shoe" Candy Welty
"Horse Now Bold," The Beatles originally
"Old Brown Shoe" Candy Welty
"Hold Snow Robe," The Beatles originally
"Old Brown Shoe" Candy Welty
"Blown Sod Hero," The Beatles originally
"Old Brown Shoe" Candy Welty
"Old Robe Shown," The Beatles originally
"Old Brown Shoe" Candy Welty
"Old Brown Hose," The Beatles originally
"Old Brown Shoe" Candy Welty
"Blond Who Rose," The Beatles originally
"Old Brown Shoe" Candy Welty
"No Shrew Blood," The Beatles originally
"Old Brown Shoe" Candy Welty
"Blood On Shrew," The Beatles originally
"Old Brown Shoe" Candy Welty
"The Cold Dane," Oyster Band originally
"The Old Dance" Lydia Helton
"The Cloned Ad," Oyster Band originally
"The Old Dance" Lydia Helton
"The Odd Lance," Oyster Band originally
"The Old Dance" Lydia Helton
"Dole's Motion," The Spoons originally
"Old Emotions" Christina Caraway
"Lotion Modes," The Spoons originally
"Old Emotions" Christina Caraway
"Lode Motions," The Spoons originally
"Old Emotions" Christina Caraway
Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
"Leona," Don Nix originally
"Olena" Gus
"Anole," Don Nix originally
"Olena" Anna Faris Wheel
"Alone," Don Nix originally
"Olena" Yvette Bristle
"No Ale," Don Nix originally
"Olena" Yvette Bristle
"One Al," Don Nix originally
"Olena" Yvette Bristle
"Sh*ts on a Merchant," Down originally
"On March the Saints" Ummm... Why?!
Boy George Michael Douglas MacArthur Park Avenue
Boy George Michael Douglas MacArthur Park Avenue
Boy George Michael Jackson Browne
Boy George Michael Douglas MacArthur Park Avenue
Where has she gone?
Daphne Fairhope
Could sound like several other things!
Kayla McSwain
Where has she gone?
Daphne Fairhope
"Not By Dan's," Shed Seven originally
"On Standby" Kara Oke
"By Ann's Dot," Shed Seven originally
"On Standby" Kara Oke
"Ah, Oat Bun," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Her Door Bent," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"The Born Doer," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Don Tore Herb," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Broth On Deer," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Not Herd Robe," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Hen Or Debtor," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Red Hen Robot," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Ted Bore Horn," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Rob Horde Ten," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Trod One Herb," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Bet Her Donor," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"One Red Broth," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Debtor On Her," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Bred No Other," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Ton Herd Robe," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Done Brother," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Erred On Both," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Err On Hot Bed," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Rob Other Den," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Bond Rot Here," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Her Brood Ten," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"The Red Boron," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Don The Borer," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Debtor Or Hen," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Door Ten, Herb," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Beth On Order," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Rode On Berth," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"One Berth Rod," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Hot Deer Born," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Torn Hero Bed," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"The Nob Order," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"End Her Robot," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Broth On Reed," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Tend Her Boor," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Boo Herd Rent," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"North Bee Rod," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Her Bent Door," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"Her Donor Bet," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
"On The Red Orb," Al Stewart originally
"On The Border" Alyssa Jayne
Edi can be a guys name
for his books or other published works
S/he must be deaf/hearing-impaired?
"Loosen Theo," Saga originally
"On The Loose" Florita
"On The Canoe," K'Jon originally
"On The Ocean" Regina Olsen
"Oh, Net Ocean," K'Jon originally
"On The Ocean" Regina Olsen
"Oh, Net Canoe," K'Jon originally
"On The Ocean" Regina Olsen
"He Not Canoe," K'Jon originally
"On The Ocean" But his grammar might be better than singer's
Regina Olsen
"He Not Ocean," K'Jon originally
"On The Ocean" But his grammar might be better than singer's
Regina Olsen
Thrips (both sing. & pl.) = a type of insect
Dinah Bartilson
"A Felon Coo," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"No Coal Foe," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"Canoe Fool," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"A Fool Once," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"Cola On Foe," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"One Of Coal," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"No Cola Foe," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"Can Of Oleo," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"No Cafe Loo," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"Coo Of Neal," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"Once Aloof," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"A Colon Foe," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"Coal Of Eon," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"No Flea Coo," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"Fool No Ace," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"Coal On Foe," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"Ocean Fool," Kiki Dee originally
"Once A Fool" Yvette Bristle
"Coy Swine Tech Bit Ten," Great White originally
"Once Bitten Twice Shy" Avatarred And Feathered
"I Note Ice In Flame," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"A Feline Into Mice," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Lifetime In Canoe," Talking Heads originally
"Once in a Lifetime" Josh
"If I Notice Enamel," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"I Inflame Nice Toe," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Finite Ale Income," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Once In A Mite File," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"I Incite No Female," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Cite Mainline Foe," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"A Fine Tile Income," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Fine Mice Eat Lion," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"If I Clean One Time," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Omit Fine L.A. Niece," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"I Omit Fence; I Lean," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Entice Oaf In Lime," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Nine Face Oil Item," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Eat Fine Lime Icon," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Ate Feminine Coil," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Limit - One Fiancee," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Finite Mice Alone," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"I Tee Once In A Film," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Alien Niece Motif," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"Nice Olefin Tie, Ma!," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"I Infect Eel; I Moan," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
"A Feline Icon Time," Talking Heads originally
"Once In A Lifetime" Joy Stick
How does one do that?
Carrie Overwood
"Reno Girl Evolution," Superchick originally
"One Girl Revolution" Hayley Spalding
"One Goon Soared," Paul Carrack originally
"One Good Reason" Calop
"One Has My Name (The Other Hears My Hat)," Barry Young originally
"One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart)" Megan Tereon
"Another Stable," Creed originally
"One Last Breath" Regina Haniger
"Eatable Thorns," Creed originally
"One Last Breath" Regina Haniger
"Beaten Harlots," Creed originally
"One Last Breath" Regina Haniger
"Blatant Heroes," Creed originally
"One Last Breath" Regina Haniger
"Notable Hearts," Creed originally
"One Last Breath" Regina Haniger
"Selling Lonely Rose," Justin Bieber originally
"One Less Lonely Girl" Gladys
"One Man Band Plays 'No Ale, All!'," Ronnie Dyson originally
"One Man Band (Plays All Alone)" Yvette Bristle
"And Bone Man Plays All Alone," Ronnie Dyson originally
"One Man Band (Plays All Alone)" Yvette Bristle
"Deb, A Non-Man, Plays All Alone," Ronnie Dyson originally
"One Man Band (Plays All Alone)" Yvette Bristle
"A Band 'No Men' Plays All Alone," Ronnie Dyson originally
"One Man Band (Plays All Alone)" Yvette Bristle
...that he's gonna be popular someday? lol
"Adore Money," 10 Years originally
"One More Day" Franka
"One More Mite," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"One Rite Memo," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"Tie Me No More," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"Tee On Memoir," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"Mere Emotion," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"One Tire Memo," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"Time One More," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"One Memo Tier," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"Memo Note Ire," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"Tie 'Em On More," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"One More Item," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"No Tee Memoir," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"Memo: I On Tree," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"One Rime Tome," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"Emit One More," Daft Punk originally
"One More Time" Becky Bright
"A Goat Rove Under Neon Ion," Funkadelic originally
"One Nation Under A Groove" Gretchen Wieners
"A Neon Ion Under Oat Grove," Funkadelic originally
"One Nation Under A Groove" Gretchen Wieners
"One Thing In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"No, The Gin In Bangkok!," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"In Hog Net In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"He Got Inn In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Ton Hinge In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Hen To Gin In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Gone Hint In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Hog In Net In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Hen In Tog In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Ninth Ego In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Hen Got In, In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Gin To Hen In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, Get Inn In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Hinge Not In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Gone Thin In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Neigh Not In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"On The Gin In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Go, Bangkok Nit In Hen!," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Nigh Note In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"In Hog Ten In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Toning In Bangkok, Eh?," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Goth Nine In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Hog Net In, In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Got Hen In, In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, Gin Ten In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Nigh Tone In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Hog Ten In, In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Got Inn In Bangkok, Eh?," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Then Go In, In Bangkok," Murray Head originally
"One Night In Bangkok" Yvette Bristle
"Murray Is On One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Rum As Irony One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Our Army's In One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Mourn Syria One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Say 'Rum Iron', One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Our Army Sin One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Urn Is Mayor One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"I Mourn Rays One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"U.S. Army Iron One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Your Man, Sir, One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Ruin My Rosa One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Say 'Rum Iron', Goth Nine!," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"I Run Mayors One Night," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"One Thing In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Ton Hinge In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Hen In Tog In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"No, The Gin In Your Arms!," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Hen To Gin In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Hint Gone In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Gin To Hen In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"In Your Arms Gone Thin," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"On The Gin In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Hinge Not In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Toning In Your Arms, Eh?," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Goth Nine In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, Gin Ten In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Hog In Net In Your Arms," Drugstore originally
"One Night In Your Arms" Yvette Bristle
"Nine To Thong Is Enough," Snow Patrol originally
"One Night Is Not Enough" Nine trying to wear just one thong?
Kimberly Townsend
"One Ton Thing Is Enough," Snow Patrol originally
"One Night Is Not Enough" Kimberly Townsend
"Tone In Thong Is Enough," Snow Patrol originally
"One Night Is Not Enough" Kimberly Townsend
"Note In Thong Is Enough," Snow Patrol originally
"One Night Is Not Enough" Kimberly Townsend
"One Tin Thong Is Enough," Snow Patrol originally
"One Night Is Not Enough" Kimberly Townsend
"Me Foot's Runny," Pink Floyd originally
"One of My Turns" Baby talk?
"One Of These Things," Eagles originally
"One Of These Nights" Melanie Black
"Hornet Height Note Is On The Left," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Justine
"Thirteenth Hog Is On The Left One," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Loree Dare
"The One On The Right Is On The Felt," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"The One On The Right Is Tenth Floe," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Loree Dare
"Eighth Throne Note Is On The Left," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Quyjibo
"The One On The Right Is Of The Lent," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Kayla Kalyak
"Eighth Hornet Note Is On The Left," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Jared F.
"Hot Thorn Eighteen Is On The Left," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Kayla Kalyak
"The One On The Right Is The Left, No?," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"The One On The Right Is Lone Theft," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"No, The One On The Left Is The Right," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"The One On The Right Is Left To Hen," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"He's Left The One On The Right - Not I!," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"The One On The Right Is Not, He Felt," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"Oh, Inherent Ghetto Is On The Left," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"The One On The Left Is On The Right," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"Note: Eighth Hornet Is On The Left," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"The One On The Right Is Felt To Hen," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"Then Ghetto Heroin Is On The Left," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"Note: Eighth Throne Is On The Left," Johnny Cash originally
"The One On The Right Is On The Left" Anna Graham
"The One Sore (That's Felt In My Earth)," Teresa Brewer originally
"The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart)" Laurie Cassid
"Lee Mops In Night," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Ship Long Tie," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Polish Men Tinge," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Spin Melon Eight," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"One Simple Night," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"His Longtime Pen," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Mops In Eel Thing," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"See Nothing Limp," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Sight Linen Poem," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Imps On Eel Night," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Eels Mop In Night," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Ninth Simple Ego," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Impel Ghost Nine," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"I Melt Phone Sign," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Mention Leg's Hip," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Silent Mop Hinge," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Open Slime Night," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Pin Eight Lemons," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Linemen Shot Pig," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Eight Lemon Nips," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Lit Gone Ship," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"I Might Open Lens," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Spin Lemon Eight," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Oilmen Sight Pen," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Hostile Men Ping," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Simple Hint Gone," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Hinge Pistol," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Lit Phoneme Sign," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Pin Eight Melons," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"I Mop Shingle Ten," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Lemon Pie Things," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Lighten Some Pin," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Impose Ninth Leg," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Shipmen Get Lion," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Snip Melon Eight," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Eight Lemon Pins," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Met Longish Pine," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Hinge Not Simple," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Mop In Lee's Thing," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Glimpse Hot Nine," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"I Log This Pen, Men," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Linemen Ship Tog," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"His Lone Pigment," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"I Open Mel's Thing," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Got Ship Line," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Eight Melon Nips," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Longish Teen Imp," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Tinge Polish," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Slight Men Opine," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Mention Hip's Leg," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Top Mine Shingle," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Lion Hip Segment," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Simple Ton Hinge," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"See No Limp Thing," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"I Pet Longish Men," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Sing 'Phenol Time'," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Lighten Pin Some," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Open Slime Thing," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Impose Ninth Gel," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Snip Lemon Eight," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Solemn Pie Night," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Open Lime Nights," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Glimpse Thin One," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Sight Men In Pole," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Longish Pen Time," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Shot Pig Line," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Eels In Mop Thing," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Lemon Pie Nights," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Holes In Pigment," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Open Elm In Sight," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Phosgene In Milt," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Imps On Eel Thing," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
"Moisten Hip, Glen," Stabilizers originally
"One Simple Thing" Alyssa Jayne
That WOULD be a SMALL voice!
Donna Rand Blitzen
"Closet Openers," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Alexis
"Reopen Closets," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Alexis
"Set Pool Screen," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Yvette Bristle
"Reopens Closet," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Alexis
"Teen Cop Losers," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" They exist
"Rose Once Slept," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Yvette Bristle
"Essence Or Plot," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Yvette Bristle
"Clone Rose Pest," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Yvette Bristle
"See Plot Censor," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Yvette Bristle
"Pole Rose Scent," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Yvette Bristle
"Resent Sole Cop," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Yvette Bristle
"Stool Presence," Linkin Park originally
"One Step Closer" Yvette Bristle
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
"The One Night," INXS originally
"The One Thing" Megan
"The Hen Got In," INXS originally
"The One Thing" Alexis
"As One Thing Led To Another," The Fixx originally
"One Thing Leads To Another" Anna Graham
"One Night Leads To Another," The Fixx originally
"One Thing Leads To Another" ...another *day*, that is.
Anna Graham
"Don, Trace Mink," Bobby Lewis originally
"One Track Mind" Mary Ellen Jasper
"Done Mink Cart," Bobby Lewis originally
"One Track Mind" Mary Ellen Jasper
"Mandy Is My Loner," Debbie Gibson originally
"Only In My Dreams" Joe
"You Loan My Den," Donna Cruz originally
"Only Me And You" Yvette Bristle
"Only You, Ad Men!," Donna Cruz originally
"Only Me And You" Yvette Bristle
"No Yule Monday," Donna Cruz originally
"Only Me And You" Yvette Bristle
"You Land Money," Donna Cruz originally
"Only Me And You" Yvette Bristle
"Only On Mud, Aye," Donna Cruz originally
"Only Me And You" Yvette Bristle
"Really On The Peace," Lynda Randle originally
"The Only Real Peace" Possible reference to Peace River (in Canada)?
Paige Evans
"Peace Only There, Al," Lynda Randle originally
"The Only Real Peace" Same message, addressed specifically to Al
Paige Evans
"Only Item," Enya originally
"Only Time" Stu L. Pigeon
"Little In Mellowly," Asia originally
"Only Time Will Tell" Lefty Lucy
"One Manly Wire," Shoes originally
"Only We Remain" Jacqui O'Day
"Marine Won Lye," Shoes originally
"Only We Remain" A caustic chemical makes for a strange prize!
Scarlett Lopez
"One Manly Weir," Shoes originally
"Only We Remain" Weir = type of low dam
Jacqui O'Day
"Were Mainly On," Shoes originally
"Only We Remain" Jacqui O'Day
"We're Mainly On," Shoes originally
"Only We Remain" Jacqui O'Day
"'Tis I Did Poo Again," Britney Spears originally
"Oops, I Did It Again" Rita Warmidge
"More Pans," Journey originally
"Open Arms" Alexis
"More Naps," Journey originally
"Open Arms" Alexis
"A.M. Person," Journey originally
"Open Arms" A shorthand way of writing 'morning person'!
"Reps Moan," Journey originally
"Open Arms" Megan Ura
"Near Mops," Journey originally
"Open Arms" Alexis
"Sane Prom," Journey originally
"Open Arms" Alexis
"Earn Mops," Journey originally
"Open Arms" Alexis
"Hen Toe Droop," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Gus
"Hot Pee Donor," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" I hope this isn't too offensive
"Hero On Depot," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Julia
"Dent Ore Hoop," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Unintentionally, I would think
K.N. Pepper
"Redone Photo," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Dent Poor Hoe," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" But why??
Etta James Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
"Hot Donor Pee," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"Rent Doe Hoop," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Whatever THAT is...
K.N. Pepper
"Deer, Not Pooh!," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Deter No Hoop," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Christina
"Oh, Deport One," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"Ton Deer Hoop," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Christina
"Do Enter Hoop," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"Deter Pooh? No!," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Jake Eastbrook
"Deep Horn, Too," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"Done Hero Pot," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Not sure what this means...
"Hop On Red Toe," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"Roe Den Photo," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Benny
"Denote Or Hop," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"Oh, Denote Pro," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Christina
"Deter No Pooh," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"Do Enter, Pooh!," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Julia
"Red Phone Too," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"No Red Hoe Top," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"Ore Den Photo," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"Red Hoop Tone," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Kayla Kalyak
"Deer, Not Hoop!," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Julia
"One Red Photo," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"No Depot Hero," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Red Hoop Note," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Oh, One Red Pot," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Photo On Deer," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Julia
"Oh, No Top Reed," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Red Hoe On Top," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"No Deer Photo," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Oh, Red Pen Too," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Deport No Hoe," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Deer On Photo," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Oh, Red On Poet," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Den Hoop Tore," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Red Top On Hoe," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"The One Droop," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Poet Hero Don," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Oh, No Top, Reed!," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"No Other Dope," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Oh, One Red Top," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Roe Hoop Dent," Magnapop originally
"Open The Door" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Hilo Pea," The Band originally
"Ophelia" A pea from Hilo, Hawaii?
Dorothy Jansen
"Hopi Ale," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Do the Hopi brew any ale?
Jill Conrad
"Oh, I Leap," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"Ail, Hope," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Why would anyone tell hope to ail?
Dorothy Jansen
"Pie Halo," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"Hilo Ape," The Band originally
"Ophelia" As in Hilo, Hawaii. (No apes are native there.)
Dorothy Jansen
"Aloe Heap," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"I Hoe Pal," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"A Hoe Lip," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"I Hope, Al!," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"Hip Aloe," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"Ah, I Lope," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"Oil Heap," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"Oh, A Pile," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"Oh, I Plea," The Band originally
"Ophelia" Candy Welty
"Range Is Slob," Leah West originally
"Orange Bliss" Whatever THAT would mean!
Connie Brady
"Lib Ranges So," Leah West originally
"Orange Bliss" Veronica Persica
"I Slob Ranges," Leah West originally
"Orange Bliss" However one would do THAT!
Connie Brady
"Lib's Oranges," Leah West originally
"Orange Bliss" Veronica Persica
"Crush One Rag," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" Gus
"Ron's Huge Car," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" Alexis
"No Rush, Grace," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" Alexis
"No, Gus Archer!," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" Saying no to some guy
"Rougher Cans," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" Alexis
"Anchor's Urge," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" Alexis
"Sour Changer," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" Alexis
"Our Changers," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" Alexis
"Arches On Rug," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" It's part of the design
"Acorn Gusher," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" Alexis
"Rough Cranes," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" As in the machinery
"No Surcharge," R.E.M. originally
"Orange Crush" Alexis
"Green Oak, Sis," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Seeking Rosa," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"A Geek's Irons," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Nose Age Risk," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Quyjibo
"A Greek's Ions," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"A Ski So Green," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Quyjibo
"Agree On Kiss," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Ski Arson? Gee!," Love originally
"Orange Skies" My thoughts exactly
"Seek Gas Iron," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Roses In A Keg," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Wouldn't you rather put 'em in a vase??
"Grease On Ski," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Sink Seagoer," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Risk A Son? Gee!," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"A Senior's Keg," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"A Geek's Rosin," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Eager Ski Son," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"I Seek Rag, Son," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Go Seek A Grin," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"I Seek Sarong," Love originally
"Orange Skies" sarong: Southeast Asian garment worn by women
Kara Oke
"No Eager Kiss," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Goes Near Ski," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Sea King Rose," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Ken Is A Gorse," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"I Soak Greens," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Go Erase Skin," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Seeks A Groin," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"In Keg As Rose," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Seek A Rig, Son," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Kiss One Gear," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Skin Era Goes," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Raise Keg, Son," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Keg Is Reason," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Egress In Oak," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Gone Sea Risk," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Snake Ego, Sir," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Go Erase Sink," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Sane Ego Risk," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Agree - Kiss On!," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Ear Skin Goes," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Arise, Keg Son!," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Seek Air Song," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Agree: No Kiss," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"I Seek Organs," Love originally
"Orange Skies" Kara Oke
"Odd Arch Roar," Leo Sayer originally
"Orchard Road" Eva Shortoria
"Arc Had Odor," Leo Sayer originally
"Orchard Road" Eva Shortoria
"Road Or Chard," Leo Sayer originally
"Orchard Road" Eva Shortoria
"Rainy Word, Lord," Duran Duran originally
"Ordinary World" Tori Spelling Bee
"A Learning Skirt Pro," The Offspring originally
"Original Prankster" ..impressed
"Nail's Origin," INXS originally
"Original Sin" Sarah Tonin
"The Hay Tower," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"He Threw A Toy," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"To Try Hee Haw," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Try it, ya'll! You'll love it!
"Her Wheat Toy," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Hot Rye Wheat," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Yum!!
"Tow Hay There," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Wrote 'The Hay'," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Why Hoe Tater?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Hew Earth Toy," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Why Eat Other?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"They Hate Row," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Hot Way There," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Why A Hot Tree?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Wet Other Hay," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Oh, Teeth Awry," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"What Toy Here?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"They Wore Hat," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Why A Tot Here?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Thaw Toy Here," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Hot Water, Hey!," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Whether A Toy," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"We Try Hoe Hat," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Why Earth Toe?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Hey, Watt Hero!," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Why Tater Hoe?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Oh, He Wet Tray," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Hey, We Rot Hat," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"The Other Yaw," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Why To Heater?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Hew Toy Heart," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Why Oat There?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"They Tow Hare," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Why Other Tea?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Who They Rate," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Whet A Theory," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Why Hot Eater?," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
"Wheat Theory," Weezer originally
"The Other Way" Joy Stick
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Usually risky on a first date
Penelope Beckinsale
"Use Our Ho," Madness originally
"Our House" Terror Reid
"Vigorous Trowel," Myrna March originally
"Our Love, It Grows" Regina Haniger
"Grievous Owl Rot," Myrna March originally
"Our Love, It Grows" Regina Haniger
"Wool Giver's Tour," Myrna March originally
"Our Love, It Grows" Regina Haniger
"Rotors Vow Guile," Myrna March originally
"Our Love, It Grows" Regina Haniger
"Slow Our Vertigo," Myrna March originally
"Our Love, It Grows" Regina Haniger
"Out My Arch Foe," Fifth Way originally
"Out Of My Reach" Audrey Ruiz
"Outwit The Hold," Alley Life originally
"Out With The Old" Chelsea Dunn
"Ed Is Out," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Tedious," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"I Used To," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Douse It," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Suit Ode," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Do Use It," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"I Dot Sue," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Doe Suit," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Do Suite," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"I Use Dot," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Ides Out," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Do It, Sue," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Side Out," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Do Tie Us," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Duo Ties," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"I Do Suet," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
"Dies Out," Staind originally
"Outside" Kara Oke
I think that shout would be, "I'M HUNGRY!!"
"Do It? Sure!," Green Day originally
"Outsider" Yvette Bristle
"I Rest Duo," Green Day originally
"Outsider" Yvette Bristle
"Edit 'Sour'," Green Day originally
"Outsider" Yvette Bristle
"Diet Or Us," Green Day originally
"Outsider" Yvette Bristle
"Is Red Out?," Green Day originally
"Outsider" Yvette Bristle
"I Used Rot," Green Day originally
"Outsider" Yvette Bristle
"I Oust Red," Green Day originally
"Outsider" Yvette Bristle
"Rove," Drake originally
"Over" Hilary Nevis
"A Given Oar," Cavo originally
"Over Again" Yvette Bristle
"A Vain Ogre," Cavo originally
"Over Again" Yvette Bristle
"By Care (Have More Clad)," The Fray originally
"Over My Head (Cable Car)" Dongquan
"Rover Vied," Katy Rose originally
"Overdrive" Alyssa Jayne
"Revive Rod," Katy Rose originally
"Overdrive" Lisa Basil
"Drive Over," Katy Rose originally
"Overdrive" Alyssa Jayne
"Over Diver," Katy Rose originally
"Overdrive" Alyssa Jayne
"Dive, Rover!," Katy Rose originally
"Overdrive" Alyssa Jayne
"River Dove," Katy Rose originally
"Overdrive" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Reviver," Katy Rose originally
"Overdrive" Alyssa Jayne
"Diver Over," Katy Rose originally
"Overdrive" Alyssa Jayne
"Now The Thing," Chaka Khan originally
"Own The Night" Harrison Ford Pinto Beans
"The Thing Won," Chaka Khan originally
"Own The Night" Do you mean Thing from "The Addams Family"?
"Won The Thing," Chaka Khan originally
"Own The Night" What thing did you win?
Harrison Ford Pinto Beans
"Owner of a Lonely Earth," Yes originally
"Owner of a Lonely Heart" James
"To Hex," The Who originally
"The Ox" Lucinda Blair
"Yo, Come Ova!," Santana originally
"Oye Como Va" Possibly street-slang for 'come over'?
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.