Entries Beginning with A
"Navy Barn? Gee!," Marty Wilde originally
"Abergavenny" Yvette Bristle
Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
"Go Abut Liar," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"I Go Tabular," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" ...when designing certain things
"Go Rub A Tail," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"About Grail," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" John
"A Bog Ritual," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"I Outbrag Al," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Bigot Laura," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Abut Oil Rag," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Tug Lair Boa," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Our Gal Bait," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Got A Burial," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Bag Our Tail," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Rig Auto Lab," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Go Abut Rail," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"I Lag Or Abut," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Big Ural Oat," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Toga Burial," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Bail Out Rag," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"A Boar Guilt," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Goat Burial," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"A Tailor Bug," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Our Tail Bag," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
"Big To Laura," Nirvana originally
"About A Girl" Candy Welty
Advice from Steve Miller?
"Ten Balls To You," Deborah Cox originally
"Absolutely Not" Sardine Taylor
"No Lousy Battle," Deborah Cox originally
"Absolutely Not" Alexis
"You Sent Ballot," Deborah Cox originally
"Absolutely Not" Alexis
"Only A Lost Tube," Deborah Cox originally
"Absolutely Not" Alexis
Whatever THAT might be!
Lorraine Thoanjer
"Calla Pea," Karmin originally
"Acapella" Strange hybrid plant!
Chelsea Dunn
"Call A Pea," Karmin originally
"Acapella" It probably won't answer!
Chelsea Dunn
"Dante CCI," Baha Men originally
"Accident" Did Dante leave 201 generations of descendants?!
Preacher that likes Nicole
Whatever id accents are
Stallion High Wine
"Soaped Faces," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Oafs Escaped," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Escaped Sofa," Motorhead originally
"Ace of Spades" Josh
"Safe Coed Spa," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Pass A Cod Fee," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Safe Pod Case," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Pass Cafe Doe," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Sad-Face Pose," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Cede Sofa Spa," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Sad Cafe Pose," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Deface Spa So," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Soaped Cafes," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"Posse Facade," Motorhead originally
"Ace Of Spades" Yvette Bristle
"To A Crab," U2 originally
"Acrobat" Nutmeg Ryan
"Taco Loaf," Ludacris originally
"Act A Fool" Joe
"Cat Aloof," Ludacris originally
"Act A Fool" Joe
"Focal Oat," Ludacris originally
"Act A Fool" Joe
"A Calf Too," Ludacris originally
"Act A Fool" Joe
"A Man's Dogs," Blink 182 originally
"Adam's Song" Franka
"Sad Mangos," Blink 182 originally
"Adam's Song" ..Sad fruit!
"False Midday Math," Vic Mizzy originally
"The Addams Family" Joe
Papa was writing a paper or article
Roger Eli Whitney Houston Rockets
"Add A Dollar To Edict," Doug Stone originally
"Addicted To A Dollar" Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
"Add Edict To A Dollar," Doug Stone originally
"Addicted to a Dollar" Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
"Elva Coded It, Dot.," Robert Palmer originally
"Addicted To Love" Alexis
"Defiles A Steed," Traditional originally
"Adeste Fideles" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Ed Left Seaside," Traditional originally
"Adeste Fideles" Gus
"Aided Eel's Fest," Traditional originally
"Adeste Fideles" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Les Is Defeated," Traditional originally
"Adeste Fideles" He lost a contest of some sort.
"Defeat Diesels," Traditional originally
"Adeste Fideles" If they're of no use
The 100th in a lineage of Davies
Eileen Wright
The 101st in a lineage of Daves
Eileen Wright
"Zanier People," Nirvana originally
"Aero Zeppelin" Josh
"After Venus," Enya originally
"Afer Ventus" Karen Smith
RAF= Royal Air Force
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
...of someone's wild imagination?
Mr. Romney or a baseball catcher's glove?
Like Jack Sprat's wife
Cal Amari
Attar is rose oil.
Cal Amari
such as a National Geographic special
...and never came back!
"Fatter Ham," R.E.M. originally
"Aftermath" That's SOME PIG!
"Seth T. Wall Again," Seether originally
"Against The Wall" Jill Conrad
"A Green Tango," Tori Amos originally
"Agent Orange" Sonya Raynos
"Die Angus," Third Day originally
"Agnus Dei" Isac
She has an unusual name for a Ma.
Karen Smith
"Wet Thin Thigh Ain't Even Done," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Becky Bright
"Ain't Even Done Tight When Hit," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Becky Bright
"Ain't Even Done With High Tent," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Kara Oke
"Tenth Hit Whig Ain't Even Done," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Becky Bright
"Ain't Even Done With Thigh Ten," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Kara Oke
"Ain't Even Done Tight With Hen," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Becky Bright
"Ain't Even Done With The Thing," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Kara Oke
"The Night Ain't With Even Node," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Becky Bright
"The Twin Thigh Ain't Even Done," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Becky Bright
"Ain't Even Done With Tight Hen," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Becky Bright
"Wet-Thigh Hint Ain't Even Done," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Becky Bright
"Even The Thing Ain't With Node," John Mellencamp originally
"Ain't Even Done With The Night" Becky Bright
"Omitted Again," Mountain originally
"Ain't Got A Dime" Chelsea Turtle
"Eating Diatom," Mountain originally
"Ain't Got A Dime" Chelsea Turtle
"A Dime Tin Goat," Mountain originally
"Ain't Got A Dime" Chelsea Turtle
"Magi Antidote," Mountain originally
"Ain't Got A Dime" Chelsea Turtle
"Magi Antidote," Mountain originally
"Ain't Got A Dime" Chelsea Turtle
"Idiot Magnate," Mountain originally
"Ain't Got A Dime" Chelsea Turtle
"Alien Tit Thief," Foo Fighters originally
"Ain't It the Life" Josh
"Toner For The Wicked Saint," Cage The Elephant originally
"Ain't No Rest For The Wicked" Sylvia Curruca
"Not In A Body," Chaka Khan originally
"Ain't Nobody" Alexis
"No Bin Today," Chaka Khan originally
"Ain't Nobody" Alexis
"Body Nation," Chaka Khan originally
"Ain't Nobody" Alexis
"No Antibody," Chaka Khan originally
"Ain't Nobody" Alexis
"Aha! Anus Lint Tutu," Goo Goo Dolls originally
"Ain't That Unusual" Yep! That IS unusual, and disgusting!
Sounds like a crappy candy!
"Anal Cowboy Is A Killer," McLusky originally
"Alan Is A Cowboy Killer" Tiffany Furlong
Eww...no, thank you.
Adam Wainwrong
"Joan Larde," Lady Gaga originally
"Alejandro" A made-up person's name.
Mickey D.
"Jan Rod Ale," Lady Gaga originally
"Alejandro" Peter
"Loaned Jar," Lady Gaga originally
"Alejandro" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Jan Or Dale," Lady Gaga originally
"Alejandro" Alexis
"Laredo Jan," Lady Gaga originally
"Alejandro" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"No Jar Deal," Lady Gaga originally
"Alejandro" Alexis
"Jean Lardo," Lady Gaga originally
"Alejandro" Another person's made-up name
Mickey D.
And whom else when not Lib?
Emily Lime
Make him shiver??
Cheryl Jordan
The first in line of guys named Neal
Lauryn Canna
A girl's name
Lauryn Canna
A girl's name
Orville Beddenrocker
"A Stall, So A Bathtub," Meghan Trainor originally
"All About That Bass" Alexis
"But Also A Bath Salt," Meghan Trainor originally
"All About That Bass" Alexis
"Also A Bathtub Salt," Meghan Trainor originally
"All About That Bass" Alexis
"Gunboat Atoll Hit," Pixie Lott originally
"All About Tonight" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"A Ballot Thing Out," Pixie Lott originally
"All About Tonight" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Labia Glutton Hot," Pixie Lott originally
"All About Tonight" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"About Hating Toll," Pixie Lott originally
"All About Tonight" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Bat Loathing Lout," Pixie Lott originally
"All About Tonight" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Albino Total Thug," Pixie Lott originally
"All About Tonight" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"About Atoll Thing," Pixie Lott originally
"All About Tonight" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Bailout That Long," Pixie Lott originally
"All About Tonight" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Global Titan Thou," Pixie Lott originally
"All About Tonight" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Legal Soap Oil," Nirvana originally
"All Apologies" Sammy
"A Goalie's Poll," Nirvana originally
"All Apologies" Eric
"A Hollower Land Turd," Oasis originally
"All Around the World" Josh
"Sally B, My Elf," Eric Carmen originally
"All By Myself" Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
It probably sounds that way when played?
Not the kind of educator I'd want to have!
"Handling The Float All Day," The Kinks originally
"All Day And All Of The Night" Alexis
"To Handle Fanlight All Day," The Kinks originally
"All Day And All Of The Night" Alexis
"All Day And Halftone Light," The Kinks originally
"All Day And All Of The Night" Alexis
"No Fanlight Halted All Day," The Kinks originally
"All Day And All Of The Night" Alexis
"All Day And No Lethal Fight," The Kinks originally
"All Day And All Of The Night" Is that good?
That is, passion for flowers and botany?
That is, be at the front of a line of people
As paper crafts
Anna Graham
Solution: drive your car for 1 mile!
Anna Graham
"Nadia Won All," Sheryl Crow originally
"All I Wanna Do" Hint: 1976 Summer Olympics
Newt Gingpoor
"Away Until Soil," U2 originally
"All I Want Is You" Whatever this means...
"I Pulled Max," 311 originally
"All Mixed Up" Alexis
"Duplex Mail," 311 originally
"All Mixed Up" Mail delivered to two-family homes
"A Liveliest Lynx's Exam," George Strait originally
"All My Exs Live in Texas" Bet that's first anagram on site with two Xs!
Ava Murphy
"I'll Log My Van," The Beatles originally
"All My Loving" Write info about it in some kind of journal.
"Randomly Sly Male," The Wonders originally
"All My Only Dreams" Lefty Lucy
"Only Smelly Drama," The Wonders originally
"All My Only Dreams" Quyjibo
"Say Modernly Mall," The Wonders originally
"All My Only Dreams" Lefty Lucy
"Slim, Tall Ray," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"All-Slimy Rat," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"I Try Malls, Al," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Rim All Salty," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Sally Lit Ram," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Ram Lay Still," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Try Sill, Alma," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Salty Ill Ram," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"I Try Small Al," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Try All Mails," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Say 'Malt Rill'," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"All Ram Styli," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Trim Al, Sally," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Slay Mill Rat," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Try Al's Ill Ma," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Last Ram, Lily," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"All Rimy Salt," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"I Tally Marls," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Mylar Is Tall," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"I Try L.A. Malls," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Slim Tar Ally," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Last Ill Army," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Slim Rat Ally," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"All-Slimy Art," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Sally Lit Arm," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"All-Salty Rim," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Tar All Slimy," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Salt Ill Army," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"All-Army List," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Slim At Rally," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Arm All Silty," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Mar Last Lily," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"All Mar Styli," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Rat All Slimy," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Stall My Liar," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"All-Slimy Tar," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Trim Sally, Al," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"All My Trails," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
"Art All Slimy," Ray Stevens originally
"All My Trials" Claire Grayson
Moa (an extinct bird) did fall in a sense.
Amanda Svenson
Guess Mel could be a horse's name
Amanda Svenson
A lecture hall where certain math is taught?
"Rang Low Hilt," Free originally
"All Right Now" Alexis
"Hot Gran Will," Free originally
"All Right Now" Whatever that means...
James d
"Thawing Roll," Free originally
"All Right Now" That is, a dinner roll had been frozen.
"Rallies," Blue originally
"All Rise" Heidi Sharpe
"Sell Air," Blue originally
"All Rise" Heidi Sharpe
"Sill Era," Blue originally
"All Rise" Heidi Sharpe
"Sire All," Blue originally
"All Rise" Heidi Sharpe
"She Wants All Soda, Not Dice," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"Netosha Didn't Allow Cases," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Ed
"She Wants All Sand Dice Too," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" She Wants All Soda, Not Dice
Alyssa Jayne
"Coed Said 'Not' All She Wants," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"Add Nice Soot, All She Wants," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"All She Wants: No Disco Date," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"All She Wants To Do Since Ad," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"Coed Said 'Not All She Wants'," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"So Notice Dad All She Wants," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"All She Wants To Do: Scan Die," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"Deacon Dot Is All She Wants," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"One Toad Disc: All She Wants," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Neat Disco All She Wants," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"Odd Cat Noise, All She Wants," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"She Wants To Do All Sand Ice," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"Donate Disco All She Wants," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"Coed Said 'Ton' All She Wants," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"She Wants All Sand Dice Too," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"Did One Coast All She Wants," Don Henley originally
"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Alyssa Jayne
"All That Dog's Lint Glitters," The Cover Girls originally
"All That Glitters Isn't Gold" Lily Orange
"All That Tin's Gold Glitters," The Cover Girls originally
"All That Glitters Isn't Gold" Lily Orange
"All That Test Isn't Gold, Girl," The Cover Girls originally
"All That Glitters Isn't Gold" Lily Orange
"All That Dolt's Gin Glitters," The Cover Girls originally
"All That Glitters Isn't Gold" Lily Orange
"Sing 'All That Glitters', Dolt!," The Cover Girls originally
"All That Glitters Isn't Gold" Lily Orange
"All That Nit's Gold Glitters," The Cover Girls originally
"All That Glitters Isn't Gold" Lily Orange
"All That Snot Gild Glitters," The Cover Girls originally
"All That Glitters Isn't Gold" Lily Orange
"Wants Health Salt," Ace Of Base originally
"All That She Wants" Susie Creamcheese
"That Wasn't A Shell," Ace of Base originally
"All That She Wants" Alexis
"She Wasn't All That," Ace of Base originally
"All That She Wants" Alexis
"All That She Wasn't," Ace of Base originally
"All That She Wants" Alexis
"Small Lethal Nights," Blink 182 originally
"All The Small Things" Reptone
Sung to those just in from the cold.
Olga Ruiz
Ah, bleak hidden message!
Olga Ruiz
"Hat Is Millet," Sting originally
"All This Time" I doubt that a hat could be made from such seed.
Michael S.
"Lit This Male," Sting originally
"All This Time" Anna Graham
"Hail Met Silt," Sting originally
"All This Time" Joe
"Eat This Mill," Sting originally
"All This Time" If it's a cookie in the shape of a mill, hopefully
"Salt Hit Lime," Sting originally
"All This Time" It should if you want a good margarita!
"Tilt His Meal," Sting originally
"All This Time" Boy George Harrison Ford Mustang Sally Field Goal
"Test Hill Aim," Sting originally
"All This Time" Jim Raveling
"I Silt Hamlet," Sting originally
"All This Time" But how?
"Hit East Mill," Sting originally
"All This Time" Anna Graham
"Tile Him Last," Sting originally
"All This Time" Seems like a silly thing to do, but...whatever!
"The Mail List," Sting originally
"All This Time" Anna Graham
"Still Ate Him," Sting originally
"All This Time" Megan
"Hill Mite Sat," Sting originally
"All This Time" Anna Graham
"Hail: Sit, Melt," Sting originally
"All This Time" Isn't that part of the life cycle of hail?
"Still The Aim," Sting originally
"All This Time" Joe
"Mail Thistle," Sting originally
"All This Time" An odd thing to mail!
"This Ill Mate," Sting originally
"All This Time" Anna Graham
"Little As Him," Sting originally
"All This Time" Megan
"I Slit Them, Al," Sting originally
"All This Time" Mark
"Mallet Is Hit," Sting originally
"All This Time" Anna Graham
"Ate This Mill," Sting originally
"All This Time" Joe
"This Ill Team," Sting originally
"All This Time" Joe
"I Melt This, Al," Sting originally
"All This Time" Anna Graham
"I List Hamlet," Sting originally
"All This Time" ...as one of my favorite Shakespearean plays!
"A Little Shim," Sting originally
"All This Time" Joe
"Ham Is Little," Sting originally
"All This Time" Anna Graham
"It Shall Emit," Sting originally
"All This Time" Alina
"I Met All This," Sting originally
"All This Time" Obviously some kind of encounter.
"Mail The Silt," Sting originally
"All This Time" Joe
"This Mall Tie," Sting originally
"All This Time" Alysa
"Melt His Tail," Sting originally
"All This Time" Joe
"Same Lit Hilt," Sting originally
"All This Time" Alina
"This Tea Mill," Sting originally
"All This Time" Anna Graham
"The Hall Trough Thing," Cyndi Lauper originally
"All Through The Night" Angelica Monghan
"The Night Hall Trough," Cyndi Lauper originally
"All Through The Night" Angelica Monghan
"Tall, Though Her Thing," Cyndi Lauper originally
"All Through The Night" Evangeline York
Must be a very tall person?
"Pushed A Wall," The Urge originally
"All Washed Up" Tara Gilmer
"A Washed Pull," The Urge originally
"All Washed Up" Don Bass
"Wall Ashed Up," The Urge originally
"All Washed Up" Not spoonerism, as washed & ashed don't rhyme.
Don Bass
I thought one "can't win a mall"!
Fiona Apple Cider
Did it win a race with other llamas?
Orville Beddenrocker
"See L.A., Girl," Paul Simon originally
"Allergies" Becky Bright
Unusual color of clay!
Alison Runyon
Unusual color of clay!
Alison Runyon
Ooh -- caustic!
Jessica Junderworth
"Sea Ill," Heart originally
"Allies" Yvette Bristle
"L.A. Isle," Heart originally
"Allies" Yvette Bristle
"Tom's Wrong, Al," Chuck Berry originally
"Almost Grown" Candy Welty
"Al's Grown, Tom," Chuck Berry originally
"Almost Grown" Candy Welty
"Al's Wrong, Tom," Chuck Berry originally
"Almost Grown" Candy Welty
"Tom's Grown, Al," Chuck Berry originally
"Almost Grown" Candy Welty
"Strong Owl, Ma," Chuck Berry originally
"Almost Grown" Candy Welty
And he won't eat that cheese!
Written by John Milton in his sleep.
Daryl Hannah Montana
"No Ale," Heart originally
"Alone" Doris Night
"Leona," Heart originally
"Alone" Alexis
"Gain An Aloe," Dokken originally
"Alone Again" Lucy Crosland
"Gina A. Alone," Dokken originally
"Alone Again" Lucy Crosland
"Along One Aria," Love originally
"Alone Again Or" Alexis
"Air One Analog," Love originally
"Alone Again Or" Alexis
"Are In A Lagoon," Love originally
"Alone Again Or" Eric
"Area In Lagoon," Love originally
"Alone Again Or" Eric
"A Lain Oregano," Love originally
"Alone Again Or" Eric
"I'd Escape Alone In This Bed," Framing Hanley originally
"Alone In This Bed (Capeside)" Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
"Along Comes Jean," The Coasters originally
"Along Came Jones" Alexis
"Along Comes Jane," The Coasters originally
"Along Came Jones" Alexis
"Jon Comes, Angela!," The Coasters originally
"Along Came Jones" Alexis
As in logos for various cream products
'Long' can be a surname.
As in, a hat for ladies to wear.
"Land The Tar, Dorothea," Casting Crowns originally
"The Altar And The Door" Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
"Lays Her Own Tuna," Lenny Kravitz originally
"Always On the Run" James d
That means he fibs.
Alyssa Jayne
"The One Aim," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Tea In Home," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Eat In Home," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"I Hate Omen," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Tea Mine, Oh," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Aim The One," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Ten Aim Hoe," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Name It Hoe," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Ate In Home," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Meat In Hoe," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"I Meant 'Hoe'," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Ate Mine, Oh," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Tie One Ham," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, Eat Mine," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"A Hem Tie? No.," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Inmate Hoe," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Anti-Hoe Me," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, Matinee," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
"I Am The One," Beth Hart originally
"Am I The One" Yvette Bristle
Switching the first 2 words makes it a statement!
Pete & Repete
"I Am A Rod," Everclear originally
"AM Radio" Anita Corning
A literally impossible title
Anita Corning
Introducing two people to each other
American Idle
...on the shoulder
"Bar Me," 311 originally
"Amber" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Be Ram," 311 originally
"Amber" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Bream," 311 originally
"Amber" Alexis
"Be Arm," 311 originally
"Amber" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Mr. Abe," 311 originally
"Amber" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Mr. Bea," 311 originally
"Amber" Bea can be a surname.
"Access Mad Bear," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
"Cede A Crab Mass," America originally
"Amber Cascades" David
"Access Bare Dam," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Henry
"Embed A Carcass," America originally
"Amber Cascades" No thank you; sounds too disgusting!
"Deem A Scab Scar," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Whatever My Name Is
"Bad Ream Access," America originally
"Amber Cascades" John
"Bar Access Made," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
"Ad Became Crass," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Anna Graham
"Access Bread, Ma," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
"Bad Mare Access," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Quyjibo
"See Bad Car Scam," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Henry
"Access Amber Ad," America originally
"Amber Cascades" As in an Amber Alert?
"Made Access Bar," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
"Amass Cab Creed," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Whatever *that* might be!
"Scarce Dam Base," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
"Mar A Bed Access," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
"Dam Bear Access," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
"Bad Caress Came," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Joe
"Ram A Bed Access," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
"Access A Bed Arm," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
"Same Sacred Cab," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
"Caress Cab Dame," America originally
"Amber Cascades" Kayla Kalyak
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
"Moan By Erica," Estelle originally
"American Boy" Sylvia Curruca
"Aerobic Myna," Estelle originally
"American Boy" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"A Briny Cameo," Estelle originally
"American Boy" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Binary Cameo," Estelle originally
"American Boy" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Say 'Icon', Amber," Petula Clark originally
"American Boys" Becky Bright
"I Mean 'Rosy Cab'," Petula Clark originally
"American Boys" Becky Bright
"Say 'Be A Micron'," Petula Clark originally
"American Boys" Becky Bright
"Manic Girl Era," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Francine Harper
"Maine Girl Arc," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Joanna Hawthorne
"I'm A Girl, Caren," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Caren = a variant spelling of Karen
"Main Girl Care," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Joanna Hawthorne
"Criminal Rage," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Alexis
"Man, Erica Girl," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Christina Caraway
"Reclaim A Ring," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Alexis
"Clearing A Rim," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Alexis
"Claim Earring," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Alexis
"Reclaim Grain," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Alexis
"Linger, Marcia.," Tom Petty originally
"American Girl" Alexis
"Medication Air," Green Day originally
"American Idiot" Franka
"Do It In America," Green Day originally
"American Idiot" How'd this one get missed?
K.N. Pepper
"Air Medication," Green Day originally
"American Idiot" Optimus Lime
"Maine Acid Trio," Green Day originally
"American Idiot" Tiffany Furlong
"Man, I Do It, Erica," Green Day originally
"American Idiot" Alan Toyce
"Mini-Toad Erica," Green Day originally
"American Idiot" Tiffany Furlong
"I Am A Nice Rep," Don McLean originally
"American Pie" Rep: short for representative
"A Main Recipe," Don McLean originally
"American Pie" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"I Am Eric Pena," Don McLean originally
"American Pie" Alexis
"Marina Piece," Don McLean originally
"American Pie" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"I'm Erica Pena," Don McLean originally
"American Pie" Alexis
"I Rape Cinema," Don McLean originally
"American Pie" Like how Madonna "raped" your song, Don?
"Mania Recipe," Don McLean originally
"American Pie" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Airman Piece," Don McLean originally
"American Pie" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Ant Menu, Erica," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Erica wants to eat ants??
Carla Jorgensen
"A Certain Menu," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Mare, I Can Tune," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Sutch
"A Neat Numeric," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"A Minute Crane," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Nutria Menace," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Mature Canine," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Nature Cinema," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Maitre Nuance," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Ace Meant Ruin," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Rain Tune Came," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Mace Near Unit," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Cute Inane Ram," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Inane Cur Mate," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"I Can Numerate," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"I Create Annum," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"I Mean Centaur," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"I Name Centaur," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Camera In Tune," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"In Came Nature," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Retina Acumen," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Eaten Cranium," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Enunciate Mar," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Enunciate Ram," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Enunciate Arm," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Arcane Minuet," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
"Retain Acumen," Paul Simon originally
"American Tune" Candy Welty
Boy George Harrison Ford Pinto Bean Bag
"A Mare Coin," Lady Gaga originally
"Americano" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Maria Once," Lady Gaga originally
"Americano" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Yams Back In Austin," Little Texas originally
"Amy's Back In Austin" Lynne O'Leahy-Cassid
"My Back As In Austin," Little Texas originally
"Amy's Back In Austin" Lynne O'Leahy-Cassid
"May's Back In Austin," Little Texas originally
"Amy's Back In Austin" Lynne O'Leahy-Cassid
"Sam Y. Back In Austin," Little Texas originally
"Amy's Back In Austin" Lynne O'Leahy-Cassid
"Mack Bays In Austin," Little Texas originally
"Amy's Back In Austin" Lynne O'Leahy-Cassid
"Hint To Namesakes," The Bravery originally
"An Honest Mistake" Anna Graham
"No, Men, Nina Can't," Billy Joel originally
"An Innocent Man" What can't Nina do?
Newt Gingpoor
"Innocent Manna," Billy Joel originally
"An Innocent Man" Joe
"As A Cinnamon Cola," Jeri Southern originally
"An Occasional Man" Loree Dare
"Also A Mica Cannon," Jeri Southern originally
"An Occasional Man" Loree Dare
Weird hairnet!
Cliff Adair
"Heard No Evil," The Beatles originally
"And I Love Her" Sammy
"I Heard Novel," The Beatles originally
"And I Love Her" I was listening to an e-book!
Bob Oldhart
"Hole Invader," The Beatles originally
"And I Love Her" Sammy
"And Sores And Sores," Andy Williams originally
"And Roses And Roses" Melanie Black
"And Sores And Roses," Andy Williams originally
"And Roses And Roses" Melanie Black
"And Roses And Sores," Andy Williams originally
"And Roses And Roses" Melanie Black
"Ed Caned Dawn," The Hooters originally
"And We Danced" NOT a spoonerism, contrary to a previous post.
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Can We Add Den," The Hooters originally
"And We Danced" NOT a spoonerism, contrary to a previous post.
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Dawn Caned Ed," The Hooters originally
"And We Danced" NOT a spoonerism, contrary to a previous post.
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Ed Can Wed Dan," The Hooters originally
"And We Danced" NOT a spoonerism, contrary to a previous post.
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Can We Add End," The Hooters originally
"And We Danced" NOT a spoonerism, contrary to a previous post.
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Dana, You're Stray," The Killers originally
"Andy, You're A Star" Corinne Auterlehr
As in a glen (valley)
Nutmeg Ryan
A person's name
Nutmeg Ryan
"Angel's Eye," ABBA originally
"Angel Eyes" Gladys
"Manager of Hell," U2 originally
"Angel of Harlem" Now THAT'S a switch!
"Half Log Near Me," U2 originally
"Angel Of Harlem" The log must have been split in two
"Fall On Her Game," U2 originally
"Angel Of Harlem" Oddness?
"Oh, Megan Farell," U2 originally
"Angel Of Harlem" Alexis
"Long Frothing Enema," Merrilee Rush originally
"Angel Of The Morning" Nellie
"Megan On Her Long Fit," Merrilee Rush originally
"Angel Of The Morning" She explains why she was so angry
"Ninth Female Gorgon," Juice Newton originally
"Angel Of The Morning" In case none of first eight turned you to stone!
Yvonne Sindri
"Length Of An Iron Gem," Merrilee Rush originally
"Angel Of The Morning" as in, a cast iron gem pan
"Dana Dori Angel," Hawkwind originally
"Angela Android" Beverly Stiles
"Do Raid An Angel," Hawkwind originally
"Angela Android" Beverly Stiles
"Don, Raid Angela," Hawkwind originally
"Angela Android" Beverly Stiles
"Angela, Raid Don," Hawkwind originally
"Angela Android" Beverly Stiles
"Angela And Dori," Hawkwind originally
"Angela Android" Beverly Stiles
"Nice Gala," Oliver originally
"Angelica" Loree Dare
"Al In Cage," Oliver originally
"Angelica" Loree Dare
"Nice Alga," Oliver originally
"Angelica" Loree Dare
"I, Acne Gal," Oliver originally
"Angelica" Loree Dare
"A Nil Cage," Oliver originally
"Angelica" Loree Dare
"Nail Cage," Oliver originally
"Angelica" Loree Dare
"A Nice Gal," Oliver originally
"Angelica" Loree Dare
Inge is a given name in Scandinavian/Grmanic lands
"Nag In Ale," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
As opposed to "Angela is out"
Carolyn Morgenstern
"'A' In 'Glean'," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
"A Lean Gin," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
"'A' In 'Angel'," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
"I, An Angel," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
"Ana In Gel," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
"'A' In 'Angle'," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
"Ale In Nag," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
"I, Lean Nag," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
"An Ale Gin," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
"A Nag Lien," Bob Dylan originally
"Angelina" Joy Stick
"I Got Lean," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"A Long Tie," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Tea Lingo," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Log In Tea," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Not Agile," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Got In Ale," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Lion Gate," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Lion Gate," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Into Gale," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Into A Leg," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Gone Tail," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"I Note Gal," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Goat Line," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"I Eat Long," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"At Legion," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Got Alien," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Tog In Ale," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"I Get Loan," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Alien Tog," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Gal On Tie," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Align Toe," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Oil Agent," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Got A Line," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Get A Lion," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Get A Lion," Aventura originally
"Angelito" Becky Bright
"Ed Loves Bangle Man," The Highwaymen originally
"Angels Love Bad Men" Wendy Torrance
"Ed Loves Bengal Man," The Highwaymen originally
"Angels Love Bad Men" Wendy Torrance
"Angels Bed Vole Man," The Highwaymen originally
"Angels Love Bad Men" Wendy Torrance
"Ad Men Love Bangles," The Highwaymen originally
"Angels Love Bad Men" Wendy Torrance
"A Heavenward Gel Shone High," Traditional originally
"Angels We Have Heard On High" Karen Smith
"Angles We Have Heard On High," Traditional originally
"Angels We Have Heard On High" Only change is the pronunciation of the letter G.
"We Shaved Her On A High Angle," Point Of Grace originally
"Angels We Have Heard On High" Zodma Kitten
"Angel We Shave High On A Herd," Point Of Grace originally
"Angels We Have Heard On High" Zodma Kitten
"We Shave Herd On A High Angel," Point Of Grace originally
"Angels We Have Heard On High" Zodma Kitten
"Overt Angelis Working Me," Deana Carter originally
"Angels Working Overtime" Rose Cathcart
An obvious one that somehow got missed
I hope this isn't too offensive.
Consta Pate
The title spelt backwards!
Loree Dare
"Ain't Suntan Lotions A Miracle," Magic Dirt originally
"Anita's Miracle Suntan Lotion" Jessica Junderworth
"Nita's Suntan Lotion -- A Miracle," Magic Dirt originally
"Anita's Miracle Suntan Lotion" Jessica Junderworth
"Tina's Suntan Lotion -- A Miracle," Magic Dirt originally
"Anita's Miracle Suntan Lotion" Jessica Junderworth
As in, "Am I near (a) man?"
"Manly Loan," Incubus originally
"Anna Molly" Josh
How can Nan be a Greek letter?
Natalie Snortman
Anna has a Greek letter?
Natalie Snortman
How can Ann be a Greek letter?
Natalie Snortman
"Thong is for Bare Back," Flogging Molly originally
"Another Bag of Bricks" Josh
"Men Move Another Bored Tom," Project 86 originally
"Another Boredom Movement" Corinne Auterlehr
"Hitler Won't Blacken Hair," Pink Floyd originally
"Another Brick in the Wall" What was with those hammers anyway?
Joe Blow
"Say 'A Deadpan Inheritor'," Phil Collins originally
"Another Day In Paradise" Bob Dylan Thomas Jefferson Airplane
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
Not sure what THAT would be...
Jacques Strap
Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
"A Separated Girl's Rhino," Tori Amos originally
"Another Girl's Paradise" She must've gotten it in the divorce settlement.
"Honing The Art," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"He Ran Tonight," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"The Thin Organ," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"The Giant Horn," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"Oh, The Ranting," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"Not Hating Her," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"No High Natter," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" natter = casual and leisurely conversation
"Her Ninth Goat," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"Her Ninth Toga," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"Get A Thin Horn," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"Near-Hot Night," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"No Eighth Rant," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Ranting seven times was enough.
"Rant On Height," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"North Heating," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"Another Thing," Real McCoy originally
"Another Night" Alexis
"Besotted, Unhesitant Hero," Queen originally
"Another One Bites the Dust" Raygun Shaun
That is, clothing for guys.
It needed a new washer.
Justin B. Burr
"Peanut," M.O.P. originally
"Ante Up" Queen Elizabeth Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
"Only A Goth," Thrice originally
"Anthology" Franka
"Tin In Tapioca," Carly Simon originally
"Anticipation" Yvette Bristle
"I Tap Inaction," Carly Simon originally
"Anticipation" Yvette Bristle
"I Paint Action," Carly Simon originally
"Anticipation" Yvette Bristle
"A Pit Inaction," Carly Simon originally
"Anticipation" Yvette Bristle
"A Pit In Action," Carly Simon originally
"Anticipation" Yvette Bristle
"A Pin Citation," Carly Simon originally
"Anticipation" Yvette Bristle
"I Tan Optician," Carly Simon originally
"Anticipation" Yvette Bristle
Capital city of Oman
even if you don't agree? (lol)
"I Am On Me Fanny," Shania Twain originally
"Any Man Of Mine" Where her career should've fallen for this drivel!
Tiffany Furlong
"See One Cay, Ann," Irene Cara originally
"Anyone Can See" Cay = a small, low island
Karen Smith
"Hiny Gnat," 3T originally
"Anything" Gnat on one's Hiny (variant of heinie)
Sylvia Curruca
"Any Night," 3T originally
"Anything" Loree Dare
"Tiny Hang," 3T originally
"Anything" Loree Dare
"Tinny Hag," 3T originally
"Anything" Loree Dare
"A Hanging Very Denty Hint," Martina McBride originally
"Anything and Everything" William Ransom
Another one-word-to-one-word anagram.
"Whee, Yarn," Rita Ora originally
"Anywhere" Beverly Stiles
"Wherein Say," Enya originally
"Anywhere Is" Another incomplete phrase, like the original!
Hilary Duffelbag
"Her Easy Win," Enya originally
"Anywhere Is" Melissa
"His New Year," Enya originally
"Anywhere Is" Melissa
"Ways In Here," Enya originally
"Anywhere Is" Melissa
"Sway In Here," Enya originally
"Anywhere Is" Melissa
"Wiser Hyena," Enya originally
"Anywhere Is" Melissa
"Hoya Carpet," Ambrosia originally
"Apothecary" Butch
Anagram and near-spoonerism
Mary Ellen Jasper
Etta James Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
"Brandy to Capri," Rhinoceros originally
"Apricot Brandy" Sutch
"May Rain Bug Lone Gore," Jet originally
"Are You Gonna Be My Girl" About Al Gore because of Global Warming?
"Any Agog, You Yawn More," Lenny Kravitz originally
"Are You Gonna Go My Way" James d
"Area Coeds," Ludacris originally
"Area Codes" Natalie Lundgren
"Areca Odes," Ludacris originally
"Area Codes" Areca = genus of trees in Palm family
Natalie Lundgren
"An Era," Bloontz originally
"Arena" Kara Oke
"An Ear," Bloontz originally
"Arena" Kara Oke
"Adorn A Midget," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Yvette Bristle
"Add Game Intro," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"Odd Term Again," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"Ron, Tag Maddie!," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"Maddie, Tag Ron!," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"I Dated Morgan," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"Morgan Did Eat," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"No Diagram, Ted," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"Noted Diagram," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"Ron Damaged It," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"Andria Met Dog," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"I Don't Grade, Ma," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"Great Diamond," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"Andre, I Got Mad," Def Leppard originally
"Armageddon It" Alexis
"Ed And Extremely Dangerous Ram," First Choice originally
"Armed And Extremely Dangerous" Claire Grayson
"Say 'Arm Form'," Keith Urban originally
"Arms Of Mary" Loree Dare
"Amy Frome," Bjork originally
"Army Of Me" Could be somebody's name
Lisa Rose
"Amy For Me," Bjork originally
"Army Of Me" Lisa Rose
"My Foe Arm," Bjork originally
"Army Of Me" Mattias
"Rosa Ran Ad," Thalia originally
"Arrasando" ...in a newspaper or periodical
"As Andorra," Thalia originally
"Arrasando" Gus
"Adorn Sara," Thalia originally
"Arrasando" Gus
"I Hate Snorts," Thrice originally
"The Arsonist" Does anyone love them?
"A Stone Shirt," Thrice originally
"The Arsonist" A Rolling Stones T-shirt or a shirt made of stone?
"A Stoner's Hit," Thrice originally
"The Arsonist" Like 'Stoner Rock' song?
"Titan Horses," Thrice originally
"The Arsonist" They're huge!
"Throatiness," Thrice originally
"The Arsonist" Yesss a one-word anagram.
"Karate for Stars," 10cc originally
"Art for Art's Sake" Josh
Can mean military slang for sniper
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Could be some lady's full name
Must be a winner in a contest or Olympic event
Could be some lady's full name
Could be some lady's full name
She has another name?!
A sad situation. :(
"We Lust This Lass Ruby Anna," Ten Years After originally
"As the Sun Still Burns Away" Correction on original entry 4 above song
James d
"We Lust This Lass Ruby Anne," Ten Years After originally
"As the Sun Still Burns Away" James d
"Game Boy Sites," Perry Como originally
"As Time Goes By" Web sites about a certain Nintendo product.
"Stash Sea Hose," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"See A Shah Toss," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"He As A Hostess," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" In drag, I presume.
Kara Oke
"Oh, Assess Heat," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"Shah Set Oases," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"Set A Sash Hose," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"She As Sea Host," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"A Sash Shoe Set," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"Oh, Assess Hate," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"Stash Sea Hoes," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"See A Hash Toss," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"Hose Ash Asset," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"Stash Sea Shoe," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"As The Ass Shoe," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"Ease Sash Shot," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"Set A Sash Shoe," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"See A Sash Host," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"Shoe Ash Asset," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"East Sash Shoe," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"A She, A Hostess," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"See Hot Ass Ash," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
"A Sash Hose Set," David Bowie originally
"Ashes To Ashes" Kara Oke
A Jamaican-oriented type of music
"Fast King Or I," Hole originally
"Asking For It" Ava Murpy
"Ass In Ass," Muse originally
"Assassin" Wendy Torrance
What is that? Do we want to know?
Tiffany Furlong
Didn't know Lara had her own planet!
Stacy Poole
"Map A Georgia Cat Meeting," Kerry Mills originally
"At A Georgia Camp Meeting" Kimberly Townsend
"At Even Teens," Janis Ian originally
"At Seventeen" 14, 16, or 18 years old
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Couldn't be good for one's heart!
Evangeline York
Boy George Michael McDonald Trump
This was an obscure performer.
Some lady was cremated?
Anna Graham
"A Useable Voyeur (To Troy)," Aaliyah originally
"At Your Best (You Are Love)" Calop
"A Tan, Eh?," The Who originally
"Athena" Alyssa Jayne
"Tea? Nah!," The Who originally
"Athena" Alyssa Jayne
"Ah, Nate," The Who originally
"Athena" Alyssa Jayne
"Eat? Nah!," The Who originally
"Athena" Alyssa Jayne
"Ah, Neat!," The Who originally
"Athena" Alyssa Jayne
"At A Hen," The Who originally
"Athena" Alyssa Jayne
"A Thane," The Who originally
"Athena" Alyssa Jayne
"In At Last," Donovan originally
"Atlantis" Kara Oke
"A Salt Nit," Donovan originally
"Atlantis" Kara Oke
"I Salt Ant," Donovan originally
"Atlantis" Kara Oke
"A Last Nit," Donovan originally
"Atlantis" Kara Oke
"I Tan Last," Donovan originally
"Atlantis" Kara Oke
"A Tan List," Donovan originally
"Atlantis" Kara Oke
"Theo's Fatal Soul," Mother Earth originally
"Atlas Of The Soul" Penelope Beckinsale
"The Salt Of A Soul," Mother Earth originally
"Atlas Of The Soul" Penelope Beckinsale
"Theo's Foul Atlas," Mother Earth originally
"Atlas Of The Soul" Penelope Beckinsale
"The Slat Of A Soul," Mother Earth originally
"Atlas Of The Soul" Penelope Beckinsale
"The Last Of A Soul," Mother Earth originally
"Atlas Of The Soul" Penelope Beckinsale
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
As in the chihuahua from Taco Bell ads
Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
"Poems To Carafe," Thom Yorke originally
"Atoms For Peace" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Promotes A Cafe," Thom Yorke originally
"Atoms For Peace" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Ate Addicting Nut," Carly Simon originally
"Attitude Dancing" Candy Welty
"Eat Addicting Nut," Carly Simon originally
"Attitude Dancing" Candy Welty
"Dancing Attitude," Carly Simon originally
"Attitude Dancing" Candy Welty
"United Cat Dating," Carly Simon originally
"Attitude Dancing" Candy Welty
"Duetting Act In Ad," Carly Simon originally
"Attitude Dancing" Candy Welty
"Undated Attic Gin," Carly Simon originally
"Attitude Dancing" Candy Welty
"Nag Dictated Unit," Carly Simon originally
"Attitude Dancing" Candy Welty
"Untinged Attic Ad," Carly Simon originally
"Attitude Dancing" Candy Welty
"Dedicating Taunt," Carly Simon originally
"Attitude Dancing" Candy Welty
"Nut-Eating Addict," Carly Simon originally
"Attitude Dancing" Candy Welty
"Omitted Blue Trap," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Alto Emitted Burp," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Mild Upbeat Otter," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Late Burp Omitted," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"A Tepid Rum Bottle," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Debate Limp Tutor," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"I Debut Otter Lamp," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Rub Omitted Pleat," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Utter 'Optimal Bed'," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Pa Omitted Butler," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Metal Tube Tripod," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Al Permitted Bout," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Omitted Pub Later," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Tamp Edible Trout," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Ma Rebutted Pilot," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"I Led Abrupt Motet," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Beat Trumpet Idol," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Admit Pet Trouble," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Ultimate Port Bed," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"About Temple Dirt," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Edit 'Abrupt Motel'," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"A Bettor Tied Plum," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Bedtime Tutor Pal," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Rapid Tote Tumble," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Omit Rebutted Pal," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Top Multi-Debater," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Idle Trumpet Boat," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Dumb Palette Trio," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Optimal Brute Ted," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Tout A Temple Bird," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Tout A Temple Bird," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Rub Omitted Plate," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Dame Put Libretto," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Utter 'Boat Dimple'," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Idol Bet A Trumpet," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"I Attempt Bud Role," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Triple Moat Debut," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Dumb Toilet Taper," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"A Bedtime Plot Rut," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Otter Limb Update," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Admit Poet Butler," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Pilot Rebutted Ma," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Abet Trumpet Idol," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Optimal Deer Butt," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Tuba Triplet Demo," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Pub Later Omitted," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Ultimate Pro Debt," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Rub Omitted Petal," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Beat Up Mild Otter," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Maul Tepid Bettor," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Omitted Pearl Tub," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Import Adult Beet," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Abrupt Motel Tide," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Utter 'Bimodal Pet'," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Butler Omitted Pa," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Mature Pilot Debt," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Omitted Pub Alert," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Adopt Butler Item," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"I Attempt Doubler," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"Omitted Blue Part," The Bristles originally
"Attitude Problem" Alyssa Jayne
"A Buyer," Bread originally
"Aubrey" Kara Oke
"Sunny Ad Legal," Traditional originally
"Auld Lang Syne" Anne
"Analysed Lung," Traditional originally
"Auld Lang Syne" Something that a British doctor might have done?
"Sly Anal Nudge," Traditional originally
"Auld Lang Syne" It'll get you in the end.
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
"Gays Annulled," Traditional originally
"Auld Lang Syne" NOTE: This means that they annulled something.
"A Bout? Nah!," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"A Boa Hunt," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"Tuba, Noah!," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"An Oat Hub," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"A Hun At Bo," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"Hunt A Boa," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"Tub At Noah," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"Unhat A Bo," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"Bo At A Hun," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"A Tub, Noah!," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"A Hun Boat," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"Oh, A Bantu," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"A Bun Oath," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"Aha, No Tub!," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"A Utah Nob," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"A Nub Oath," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
"Ah, No Tuba," Kraftwerk originally
"Autobahn" Alyssa Jayne
The title reversed (albeit split into 2 words)
But no so rave results?
Kris Kringle Aguilera
"I Ran Anyway, Meg," Traditional originally
"Away In A Manger" Alexis
"Manager, In A Way," Traditional originally
"Away In A Manger" Alexis
"Yea, Win Anagram," Traditional originally
"Away In A Manger" Ah, an anagram contining "anagram"!
Emmy Kay Butanone
"I Ran Away, Megan," Traditional originally
"Away In A Manger" Alexis
Boy George Washington Square Root Beer Pong
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.