Entries Beginning with W
"Weasel Livings," Bud Shank originally
"Wailing Vessel" A weasel's lifestyle?
Brionna Secret
Taw = make leather w/ alum+salt, rather than tannin
Veruca Pepper
"Awaited Blend," Slipknot originally
"Wait And Bleed" as in a particular coffee blend
Brown Ant
"I As A New Ted," Fats Domino originally
"Wait And See" Yvette Bristle
"Is A Weed Tan?," Fats Domino originally
"Wait And See" Yvette Bristle
"Ain't Wig," Finch originally
"Waiting" Alyssa Jayne
"In A Twig," Finch originally
"Waiting" Alyssa Jayne
"Tag, I Win!," Finch originally
"Waiting" Franka
"I Nag Wit," Finch originally
"Waiting" Alyssa Jayne
"I Tan Wig," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"I Gnaw It," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"In At Wig," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"Gain Wit," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"I Win Tag," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"I At Wing," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"A Tin Wig," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"In A Twig," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"I Wag Tin," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"Anti-Wig," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"Gin Wait," Finch originally
"Waiting" Kara Oke
"Abet Sitting Southpaw," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"Pa Twists Abutting Hoe," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"Tow Abutting Ship East," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"Bag Stain Without Pest," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"Pass Without Abetting," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"Gust Swept Habitation," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"Patent Bag Without Sis," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"I Swept Taught Bastion," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"Top Bag Enthusiast Wit," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"Show Abutting East Pit," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"Southeast Bat Wingtip," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"I Saw Spaghetti Button," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"Assign Pet Without Tab," Bobby Sherman originally
"Waiting At The Bus Stop" Yvette Bristle
"You Like Writing For Gail A.," Foreigner originally
"Waiting For A Girl Like You" Calop
"A Tin Wig For A Girl Like You," Foreigner originally
"Waiting For A Girl Like You" Calop
"Your Wait In Fog," Seal originally
"Waiting For You" Harriet Henderson
"You Wait In Frog," Seal originally
"Waiting For You" Harriet Henderson
"A Tin Wig For You," Seal originally
"Waiting For You" Stu L. Pigeon
"I, Waiting In Van," Bob Marley originally
"Waiting In Vain" Alexis
song filed this way to not be mixed with 'Waiting'
Loree Dare
"Puma Week," Zebrahead originally
"Wake Me Up" Franka
"We Make Up," Zebrahead originally
"Wake Me Up" Yvette Bristle
"Wake 'Em Up," Zebrahead originally
"Wake Me Up" Yvette Bristle
"You Make Up Before We Go-Go," Wham! originally
"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" Steve Losewood
"We Make Up Before You Go-Go," Wham! originally
"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" Steve Losewood
"We Make Up When September Ends," Green Day originally
"Wake Me Up When September Ends" Joey
What auks sit in in church
Doodah Bobo
"Awakened A Dump," U2 originally
"Wake Up Dead Man" From their Pop album... Or was it Poop?
"Sun As Wake-Up," Spinners originally
"Wake Up Susan" Lauryn Canna
"Sue Saw A Punk," Spinners originally
"Wake Up Susan" Lauryn Canna
"A Punk Saw Sue," Spinners originally
"Wake Up Susan" Lauryn Canna
"A Sun's Wake-Up," Spinners originally
"Wake Up Susan" Lauryn Canna
"A Paw Sunk Sue," Spinners originally
"Wake Up Susan" Lauryn Canna
"Spun Us Awake," Spinners originally
"Wake Up Susan" Spinners spun us awake!
Lauryn Canna
"Use A Saw, Punk!," Spinners originally
"Wake Up Susan" Lauryn Canna
"Nap. Wake Us Up," Spinners originally
"Wake Up Susan" Lauryn Canna
"Waking Up Vine Gas?," Katy Perry originally
"Waking Up In Vegas" Vine gas?? Does it ever sleep?
Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
"Hal's Manky Widow," Free originally
"Walk in My Shadow" James d
"No Walk," U2 originally
"Walk On" Jennifer
"Know Al," U2 originally
"Walk On" Jennifer
Notice that 'canoe' is an anagram of 'ocean'!
Strange place for woks
Hank E. Panky
"Alien Hunks Town," Smash Mouth originally
"Walkin' On The Sun" Lol
"The Unknown Lisa," Smash Mouth originally
"Walkin' On The Sun" Jake
"I Gnaw Yak Awl," Craig David originally
"Walking Away" Loree Dare
"Wily Gawk, Ana!," Craig David originally
"Walking Away" Loree Dare
"A Sidewalk String," Sum 41 originally
"Walking Disaster" Franka
"Sue Walking Down To Terry," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Under Oyster Two," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Terry Walking Down To Sue," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Rowdy Tutor Seen," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Deny Worst Walking Route," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Down Rosy Tee Rut," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Detour Went Rosy," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Deny Worse Walking Tutor," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Your Setter Walking Down," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Down To True Ryes," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"You Wrest Walking Rodent," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Rude Snowy Otter," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Down Eye Or Strut," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Terse Runt Woody," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Reedy Snow Trout," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Rosy Denture Two," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Down Trouser Yet," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Tourers Walking Down Yet," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Down To Use Terry," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Round Wet Oyster," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Rotten Wordy Sue," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Walking Down Your Retest," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Wrote Story Walking Nude," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"Deny Walking Trouser Two," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
"True Oyster Walking Down," Bangles originally
"Walking Down Your Street" Loree Dare
But how can a nail walk?
"Lawmen Spiking Him," Marc Cohn originally
"Walking In Memphis" Alexis
"Impish Men Walking," Marc Cohn originally
"Walking In Memphis" Alexis
"Impanel King's Whim," Marc Cohn originally
"Walking In Memphis" Barb Dwyer
"Inhaling Knitwear," The Ronettes originally
"Walking In The Rain" Never a good sign
Gail McFarland
"Linking With Arena," The Ronettes originally
"Walking In The Rain" Gail McFarland
"A Twinkling Hernia," The Ronettes originally
"Walking In The Rain" Bizarre.....
Gail McFarland
"Ninth Regalia Wink," The Ronettes originally
"Walking In The Rain" Gail McFarland
"Halt Regina In Wink," The Ronettes originally
"Walking In The Rain" Stop her in middle of a wink?
Gail McFarland
"Own Walking Theater," Atomic Kitten originally
"Walking On The Water" Penelope Beckinsale
"Talking Wheat Owner," Atomic Kitten originally
"Walking On The Water" Penelope Beckinsale
"Walk In Theater Gown," Atomic Kitten originally
"Walking On The Water" Penelope Beckinsale
"Own Walking Theater," Atomic Kitten originally
"Walking On The Water" Talking Wheat Owner
Penelope Beckinsale
Would work in change-letter for band names.
Isn't that constipation?
Better stop before you run into it!
Daphne Fairhope
"Two Lawmen Clashed," The Call originally
"The Walls Came Down" Anna Graham
"Ad Slur Went," R.E.M. originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Tend Walrus," R.E.M. originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Last Urn Dew," R.E.M. originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"End Awl Rust," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Sultan Drew," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Lend Us Wart," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"End Slut War," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Warden Lust," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Turn Was Led," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Lew Ran Stud," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Walrus Dent," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"As Lewd Runt," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"New Rust, Lad," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Turn Lew's Ad," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Wand Result," REM originally
"Wanderlust" Yvette Bristle
"Gang Won Oat," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"A Nag Won't Go," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Gnaw No Goat," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Go Own A Gnat," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Got A Nag Now," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"A Tong; A Gown," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Go Nag A Town," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Tonga Wagon," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Tango Wagon," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Woo Tan Gang," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Nag Won Toga," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Tag On Wagon," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"A Tonga Gown," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Gnaw On Goat," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"NATO Gag Now," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"A Goon Twang," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Not A Gag Now," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Nag Won Goat," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"A Gong; A Town," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Two On A Gang," Ted Nugent originally
"Wango Tango" Yvette Bristle
"Aw, Cat Bunk," Cher Lloyd originally
"Want U Back" Lisa Rose
"Want A Buck," Cher Lloyd originally
"Want U Back" Kayla Kalyak
"Want You For My Redfin Girl," 4 By Four originally
"Want You For My Girlfriend" Candy Welty
"Yawn Out For My Girlfriend," 4 By Four originally
"Want You For My Girlfriend" Candy Welty
"Want You For My End Fir Girl," 4 By Four originally
"Want You For My Girlfriend" Candy Welty
"Want You For My Fir Den Girl," 4 By Four originally
"Want You For My Girlfriend" Candy Welty
"Wanted Elva Or Addie," Bon Jovi originally
"Wanted Dead Or Alive" I wanted either of those two gals, but no other.
"I Warn The Gutter," Running Wild originally
"War In The Gutter" Warn it of what?
Laura Wilkins
"March In Awe," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Avatarred And Feathered
"A Warn Chime," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"We Mar Chain," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Avatarred And Feathered
"A Warm Niche," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"We Mar A Chin," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Avatarred And Feathered
"Each Ram Win," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Each Arm Win," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"A Warn Chime," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"A Charm Wine," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"A March Wine," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Arcane Whim," Hexen originally
"War Machine" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"A Thermal Tweeter," The Normal originally
"Warm Leatherette" Quyjibo
"Her War Riot," Scandal originally
"The Warrior" Mermaid's Pedicurist
"Her Raw Riot," Scandal originally
"The Warrior" Fiona Pear
"Her Raw Riot," Scandal originally
"The Warrior" H. Tim Smith
"Her War Riot," Scandal originally
"The Warrior" Fiona Pear
"Weave A Wick Urn," Duffy originally
"Warwick Avenue" Gebbie Dibson
"Saw Ma Wash Ham," Dr. John originally
"Wash Mama Wash" Alyssa Jayne
"Saw Ham, Saw Ham!," Dr. John originally
"Wash Mama Wash" Alyssa Jayne
"Wham A Wash, Sam," Dr. John originally
"Wash Mama Wash" Alyssa Jayne
"Wash Ham Saw, Ma," Dr. John originally
"Wash Mama Wash" Alyssa Jayne
"Ma Whams A Wash," Dr. John originally
"Wash Mama Wash" Alyssa Jayne
"Wash Your Faces In My Ink," Dream Warriors originally
"Wash Your Face In My Sink" Lucinda Blair
It's gotta be better than Stew B.
John Phillips Screwdriver
"A Swift Demon," Zebrahead originally
"Waste Of Mind" Franka
"Tom Eats Wife," Pennywise originally
"Waste Of Time" Franka
"Raw Essay, Ted!," Iron Maiden originally
"Wasted Years" Candy Welty
"Say 'Raw Steed'," Iron Maiden originally
"Wasted Years" Candy Welty
"Say 'Red Waste'," Iron Maiden originally
"Wasted Years" Candy Welty
"Say 'West,' Dear," Iron Maiden originally
"Wasted Years" Candy Welty
"Say 'Aster Dew'," Iron Maiden originally
"Wasted Years" Candy Welty
"Dare Say 'West'," Iron Maiden originally
"Wasted Years" Candy Welty
"Wet Sandal," Trapt originally
"Wasteland" How uncomfortable
"Dental Saw," Trapt originally
"Wasteland" Um, watcha gonna do with that mister dentist?
"Watch Pa, Randy," Twila Paris originally
"Watch And Pray" Regina Haniger
"Patchy Wanda R.," Twila Paris originally
"Watch And Pray" Selena Stopmez
"What Candy Rap?," Twila Paris originally
"Watch And Pray" Regina Haniger
"Patch Wand, Ray," Twila Paris originally
"Watch And Pray" Selena Stopmez
"Randy W. & Pa Chat," Twila Paris originally
"Watch And Pray" Regina Haniger
"Chat, Pry, Wanda," Twila Paris originally
"Watch And Pray" Regina Haniger
"We Match," Silento originally
"Watch Me" Kelly Blythe
"Flaw Alerts," TLC originally
"Waterfalls" Keira Dayley
"Sal Left Raw," TLC originally
"Waterfalls" Joe
"Sal Felt Raw," TLC originally
"Waterfalls" Sasha
"After Walls," TLC originally
"Waterfalls" Alexis
"A Straw Fell," TLC originally
"Waterfalls" Sasha
"Far Wallets," TLC originally
"Waterfalls" Joe
"Ale Or Two," ABBA originally
"Waterloo" PJ
"Wear Tool," ABBA originally
"Waterloo" Emmy Kay Butanone
"Rate Wool," ABBA originally
"Waterloo" Emmy Kay Butanone
"Wear Loot," ABBA originally
"Waterloo" Emmy Kay Butanone
"Wool Tear," ABBA originally
"Waterloo" Emmy Kay Butanone
"We Mark Rat," Enya originally
"Watermark" Helen Football
"War Market," Enya originally
"Watermark" Helen Football
"We Mark Art," Enya originally
"Watermark" Helen Football
"Wart Maker," Enya originally
"Watermark" Helen Football
"We Mark Tar," Enya originally
"Watermark" Helen Football
Whatever a water lemon might be...
Hayley Spalding
If no-name, how is he Walter M.?
Christina Caraway
A man could be lemon water as much as watermelon!
Rachel Stedman
"We Hatch Lengthwise," John Lennon originally
"Wathing the Wheels" Josh
"Why Tea," Fastball originally
"The Way" Corinne Auterlehr
"Wet Hay," Fastball originally
"The Way" Corinne Auterlehr
"Ye Thaw," Fastball originally
"The Way" Corinne Auterlehr
"Rodney Way Down In New Orleans," Freddie Cannon originally
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans" Kirsten Abercrombie
Can you do any other dances, Bruce?
"Why Leave Foot?," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Little Old Lady Hu
"Oh, We Of Lye Vat," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Whatever THAT's supposed to mean...
"Heavy Fowl Toe," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Jud
"A Hefty Love - Ow!," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Allisa Casilla
"Wavy Foot Heel," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Allisa Casilla
"Heavy Wet Fool," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Allisa Casilla
"Tow Heavy Floe," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Allisa Casilla
"Why A Lot Of Eve?," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Allisa Casilla
"Heave Toy Fowl," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Allisa Casilla
"Flew Too Heavy," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Allisa Casilla
"Oh, Wet Love, Fay," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Allisa Casilla
"Loot Heavy Few," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Allisa Casilla
"Felt Heavy Woo," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"They Wove Loaf," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Joe
"Wave To Hoe Fly," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Joe
"We Hoof Lye Vat," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Joe
"Heave Toy Wolf," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Of Heavy Towel," Cher originally
"The Way Of Love" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Why You Leave Tom E.," Faith Hill originally
"The Way You Love Me" Gus
"The Way You Make Me Flee," Michael Jackson originally
"The Way You Make Me Feel" Quyjibo
"Sway A Hotelman Vote," Tammy Wynette originally
"The Ways To Love A Man" Claire Grayson
"Hate Wolves' Anatomy," Tammy Wynette originally
"The Ways To Love A Man" Claire Grayson
"Heavy Lawn Tomatoes," Tammy Wynette originally
"The Ways To Love A Man" Claire Grayson
"A Metal Stove Anyhow," Tammy Wynette originally
"The Ways To Love A Man" Claire Grayson
"We Reheat People," Feeder originally
"We Are The People" Ouch!
Wort = a plantain herbaceous plant
Not the Same Bob
"He Belong To Wet Thing," Ellen Foley originally
"We Belong To The Night" Natalie Lundgren
"The Thing We Belong To," Ellen Foley originally
"We Belong To The Night" Natalie Lundgren
"The Bono Greet Glew," Mariah Carey originally
"We Belong Together" Dongquan
"We Build Then We Brake," The Fray originally
"We Build Then We Break" Dongquan
"We Build Then We Brake," The Fray originally
"We Build Then We Break" Dongquan
"Be Utility Switch," Starship originally
"We Built This City" Joe
"Wes Can't Befriend," Deborah Cox originally
"We Can't Be Friends" Whatever You'd Like To Call Me
"Huge Elbow Detector," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Could Go Bet There," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"Huge Bowel Detector," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Could Get Hot Beer," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"Beechwood Tree Glut," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Bought Electrode," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"Could We Be Together?," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Could Get The Bore," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Three Could Go Bet," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Could Bet The Goer," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"Below Huge Detector," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Could Beg To Three," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Becloud Together," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"Oh, We Could Get Beret," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Could Beg Tot Here," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"Do Web Clue Together," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Could Get The Robe," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"We Could Bet The Ogre," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"Elector Bought Weed," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"Dub Cow Lee Together," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"Tough Electrode Web," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
"Wedge Lecture Booth," Debbie Gibson originally
"We Could Be Together" Lauryn Canna
On the shift between crew X and crew Z
Lydia Idyl
As in a crew at the YM(W)CA
Lydia Idyl
"Weed Is Just Rage," Dave Mason originally
"We Just Disagree" Whatever that would mean!
Nutmeg Ryan
"Jud West Is Eager," Dave Mason originally
"We Just Disagree" Olga Ruiz
"Wool Veil Fever," Pat Benatar originally
"We Live For Love" Or it could FEEL feverish in a wool veil!
Blake DeKalb
"Tumbleweeds," The Germs originally
"We Must Bleed" Lefty Lucy
"Web Stem Duel," The Germs originally
"We Must Bleed" Penny Nichols
"We Heed Ten Children," Alyssa Milano originally
"We Need The Children" Alyssa Jayne
"The Wee Den Children," Alyssa Milano originally
"We Need The Children" Alyssa Jayne
"The Wee Children End," Alyssa Milano originally
"We Need The Children" Alyssa Jayne
"The New Children, Dee," Alyssa Milano originally
"We Need The Children" Alyssa Jayne
"We Ten Heed Children," Alyssa Milano originally
"We Need The Children" Alyssa Jayne
"He Wet Own Thing," The Wanted originally
"We Own The Night" Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
"We Nigh The Town," The Wanted originally
"We Own The Night" Wendy Torrance
"Sweet Gherkin," Traditional originally
"We Three Kings" Bridget Andrews
"We Things Reek," Traditional originally
"We Three Kings" Lydia Helton
"Wet Kings Here," Traditional originally
"We Three Kings" Lydia Helton
"Lucky Wool Wire," Queen originally
"We Will Rock You" Did Freddie make clothes using it?
"Whole Leg Better," Sting originally
"We'll Be Together" It was previously injured.
"We Roll Tameable," Sum 41 originally
"We're All To Blame" Franka
"Llama Below Tree," Sum 41 originally
"We're All To Blame" Franka
"Grow, Ginger Owen," Cream originally
"We're Going Wrong" James D
"Take Note On Watering," Twisted Sister originally
"We're Not Gonna Take It" Alexis
"Not To Generate A Wink," Twisted Sister originally
"We're Not Gonna Take It" Alexis
"Now Integrate A Token," Twisted Sister originally
"We're Not Gonna Take It" Alexis
"Wake," S.W.V. originally
"Weak" Calvin Amari
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
"Miss War Key," Sugababes originally
"Wear My Kiss" Belinda Trucklisle
"Saw Me Risky," Sugababes originally
"Wear My Kiss" Belinda Trucklisle
"Our Weary Heaven-like Love," Donovan originally
"Wear Your Love Like Heaven" How could something heaven-like grow weary?
Kimberly Townsend
"Undo Eighties Nit Wear," Pink Floyd originally
"Wearing the Inside Out" Josh
"Her Wan Mate," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Mermaid's Pedicurist
"Ware Anthem," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Hate New Ram," +44 originally
"Weatherman" A spoonerism of a previous anagram entry!
Buffalo Bill Codependent
"Name The War," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Herman W. Ate," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Mermaid's Pedicurist
"Ate Warm Hen," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"New Heart, Ma," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Ham Era Went," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Rate New Ham," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"What Are Men?," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"The Mean War," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Heat War Men," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Hate New Arm," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Name Wreath," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Eat Warm Hen," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Heat New Arm," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"A New Tar Hem," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Raw Methane," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Hear Wet Man," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"A Wreath, Men," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Threw A Mane," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Me Earn What?," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Hare Wet Man," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Ahem! New Art!," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Wreathe Man," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Hate Raw Men," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Tame War Hen," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Wear Hat," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"New Hare Mat," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"New Mare Hat," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"We Name Hart," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"What Ear Men?," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Ahem! New Tar!," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Harm Tan Ewe," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Wean Hem Rat," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"New Hater, Ma," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Raw Hen Meat," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Ana Threw Me," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"He Meant 'Raw'," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Tear New Ham," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Wet Hare Man," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Heat Raw Men," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Methane War," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Warm Ethane," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"We Rent A Ham," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Hear Ant Mew," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"New Math Era," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Wear Ham Ten," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"The Mane War," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Hate New Ram," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Harm Tan Ewe," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Weather, Man!," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Mate Raw Hen," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Hear New Mat," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Tame Raw Hen," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Wear Ham Net," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Harm New Tea," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Hate War," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"A Harem Went," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Threw A Name," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"What Era, Men?," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Near Wet Ham," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Ten Wear Ham," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Thaw Ear, Men," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"He Meant War," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Me Near What?," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Hew Tara," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"New Tea Harm," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"The Raw Mane," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"Ran A Wet Hem," +44 originally
"Weatherman" Alyssa Jayne
"She Wants My Area," Jack Wagner originally
"Weatherman Says" Joe
"Arya, She Wants Me," Jack Wagner originally
"Weatherman Says" Arya: given name in India
"We Try Name 'Sasha'," Jack Wagner originally
"Weatherman Says" Joe
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Wahlberg
Not sure what that is...nor do I wanna know
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Wahlberg
Kanye West Point Blank Check Mark Wahlberg
"Weedy Sand," Tori Amos originally
"Wednesday" Yvette Bristle
"Dewy Sedan," Tori Amos originally
"Wednesday" Yvette Bristle
"Sandy Weed," Tori Amos originally
"Wednesday" Yvette Bristle
"Seedy Wand," Tori Amos originally
"Wednesday" Yvette Bristle
"Say 'Dew End'," Tori Amos originally
"Wednesday" Yvette Bristle
"Whet Eight," The Band originally
"The Weight" Claire Annette Player
"A Fisher's Wedgie Grip," Radiohead originally
"Weird Fishes/Arpeggi" Josh
Might be literally impossible, however
Such as the study of electricity?
"Owl, Meet Chello," Sum 41 originally
"Welcome To Hell" Franka
"Come, Fit, Meow, Yell!," Simple Plan originally
"Welcome to My Life" Dongquan
"Doom Helmet Tower Erector," Public Enemy originally
"Welcome to the Terrordome" Josh
Another gender change by anagramming
Samantha Wayland
Those girls need to eat something!
"Ned West Trio," Living End originally
"West End Riot" Taylor Dadsen
WHAT does Lew have?
One Horse Pony
"What A Difference You've Made In My File," Ronnie Milsap originally
"What A Difference You've Made In My Life" Claire Grayson
It would need to be tough in a taiga.
Flora Rolf
Well that's disheartening...
"Add A Slighter Woo," Marcie Blane originally
"What Does A Girl Do" Frederick Gale
"For Thaw," Rooney originally
"What For" Yvette Bristle
"Of Wrath," Rooney originally
"What For" Yvette Bristle
"For What," Rooney originally
"What For" Yvette Bristle
"Hat Woes Aground...Comes Around," Justin Timberlake originally
"What Goes Around...Comes Around" A quasi-spooneristic anagram
Wendy Torrance
"What Have You Done For Elly, Mate?," Janet Jackson originally
"What Have You Done For Me Lately?" Anna Graham
"We Really Have The Foam...You Don't," Janet Jackson originally
"What Have You Done For Me Lately?" Anna Graham
Changes the standalone phrase to a question!
How does one aim a thaw?
Chelsea Footler
How can a ham wait for anything?
Rupert Heyburn
"With Goat," Sublime originally
"What I Got" Alexis
"With Toga," Sublime originally
"What I Got" Alexis
"With Loaves," Haddaway originally
"What Is Love" Another anagram incorrectly posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Whoa, Vilest," Haddaway originally
"What Is Love" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Thaws Olive," Haddaway originally
"What Is Love" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"White Ovals," Haddaway originally
"What Is Love" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Whole Vista," Haddaway originally
"What Is Love" Another anagram incorrectly posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Boa Hurts Nitwit," Finch originally
"What It Is To Burn" ..Read all about it!
"Rust Within Boat," Finch originally
"What It Is To Burn" Franka
"The Last Kiwi," Everlast originally
"What It's Like" Megan
"With Al's Kite," Everlast originally
"What It's Like" Megan
"What's It Like," Everlast originally
"What It's Like" Changes the phrase to a question!
Joe Siebert
"Weak Hit List," Everlast originally
"What It's Like" Megan
"You Newt-head," INXS originally
"What You Need" Josh
"Ford's Hat Winner," Bering Strait originally
"What's For Dinner?" Jodie Covington
"A Magenta Gay Wish," Blink 182 originally
"What's My Age Again?" Franka
"A Sweating Gay Ham," Blink 182 originally
"What's My Age Again?" Franka
...in the dryer when the cycle is finished.
Anna Graham
"Hat's Your Swing," Des'Ree originally
"What's Your Sign?" Lucinda Blair
"Ah, Watch Donna Go," Pablo Cruise originally
"Whatcha Gonna Do?" That might be an answer to the titular question!
Natalie Snortman
"A New Hamster," Green Day originally
"Whatsername" Franka
"Martha Sween," Green Day originally
"Whatsername" Could her name be Martha Sween?
"Cherish Bad Owl Inn," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" What for??
"Linda: She Won Birch," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" in a tree-planting contest?
Tony The Tiger Woods
"I Had Her Clown Bins," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Chin Held Rainbows," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"So When I Land Birch," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Cabin Holds Whiner," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Child Ran Wishbone," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Whirl His Bacon End," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Abhors Lined Winch," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"A Childish Newborn," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Birch Wad In Lens, Oh," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"When I Lash Bin Cord," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Ban Childish Owner," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Earn His Bold Winch," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"When A Blond Is Rich," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Her Cab Dish Now Nil," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"When Ash In Old Crib," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Child Ran When I Sob," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Abolish Nerd Winch," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"When I Lob Rich Sand," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Broil Hen Sandwich," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Child's Rainbow Hen," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Ban Coldish Whiner," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Radish Win: No Belch," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"I Shed Owl In Branch," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Abhor Chin Swindle," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Bachelors Win Hind," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"When I Rob Dish Clan," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Drown His In A Belch," Michael Holm originally
"When A Child Is Born" Joe
"Conserved...Why?," Prince originally
"When Doves Cry" Because conserving helps the environment!
Bob Oldhart
"A Numeric Hoedown," Green Day originally
"When I Come Around" Calop
"Main Euchre Wish," Debbie Deb originally
"When I Hear Music" To win the game? (Euchre is a card game.)
"He Is The New Teacher, Kids!," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"When I Kissed The Cat Here," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"When I Kissed The Cheater," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"Cherish Atheist Weekend," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"I Swished The Teacher, Ken," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"Sweetish Kitchen Ad Here," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"When I Kissed The Ear Tech," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"Cede A Hiss There With Ken," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"When I Kissed Each Tether," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"Sicken Here With Headset," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"When I Kissed The Hare, Etc.," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"Edit Each New Sheet; Shirk," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"Kiss Each Tide When There," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"Cede A Kiss There With Hen," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"When I Kissed A Tech There," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"See The Kind Teacher Wish," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"When I Kissed Hat Here, Etc.," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"He Ate, Retch, When I Kissed," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"When I Kissed The Tech Ear," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"When I Kissed Erect Heath," ABBA originally
"When I Kissed The Teacher" Claire Grayson
"Anti Whiners," Paramore originally
"When It Rains" They hate whiners
"Hernia Twins," Paramore originally
"When It Rains" Oh no, the hernia twins
"Hernia Twins," Paramore originally
"When It Rains" Oh no, the hernia twins
"Even This Low," Van Halen originally
"When It's Love" Alexis
"Owlish Event," Van Halen originally
"When It's Love" Alexis
"We Thrive, Son," Sugar Ray originally
"When It's Over" Alexis
"With No Verse," Sugar Ray originally
"When It's Over" Alexis
"Ever Won This," Sugar Ray originally
"When It's Over" Alexis
"Never Show It," Sugar Ray originally
"When It's Over" Alexis
"Vows Therein," Sugar Ray originally
"When It's Over" Alexis
"Hires Vet Now," Sugar Ray originally
"When It's Over" Alexis
"View Thrones," Sugar Ray originally
"When It's Over" Alexis
"Ever Own This," Sugar Ray originally
"When It's Over" Alexis
"I Throw Seven," Sugar Ray originally
"When It's Over" As in a lucky roll on the dice?
"Joanna Loved New Hem," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Hilary Nevis
"A Nonwoven Jade Helm," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Candy Welty
"Adam John Now Eleven," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Candy Welty
"John Adam Now Eleven," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Candy Welty
"Joanna Loved Mew Hen," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Did she also love Cluck Kitten?
Hilary Nevis
"Hewn Navajo Lemon, Ed!," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Candy Welty
"When Joanna Led Move," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Candy Welty
"Mad Joanne Howl, Even!," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Candy Welty
"Eleven-Woman Ad, John!," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Candy Welty
"When Joanna Dove, Mel," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Candy Welty
"Lad Even Own Home, Jan!," Tony Bennett originally
"When Joanna Loved Me" Candy Welty
So she's rice sometimes but not all the time?
Jill Conrad
"New Wolf Heartlands," Heidi Newfield originally
"When Tears Fall Down" Flora Rolf
"Downfallen Wreaths," Heidi Newfield originally
"When Tears Fall Down" Flora Rolf
"The Eleven Bakers Hew," Led Zeppelin originally
"When The Levee Breaks" Hew: chop (wood) with an ax
"The Wheels Breakeven," Led Zeppelin originally
"When The Levee Breaks" Evan
"Hush Two Servicemen," The Doors originally
"When The Music's Over" Evan
"Then Hens Fight Wall," Chromeo originally
"When The Night Falls" Lois Teem
"Era When We Part," Vivian Green originally
"When We're Apart" Pact Like Sardines
"Era When We Trap," Vivian Green originally
"When We're Apart" Pact Like Sardines
"When We're A Trap," Vivian Green originally
"When We're Apart" Big Rip Van Winkle
"Why Cede A Noun?," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Why A Dune Cone?," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Ahoy, New Dunce!," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"New Hay Cue, Don," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Can You Hew Den?," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Can You Hew Den?," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Hey! Can Now Due!," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Why A Nude Cone?," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Now Dunce, Yeah," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Wand Cue, Honey," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Yeah, Dunce Won," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Why Canoe Nude?," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Cue Dawn, Honey," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Canyon Dew Hue," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"Deny A New Ouch," The Turbans originally
"When You Dance" Candy Welty
"When You Needed Sores," Dazz Band originally
"When You Needed Roses" Melanie Black
"Where You Love With A Beautiful Inn Woman," Dr. Hook originally
"When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Your Wheel In Oven With A Beautiful Woman," Dr. Hook originally
"When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Why Inure One Love With A Beautiful Woman?," Dr. Hook originally
"When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Why Union Over With A Beautiful Woman, Lee?," Dr. Hook originally
"When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Your Hyena Eyes Wits," Britney Spears originally
"When Your Eyes Say It" Editor's note: PLEASE spell her 1st name correctly
Rhonda Hindle
"Yes, It's Anywhere, You," Britney Spears originally
"When Your Eyes Say It" Belinda Trucklisle
"You Sweeny Hysteria," Britney Spears originally
"When Your Eyes Say It" Jeff
"Yes, Anywhere You Sit," Britney Spears originally
"When Your Eyes Say It" Belinda Trucklisle
"Easy Eye Is Unworthy," Britney Spears originally
"When Your Eyes Say It" Aimee Collett
"How I Died Here," Nickelback originally
"Where Do I Hide" Franka
"Heehaw, Surrey Riot," Lita Roza originally
"Where Is Your Heart" Evil Olive
"Rouse Wiry Heather," Lita Roza originally
"Where Is Your Heart" Evil Olive
"You Earthier Shrew," Lita Roza originally
"Where Is Your Heart" Evil Olive
"Your Shire Weather," Lita Roza originally
"Where Is Your Heart" Evil Olive
"Here In Big Wallets," Lalah Hathaway originally
"Where It All Begins" Naomi Swanson
"There It Was," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"We Rate This," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"It Was There," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"Wait, Esther!," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"Here's A Twit," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"The Waiters," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"Tries Wheat," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"The West Air," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"What I Reset," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"With Teresa," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"White Aster," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"A Whiter Set," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"Waits There," Beck originally
"Where It's At" Alexis
"Tweeted Shyer Horns," The Fray originally
"Where the Story Ends" Dongquan
"Where The Setters Have No Name," U2 originally
"Where The Streets Have No Name" Megan
"Sweet Mary! Weightily Plunge!," The Beatles originally
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps" Maybe Mary is the guitar's lover...
"Leap Hip Paw," Babyface originally
"Whip Appeal" Whatever a hip paw is
Lois Teem
"Hip Wit," Devo originally
"Whip It" dxman
"A Whisper Or A Clam, Dan," Anberlin originally
"A Whisper And A Clamor" Wendy Torrance
"As Whip Or Clam Era DNA," Anberlin originally
"A Whisper And A Clamor" Dionne Peacewick
"I Watch More Spares," Icicle Works originally
"Whisper To A Scream" I'm not too good at bowling?
"Wifty, The Butler," InMe originally
"White Butterfly" Funny name
"Smear This Witch," Bing Crosby originally
"White Christmas" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Rematch With Sis," Bing Crosby originally
"White Christmas" Sammy
"Hi, Smart Witches," Bing Crosby originally
"White Christmas" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Sham Witch's Rite," Bing Crosby originally
"White Christmas" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Whale Gift," Dido originally
"White Flag" As in, That's a whale of a gift! (Metaphoric.)
Keira Dayley
"Light A Few," Dido originally
"White Flag" Keira Dayley
Pluralizes the name of a river
Natalie Lundgren
"Mow It, Hero," Cream originally
"White Room" Josh
"Hi, Worm Toe," Cream originally
"White Room" Bizarre!
Emma Stone's Throw
"Oh, Tie Worm," Cream originally
"White Room" Emma Stone's Throw
"Witness Had Silver," Don Rondo originally
"White Silver Sands" Loree Dare
"Invite Shrewd Lass," Don Rondo originally
"White Silver Sands" Loree Dare
"Swiss Lathe Driven," Don Rondo originally
"White Silver Sands" Loree Dare
"Seventh Said 'Swirl'," Don Rondo originally
"White Silver Sands" Loree Dare
"Adverse Lint Swish," Don Rondo originally
"White Silver Sands" Loree Dare
"Hit Swiss Lavender," Don Rondo originally
"White Silver Sands" Loree Dare
"Want Silver Dishes," Don Rondo originally
"White Silver Sands" Loree Dare
"Edged With Win," Billy Idol originally
"White Wedding" Alexis
"Wedged Within," Billy Idol originally
"White Wedding" Alexis
"A Wealthier Hades Fop," Procol Harum originally
"A Whiter Shade Of Pale" Ingrid McCannless
"How Are You?," The Who originally
"Who Are You?" An obvious one!
"Oh! You Wear," The Who originally
"Who Are You?" dxman
"Who Won Cabinet?," Men At Work originally
"Who Can It Be Now?" Alexis
"Who Can Bite Now?," Men At Work originally
"Who Can It Be Now?" Anna Graham
"What...No Web Icon?," Men At Work originally
"Who Can It Be Now?" For sure not at the time this song was made.
"Now With Beacon," Men At Work originally
"Who Can It Be Now?" Alexis
"Now With One Cab," Men At Work originally
"Who Can It Be Now?" Alexis
"Obtain New Chow," Men At Work originally
"Who Can It Be Now?" Alexis
"No White Cab Now," Men At Work originally
"Who Can It Be Now?" They're all yellow.
"How Can I Bet Now?," Men At Work originally
"Who Can It Be Now?" Alexis
"How Can I, Sal," Winona Oak originally
"Who Can Sail" Valerie Cameron
"We Wash Horseshoe Set," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Wash Sweet Horse's Hoe," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"We Show A Hostess Here," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Whose Sweet Horse Ash?," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Show Sweet Heroes Ash," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Wash West Heroes' Hoes ," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"We Show Theses Ashore," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Assess Her Towhee How?," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Who Wears Shoe Theses?," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Whet Whose Ass Heroes?," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"See East Shrew Whoosh," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Whose War Shoe Theses?," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Wash Sweet Horseshoe," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"See Hare Sew Show Host," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Who Wears Hose Theses?," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Sweet Ash Whoosh Here," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Who Wears These Hoses?," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Wash West Heroes' Hose," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Whose Raw Shoe Theses?," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Show Wet Shoe; See Rash," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Whose War Hose Theses?," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"Wash West Heroes' Shoe," Elton John originally
"Who Wears These Shoes?" Alyssa Jayne
"How Will I Be?," Demi Lovato originally
"Who Will I Be?" Anna Graham
"John Shy Now," El DeBarge originally
"Who's Johnny" Jessica Childress
"Why No Johns," El DeBarge originally
"Who's Johnny" I "gotta go" bad!
Jessica Childress
"Why Johnson," El DeBarge originally
"Who's Johnny" Jessica Childress
"How's Johnny?," El DeBarge originally
"Who's Johnny?" Nancy
"Starlight How," Madonna originally
"Who's That Girl" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Straight Howl," Madonna originally
"Who's That Girl" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"That Showgirl," Eurythmics originally
"Who's That Girl?" A potential answer to the original title!
K.N. Pepper
..That might answer the question
"Wombat Holes," Pennywise originally
"Who's To Blame" Franka
"This Whole Sea Gate World," Fantastic Four originally
"The Whole World Is A Stage" Veronica Persica
"I Stage A Whole World, Seth," Fantastic Four originally
"The Whole World Is A Stage" Victoria Abbot
"Theories With Mop," Tag Team originally
"Whoomp, There It Is" Calop
"Otherwise, Hit Mop," Tag Team originally
"Whoomp, There It Is" Calop
"With Cyan," Liz Phair originally
"Why Can't I?" Cyan = bluish-green/turquoise color
"Any Witch," Liz Phair originally
"Why Can't I?" Alexis
"Why Can It?," Liz Phair originally
"Why Can't I?" Almost a negation of the original title!
"Why Can't Wes Befriend?," War originally
"Why Can't We Be Friends?" Pete Worst
"Hey, Woody! Volume!," Garbage originally
"Why Do You Love Me" Yvette Bristle
"You Love Dew, Oh My!," Garbage originally
"Why Do You Love Me" Yvette Bristle
"Hey, You Wove Mold!," Garbage originally
"Why Do You Love Me" Yvette Bristle
"Howdy! You Love Me?," Garbage originally
"Why Do You Love Me" Yvette Bristle
"Medley: 'Oh', 'You', 'Vow'," Garbage originally
"Why Do You Love Me" Yvette Bristle
"You Delve. Ow! Oh My!," Garbage originally
"Why Do You Love Me" Yvette Bristle
"You Love Mode. Why?," Garbage originally
"Why Do You Love Me" Yvette Bristle
"Why You Love Demo," Garbage originally
"Why Do You Love Me" Yvette Bristle
"Why A Bad Ed Seethe My Floors?," Moby originally
"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?" All-Starr
"Hy Mew," Styx originally
"Why Me?" X.Y.Z.
"Sick Wed Game," The Weeknd originally
"Wicked Games" Angelina Laide
"Chewed On Kites," 10 Years originally
"The Wicked Ones" Yummu
"Wily Theo And The Dung," Quiet Riot originally
"The Wild And The Young" Dana Thompkins
"O The Wily And The Dung," Quiet Riot originally
"The Wild and the Young" Dana Thompkins
It isn't good to do.
"Wind Beneath My Swing," Bette Midler originally
"Wind Beneath My Wings" Ed
"The Ram Cries Windy," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" Dinah Bartilson
"The Wary Mind Cries," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" Sabrina Flowe
"Upwind Him," Saga originally
"Wind Him Up" Amanda Svenson
"Window Hoppers," Nickelback originally
"Window Shopper" Weird hobby
"Hearken, A Lentil Twist," ABBA originally
"The Winner Takes It All" A perfect happening to hearken unto!?!
"I Ran Winter," Winona Oak originally
"Winter Rain" Marilyn Westbury
"Iran Winter," Winona Oak originally
"Winter Rain" Marilyn Westbury
"Windward Noel Tern," Various originally
"Winter Wonderland" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Wives And Wares," Rilo Kiley originally
"Wires And Waves" Natasha Bly
"Why! Melodious Cube," Korn originally
"Wish You Could Be Me" What a stressed posh man shouts at a rubix cube
Sir David Grady III
"Whee! U is wiry, horsee!," Pink Floyd originally
"Wish You Were Here" Self-explanatory
Mickey D.
How does one shine a bow?
Sardine Taylor
"In Trisha's Wagon," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Alexis
"Nora Was In Sight," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Alexis
"Gina Owns A Shirt," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" and other clothes too, I hope
"Trisha's In A Gown," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Alexis
"It Was No Garnish," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Alexis
"Aaron Sings With," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" With whom does he sing?
"Wishing On Rasta," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Pete Worst
"Nothing Was As Raw," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Alexis
"It Was No Sharing," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Sarah Tonin
"Trisha Owns A Gin," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Alexis
"I Was Not Sharing," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Being stingy? That wasn't nice...
"I Was Noting Rash," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Sarah Tonin
"Showing Sinatra," Rose Royce originally
"Wishing On A Star" Frankie did have a career as an actor too.
"Watch My Wino," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Many With Cow," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Itchy Man, Wow!," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Winch May Tow," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Mow Any Witch," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Witch Won Yam," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Achy Mint, Wow!," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Why Twin Coma?," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Mincy Hat, Wow!," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Why Won't Mica?," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Ma Now Witchy," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Why Manic Two?," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Mow Whiny Cat," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"Why Mica Town?," Eagles originally
"Witchy Woman" Alyssa Jayne
"The Well-Informed, Filthy Armpits," The Beatles originally
"With A Little Help From My Friends" dxman
"With A Little Help From My Finders," The Beatles originally
"With A Little Help From My Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Let Twilight Shake," Zebrahead originally
"With Legs Like That" Franka
"Lethal Weight Kits," Zebrahead originally
"With Legs Like That" Ooh dangerous
"In Mars With My Loving," Susan Raye originally
"Within My Loving Arms" Wanda Ruppendown
"Out With Me," Eminem originally
"Without Me" Nicole
"I, Wet Mouth," Eminem originally
"Without Me" What Eminem is now.
"Out With Your Vole," Julie Rogers originally
"Without Your Love" Marjorie Danvers
"Out With Your Love," Julie Rogers originally
"Without Your Love" Marjorie Danvers
"Rip Tin Can, Win, Nick!," Steve Carlisle originally
"WKRP In Cincinnati" Kara Oke
"Can I Win Print, Nick?," Steve Carlisle originally
"WKRP In Cincinnati" Kara Oke
"Nick Can Win In Trip," Steve Carlisle originally
"WKRP In Cincinnati" Kara Oke
"Win Tin Car Pin, Nick!," Steve Carlisle originally
"WKRP In Cincinnati" Kara Oke
"Beth Flow In End," Joy Electric originally
"Wolf In The Bend" Daisy Pappus
"Flo Win The Bend," Joy Electric originally
"Wolf In The Bend" Daisy Pappus
A, E, I, O, U (and sometimes Y)!
"Woman From Kyoto," Deep Purple originally
"Woman From Tokyo" Kyoto is another city in Japan.
Hayley Spalding
Negation of an ELO song title!
"Foam In Snow," Carl Dixon originally
"Woman Of Sin" Kara Oke
"Win Foam, Son," Carl Dixon originally
"Woman Of Sin" Kara Oke
"Snow Info, Ma," Carl Dixon originally
"Woman Of Sin" Kara Oke
"If Mason Won," Carl Dixon originally
"Woman Of Sin" Kara Oke
"Moan If Snow," Carl Dixon originally
"Woman Of Sin" Kara Oke
"Sin Of Woman," Carl Dixon originally
"Woman Of Sin" Kara Oke
"Mow A Fin, Son," Carl Dixon originally
"Woman Of Sin" Kara Oke
"Sofa Minnow," Carl Dixon originally
"Woman Of Sin" Kara Oke
"If Ma Won, Son," Carl Dixon originally
"Woman Of Sin" Kara Oke
"Snow In Foam," Carl Dixon originally
"Woman Of Sin" Kara Oke
"One Twit Googled A Fan," The Who originally
"Won't Get Fooled Again" James d
"Ow! A Def Negating Tool," The Who originally
"Won't Get Fooled Again" Josh
What would a kilowatt button be?
Nicole Velocin
Pretty much a reversal of the meaning
Anna Graham
"Show Mum First Credential," Paul McCartney originally
"Wonderful Christmastime" Oliver South
"Wonderful Christmas Item," Paul McCartney originally
"Wonderful Christmastime" Gus
"Bland Wonder Nighty," Bert Kaempfert originally
"Wonderland By Night" Teresa Christie
"Thin Red Gland By Now," Bert Kaempfert originally
"Wonderland By Night" Marilyn Westbury
"We All Drown," Oasis originally
"Wonderwall" ..Sounds like a bad ending :(
"Well Onward," Oasis originally
"Wonderwall" Alexis
"Won Heart Ode," Joe Dowell originally
"Wooden Heart" Marion Shelby
"Won Earth Ode," Joe Dowell originally
"Wooden Heart" Marion Shelby
"Ten Hear Wood," Joe Dowell originally
"Wooden Heart" A xylophone or woodwind instrument?
Marion Shelby
"Ten Wear Hood," Joe Dowell originally
"Wooden Heart" Marion Shelby
"Wooden Earth," Joe Dowell originally
"Wooden Heart" Marion Shelby
"A Weird North-West," Thrice originally
"Words In The Water" Specific, but cool.
"Scrawling Hookers," John Lennon originally
"Working Class Hero" Josh
"Corking Man's Laws," Jimmy Barnes originally
"Working Class Man" Lorraine Thoanjer
"Nice Walking In The Room," Lee Dorsey originally
"Working In The Coal Mine" Marissa
"No Woodworking," Raised Fist originally
"Working On Wood" Franka
"Fallaway Worlds," Seether originally
"World Falls Away" Franka
"Lousy Wrist Horde," Nas originally
"The World is Yours" Josh
Don't quit being a fan of the world!
Mary Ellen Jasper
"Drum Scowl," Soulfly originally
"World Scum" Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
"Slum Crowd," Soulfly originally
"World Scum" Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
"Odd Cow Rolls," 12 Stones originally
"World So Cold" ..Just picture it
"Weather From Host ," Finch originally
"Worms Of The Earth" Franka
"Cry Or Work," Green Day originally
"Worry Rock" ..which are you gonna do?
"Destroy Whatever," Simple Plan originally
"The Worst Day Ever" ..Sounds evil
"Rowdy For Night," Rise Against originally
"Worth Dying For" Franka
"Lead Tutti Worm," Skillet originally
"Would It Matter" Franka
"You Would Solve A Ton Merman," Lordi originally
"Would You Love A Monsterman" Dogniss Everdeen
"I Wouldn't Go To Bed," Nik Kershaw originally
"Wouldn't It Be Good" Anna Graham
"Bawling Clerk," Miley Cyrus originally
"Wrecking Ball" J.D. Norther
"Back New Grill," Miley Cyrus originally
"Wrecking Ball" As in support the promotion of a new grill
J.D. Norther
"New Black Girl," Miley Cyrus originally
"Wrecking Ball" Please don't take this the wrong way.
J.D. Norther
"Go Now Embryo," The Clash originally
"Wrong 'Em Boyo" Josh
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.