Take a song name, and make an anagram out of it.
Entries Beginning with V
"When Bev Don't Swear At Old Frogs," Thin Lizzy originally
"Vagabonds of the Western World" James d
"I Envy Eastland," Linkin Park originally
"Valentine's Day" Franka
Valerie must be a mean girl!
She's done visiting Hawaii, I guess
Mal can be a shortname for Malcolm.
Anna Graham
"Demand Of The Valley," Dragonforce originally
"Valley Of The Damned" Hilary Nevis
"Valley Of The Demand," Dragonforce originally
"Valley Of The Damned" Hilary Nevis
"Pam R. Ives," The Dukes originally
"Vampires" Natalie Lundgren
Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
Antigrammatical way of indicating someone's name
Louisa Ferncliff
"So Unmoved," HIM originally
"Venus Doom" Justin B. Burr
"Undo Moves," HIM originally
"Venus Doom" Justin B. Burr
Anagram one girls' name to get another!
Joe Siebert
"Deliver A Captor," Desi Arnaz originally
"Vereda Tropical" Jeffrey
"Driver To A Place," Desi Arnaz originally
"Vereda Tropical" Jeffrey
"Overlaid Carpet," Desi Arnaz originally
"Vereda Tropical" Jeffrey
"Driver To Palace," Desi Arnaz originally
"Vereda Tropical" Jeffrey
"Actor Prevailed," Desi Arnaz originally
"Vereda Tropical" Jeffrey
"Polecat Arrived," Desi Arnaz originally
"Vereda Tropical" Jeffrey
"Giver To," U2 originally
"Vertigo" Giver to whom (or what)?
"Vi's A Curio," Tool originally
"Vicarious" Jonathan S.
"Oi, U.S. Vicar!," Tool originally
"Vicarious" Jonathan S.
"Caruso VII," Tool originally
"Vicarious" Caruso the seventh? Like, David Caruso?
Jonathan S.
"Victim Of A Foolish Earth," Bettye Swann originally
"Victim Of A Foolish Heart" Bob
Vicia is a plant in bean fam.
Foley Cassid
"I, A Victor," The Kinks originally
"Victoria" Foley Cassid
Dove: past tense of 'dive' (rhymes with 'grove')
"Video Killed The Radio Rats," The Buggles originally
"Video Killed The Radio Star" Alyssa Jayne
"Video Killed The Radio Arts," The Buggles originally
"Video Killed The Radio Star" Alyssa Jayne
"Video Killed The Radio Tsar," The Buggles originally
"Video Killed The Radio Star" Alyssa Jayne
"I Killed The Star Radio Dove," The Buggles originally
"Video Killed The Radio Star" Alyssa Jayne
"Video Killed The Radar, Otis," The Buggles originally
"Video Killed The Radio Star" Alyssa Jayne
"Envied Pooh," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Do Open Hive," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"Hi, Oven Dope!," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"One-Hop Dive," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"Hooped Vine," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"I Hop Oven, Ed," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"Envied Hoop," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"I Hope, Devon!," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"Hooped Vein," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"Hi, Devon Poe!," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"Pin Hood, Eve," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"Dive On Hope," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"No Hive Dope," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"I Phone Dove," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"One Hive Pod," Beyonce originally
"Video Phone" Alyssa Jayne
"Annie V.," Ultravox originally
"Vienna" Gigi
the sixth in a lineage of people named Anne
the fourth in a lineage of people named Anne
Complete opposites!
"To Veil," Hole originally
"Violet" Kara Oke
"Oil Vet," Hole originally
"Violet" Kara Oke
"Love It," Hole originally
"Violet" Kara Oke
"To Live," Hole originally
"Violet" Kara Oke
"To Evil," Hole originally
"Violet" Kara Oke
"Hi, Evil Toll," Coldplay originally
"Violet Hill" Josh
"A Fervid Inmost Ting," K's Choice originally
"Virgin State Of Mind" Marcia Todd
"I Go Moan 'Irvin'," Foo Fighters originally
"Virginia Moon" Yvette Bristle
"Virgin In A Pail," Roxy Music originally
"Virginia Plain" Dogniss Everdeen
Rearrange the words to get a new meaning!
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Viva, L.A. Diva!," Coldplay originally
"Viva La Vida" Ken
"Foam Vice, O Erica," Nicki French originally
"Voice Of America" Sylvia Curruca
"Echo In Vet Insight," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Echo His Given Tint," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"This Ice Oven Thing," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Thigh Vein Section," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Inveigh One Stitch," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"This Hog Incentive," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Intensive Hog Itch," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Give Hitch Tension," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"No Vice In The Sight," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"The Novice In Sight," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"The Novice Insight," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Inveigh Hot Insect," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Tenth Incisive Hog," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Evince Hot Insight," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"This Cognitive Hen," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Get Thinnish Voice," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Night Icon Thieves," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Night Coin Thieves," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Invest Eighth Coin," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"Cohesive Tin Thing," Silverline originally
"Voices In The Night" Candy Welty
"A Scoff Race Movie," Rise Against originally
"Voices Off Camera" Franka
Hard to scare a cove!
Elsie Greer
an energy corporation / manufacturer of fuel
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.