Entries Beginning with P
"Retyping Gutty Python," Michael Jackson originally
"P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" RIP Michael Jackson.
"Cap's Life," 2Pac originally
"Pac's Life" for a guy nicknamed Cap
Anna Graham
"Flip Case," 2Pac originally
"Pac's Life" Rita Warmidge
"Elf Is Cap," 2Pac originally
"Pac's Life" How can an elf be a cap?
Ursula Turpin
all-Spanish anagram [Pared (pah-REHD) = wall]
Stallion High Wine
"Ad Is My Dupe," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" No comment here!
"Add My Pi Use," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" ...for certain mathematical formulae?
"Easy Mud Dip," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Rodney
"I Am Eddy Pus," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Disgusting!!
Boy George Washington Wizards Of Waverly Place
"Ape Is Muddy," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Jacob
"A Dumpy Side," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole
"My Ad Side Up," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"Dye Amid Pus," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" That's disgusting!
Gebbie Dibson
"Used My i-Pad," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"Maid Spy Due," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"Did Pay Muse," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"My Spud Idea," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Jacob
"Paused My Id," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"Did My Pause," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"Pa Sued My Id," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" How does one sue an id?
Nicole Parsons
"Muddy As Pie," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"I Spy A Dud: Me," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"Pea Is Muddy," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Jacob
"A Dim Pus Dye," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"Dye Sum Paid," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"I Spy Due Dam," Anastacia originally
"Paid My Dues" Nicole Parsons
"Pint O' Rum Aura," Eurythmics originally
"Paint A Rumour" Lucinda Blair
"Pain Or A Tumor," Eurythmics originally
"Paint A Rumour" Lucinda Blair
"I Pant A Rumour," Eurythmics originally
"Paint A Rumour" Lucinda Blair
"Inept Ad Ladies," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Tap Den Ladies," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Paint Edie, Lads," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Gary
"Spatial, Indeed," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Ladies Nip At Ed," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Detained Pals," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Leaded Pianist," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Ten Ladies Paid," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Date A Sandpile," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Ladies Pin Date," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Pad Ladies' Net," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Aided Planets," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Ladies Tied Pan," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I End Ladies' Tap," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Pained Details," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Pat End Ladies," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Penalties, Dad!," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Leaded Paints," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Ladies Tip A Den," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Tap Ladies' End," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Pat Den Ladies," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Ladies Taped In," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Paid Net Ladies," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Pedal Instead," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Ladies Tip Dean," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Add Penalties," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Dip Neat Ladies," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Pat Ladies' End," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"A Dilated Snipe," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Detained Pails," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"I Tap End Ladies," Ian Thomas originally
"Painted Ladies" Candy Welty
"Plea, Ma!," Toto originally
"Pamela" Candy Welty
"A Pal: Me," Toto originally
"Pamela" Candy Welty
"A Maple," Toto originally
"Pamela" Candy Welty
"Male Pa," Toto originally
"Pamela" Candy Welty
"Pale Ma," Toto originally
"Pamela" Candy Welty
"A.M. Leap," Toto originally
"Pamela" Candy Welty
"Leap, Ma!," Toto originally
"Pamela" Candy Welty
"Meal, Pa," Toto originally
"Pamela" Candy Welty
"Ale Map," Toto originally
"Pamela" Candy Welty
An': dialect for "and"
"Crept Into India," David Bowie originally
"Panic In Detroit" Penelope Beckinsale
"A Pen In Crop," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"Canine Prop," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"Pop Ran Nice," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"Rip Can? Nope.," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"A Cop Per Inn," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"I, Pop Canner," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"I Can Pen Pro," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"Can I Prep? No.," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"Can Rip Open," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"Pa No Prince," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"Can Nip Pore," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"A Cop Pinner," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"Icon Napper," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"Coin Napper," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"A Copper Inn," Chevelle originally
"Panic Prone" Candy Welty
"I Sung As Pelican," Josh Groban originally
"Panis Angelicus" And how do pelicans sing?
Valerie Cameron
"Pelican Gas In Us," Josh Groban originally
"Panis Angelicus" Pelican gas? Bizarre!
Valerie Cameron
"Mop At Mine," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Anti-Mop Me," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"No Time, Pam," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"No Imp Mate," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Item On Map," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Paint Memo," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Men Aim Pot," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"I Meant 'Mop'," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Opt In, Emma," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Inmate Mop," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Pin At Memo," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Ma In Tempo," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Poem: 'Man It'," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Mite On Map," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Aim Mop Ten," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"No Imp Meat," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Emma In Pot," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Top Men Aim," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"A Mint Poem," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"No Tip, Emma," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Main Tempo," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Tame No Imp," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Pat In Memo," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"Emma On Tip," Orgy originally
"Pantomime" Lauryn Canna
"A Savable Pompom," Perry Como originally
"Papa Loves Mambo" Alina
"A Papa To Sow," Joe Tex originally
"Papa Was Too" Joy Stick
"Papa Saw Too," Joe Tex originally
"Papa Was Too" Joy Stick
"Swoop At A Pa," Joe Tex originally
"Papa Was Too" Joy Stick
"Two Soap A Pa," Joe Tex originally
"Papa Was Too" Joy Stick
"A Wasp Too, Pa!," Joe Tex originally
"Papa Was Too" Joy Stick
"Swap A Pa Too," Joe Tex originally
"Papa Was Too" Joy Stick
"Pa Was Pa Too," Joe Tex originally
"Papa Was Too" Joy Stick
"Saw Papa Too," Joe Tex originally
"Papa Was Too" Joy Stick
"I Razz Papa," Lady Gaga originally
"Paparazzi" American Idle
"A Pizza Rap," Lady Gaga originally
"Paparazzi" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
"A Peg's Planer," Jimmy Wayne originally
"Paper Angels" Joy Stick
"Green Sap, Pal," Jimmy Wayne originally
"Paper Angels" Joy Stick
"A Napper's Gel," Jimmy Wayne originally
"Paper Angels" Joy Stick
"Pa Sang 'Repel'," Jimmy Wayne originally
"Paper Angels" Joy Stick
"Grape Lens, Pa," Jimmy Wayne originally
"Paper Angels" Joy Stick
"Earl Sang 'Pep'," Jimmy Wayne originally
"Paper Angels" Joy Stick
"Gaga Pen Strap," Lady Gaga originally
"Paper Gangsta" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Satan Gag Prep," Lady Gaga originally
"Paper Gangsta" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Gaga Rap Spent," Lady Gaga originally
"Paper Gangsta" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Papa Gangster," Lady Gaga originally
"Paper Gangsta" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Apparent Gags," Lady Gaga originally
"Paper Gangsta" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Gaga Parts Pen," Lady Gaga originally
"Paper Gangsta" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Pasta Gang Rep," Lady Gaga originally
"Paper Gangsta" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"A Tapper's Gang," Lady Gaga originally
"Paper Gangsta" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Pageant Grasp," Lady Gaga originally
"Paper Gangsta" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Pale Snapper," M.I.A. originally
"Paper Planes" Red snapper fish losing its coloring?
Anna Graham
"Nepal Papers," M.I.A. originally
"Paper Planes" Anna Graham
"Paper Panels," M.I.A. originally
"Paper Planes" Such panels wouldn't be very strong.
Anna Graham
"Shape Ropes," Incubus originally
"Paper Shoes" Paula Bland
"Shape Pores," Incubus originally
"Paper Shoes" Paula Bland
"Share Popes," Incubus originally
"Paper Shoes" Paula Bland
"Pore Shapes," Incubus originally
"Paper Shoes" Paula Bland
"Super Pan," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Anne
"Super Nap," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Pure Naps," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Prune Sap," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Spare Pun," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Rape Puns," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Spear Pun," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Spun Pear," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Snare Pup," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Pure Span," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Purse Pan," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"A Pen Spur," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Pure Snap," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Pure Pans," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
"Parse Pun," Traffic originally
"Paper Sun" Kara Oke
Although rap wasn't Sue Thompson's style.
Not the Same Bob
Katy Perry Mason-Dixon Line Dancing
"Backwater Ripper," The Beatles originally
"Paperback Writer" Rhonda Hindle
That is, wear a pair of shoes
Lauryn Canna
"Indoor Panda Raid," Radiohead originally
"Paranoid Android" Josh
Now it is real words!
Lucille Ball Sized Hail
"Drone Map," Incubus originally
"Pardon Me" Alexis
"Namedrop," Incubus originally
"Pardon Me" Alexis
"A Reeducating Plan," Judas Priest originally
"Parental Guidance" Evan
"An Airstrip," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"I Spar In Tar," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Iran's Tapir," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Do any tapirs live in Iran??
Sonia Rinzaimayor
"Part Raisin," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Rips At Iran," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Sonia Rinzaimayor
"A Rat Pin, Sir," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Iris Ran Tap," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Sir In A Trap," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"I Pan Art, Sir," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Rat Pain, Sir," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"A Tar Pin, Sir," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"I Ran A Strip," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Rain Is Trap," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Trap An Iris," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"i Spar Train," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Artisan Rip," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Star In Pair," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Rain Is Part," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"A Spirit Ran," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Iris' Pan Art," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Rat Aspirin," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"I Sprain Rat," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"A Rain Strip," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Train Pairs," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Aspirin Tar," Beth Orton originally
"Paris Train" Yvette Bristle
"Flip Rake," Blur originally
"Parklife" Helen Football
"Fair Kelp," Blur originally
"Parklife" Helen Football
"Fair Kelp," Blur originally
"Parklife" Helen Football
Cirque du Soleil Moon Frye
Not even Triangle Man could boast this honor.
"Toni Tapir," Beyonce originally
"Partition" A Tapir named Toni?
Christina Caraway
"Tap In, Tori," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Tar Pit Ion," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"I Taint Pro," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Tina Or Pit," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Tina Or Tip," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"I Point Rat," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Pat In Trio," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"At Iron Tip," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Paint, Tori!," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Pit Or Tina," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Into A Trip," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Nip At Trio," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Tin Oar Tip," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"I Point Art," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Paint Trio," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Pin Tot Ira," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"I, Nora Pitt," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Pat In Riot," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Tin, Portia!," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Pint Ratio," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Tip Or Tina," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"I Point Tar," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Nip Tot Ira," Beyonce originally
"Partition" Candy Welty
"Tr. Pay or TR Pay," Beyonce originally
"Party" Abbrev: Triple Pay
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Try The Mall Tie, Pa," Eddie Murphy originally
"Party All The Time" Cheryl Jordan
"Tie The Mall Party," Eddie Murphy originally
"Party All The Time" Cheryl Jordan
"Party In Hat, Sue," Miley Cyrus originally
"Party In The USA" Nicole
If you get stuck in it...
"Party, Neil!," Adam Green originally
"Party Line" Julia
"A Crusty Imp," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Try Campus," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Pity Marcus," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Sit Up, Marcy!," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Stir Cup, Amy," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"City Pa's Rum," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Smut Piracy," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"My Stair Cup," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Try Music, Pa," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"City Ram Pus," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Icy Ramp, Stu!," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Must Cry, Pa," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Cup Sat Rimy," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Spy Irma Cut," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"My Pa Curtis," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Spy Cut Ram," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Spur City Ma," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Try Ma's Cup," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Cry 'Suit!', Pam," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Mar Cut Spy," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Misty Car Up," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Tar My Cups," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"City Arm Pus," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Pat's Icy Rum," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Ram Cut Spy," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Cur May Spit," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Say 'Imp', Curt," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Music Party," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Spy Cut Arm," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Primacy, Stu!," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Try Cup, Sam," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Cut Spy Irma," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Cry 'Mat Pus!'," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Say 'Trim Cup'," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Star My Cup," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Rimy Cat Pus," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Icy Rump Sat," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"City Spa Rum," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Spay Cur, Tim," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Spur My Act," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Mist Cup, Ray," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Put My Cars," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Cry 'Sit, Puma!'," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I Spy Curt, Ma," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Mar City Pus," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"I, Crusty Pam," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Pry At Music," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Alyssa Jayne
"Part Night Toy," 3T originally
"Party Tonight" Natalie Stonecipher
"Pry Tan Ma," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Try Man, Pa," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Ram Panty," Prince originally
"Partyman" Camilla Talking Bird
"My Art Pan," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Many Trap," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Pry Manta," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Try Pan, Ma," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"My Rat Pan," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"My Pan Art," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Any Tramp," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Pry At Man," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Tar My Pan," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Trap Many," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Pry Ant, Ma," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Nap, Marty!," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Tamp Yarn," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Pantry, Ma!," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"My Pat Ran," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Army Pant," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Try Nap, Ma," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Mar Panty," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Pant, Mary!," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Ran My Tap," Prince originally
"Partyman" Candy Welty
"Ma Is In Step," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"I Meant Sips," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Piss In Mate," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yuck!
Dionne Peacewick
"Amp Is In Set," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Mast Is Pine," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"A Spine Mist," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Miss Tan Pie," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Sis Inept, Ma," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"I Paint Mess," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"I Snip Steam," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Mean Tip, Sis," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"In Same Spit," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Stem Is Pain," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Mini Pet Ass," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"In Same Pits," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"I Spin Steam," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Neat Imp, Sis," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Map Is In Set," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Is Main Step," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Yvette Bristle
"Asps By Me," Peggy Lee originally
"Pass Me By" Alyssa Jayne
"Bypass Me," Peggy Lee originally
"Pass Me By" Alyssa Jayne
"Spy Beams," Peggy Lee originally
"Pass Me By" Alyssa Jayne
"Bessy Pam," Peggy Lee originally
"Pass Me By" Alyssa Jayne
"Spas By Me," Peggy Lee originally
"Pass Me By" Alyssa Jayne
"Be My Spas," Peggy Lee originally
"Pass Me By" Alyssa Jayne
"Pass By Me," Peggy Lee originally
"Pass Me By" Alyssa Jayne
"Sheep At Pass," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pass Sheet, Pa," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"A Pet's Phases," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Asp Theses, Pa," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Spa Sheet Sat," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"A Pest's Shape," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Spa Theses, Pa," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"The Passe Asp," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"See Past Hasp," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pa Sets Shape," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Sap Theses, Pa," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pet Ass Shape," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pass The Apse," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"A Pet's Shapes," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Set Spa Shape," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"The Passe Sap," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"A Pest's Phase," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"See Pass Path," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pass These, Pa," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"See Spa Staph," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"The Passe Spa," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"He Pesters Nag," Iggy Pop originally
"The Passenger" nag=horse. But nag (vb.) is also synonym of pester
"Herpes Agents," Iggy Pop originally
"The Passenger" Josh
"The Green Pass," Iggy Pop originally
"The Passenger" Loree Dare
"She Sent Grape," Iggy Pop originally
"The Passenger" Loree Dare
"Green Ash Pest," Iggy Pop originally
"The Passenger" Loree Dare
"Her Tense Gasp," Iggy Pop originally
"The Passenger" Loree Dare
"Strange Sheep," Iggy Pop originally
"The Passenger" Loree Dare
"Missing The Tape," Cream originally
"Passing The Time" Bob Oldhart
"Passing The Item," Cream originally
"Passing The Time" Bob Oldhart
Aa = blocky, slow-flowing lava.
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
His name might be Nathan or Nathaniel
Lorraine Thoanjer
Her name is short for Patricia?
Wouldn't it take two cats?
Corinne Auterlehr
"Pay Preview," Orbital originally
"Pay Per View" Trina Lufkin
"Happy One," Maroon 5 originally
"Payphone" Steve Losewood
"Go Crap Fee," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" ... A song about pay-toilets!
"Face Or Peg," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" Loree Dare
"Forge Cape," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" Loree Dare
"Far Cop? Gee!," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" Loree Dare
"Care Of Peg," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" Loree Dare
"A Fog Creep," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" Loree Dare
"Go, Carp Fee!," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" Loree Dare
"Car Foe Peg," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" Loree Dare
"Force A Peg," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" Loree Dare
"Race Of Peg," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" Loree Dare
"Cage Of Rep," The Doors originally
"Peace Frog" Loree Dare
"Fancied Poem," Boston originally
"Peace Of Mind" Alexis
"Of Impedance," Boston originally
"Peace Of Mind" such as electrical impedance
"Of Minced Pea," Boston originally
"Peace Of Mind" Anita Grade
One who paints really well.
"Speech And Camera," 112 originally
"Peaches And Cream" Selena Stopmez
"Clean Creek Pal," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Claire Grayson
"Lack Clean Peer," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Scott
"Keep All Cancer," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Jan
"Cancel Eel Park," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Scott
"Clear Pale Neck," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Claire Grayson
"Kelp Clearance," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Joe
"Repel Cake Clan," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Jan
"Caller Can Peek," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Scott
"Place Real Neck," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Claire Grayson
"Pack Reel, Lance," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Jan
"Eel Pan Crackle," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Claire Grayson
"Caller Can Keep," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Jan
"Clean Kelp Acre," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Claire Grayson
"Pack Clean Reel," ZZ Top originally
"Pearl Necklace" Claire Grayson
51st in a lineage of pecans?
Marion Shelby
Panicle = a flower cluster w/ compound branching
Karen Smith
"Strange Peel Opera," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"People Are Garnets," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"A Plop Regenerates," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Josh
"Repeat Song 'Repeal'," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"A Proper Easel Gent," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Strange Ear People," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Pale-Green Seaport," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Eager Personal Pet," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Narrate 'Geese Plop'," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Please Open Grater," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Nearest Regal Pope," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Repeat Sleep Groan," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Store A Green Apple," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Negate Proper Sale," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Egret Nose Apparel," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Personal Grape Tee," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Lone Gasp Repeater," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Sergeant Earl Pope," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Tape General Prose," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"People Garner Seat," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"A Proper Eagle Nest," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Negate Proper Seal," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Personal Rag Tepee," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Serge Apparel Note," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Prepare Senate Log," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Resent Parolee Gap," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Torn Geese Apparel," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Please Open Garter," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Report A Spleen Age," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Elegant Pro Serape," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"A Green Port Asleep," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Polar Parent Geese," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Regret Nose Appeal," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Personal Tree Page," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Greet Personal Ape," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Opera: 'Pastel Green'," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Else A Proper Agent," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Grape Peel Treason," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Presage Pale Tenor," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Elegant Paper Rose," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Proper Agent Easel," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Teen Algae Prosper," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Repeat Near Gospel," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Proper Lease Agent," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Large Eastern Pope," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Repel Agate Person," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Pale Song Repeater," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Eager Plate Person," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Geese Patron Pearl," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Nearest Grape Pole," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Garner East People," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Large Pope Earnest," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"A Petrel Personage," The Doors originally
"People Are Strange" Lauryn Canna
"Keeping Polar Tale," Maureen Gray originally
"People Are Talking" John
"Puny Fluorescent Pea," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Supply Cane Fourteen," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"False Peony Puncture," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Repeat Funny Closeup," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Clean Up Spy Fourteen," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Snappy Clue Fourteen," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Refute Nancy Upslope," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Tuna-Supply Conferee," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Funny Corpse Epaulet," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Useful Pecan Entropy," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Supply Faucet, Noreen," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Perceptual Sunny Foe," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Sappy Uncle Fourteen," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Unruly Fencepost Ape," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Faulty Neoprene Cusp," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Populate Fun Scenery," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Renounce Supply Feat," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Purposeful Tee, Nancy," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Cap Neptune Yourself," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Puncture False Peony," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Pursue Lofty Penance," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Spy Peaceful Neutron," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Puny Fluorescent Ape," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Anyone Respectful Up?," Arthur Conley originally
"People Sure Act Funny" Alyssa Jayne
"Propel Dowel," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Lewd Pool Rep," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Drop Pole, Lew," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Wee Doll Prop," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Do Propel Lew," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Peel Old Prow," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Pop Led Lower," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Drop Ewe Poll," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Poor Dell Pew," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Low Deer Plop," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Lop Pole, Drew," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"World People," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
"Lewd Pole Pro," Jim & Jean originally
"People World" Joy Stick
Person of authority
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Fret Pec Day," Lou Reed originally
"Perfect Day" Diana Jasper
"I'm Perfect Perfection," Kevin Gates originally
"Perfect Imperfection" Lydia Helton
"Perfect Pop, Lee!," Pennywise originally
"Perfect People" Loree Dare
"Creep Left Pope," Pennywise originally
"Perfect People" Loree Dare
"Creep Felt Pope," Pennywise originally
"Perfect People" Who cops a feel on the Pope?!
"Fleece Pet Prop," Pennywise originally
"Perfect People" Loree Dare
"Pope Felt Creep," Pennywise originally
"Perfect People" Loree Dare
"Pope Left Crepe," Pennywise originally
"Perfect People" Loree Dare
"Perfect Earthly Goo Ad," Taylor Swift originally
"A Perfectly Good Heart" Avatarred And Feathered
"Bleep Premium Out," Penguin Cafe Orchestra originally "Perpetuum Mobile"
"Preserve Cane," Hatebreed originally
"Perseverance" Polly Cannon
"Tiny Rose, Pal!," Lloyd Price originally
"Personality" Yvette Bristle
"Real Tipsy, No?," Lloyd Price originally
"Personality" Yvette Bristle
Yes, the Beach Boys' 1966 album had a title track.
"No 'A' In 'Map'," Billy Joel originally
"Piano Man" Yes there is!
Becky Bright
"Hickup, Then, Pope," Ciara originally
"Pick Up The Phone" Etta James Taylor Swift
"Suck Floury Pipe," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Pickle Soup Fury," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"I Flop: Super Yuck!," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Clip Up Key For Us," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Lick Up Foyer Pus," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Flip Cuprous Key," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"I Spur Plucky Foe," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Pick Up Rosy Fuel," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Fuel Rosy Pickup," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Clip Up Four Keys," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Pluck Fiery Soup," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"I Suck Foyer Pulp," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Profile Pus -- Yuck!," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"I Peck Floury Pus," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Useful Icky Prop," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"I Supply Fork Cue," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Frisky Couple Up," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"I Peck Foul Syrup," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Rueful Spiky Cop," Diana Krall originally
"Pick Yourself Up" Yvette Bristle
"Clean Up Video Pads," Freddy Martin originally
"Pico And Sepulveda" Joe
"Comet Set This Fuckin Crap," Status Quo originally
"Pictures of Matchstick Men" James d
"Hey, Ken! Sip It!," John Kincade originally
"Pie In The Sky" Alyssa Jayne
"Mini Dope Cafe," Finch originally
"A Piece Of Mind" ..Only in Holland
"Iceman Fed Poi," Finch originally
"A Piece Of Mind" ..how nice of him
"Poi Fancied Me," Finch originally
"A Piece Of Mind" ..just imagine Poi is a name
fop = a guy overly concerned with his appearance
Calvin Amari
"I Plot," Brigade originally
"Pilot" Trina Lufkin
"Chap A Chin Ball," Yello originally
"Pinball Cha Cha" Lisa Rose
"Bach Hall Panic," Yello originally
"Pinball Cha Cha" Lisa Rose
"A Chap Chin Ball," Yello originally
"Pinball Cha Cha" Lisa Rose
"Chin A Chap Ball," Yello originally
"Pinball Cha Cha" Lisa Rose
"A Chin Chap Ball," Yello originally
"Pinball Cha Cha" Lisa Rose
Could have several meanings.
Orville Greenenbacher
"Picnic Ooh," f(x) originally
"Pinocchio" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Iconic Hop," f(x) originally
"Pinocchio" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Chip Onion," f(x) originally
"Pinocchio" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Reap It," Cher originally
"Pirate" Loree Dare
"Pare It," Cher originally
"Pirate" Loree Dare
"I Taper," Cher originally
"Pirate" Loree Dare
"Pit Era," Cher originally
"Pirate" Loree Dare
"Tire Pa," Cher originally
"Pirate" Loree Dare
"Pie Tar," Cher originally
"Pirate" Loree Dare
"Ear Tip," Cher originally
"Pirate" Loree Dare
"Rip Tea," Cher originally
"Pirate" Loree Dare
"Rat Pie," Cher originally
"Pirate" Loree Dare
"Ear Pit," Cher originally
"Pirate" Loree Dare
So her chess set is incomplete!
Eva Shortoria
Unusual way to denote a strong wind
Natasha Bly
WHAT do they do?
Natasha Bly
Hope she doesn't fall and get hurt!
Natasha Bly
Might mess up somebody's magic spell!
Natasha Bly
"Plane Aril, Etc.," The B-52s originally
"Planet Claire" Rachel Stedman
"Plane Lair, Etc.," The B-52s originally
"Planet Claire" Rachel Stedman
"Plane Rail, Etc.," The B-52s originally
"Planet Claire" Rachel Stedman
"Lean April, Etc.," The B-52s originally
"Planet Claire" Rachel Stedman
"April Lane, Etc.," The B-52s originally
"Planet Claire" Rachel Stedman
"Expel Talent," Radiohead originally
"Planet Telex" Josh
Levied by a one-world government?
Sylvia Curruca
Kyoto is another Japanese city & anagram of Tokyo.
Carla Jorgensen
Also a spoonerism
Marcia Zarwetten-Grassi
Dipel is a type of insecticide.
Tabitha Cartwright
Pelf = money or riches
Candy Welty
Best not to go that way.
a conference between opposing sides in a dispute
at which all attendees wear high heels?
as in 3 cards, or a three of any suit
"Glary Lip," Ladytron originally
"Playgirl" Candy Welty
"Gray Pill," Ladytron originally
"Playgirl" Candy Welty
"Grip Y'all," Ladytron originally
"Playgirl" Emily
"All Gripy," Ladytron originally
"Playgirl" Candy Welty
"Grip Ally," Ladytron originally
"Playgirl" Emily
"Pig Rally," Ladytron originally
"Playgirl" Candy Welty
"Ply A Girl," Ladytron originally
"Playgirl" Candy Welty
"Girly Pal," Ladytron originally
"Playgirl" Candy Welty
"Girl Play," Ladytron originally
"Playgirl" Candy Welty
"Pry A Gill," Ladytron originally
"Playgirl" Candy Welty
"Elapse," Staind originally
"Please" Candy Welty
"See Lap," Staind originally
"Please" Candy Welty
"Asleep," Staind originally
"Please" Candy Welty
"See Pal," Staind originally
"Please" Candy Welty
"Spa Eel," Staind originally
"Please" Candy Welty
"See Alp," Staind originally
"Please" Candy Welty
"Please Boost No Comet," Dave Loggins originally
"Please Come To Boston" Ava Murphy
"Please Come Not To Sob," Dave Loggins originally
"Please Come To Boston" Megan Tereon
"Noted A Gospel," KWS originally
"Please Don't Go" Alexis
"A Noted Gospel," KWS originally
"Please Don't Go" Alexis
"Negated Loops," KWS originally
"Please Don't Go" Alexis
"Need Goalpost," KWS originally
"Please Don't Go" Alexis
"Agent's Poodle," KWS originally
"Please Don't Go" Alexis
"Go On Pedestal," KWS originally
"Please Don't Go" Alexis
"Leon Pets A Dog," KWS originally
"Please Don't Go" Alexis
"Asleep...Forgive Me!," Bryan Adams originally
"Please Forgive Me" Hey, 'please' is an anagram of 'asleep'!
Oliver South
"Elf, Go See Vampire," Bryan Adams originally
"Please Forgive Me" Oliver South
"Relieve Me Of Gaps," Bryan Adams originally
"Please Forgive Me" Oliver South
"Pa Pleases Melee," The Beatles originally
"Please Please Me" Uhm...no comment!
"Pleasure In Panda," The Divinyls originally
"Pleasure And Pain" Laura Wilkins
"Gulp Baby In," Muse originally
"Plug In Baby" Dogniss Everdeen
"Bug Play Bin," Muse originally
"Plug In Baby" Gordy N. Knott
Pome = a type of fruit, an apple being an example
Daryl Hannah Montana
"Toni P.," Slayer originally
"Point" Buffalo Bill Codependent
"Opt In ," Slayer originally
"Point" As opposed to opt out
Megan Ura
"No Pit," Slayer originally
"Point" Alyssa Jayne
"In Pot," Slayer originally
"Point" Alyssa Jayne
"Tip On," Slayer originally
"Point" Alyssa Jayne
"Pinto," Slayer originally
"Point" Alyssa Jayne
"Not Pi," Slayer originally
"Point" Alyssa Jayne
"In Top," Slayer originally
"Point" Alyssa Jayne
"No Tip," Slayer originally
"Point" Alyssa Jayne
"Lick Catnip, Don," Tomahawk originally
"Point And Click" Josh
"No Return Of Pinto," Expose originally
"Point Of No Return" That car was discontinued years ago!
Charles Osbad
i.e, I use a spoon to move certain food
"A Prior Swoon," ABC originally
"Poison Arrow" Rodney
"Peace Fork," Lady Gaga originally
"Poker Face" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Peak Force," Lady Gaga originally
"Poker Face" Guess Miss Gaga might be studying physics...
"Cafe Poker," Lady Gaga originally
"Poker Face" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Foe Packer," Lady Gaga originally
"Poker Face" Amy Grunt
"Plato Spear," Pink Floyd originally
"Poles Apart" Lindsay Lowhound
"Rap Apostle," Pink Floyd originally
"Poles Apart" An odd combo!
Lindsay Lowhound
"Opera Splat," Pink Floyd originally
"Poles Apart" When the fat lady falls on the maestro...
"Appear Lost," Pink Floyd originally
"Poles Apart" Lindsay Lowhound
"Pope's Altar," Pink Floyd originally
"Poles Apart" I doubt that the Pope would agree! Lol.
Lindsay Lowhound
"Itch Of Poultry," Depeche Mode originally
"Policy Of Truth" ... aka, chicken scratch!
"No Polish Gloves," Hard-Fi originally
"Polish Love Song" Dongquan
"Empale Python," The Beatles originally
"Polythene Pam" dxman
"A Phony Temple," The Beatles originally
"Polythene Pam" Karen Smith
"Plop Thy Enema," The Beatles originally
"Polythene Pam" Karen Smith
"I Mop Pie," Bastille originally
"Pompeii" Candy Welty
"Redo Playpen," Rihanna originally
"Pon De Replay" Rebuild a young child's enclosure?
"Only Papered," Rihanna originally
"Pon De Replay" Calop
"Pon De Player," Rihanna originally
"Pon De Replay" Anna Graham
"Pearled Pony," Rihanna originally
"Pon De Replay" Floria
A relative of Meryl Streep, perhaps?
Alex Aerni
"Lack Of Bud Loop," Joe Simon originally
"Pool Of Bad Luck" Christina Caraway
One who prefers pigs (the animal)?
Maybe by accident..
Cels = Plastic sheets used for animation
Yvette Bristle
"Paler Icon," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Duncan Moore
"Loaner Pic," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Lion Pacer," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Duncan Moore
"Panic Role," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
"Place Iron," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Amanda
"Loan Price," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Cornea Lip," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Duncan Moore
"Plain Core," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"No Caliper," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Amanda
"Acorn Pile," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Alien Crop," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Duncan Moore
"Replica On," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"No Replica," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Amanda
"Caliper On," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Apron Lice," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Duncan Moore
"Panic Lore," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"A Corn Pile," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Amanda
"Pearl Coin," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Pearl Icon," Moby originally
"Porcelain" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Part in something relating to Corning?
Caroline Vale
"Frost Cards Mop Hell," Zebrahead originally
"Postcards From Hell" Curious
Francine Harper
"Pastor Foe Girl," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Karen Smith
"Frog: Sit Or Leap?," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Posterior Flag," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Report Sail Fog," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Also Report Fig," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Fig Spool Rater," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Rate Girl Spoof," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Rare Pistol Fog," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Raise Frog Plot," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"First Pool Rage," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"First Pear Logo," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Forgo Lit Spear," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Poor Large Fist," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"I Forgo Plaster," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Real Strip Goof," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Go Pilfer Roast," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Rare Sloop Gift," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Rare Spool Gift," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Polar Fig Store," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Earl Forgot Sip," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Earl Forgot Psi," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Air Golf: Presto!," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Agile For Sport," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Forget Oral Sip," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Forge Silo Part," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Forget Lip Sear," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Girl Of Seaport," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Safe Girl Troop," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Kara Oke
"Past Pot Man," Bryan Daly originally
"Postman Pat" Big Rip Van Winkle
"Stan, Top Pam," Bryan Daly originally
"Postman Pat" Big Rip Van Winkle
"Pam, Top Stan," Bryan Daly originally
"Postman Pat" Big Rip Van Winkle
"The Top," Tool originally
"The Pot" Yvette Bristle
"Hot Pet," Tool originally
"The Pot" Evil Olive
"Nap And Spots," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Maurice
"Ant Pops Sand," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" I guess if an ant pops *out* of the sand....
"Snap Sand Pot," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Naps Stop Dan," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Boy George Michael Jackson Pollock
"Pat Don's Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Russ
"Don's Pan-Pats," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Blue Ant
"Post And Snap," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Nan Pads Pots," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Little Old Lady Hu
"Posts And Nap," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Russ
"Nan Pats Pods," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Hollajuku
"Dan Stops Nap," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" ...by waking himself up!
Anna Graham
"Pass Tan Pond," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Crystal
"Pan And Posts," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Russ
"Pans At Pods," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Crystal
"Don't Pan Spas," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Russ
"Dan's Pan Post," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Crystal
"Snap Pod, Stan," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Ants Snap Pod," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Did they consume it too?
"Pots And Snap," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Naps At Ponds," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pad Posts, Nan," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Stop And Snap," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Post And Naps," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Dan Tops Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Snap Don's Tap," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pops And Tans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Tan Pods Snap," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Do Snap Pants," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pond's Tan Asp," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Don Pats Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Naps And Tops," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Tap Don's Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pond Pans Sat," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Span Top Sand," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Sand Ants Pop," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pad Ton Spans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Ponds At Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Sand Pan Spot," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pans Spot, Dan!," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Sand Pops Ant," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Snot Pad's Pan," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" I hope this isn't too disgusting.
Anna Graham
"Pots And Naps," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Nan Tops Pads," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Dan Snaps Top," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Tans And Pops," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Ann Stops Pad," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Tops And Snap," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pads, Not Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Posts And Pan," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Don's Past Pan," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Sand Top Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pad Posts, Ann," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Sand Pan Post," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Don's Pan-Taps," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Stop Sand Pan," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pants Do Span," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" They certainly do... they span the legs!
Anna Graham
"No Pants Pads," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pans Stop Dan," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Ann Pads Pots," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Nan Stops Pad," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Don't Snap Spa," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Nap And Posts," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Don Pats Span," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Span Ton Pads," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Nan Pads Spot," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Spots And Nap," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Don't Sap Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Ann Pads Post," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pop Sands Ant," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Stop Naps, Dan!," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Sand Top Span," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Dan Snaps Pot," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Tops And Naps," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Ann Pats Pods," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pass Pond Ant," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Ann Tops Pads," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Don Taps Span," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Nan Pads Post," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pond Sans Pat," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Don Taps Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Don's Past Nap," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Tops And Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Do Pants Span?," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pots And Span," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Ann Pads Tops," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Top Spans, Dan," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Don's Span, Pat," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Ann Pads Spot," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Span And Post," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Snap Top Sand," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pads On Pants," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Post And Span," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Post And Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Anna Graham
"Pod In Gun," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Unpin Dog," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"God In Pun," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Pod In Gnu," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Do Gin Pun," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Upon Ding," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Dug No Pin," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Dig No Pun," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Pound Gin," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Doing Pun," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Dog In Pun," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Gun In Pod," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"No Duping," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Dip No Gun," Doves originally
"Pounding" Yvette Bristle
"Rouse Me Upon Orgasm," Def Leppard originally
"Pour Some Sugar on Me" You must be using the wrong stuff!
"Maple Tower," Pantera originally
"Power Metal" Lori
"A Temple Row," Pantera originally
"Power Metal" Suzanne
"Petal Mower," Pantera originally
"Power Metal" Lori
"Wrap Omelet," Pantera originally
"Power Metal" Suzanne
"Ample Tower," Pantera originally
"Power Metal" Lori
Cirque du Soleil Moon Frye
Boy George Washington Square Root Beer Nuts
Interesting choice of options...
Barry Manihigh
Boy George Washington Square Root Beer Nuts
Boy George Washington Square Root Beer Nuts
But there's never been a pope named Al
Barry Manihigh
Boy George Washington Square Root Beer Nuts
Boy George Washington Square Root Beer Nuts
Boy George Washington Square Root Beer Nuts
Boy George Washington Square Root Beer Nuts
As in: Propel the way...
Lauryn Canna
"Chaise The Warp Marine," Zao originally
"Praise The War Machine" Christy Blanchard
Roue: one devoted to a life of sensual pleasure
Boy George Michael Douglas MacArthur Park Avenue
paise: monetary unit in some South Asian countries
"Payin' For Yard Light," Rascal Flatts originally
"Prayin' For Daylight" Amanda Svenson
"Fin Caused Power," Climax originally
"Precious And Few" Unlikely power source!
"Press Juno, Lure Ian," Blur originally
"Pressure On Julian" Janice Ferrell
"Press Ian U., Lure Jon," Blur originally
"Pressure On Julian" Janice Ferrell
"Press No Rune, Julia," Blur originally
"Pressure On Julian" Eileen Wright
"Tits Spatter There," David Bowie originally
"The Prettiest Star" Josh
hint: eye is a verb in this case
Kara Oke
"Crafty Pete," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Petty Farce," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Cry 'Feet Tap!'," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Try Pet Cafe," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Retype 'Fact'," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Cat Feet Pry," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Try Feet Cap," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Type 'Far', Etc.," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Cry 'Pat Feet!'," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Pretty Cafe," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Facet Typer," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Try Fee Pact," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Fee At Crypt," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Try Face Pet," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Petty Facer," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Cry 'Fat Pete!'," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Fry Tee Pact," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Pry Cat Feet," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Cry 'Tap Feet!'," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Fatty Crepe," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Fry A Pet, Etc.," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"Cry 'Feet!', Pat," Soley originally
"Pretty Face" Yvette Bristle
"I Forget My Plant," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Forget Tiny Palm," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Lag My Front Pet," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Get My Front Pal," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Try Fog Lamp Ten," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lip Magnet Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Plant Gem Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Try Flamingo Pet," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Permit Flag, Tony," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Left Gym Patron," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"A Long Empty Rift," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Try Frog Net Lamp," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tangle My Profit," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Pattern My Golf," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Pry A Golf Mitten," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Flip A Rotten Gym," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Gimpy Tart Felon," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Got Fry Lamp Ten," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tangy Poem 'Flirt'," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Film A Gentry Pot," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Try A Fling Tempo," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tag Entropy Film," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Plate Gym Front," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tamp Felony Grit," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Man Pretty Golf," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Peg Lofty Martin," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Get Filmy Tarpon," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tangle Imp Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Poetry Film 'Tang'," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"I Pattern My Flog," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tempt Final Orgy," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Foil Gym Pattern," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Taper Filmy Tong," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Gimpy Front Teal," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Align Petty Form," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Farm Log Tintype," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Flip Tarty Gnome," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Petrify Long Mat," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tangy Mop Filter," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Ten Glorify Tamp," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Flop Gray Mitten," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Patent Rimy Golf," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Permit Lofty Nag," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Rent A Gimpy Loft," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Pit Man Felt Gory," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Got Filmy Parent," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Petty Organ Film," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tying Formal Pet," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lift Meaty Prong," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Malign Pet Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Patent Gory Film," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Permit Fly Tango," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tempt Long Fairy," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Golf Pantry Time," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Flop Gritty Mane," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Normal Petty Fig," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Patent Gyro Film," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Golf Pantry Mite," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Great Flinty Mop," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Patent Orgy Film," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tinge Palm Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Petty Farm Lingo," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Fang Poetry, Milt," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Mental Pig Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Parent Got Filmy," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Fling More, Patty!," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Toy Lip Fragment," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Fry Pilot Magnet," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Migrant Fly Poet," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lefty Pig Matron," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Fling Pottery, Ma!," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lofty Prime Gnat," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Giant Lefty Prom," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Mantel Pig Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Malign Fort Type," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lift Party Gnome," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Mangle Pit Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lefty Got In Ramp," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Fry Top Ligament," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Gory Pit Man Left," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Left Margin Typo," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Port Men Lay Gift," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lay Fort Pigment," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Forget Tiny Lamp," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Gory Mitten Flap," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Empty Grain Loft," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Firm Got Penalty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Potent Gray Film," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tan Polymer Gift," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Inform Petty Gal," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Limp Agent Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Flap Gory Mitten," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Trip Among Lefty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Try Loaf Pigment," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Empty Golf Train," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lift Grey Tampon," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Top Gym Inflater," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Float Empty Ring," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Pigment Forty, Al," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Tinge Lamp Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Gal In Empty Fort," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lemon Party Gift," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Frog Lamp Entity," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Impotent Fry Gal," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lament Pig Forty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Import Fly Agent," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Glorify Map Tent," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Normal Gift Type," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Filmy Garnet Pot," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Import Lefty Nag," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Giant Lefty Romp," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lift Gantry Poem," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Golf Pantry Item," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Gym Top Inflater," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Align Empty Port," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Fly Import Agent," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Inflate Gym Port," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Minor Petty Flag," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Impotent Rag Fly," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Flat Gimpy Tenor," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Potent Filmy Rag," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Lift Empty Organ," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Got Firm Penalty," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Empty Ring Aloft," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Filmy Top Garnet," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Potent Rimy Flag," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Melon Party Gift," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Filmy Port Agent," Manfred Mann originally
"Pretty Flamingo" Alyssa Jayne
"Pry Rock Glitter," Keri Hilson originally
"Pretty Girl Rock" Yvette Bristle
"Try To Grip Clerk," Keri Hilson originally
"Pretty Girl Rock" Yvette Bristle
"Gritty Pro Clerk," Keri Hilson originally
"Pretty Girl Rock" Yvette Bristle
"Top Clerk Try Rig," Keri Hilson originally
"Pretty Girl Rock" Yvette Bristle
"Pry Cork Glitter," Keri Hilson originally
"Pretty Girl Rock" Yvette Bristle
"Watermarked Howdy Pants," The Used originally
"Pretty Handsome Awkward" Franka
"I Elegantly Type Letters," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"See Any Pretty Little Leg," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Try Petite Genteel Sally," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Pretty Little Eyes Glean," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Lily, A Gentle Typesetter," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Pretty Little Angel's Eye," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Little Petty Energy Sale," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Tell It, Pretty Angel Eyes," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Tell Steely Pyrite Agent," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"I Lent Typesetter Galley," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Pretty Little Lee Sang 'Ye'," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Type 'Teeter Tingle', Sally," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"See Any Pretty Little Gel," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Teletypesetting 'All Rye'," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Pretty Little Eagle's Yen," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Try Little Pet, Angel Eyes," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Salt Grey Teletype Inlet," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"See Lye, Pretty Little Nag?," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Get Sally Inert Teletype," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Pretty Little Angle Eyes," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Type 'Genteel Trite', Sally," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
"Pretty Little Sane Elegy," Curtis Lee originally
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes" Alyssa Jayne
Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Colt Leg Prize," Steely Dan originally
"Pretzel Logic" Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
"Got Cell Prize," Steely Dan originally
"Pretzel Logic" Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
Chert = chemically precipitated silica rock
Hannah Montanalestes
"I Get Crap," Jessie J originally
"Price Tag" Candace Mercer
"Cage Trip," Jessie J originally
"Price Tag" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Grace Tip," Jessie J originally
"Price Tag" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Pig Trace," Jessie J originally
"Price Tag" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Grace Pit," Jessie J originally
"Price Tag" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Pig React," Jessie J originally
"Price Tag" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Oh, Famed Preteen Violin," U2 originally
"Pride (In the Name of Love)" Josh
"Camel Arms Rip," Motley Crue originally
"Primal Scream" Travis
"Caramel Prism," Motley Crue originally
"Primal Scream" Travis
the part of a disc brake that holds the brake pads
"Price For Dankness," Miles Davis originally
"Prince Of Darkness" Liberty Anderson
"Seth, Thin Fog's Prince," Saxon originally
"Princess Of The Night" Gina Munroe
"Seth, Prince Of Things," Saxon originally
"Princess Of The Night" Gina Munroe
"Seth, Prince Of Nights," Saxon originally
"Princess Of The Night" Gina Munroe
... Brought to you by Bombay Sapphire!
Finally, a car that serves tea.
"Adoptive Hair," The B-52's originally
"Private Idaho" Calop
"Idea: Hit Vapor," The B-52's originally
"Private Idaho" Something a crazy scientist might do?
"I Never Bump Rat," William Bell originally
"Private Number" Alyssa Jayne
"I Mar Burp Event," William Bell originally
"Private Number" Alyssa Jayne
"Belch Lord Imp," AC/DC originally
"Problem Child" All hail the belch lord!
"Creepy Moth Jam," Finch originally
"Project Mayhem" Franka
short for semiprofessional
Mathematics, anyone?
Addressing one's dog?
"More Piss," Thrice originally
"Promises" Bear Grylls?
"Sir Poems," Thrice originally
"Promises" He's very poetic
"Imposers," Thrice originally
"Promises" Franka
"Otter Rhyme Pact," Kelis originally
"Protect My Heart" Clever otters, that can make a pact to rhyme!
Chelsea Turtle
"Poet Rhyme Tract," Kelis originally
"Protect My Heart" Fitting (poet & rhyme)!
Chelsea Turtle
"A Myth Protecter," Kelis originally
"Protect My Heart" Justin B. Burr
"Tater Thyme Crop," Kelis originally
"Protect My Heart" Thyme came up in potato field?(reverse also works)
Chelsea Turtle
"My Hat Protecter," Kelis originally
"Protect My Heart" Justin B. Burr
"Protect Myth Ear," Kelis originally
"Protect My Heart" Justin B. Burr
Is Amy a cat?
Renee Sutton
"Psychic Rote Action," Count Five originally
"Psychotic Reaction" Farlow Maitland
"No, I React To Psychic," Count Five originally
"Psychotic Reaction" Lucinda Blair
"Psychic Rote Ion Act," Count Five originally
"Psychotic Reaction" Farlow Maitland
"I Upturn Hellcat," Sum 41 originally
"Pull The Curtain" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Leach Runt Tulip," Sum 41 originally
"Pull The Curtain" Another anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"Punctual Hitler," Sum 41 originally
"Pull The Curtain" They DO say he kept the trains running on time.
Dionne Peacewick
"A Wind-up Hat Dance Pug," Radiohead originally
"A Punchup at a Wedding" Pugs are just so cute!
"I Run Into A Magpie," Kenny Loggins originally
"Pure Imagination" Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
"Super Cameras," Silverchair originally
"Pure Massacre" Baseball Diamond Ring Around The Rosie O'Donnell
"Puma's Careers," Silverchair originally
"Pure Massacre" Baseball Diamond Ring Around The Rosie O'Donnell
"Measures Carp," Silverchair originally
"Pure Massacre" Baseball Diamond Ring Around The Rosie O'Donnell
"Remus, Scare Pa," Silverchair originally
"Pure Massacre" Baseball Diamond Ring Around The Rosie O'Donnell
"Raul In Prep," Prince originally
"Purple Rain" Carrie Overwood
"Love, Push On My Butt," Sandy Layne originally
"Push My Love Button" Tiffany Furlong
"Pushin' Rat Hood," The Seeds originally
"Pushin' Too Hard" Loree Dare
"Punish Too Hard," The Seeds originally
"Pushin' Too Hard" Loree Dare
"Push In Too Hard," The Seeds originally
"Pushin' Too Hard" Loree Dare
"Pushin' A Hot Rod," The Seeds originally
"Pushin' Too Hard" Loree Dare
"Pushin' Hat Odor," The Seeds originally
"Pushin' Too Hard" Loree Dare
"Pushin' Tar Hood," The Seeds originally
"Pushin' Too Hard" Loree Dare
"Shin Up Too Hard," The Seeds originally
"Pushin' Too Hard" Loree Dare
"Oh, Do Tar Pushin'," The Seeds originally
"Pushin' Too Hard" Loree Dare
"Hi, I Putt Your Mount," Akinyele originally
"Put It In Your Mouth" However THAT might be done!
Natasha Bly
"Hi, I Mount Our Putty," Akinyele originally
"Put It In Your Mouth" However THAT might be done!
Natasha Bly
"Put It In Mouth, Roy U.," Akinyele originally
"Put It In Your Mouth" Natasha Bly
"Put In Bent Hoe," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Teeth Upon Bin," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Open Unit, Beth," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Upon Thin Beet," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Ninth Beep Out," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"I, Poet Nun Beth," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"No Teeth In Pub," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Oh, I Bent Up Net," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Teeth Upon Nib," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"I Then Open Tub," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Oh, Pen In Butte," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Hop Butte Nine," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"I, Beth, Up On Net," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Inept Hen Bout," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Bite Phone Nut," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"I Punt The Bone," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Thin Open Tube," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Phone Tube Nit," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"I Note Pun, Beth," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Potent Bin Hue," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Note In The Pub," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Hope Bent Unit," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Be Top Hen Unit," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Ninth Bee Pout," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Input One, Beth," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Epithet On Bun," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"I Then Put Bone," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Tin Phone Tube," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"I Punt One, Beth," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Bent Hoe Input," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Tone In The Pub," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Phone In Butte," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Be Hot Pine Nut," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Unbitten Hope," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Hint: Open Tube," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Be Into The Pun," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Neon Tube Pith," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Beth Up In Tone," Terry Jacks originally
"Put The Bone In" Joy Stick
"Seth, I Punt Light Fires," Pussy Riot originally
"Putin Lights The Fires" Natalie Snortman
"I Punt The Fire's Lights," Pussy Riot originally
"Putin Lights The Fires" Natalie Snortman
"I Punt The Serif Lights," Pussy Riot originally
"Putin Lights The Fires" Natalie Snortman
"I Punt The Fire Lights," Pussy Riot originally
"Putin Lights The Fires" Natalie Snortman
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.