Entries Beginning with D
"Lay Odd Cod," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Day-Old Cod," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Claire Grayson
"Odd Coy Lad," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Cool Daddy," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Do Clod Day," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Old Cod Day," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Do Odd Clay," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Coy Old Dad," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Loco Daddy," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Do Cold Day," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Oddly A Cod," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Old Coy Dad," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Do Cod, Lady," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Coy Odd Lad," Boney M originally
"Daddy Cool" Anna Graham
"Do Dye My Sand," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Dyed Dynamos," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
"Add Dye, My Son," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"My Dead Synod," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
"Deny My Sod Ad," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Say 'My Odd Den'," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Daddy, My Nose!," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"My Sodden Day," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"End My Odd Say," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Do My Sand Dye," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"My Dandy Dose," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"And So My Eddy," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"End My Sod Day," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Add My Soy End," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Dye Dad, My Son," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Add My Soy Den," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Sod My Day Den," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Monday's Dyed," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Do Send My Day," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"And My Sod Dye," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Deny My Dad So," Ricochet originally
"Daddy's Money" Lauryn Canna
"Jay Is Dean," America originally
"Daisy Jane" Joy Stick
"Ay, Sin, Jade," America originally
"Daisy Jane" Natalie Lundgren
"Say 'Jade In'," America originally
"Daisy Jane" Joy Stick
"I End As Jay," America originally
"Daisy Jane" Joy Stick
"Dine As Jay," America originally
"Daisy Jane" Joy Stick
"I Send A Jay," America originally
"Daisy Jane" Joy Stick
"Daisy Jean," America originally
"Daisy Jane" Joy Stick
"Heard Of My Mat," Joe Ely originally
"Dam Of My Heart" Andrea Greenleaf
"Dr. Amy Of Meath," Joe Ely originally
"Dam Of My Heart" Meath is a county in Ireland.
Carolyn Morgenstern
"Ran No Lamb Ad," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"Abandon Mr. Al," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Liza Lott
"A Bland Manor," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"Damon Albarn," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" The name of this band's lead singer!
Air McMahon
"Bald Ma Ran On," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Poor ma! She needed chemo?
"Alarm On Band," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Jennifer
"Ban Normal Ad," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Salvador Dali Parton
"A Normal Band," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"Normal Ad Ban," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"Ban Random Al," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Jacob
"Adorn Lab Man," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"And Nab Molar," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Air McMahon
"Ban A Lad, Norm," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"Ran No Balm Ad," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Jennifer
"L.A. Bar Man Don," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Liza Lott
"Alarm No Band," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"No Bar Land, Ma," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"No Band Alarm," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Jennifer
"Don Ran A Lamb," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"Ram No Band, Al," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Air McMahon
"Ram Blond Ana," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Liza Lott
"Oral Band, Man," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Salvador Dali Parton
"Adman Al Born," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Liza Lott
"Ma Ran Old Ban," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Liza Lott
"Ban Alarm, Don," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Salvador Dali Parton
"A Barn Almond," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Salvador Dali Parton
"L.A. Manor Band," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Salvador Dali Parton
"Nab No Ram, Lad," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Alyssa Jayne
"Bland Oar, Man!," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Lightning Rod Blagojevich
"Ran Bad On Lam," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"Rob, A Land Man," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"Arm Blond Ana," Blur originally
"Dan Abnormal" Charles
"Your Men Dance And Shake Our Bait," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Our Obituary Men," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Snake Dance Had Your Tambourine," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Mature Iron Buoy," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"And Chase Your Tambourine Naked," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Minor Auto Buyer," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Out Ruby Moraine," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Your Menu Or Bait," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Roomy Auburn Tie," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Onto Rimy Bureau," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Obituary Or Menu," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Minor Toy Bureau," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Your Barium Note," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Our Minor Beauty," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"I Run Auto, Dance And Shake Embryo," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake, You Mature Robin!," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Tomb; You Ruin Ear," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake Toy Uranium Bore," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"You Dance And Shake A Minor Brute," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Allisa Casilla
"Dance And Shake True Minor Bayou," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Joe
"Dance And Shake Auto; Ruin Embryo," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Joe
"Dance And Shake Roomy Tin Bureau," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Joe
"Dance And Shake Our Minute Boyar," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Joe
"Dance And Shake Room, Auntie Ruby!," Universal Robot Band originally
"Dance And Shake Your Tambourine" Joe
"We Can A Day," Roxy Music originally
"Dance Away" Claire Grayson
"A New Cay Ad," Roxy Music originally
"Dance Away" Claire Grayson
"Famed Crone," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Lou Quilson
"Cadre Of Men," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Demon Farce," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Lou Quilson
"Fed On Cream," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Modern Face," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Lou Quilson
"Modern Cafe," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Defame Corn," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Lou Quilson
"Cod Fear Men," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Amend Force," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Fed Me Acorn," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Men Of Cedar," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Fed Ram Once," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Men Face Rod," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"End Of Cream," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Fed Romance," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"End For Mace," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Men Do Farce," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Feed Ma Corn," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Cod Man Free," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Freedom Can," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Deform Cane," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Fed Me On Car," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Came For End," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Force Ad Men," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Face Men, Rod!," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Arm Once Fed," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Me A Cod, Fern?," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Mend A Force," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"No Car Fed Me," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Fear Cod Men," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Den Of Cream," Sisqo originally
"Dance For Me" Yvette Bristle
"Call Dad, Shayne.," Wang Chung originally
"Dance Hall Days" Joe
"Dan Chased Ally," Wang Chung originally
"Dance Hall Days" Joe
"OK, End My Acne," Tones And I originally
"Dance Monkey" Joe
Makes more literal sense than original title.
Evan Shortoria
Swing, chacha, rumba, and waltz? Just a guess
Evan Shortoria
"Anaconda Love Con," Genesis originally
"Dance on a Volcano" Josh
"Tongan Itched," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Frieda Evans
"Hatted Coning," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Aimie S. Collett
"Done Chatting," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Frieda Evans
"No Tight Dance," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Aimee S. Collett
"Chanting To Ed," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Diana Jasper
"Donating Tech," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Frieda Evans
"Ed Toning Chat," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Diana Jasper
"Not Detaching," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Frieda Evans
"Ed Noting Chat," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Diana Jasper
"Chet Donating," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Frieda Evans
"Nothing Acted," Lucy Pearl originally
"Dance Tonight" Alice Spoonerism
"I'm The Dew Can," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Diana Jasper
"Wine Matched," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Two not-so-different bottled varieties?
"Wanted Chime," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Alexis
"I'm The New Cad," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Stu L. Pigeon
"Watch Me Dine," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Alexis
"Caned With Me," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Jodie Covington
"Watched Mine," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Alexis
"Chewed A Mint," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Alexis
"I Watched Men," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Alexis
"Chew A Mint, Ed," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Alexis
"The Wind Came," Orleans originally
"Dance With Me" Alexis
"I Don't Match With Gene," The Wonders originally
"Dance With Me Tonight" Quyjibo
"I'm The New Cad Tonight," The Wonders originally
"Dance With Me Tonight" Dennis Jimenez
"I Don't Meet With Chang," The Wonders originally
"Dance With Me Tonight" Quyjibo
"I'm The Dew Can Tonight," The Wonders originally
"Dance With Me Tonight" Diana Jasper
"I Don't Watch Eight Men," The Wonders originally
"Dance With Me Tonight" Quyjibo
"Caned With Me Tonight," The Wonders originally
"Dance With Me Tonight" Jodie Covington
"Done Chatting With Me," The Wonders originally
"Dance With Me Tonight" Quyjibo
"Dance With The Rat The Youth Bought," Shania Twain originally
"Dance With The One That Brought You" Kara Oke
"The One Dance With That Hot Rug Buoy," Shania Twain originally
"Dance With The One That Brought You" Kara Oke
"A Wince At The Torn Bough Hut They Do," Shania Twain originally
"Dance With The One That Brought You" William Ransom
"O Rancid Heat Of My Nut," Ronnie Dove originally
"Dancin' Out Of My Heart" The kind of anagram a nonsensical title deserves?
Terror Reid
"Dancin' Earth Foot -- Yum!," Ronnie Dove originally
"Dancin' Out Of My Heart" Whatever that is and whatever's "yum" about it!
Veronica Persica
Candi = alt. spelling of Candy as a name
Pam Tabor
Candy = alt. spelling of Candy as a name
Pam Tabor
"I Marry Richmond Twin," Corey Hart originally
"Dancin' With My Mirror" Claire Dinkado
"Why Mirror Dancin' Tim?," Corey Hart originally
"Dancin' With My Mirror" Claire Dinkado
"Ninth Acrid Wormy Rim," Corey Hart originally
"Dancin' With My Mirror" Claire Dinkado
"Why Dancin' Mirror, Tim?," Corey Hart originally
"Dancin' With My Mirror" Claire Dinkado
"Candid Ear Pain Sign," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Panda Grain Indices," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Nice Ad; Sad Ring Pain," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Allisa Casilla
"Inspire A Candid Nag," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Nice In Gain; Dad's Par," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"A Grand Panic Inside," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Dig A Sardine Can Pin," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Pa Can Disdain Reign," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"End Car Pad Insignia," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"I Sang 'Pain Riddance'," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"And A Ringside Panic," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Pa Said: 'Grind Canine'," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Bad Pa!
Yvette Bristle
"Disdain Pin Carnage," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"I Disdain Nag Prance," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Rancid Pagan Inside," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Pecan Grain Disdain," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Grade Insipid Canna," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"I Can Ring Side Panda," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Pa Did Insane Arcing," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Rapid Niacin Gas End," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Add Prance Insignia," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Insane Rig Panic, Dad!," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"Dad Pins Niacin Gear," El Coco originally
"Dancing In Paradise" Yvette Bristle
"A Child Mentioning 'Thong'," King Harvest originally
"Dancing In The Moonlight" A Kansan
"Moon Dance In Light Thing," King Harvest originally
"Dancing In The Moonlight" Roxanne Drake
"Dancing In The Thin Gloom," King Harvest originally
"Dancing In The Moonlight" Roxanne Drake
"Dancing Gals Son," Motley Crue originally
"Dancing on Glass" Travis
"Gong Scandal Sin," Motley Crue originally
"Dancing on Glass" Travis
"Canning Do My Own," Pixie Lott originally
"Dancing on My Own" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Conman Dingy Won," Pixie Lott originally
"Dancing on My Own" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Conman Dying Won," Pixie Lott originally
"Dancing on My Own" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Tiny Jet Thong Dance," INXS originally
"Dancing On the Jetty" Josh
"Seth Dancin' On Gnu," Admiral Twin originally
"Dancing On The Sun" Rupert Heyburn
"Seth Dancin' On Gun," Admiral Twin originally
"Dancing On The Sun" Rupert Heyburn
Did Mr. Fogelberg record any 'dance' music?
"Tuning a Dachshund Orgy," AFI originally
"Dancing Through Sunday" Hmmm... Strange fetish there!
"Ginny Watched Films," Billy Idol originally
"Dancing With Myself" Alexis
"I Saw Nancy In The Dieters' Gym," Ultravox originally
"Dancing With Tears In My Eyes" Anna Graham
"Nancy, I Was In The Dieters' Gym," Ultravox originally
"Dancing With Tears In My Eyes" Anna Graham
"Won't Let Him Hit Hanging Ton Dick," Genesis originally
"Dancing With the Moonlit Knight" James d
"Ranged," f(x) originally
"Danger" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Rag End," f(x) originally
"Danger" Candy Welty
"Gander," f(x) originally
"Danger" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Den Rag," f(x) originally
"Danger" Candy Welty
"Garden," f(x) originally
"Danger" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Red Nag," f(x) originally
"Danger" Candy Welty
"End Rag," f(x) originally
"Danger" Candy Welty
As if a certain long fish could play football?
Roxanne Drake
"Dour Agnes," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Dung Arose," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Dung Or Sea," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Nose Guard," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"A Rude Song," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"No Sad Urge," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Sea Or Dung," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Go Asunder," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Son Argued," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Doug Nears," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Use Rag, Don," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Gear Sound," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Used Argon," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"A Den Or Gus," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"And Rogues," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Adore Guns," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Nag So Rude," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Gun Soared," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"A Den Rug So," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Run Dosage," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Gus Ran Ode," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"No Sea Drug," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Sung 'Adore'," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Doug Earns," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Adore Gnus," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Round Sage," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Used No Rag," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Nag Soured," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"A Doer Sung," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Use Dragon," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Gus Or A Den," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Duo's Range," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"And Grouse," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Used Organ," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Nag Ruse," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Gnu Soared," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Saner Doug," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"No Rags Due," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Done Sugar," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"One's Guard," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
"Surgeon Ad," Roxette originally
"Dangerous" Alyssa Jayne
Denali (aka Mt. McKinley)=highest pt in N. America
Karen Smith
Changes title from imperative to interjection
To organize how to pay it all off?
"Skier Ranted," Bauhaus originally
"Dark Entries" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Dearer Stink," Bauhaus originally
"Dark Entries" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Sardine Trek," Bauhaus originally
"Dark Entries" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
Also a spoonerism
Harriet Henderson
"Ask Nerds," Aiden originally
"Darkness" Yvette Bristle
"Nerds Ask," Aiden originally
"Darkness" Yvette Bristle
"Send Arks," Aiden originally
"Darkness" Not another flood!
"Ska Nerds," Aiden originally
"Darkness" Yvette Bristle
"Ned's Arks," Aiden originally
"Darkness" Yvette Bristle
Now it is somebody's name!
Dawn Anwad
"I Grin Near Dollar," The Knockouts originally
"Darling Lorraine" Alyssa Jayne
"Rare Lion, Darling," The Knockouts originally
"Darling Lorraine" Alyssa Jayne
"Near Grill In Road," The Knockouts originally
"Darling Lorraine" Alyssa Jayne
"A Drill Near Groin," The Knockouts originally
"Darling Lorraine" Alyssa Jayne
"Real Iron, Darling," The Knockouts originally
"Darling Lorraine" Alyssa Jayne
"Learn Gridiron, Al," The Knockouts originally
"Darling Lorraine" Alyssa Jayne
"Rear Lion, Darling," The Knockouts originally
"Darling Lorraine" Alyssa Jayne
Does that mean she likes tattoos or just pens?
"Swathed Identity," Pennywise originally
"Date With Destiny" Franka
The rug must've been really ugly.
"Do Fight Laughter," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Sylvia Curruca
"I Thought Red Flag," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Jana Fipp
"Forget High Adult," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Jana Fipp
"That Fluid Hogger," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Jana Fipp
"Tough Hag Trifled," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Jana Fipp
"Huge Dart Of Light," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Jana Fipp
"Hated Rug Of Light," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Jana Fipp
"Eighth Adult Frog," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Jana Fipp
"The Guard Of Light," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Jana Fipp
"I Lag The Dug Froth," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Jana Fipp
"Rated Ghoul Fight," Carole King originally
"Daughter Of Light" Jana Fipp
Sounds like a great idea!
It must be super-windy!
that is, ones that were kinda ugly in appearance
"The Correct Down Of Ian," Spokesmen originally
"The Dawn Of Correction" Ruby Gillespie
"You, A Tiny Dad," David Bowie originally
"Day-In Day-Out" Kara Oke
"Do A Unity Day," David Bowie originally
"Day-In Day-Out" Kara Oke
"Add A Tiny You," David Bowie originally
"Day-In Day-Out" Kara Oke
"Admire Every Blade," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" People who make cutlery take pride in their work.
"Ear May Bedevil Red," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Quyjibo
"Deliver Ebay Dream," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
"I Add Every Ember, Al.," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Quyjibo
"Mere Bay Daredevil," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Alyssa Jayne
"Bare Delivery Made," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Angela
"Believe Yard Dream," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Alyssa Jayne
"Middle Beaver Year," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Loree Dare
"A Very Remedial Bed," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Jennie
"I Made Revelry Bead," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Joanna
"Made Bear Delivery," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Joanna
"I Evade Bed, Merry Al," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Revere A Middle Bay," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Embedder Ray Alive," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"I Led Dreamy Beaver," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Reveal Midday Beer," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Verbal Remedy Idea," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Read 'Beam Delivery'," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Derive Emerald Bay," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"A Medley: 'River', 'Bead'," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Bear Made Delivery," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"I Leave Drab Remedy," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Bedevil Ready Mare," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Mealy Red Bird Ear," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Every Maid Ear Bled," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"A Mad Beer Delivery," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Embed Every Radial," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Joe
"Embed Every Radial," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Allisa Casilla
"Revile A Bad Remedy," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Joanna
"Deliver Ready Beam," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Joanna
"A Red Beam Delivery," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Joanna
"I Meld Ready Beaver," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Joanna
"Admire Ready Bevel," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Joanna
"Dim Beaver Relayed," The Monkees originally
"Daydream Believer" Joanna
Denzel Washington Square Root Beer Nuts and Bolts
Denzel Washington Square Root Beer Nuts and Bolts
"Andy Goes By," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Andy Goes By," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Boy Sang 'Dye'," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Bay Dye Song," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Deny Boy Sag," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Say 'Dye Bong'," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Deny Soy Bag," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Say 'Deny Bog'," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"No Sedgy Bay," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Send Gay Boy," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Edgy Bay Son," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Andy Bogeys," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Deny Gas Boy," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Ego By Sandy," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Snag Dye Boy," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Dye Gay Snob," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"No Edgy Bays," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Gay Boy's Den," Poco originally
"Days Gone By" Alyssa Jayne
"Identify Dreams," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Daisy Met Friend," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Midday Infester," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Misty Fed Andrei," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Define A Dry Mist," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Daytime Finders," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Same Tidy Friend," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Ed Stayed In Firm," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Find A Deer, Misty," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Teddy Is Fireman," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Daytime's Friend," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Sadden Fiery Tim," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"I Try; I Defend Sam," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Yam Indeed First," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Define 'Dirty', Sam," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Far Tidy Sidemen," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Sandy Fried Time," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" How can you fry time??
Yvette Bristle
"Misdefined Tray," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Same Dirty Fiend," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Dairymen Fisted," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"First Needy Maid," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Send Mite Friday," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Find A Misty Deer," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Enemy Said 'Drift'," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Amidst Fiery Den," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Tiny Midas Freed," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Marty Fed Inside," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Daisy Freed Mint," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Edit 'Farm', Sidney," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Dynamited Fires," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"I Fry Sad Den Item," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Fetid Miser Andy," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Daytime Redfins," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Amy First In Deed," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Rimy Stefan Died," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Dainty Miser Fed," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Misdated Finery," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Send Item Friday," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Ed Stayed Infirm," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Add Ministry Fee," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Mist Any Freddie," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Dye First Maiden," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Find A Dry Semite," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Andrei Fed Misty," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Dairymen Sifted," Kenny Rogers originally
"Daytime Friends" Yvette Bristle
"Ad Dead Dodo Ode, Dad," The Police originally
"De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da" Josh
"Wanda B. Eddy," Deicide originally
"Dead By Dawn" Wendy Torrance
"A Dated Whitener," 10 Years originally
"Dead In The Water" Like an expiration date?
"My Standard Pea," Oingo Boingo originally
"Dead Man's Party" Megan
"Mandated Spray," Oingo Boingo originally
"Dead Man's Party" Barb Dwyer
"Demands A Party," Oingo Boingo originally
"Dead Man's Party" Megan
"And My Adapters," Oingo Boingo originally
"Dead Man's Party" Megan
"Demand A Pastry," Oingo Boingo originally
"Dead Man's Party" Megan
"Stand My Parade," Oingo Boingo originally
"Dead Man's Party" As in, deal with it
"Attended A Lone Smell," Motorhead originally
"Dead Men Tell No Tales" Josh
"Soda Residue," Zoegirl originally
"Dead Serious" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Ideas Soured," Zoegirl originally
"Dead Serious" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Ideas Roused," Zoegirl originally
"Dead Serious" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Roadside Use," Zoegirl originally
"Dead Serious" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Naked Ids," Crossfade originally
"Dead Skin" Terror Reid
"Dank Side," Crossfade originally
"Dead Skin" Terror Reid
"Sand Dike," Crossfade originally
"Dead Skin" Terror Reid
"A Kid's End," Crossfade originally
"Dead Skin" Terror Reid
"Snake Did," Crossfade originally
"Dead Skin" Terror Reid
"Ad Club Debate," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Bad Bee Cut Lad," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"A Bad Debt Clue," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Cable Ad Debut," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Tub Ad Debacle," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Bad Cube Dealt," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"A Bad Cut Bleed," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Bad Blue Cadet," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Cabal Debt Due," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"But Cede Bad Al," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Debate Club Ad," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Abut Bed Decal," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Bad L.A. Bee Duct," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Lead Cab Debut," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Cede Bulb Data," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Bad Lace Debut," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Abduct Bad Eel," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Bad Cat Dub, Lee," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"A Bald Cube, Ted," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Bad Eel Cut Bad," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Al Bet Dad Cube," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Beat Club Decal," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"A Cute Bald Bed," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Bad Bed Cut Lea," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Abduct Bee Lad," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Bad Tube Decal," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Elect A Bad Bud," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Abduct Beadle," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Tab Dud Cab, Lee," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
"Abduct Bad Lee," The B-52's originally
"Deadbeat Club" Becky Bright
Not quite a sponnerism, as "ea" changes its sound.
"A Reed, Lois E.," The Hollies originally
"Dear Eloise" Daphne Fairhope
"Read Future Sand Hub," Meghan Trainor originally
"Dear Future Husband" Norman Cornelius
"Dare Future Sand Hub," Meghan Trainor originally
"Dear Future Husband" Norman Cornelius
"Uh, Feature Rud Bands," Meghan Trainor originally
"Dear Future Husband" Rud = type of Persian stringed instrument
Kayla Stewart
"And A Future Red Bush," Meghan Trainor originally
"Dear Future Husband" Kayla Stewart
"Dare Future Sand Hub," Meghan Trainor originally
"Dear Future Husband" Kayla Stewart
"Dare Future Bus Hand," Meghan Trainor originally
"Dear Future Husband" Kayla Stewart
"Odd Rage," XTC originally
"Dear God" Lauryn Canna
"A Red Dog," XTC originally
"Dear God" Lauryn Canna
"Read Dog," XTC originally
"Dear God" Peter
"Drag Doe," XTC originally
"Dear God" Lauryn Canna
"Odd Gear," XTC originally
"Dear God" Lauryn Canna
"Do Grade," XTC originally
"Dear God" Lauryn Canna
"Dog Dare," XTC originally
"Dear God" Lauryn Canna
"A Red God," XTC originally
"Dear God" Lauryn Canna
"'A' In 'Raved'," Jimmy Dean originally
"Dear Ivan" Becky Bright
"'A' In 'Drave'," Jimmy Dean originally
"Dear Ivan" Becky Bright
Martina McBride Of Frankenstein
"Mr. Apple's Dear Bee," Flip Cartridge originally
"Dear Mrs. Applebee" Jean Goodsprings
"Rickie Donald," Nicki Minaj originally
"Dear Old Nicki" Tori Spelling Bee
"Dickie Arnold," Nicki Minaj originally
"Dear Old Nicki" Tori Spelling Bee
"Vet Eyed Rat," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
"Read, Yvette!," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
"Dry Eve Tate," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
"Arty Eve, Ted!," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
"At Every Ted," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
"Date: Try Eve," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
"Vet Eyed Tar," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
"Dare Vet Yet," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
"Read 'Yvette'," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
"Art Vet Eyed," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
"A Red Vet Yet," LL Cool J originally
"Dear Yvette" Yvette Bristle
Had tried what?
Penny Nichols
"A Banner, Ed," Earl Klugh originally
"Debra Anne" Holly Stefan
"Elks Held Chat," Traditional originally
"Deck The Halls" Donna Rand Blitzen
"Led Bee Up," Jim Jones originally
"Deep Blue" Becky Bright
"Peed Blue," Jim Jones originally
"Deep Blue" Becky Bright
"Beep Duel," Jim Jones originally
"Deep Blue" Becky Bright
"Deep Lube," Jim Jones originally
"Deep Blue" Becky Bright
"Bleep Due," Jim Jones originally
"Deep Blue" Becky Bright
"Lee Up, Deb," Jim Jones originally
"Deep Blue" Becky Bright
"Eel Bed Up," Jim Jones originally
"Deep Blue" Becky Bright
"Perfumed Hoe Gone," Ocean originally
"Deep Enough For Me" Candy Welty
"Mud-Free Geophone," Ocean originally
"Deep Enough For Me" Candy Welty
"Open Freedom: Huge," Ocean originally
"Deep Enough For Me" Candy Welty
"Deep In The Heart Of Taxes," Gene Autry originally
"Deep In The Heart Of Texas" Calop
"Peered," Boss originally
"Deeper" Yvette Bristle
"A Reddened Peeper," Madonna originally
"Deeper and Deeper" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"A Hopeful Bed Seeder," Steps originally
"Deeper Shade Of Blue" Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
100% true... Dee Dee Sharp was a soul singer!
"A Dill, Eh?," Tom Jones originally
"Delilah" Yvette Bristle
"I Rise Loud," Prince originally
"Delirious" Ed
Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
"Lad, Yet Lad," Joe Cocker originally
"Delta Lady" Natalie Lundgren
Dely = short for "delivery"
Iris Green
"Dad's Money," Zebrahead originally
"Demon Days" Franka
An epithet for someone implied to be "dense"
Marcia Zarwetten-Grassi
"Declare Ant," Owl City originally
"Dental Care" Jacob
"Caret Eland," Owl City originally
"Dental Care" However a caret might relate to an eland
Harriet Henderson
"Candle Rate," Owl City originally
"Dental Care" Jacob
"Deter A Clan," Owl City originally
"Dental Care" Harriet Henderson
"A Cat Lender," Owl City originally
"Dental Care" Jacob
"A Terce Land," Owl City originally
"Dental Care" Harriet Henderson
"Laden Crate," Owl City originally
"Dental Care" Jacob
"Ardent Lace," Owl City originally
"Dental Care" Jacob
"Neater Clad," Owl City originally
"Dental Care" Jacob
"Dance Alert," Owl City originally
"Dental Care" Jacob
Skimmer = a bird, somewhat tern-like, skims water.
May or may not be agrammatical.
"Seed Sorter," Sting originally
"Desert Rose" Alexis
"A Side Dater," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Ted Said 'Are'," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Ted Said 'Ear'," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"A Side Trade," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"I Add Eaters," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Desire Data," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Erase It, Dad!," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Read Site Ad," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"A Staid Deer," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"I Read Dates," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Tara Did See," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Sedate Raid," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Reed Is Data," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"I See Rat, Dad!," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Sea Rat Died," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Dad Ate Sire," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Rest Ad Idea," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"I Redate Ads," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Rat Did Ease," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Date Is Dear," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Red Said 'Ate'," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"I Ate Adders," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Raid A Steed," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"I Dread Seat," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Arid At Seed," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Did Tea Sear?," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Add Ear Site," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Dater Aside," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Sad Diet Era," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"A Steed Raid," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Deer Is Data," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"See Ad Triad," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Ear Site, Dad," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"A Dried Seat," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Ted Said 'Era'," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Ade Is Rated," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Aid Sad Tree," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Edit 'Sad Era'," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"I Add Easter," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Red Said 'Eat'," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Date Is Read," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Trade A Side," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Said 'Derate'," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Dad Is Eater," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Side Ad Rate," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"I Eat Adders," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Tea Did Sear," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Ad Said 'Tree'," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Dead Satire," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"A Desert Aid," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Did Tara See?," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"As Did Eater," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Trade Aside," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Red Said 'Tea'," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Tear Side Ad," Les Crane originally
"Desiderata" Yvette Bristle
"Eiders," U2 originally
"Desire" Eiders are a type of sea duck.
Evangeline York
"Reside," U2 originally
"Desire" Alexis
"Deem Rise," Sam Cooke originally
"Desire Me" Woody Allen Ludden
"Semi-Reed," Sam Cooke originally
"Desire Me" David
"Mere Side," Sam Cooke originally
"Desire Me" Kyle
"Reed Is Me," Sam Cooke originally
"Desire Me" Could be true if your surname is 'Reed'.
"Deem Sire," Sam Cooke originally
"Desire Me" Kyle
"Dee's Rime," Sam Cooke originally
"Desire Me" Gladys
"I Seem Red," Sam Cooke originally
"Desire Me" Kyle
"See Me Rid," Sam Cooke originally
"Desire Me" Ferragamo
"Semi-Deer," Sam Cooke originally
"Desire Me" Part of a hybrid animal?
"Desiree M.," Sam Cooke originally
"Desire Me" Ferragamo
"Nuts...I Don't Know Annie," Missing Persons originally
"Destination Unknown" Gigi
What is she unsure of?
Anna Graham
"I Don't Know Nine Aunts," Missing Persons originally
"Destination Unknown" Gigi
"Yost Erred," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Deer Story," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Red Oyster," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Toe Dryers," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Try Sore Ed," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Dryest Ore," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"See Dry Rot," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Dye Or Rest," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Terry's Doe," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Try Rose, Ed," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Sty Or Deer," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Dye Sorter," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Terry Does," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Dry Stereo," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Troy's Deer," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Do Try Seer," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Resort Dye," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Try Or Seed," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Dye Roster," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Terry's Ode," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Deer Try So," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Reed Story," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Dyers Tore," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Red Toyers," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Deer Or Sty," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Store Dyer," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Ed Rots Rye," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"See Rod Try," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Try Reredos," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Retry Odes," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Yes, Red Rot," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Toe's Dryer," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Sort Red Rye," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Terry So Red," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Redry Store," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Toys Erred," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Rest Or Dye," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Try Ed, Rose," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Seed Or Try," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Try Red Rose," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Orders Yet," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Tree So Dry," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Reorder Sty," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Set Dry Roe," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Does Terry?," The Kinks originally
"Destroyer" Loree Dare
"Ted Riot City," Bobby Bare originally
"Detroit City" Bob
"Devil Date Giver," Suzi Quatro originally
"Devil Gate Drive" Eileen Wright
"Evil Gated Drive," Suzi Quatro originally
"Devil Gate Drive" Eileen Wright
"Divine Slide," INXS originally
"Devil Inside" ... But was it fun?
"Denise DLVII," INXS originally
"Devil Inside" The 557th person named Denise?
"Divide Lines," INXS originally
"Devil Inside" Rather than the lines doing the dividing?
"Date Dim Video Helmet," Golden Earring originally
"The Devil Made Me Do It" Jamm
"A Long Red Evil," Bobby Vee originally
"Devil Or Angel" Francesca Bartilson
"Evil Dora Glen," Bobby Vee originally
"Devil Or Angel" Francesca Bartilson
"Glen Or A Devil," Bobby Vee originally
"Devil Or Angel" Francesca Bartilson
"Good God! Win The Venereal Twit!," Charlie Daniels Band originally
"The Devil Went Down To Georgia" Smeg And The Heads
"I'd Blessed Ron With Value," Mitch Ryder originally
"Devil With A Blue Dress On" Avatarred And Feathered
"I Vend Slug," C.J. & Co. originally
"Devil's Gun" Alyssa Jayne
"Lucrative Dish," Beck originally
"Devil's Haircut" Raygun Shaun
"Vends Dells Again," Toby Lightman originally
"Devils And Angels" as in Dell computers
"Amy Earth Lid," The Boys originally
"Dial My Heart" How apparently random!
Penelope Beckinsale
"Their Malady," The Boys originally
"Dial My Heart" Penelope Beckinsale
"Derail A Myth," The Boys originally
"Dial My Heart" Penelope Beckinsale
"Earthly Maid," The Boys originally
"Dial My Heart" Penelope Beckinsale
"A Lady Hermit," The Boys originally
"Dial My Heart" Penelope Beckinsale
"Harmed Laity," The Boys originally
"Dial My Heart" Penelope Beckinsale
"Midyear Halt," The Boys originally
"Dial My Heart" Penelope Beckinsale
"Deathly Amir," The Boys originally
"Dial My Heart" Penelope Beckinsale
An anagram and also a reversal!
Alyssa Jayne
A city in Minnesota
Anna Graham
The first in a lineage of guys named Dean
Anna Graham
As in actress MacDowell.
Anna Graham
The first in a lineage of gals named Edna
Anna Graham
"Dairy," Bread originally
"Diary" Surprised this easy one wasn't posted already.
H. Tim Smith
"Did This Miley Shave Frogs?," Deana Carter originally
"Did I Shave My Legs For This?" Lydia Helton
"Did I Gash My Elves For This?," Deana Carter originally
"Did I Shave My Legs For This?" Becky Bright
"Ty Did Mime," Korn originally
"Did My Time" Beverly Stiles
"I Didn't!," Sylvia originally
"Didn't I" Candy Welty
"Nit Did," Sylvia originally
"Didn't I" Candy Welty
"Did Tin," Sylvia originally
"Didn't I" Candy Welty
"I Thought Of Different Rant," Gail Davies originally
"Different Train Of Thought" Faith Spencer
"I Led A Hog," Jay-Z originally
"Dig A Hole" Alyssa Jayne
"Hide A Log," Jay-Z originally
"Dig A Hole" Alyssa Jayne
"A Hog Lied," Jay-Z originally
"Dig A Hole" Yvette Bristle
"Oh, A Glide," Jay-Z originally
"Dig A Hole" Alyssa Jayne
"I Had Ogle," Jay-Z originally
"Dig A Hole" Alyssa Jayne
"Idle A Hog," Jay-Z originally
"Dig A Hole" Alyssa Jayne
"Oh, Leg Aid," Jay-Z originally
"Dig A Hole" Alyssa Jayne
"I Lead Hog," Jay-Z originally
"Dig A Hole" Alyssa Jayne
"Oh, I Lag Ed," Jay-Z originally
"Dig A Hole" Alyssa Jayne
"Gagged the Virgin," Faith No More originally
"Digging the Grave" Josh
Almost a space change!
Margo Gram
A nog can have an id?
Cheryl Jordan
"Furiously Red-Hot Ford," Jay-Z originally
"Dirt Off Your Shoulder" One of the better ones.
"Try, I Did Try!," Jamelia originally
"Dirty Dirty" Yvette Bristle
"Dry It, Dry It," Jamelia originally
"Dirty Dirty" Yvette Bristle
"Dry It Dirty," Jamelia originally
"Dirty Dirty" Yvette Bristle
"I Cry 'Tepid!'," Underworld originally
"Dirty Epic" Alyssa Jayne
"Cried 'Pity!'," Underworld originally
"Dirty Epic" Alyssa Jayne
"Icy Trip, Ed!," Underworld originally
"Dirty Epic" Alyssa Jayne
"Cry 'Dip Tie!'," Underworld originally
"Dirty Epic" Alyssa Jayne
"A Thirsty Caddy Finder," Al Jolson originally
"Dirty Hands, Dirty Face"
Toni Minot
"Jane's Dirty," Magic Dirt originally
"Dirty Jeans" Jessica Junderworth
"Janey's Dirt," Magic Dirt originally
"Dirty Jeans" Jessica Junderworth
"Jean's Dirty," Magic Dirt originally
"Dirty Jeans" Jessica Junderworth
"I Dry Janet S.," Magic Dirt originally
"Dirty Jeans" Jessica Junderworth
"Jayne's Dirt," Magic Dirt originally
"Dirty Jeans" Jessica Junderworth
"Turn Dry Daily," Don Henley originally
"Dirty Laundry" Alexis
"Laundry: Dry It," Don Henley originally
"Dirty Laundry" Alexis
"Fitly Risky Doctors," Dave Gahan originally
"Dirty Sticky Floors" Fiona Apple Cider
"Socks Torridly Fly," Dave Gahan originally
"Dirty Sticky Floors" Fiona Apple Cider
"Tricky Frosty Idols," Dave Gahan originally
"Dirty Sticky Floors" Fiona Apple Cider
That actually might be good advice.
If that's who you want to be? Okay.
"Papa Dries," Ex Vivian originally
"Disappear" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Said Paper," Ex Vivian originally
"Disappear" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Appraised," INXS originally
"Disappear" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Papa Sired," Ex Vivian originally
"Disappear" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Aid Papers," Ex Vivian originally
"Disappear" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Papa Rides," Ex Vivian originally
"Disappear" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Paid Spear," Ex Vivian originally
"Disappear" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Praised Pa," Ex Vivian originally
"Disappear" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Paid Pears," Ex Vivian originally
"Disappear" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Spade Pair," Ex Vivian originally
"Disappear" Cards
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Prepaid As," Ex Vivian originally
"Disappear" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Disarm Ed," Thrice originally
"Disarmed" Ed's dangerous!
"Duck Is Cod," Rick Dees originally
"Disco Duck" Just don't say that to the duck!
"In Disc Of Reno," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Whatever kind of disc that would be!
Daphne Fairhope
"I Ice No Fronds," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Red Coin's Info," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Finer Icons," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Ions Of Cinder," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Iced Inn Roofs," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Ricin Fed Soon," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"I Do Fern's Icon," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Iced Inn's Roof," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"End Of Incisor," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Consider Info," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Foci Or Dennis," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Second Fir Ion," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"I Infer Condos," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Den For Ionics," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"I Fed Ron Coins," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Confine Doris," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Dennis Or Foci," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Finer Coins," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Ron's Nice Fido," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Senior Cod Fin," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Do No Fins, Eric," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Info On Ciders," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Confider's Ion," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"I Confine Rods," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Icon Of Diners," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Fed Iron Coins," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
"Inn's Roof Dice," The Trammps originally
"Disco Inferno" Alyssa Jayne
Especially when she smells of it.
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
"Odd Ice, Sir," Spinners originally
"Disco Ride" Candy Welty
"I Did Score," Spinners originally
"Disco Ride" Candy Welty
"I Rode Disc," Spinners originally
"Disco Ride" Candy Welty
"Rice Is Odd," Spinners originally
"Disco Ride" Candy Welty
"I Cried 'Sod!'," Spinners originally
"Disco Ride" Candy Welty
"Die Or Disc," Spinners originally
"Disco Ride" Candy Welty
"Is Rice Odd?," Spinners originally
"Disco Ride" Candy Welty
"Sordid Ice," Spinners originally
"Disco Ride" Candy Welty
"Dire Disco," Spinners originally
"Disco Ride" Candy Welty
"Cod Is Dire," Spinners originally
"Disco Ride" Candy Welty
"Is Cod An Aim," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Peter
"I Man A Disco," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"Mosaic In Ad," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"A Main Disco," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"I Moan 'A Disc'," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"A Maid's Coin," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"I Dam Casino," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"Said 'On Mica'," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"A Dim Casino," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"Ma Said 'Coin'," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"Ad In Mosaic," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"I Said 'No Cam'," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"A Maid's Icon," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"I, Sod Maniac," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"I Aid No Scam," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"Aim Acid, Son," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"I Moan 'Acids'," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"A Can's Idiom," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"I In Sad Coma," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"Said 'No Mica'," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"Cod Is Mania," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"I Said 'On Cam'," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"Ma Said 'Icon'," The Lovers originally
"Discomania" Kara Oke
"Discover G in Japan," Graham Parker originally
"Discovering Japan" Sutch
"Covering Japan, Sid," Graham Parker originally
"Discovering Japan" Sutch
"Discover Japan Gin," Graham Parker originally
"Discovering Japan" Sutch
An obvious one-word to one-word anagram!
Barb Dwyer
"Gin Disgust," KeSha originally
"Disgusting" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Nudist Gigs," KeSha originally
"Disgusting" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Thai Descent," Cake originally
"The Distance" London Tippedoff
"I Netted Cash," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Sent The Acid," Cake originally
"The Distance" ...to the chemistry lab.
"The Ten Acids," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Aced Ten Hits," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"She Can't Edit," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"She Can't Diet," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Etch Instead," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Enacted This," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Sit The Dance," Cake originally
"The Distance" Rather than *do* the dance?!
"Each Dentist," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Chastened It," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Hi, Ten Cadets!," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Ethnic Dates," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Hated Insect," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Snatched Tie," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Seth Acted In," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Tested Chain," Cake originally
"The Distance" Alexis
"Tested China," Cake originally
"The Distance" as in dishware, before shipping it?
"A Bird Suit," Rihanna originally
"Disturbia" Ben Dover
"Radius Bit," Rihanna originally
"Disturbia" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Rabid Suit," Rihanna originally
"Disturbia" Suits have rabies?
"Braid Suit," Rihanna originally
"Disturbia" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Spelt backwards!
Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Redivided Hats," Kim Carnes originally
"Divided Hearts" Patricia McClure
Switching order of the words gives it new meaning!
"Ken Dazzled In," Dada originally
"Dizz Knee Land" ...what did he dazzle in?
"Do I Look Like Tulsa?," Avenue D originally
"Do I Look Like A Slut?" Carolyn Morgenstern
"I Gain Toad," Steely Dan originally
"Do It Again" Joy Stick
"Goat Aid In," Steely Dan originally
"Do It Again" Joy Stick
"I Got Naiad," Steely Dan originally
"Do It Again" Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
"I Aid Tango," Steely Dan originally
"Do It Again" Joy Stick
"I In Goat Ad," Steely Dan originally
"Do It Again" Joy Stick
"I Do A Giant," Steely Dan originally
"Do It Again" Joy Stick
"I Aid No Tag," Steely Dan originally
"Do It Again" Joy Stick
"Gain To Aid," Steely Dan originally
"Do It Again" Joy Stick
"I Dot Again," Steely Dan originally
"Do It Again" Joy Stick
"I Gain A Dot," Steely Dan originally
"Do It Again" Joy Stick
…but why would someone do that?
Not the Same Bob
"Moth Dirge," Guy originally
"Do Me Right" Drew Scarymore
"Right Mode," Guy originally
"Do Me Right" Drew Scarymore
"Might Redo," Guy originally
"Do Me Right" Drew Scarymore
"Do Me Right, Eve (Dry Boy Needs A Little Love)," Ebonee Webb originally
"Do Me Right (Everybody Needs A Little Love)" Yvette Bristle
Hey, this is also a space-change!
"Moby Bade," Prince originally
"Do Me, Baby" Bade is a past tense of bid.
"Baby Mode," Prince originally
"Do Me, Baby" When one becomes a parent...
Not the Same Bob
"Do The New Ton Linen Act," The Dovells originally
"Do The New Continental" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Tilt The New Neon Can," The Dovells originally
"Do The New Continental" Alyssa Jayne
"Do The New Tint On Lance," The Dovells originally
"Do The New Continental" Alyssa Jayne
"Do The New Cannon Title," The Dovells originally
"Do The New Continental" Alyssa Jayne
"Do The New Ton Can I Lent," The Dovells originally
"Do The New Continental" Alyssa Jayne
A 'Star Wars' character!
a.k.a. the Banana Boat Song!
Jim Raveling
"You Believe In Duos," Jon Secada originally
"Do You Believe In Us?" Jerry
"Do You Hear Wet Hair? Ha!," Bing Crosby originally
"Do You Hear What I Hear?" Yvette Bristle
"I Thaw Hare! Do You Hear?," Bing Crosby originally
"Do You Hear What I Hear?" Yvette Bristle
"You Won Manhole, Dad!," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Wound Omaha Ed Only," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Wanna Hold 'Em?," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"A Loud Demon Anyhow," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Alyssa Jayne
"Haul Wooden Dynamo," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Woo Humane Dad Only," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Any Womanhood Duel," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Own A Dandy Home, Lou," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"How You Name Donald," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Haul Woody Dome, Ann," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Woo Handymen Aloud," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Woo Handymen Aloud," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"You Own Manhole, Dad," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"You Own Manhole, Dad," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Only A Meadow Hound," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"You Name Donald Who?," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Moon Had Loud Wayne," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Haul Woody Dome, Nan," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"A Dud Honeymoon Law," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Haul Moon, Odd Wayne!," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Do You Wanna Old Hem?," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Maul Odd One Anyhow," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Odd Yeoman Won Haul," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Annoy Odd Mule--Whoa!," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Haul Odd Moon, Wayne," Bow Wow Wow originally
"Do You Wanna Hold Me?" Yvette Bristle
"Do You Want To Scar Knee Two," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Wreck A Stone," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Waken Escort," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Earn Wet Sock," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Act Worse, Ken," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Cast Wok, Rene," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Work Case Ten," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Sew Ken To Car," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Dawn, Otto, You Know A Secret," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Ask Note Crew," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Enter Sack--Ow!," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Neck, Wet Rosa," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Skew One Cart," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Rest A Cow, Ken," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"'Know A Secret' Now Out Today," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Screw Oak Ten," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Rake Snow, Etc.," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Stoke New Car," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Tack New Rose," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Seat New Cork," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Owe Sack Rent," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Sew A Rock Net," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Tow Cask, Rene," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Scare Two, Ken," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Do You Want To Trek So We Can," The Beatles originally
"Do You Want To Know A Secret" Alyssa Jayne
"Does Anybody Really Know What Time I Sit?," Chicago originally
"Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?" Lily Orange
"Does Anybody Really Know What Mite It Is?," Chicago originally
"Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?" Lily Orange
"Godly Batter Fund," Heart originally
"Dog And Butterfly" Whatever THAT would mean!
Lisa Rose
"God Ate Dog," Ted Nugent originally
"Dog Eat Dog" Jack
"Dog Ate Dog," Ted Nugent originally
"Dog Eat Dog" Janet
"Darts Go," Klaatu originally
"Dog Star" Candy Welty
"Dot's Rag," Klaatu originally
"Dog Star" Candy Welty
"Rod's Tag," Klaatu originally
"Dog Star" Amy Grunt
"Dog's Tar," Klaatu originally
"Dog Star" Candy Welty
"Tar Dogs," Klaatu originally
"Dog Star" Candy Welty
"Art Gods," Klaatu originally
"Dog Star" Candy Welty
"Dog Rats," Klaatu originally
"Dog Star" Candy Welty
"Dog's Art," Klaatu originally
"Dog Star" Candy Welty
"Rod Tags," Klaatu originally
"Dog Star" Candy Welty
"Rag Dots," Klaatu originally
"Dog Star" Candy Welty
"Ow! Hogs Farted," Pink Floyd originally
"The Dogs of War" Josh
"Troll Pads," Hole originally
"Doll Parts" Amanda Svenson
"Strap Doll," Hole originally
"Doll Parts" Amanda Svenson
"Dall Ports," Hole originally
"Doll Parts" When did dall sheep get into navigation?
Amanda Svenson
"Poll Darts," Hole originally
"Doll Parts" Amanda Svenson
"Doll Traps," Hole originally
"Doll Parts" Amanda Svenson
As in on base in a baseball game?
Carolyn Morgenstern
Anser = a genus of geese. They're not like kittens
Karen Smith
"Do Not Ask Men Questions," Lynyrd Skynyrd originally
"Don't Ask Me No Questions" Joe
"Men Do Not Ask Questions," Lynyrd Skynyrd originally
"Don't Ask Me No Questions" Joe
"Don't Best A Ranger," Dina Carroll originally
"Don't Be A Stranger" Sylvia Curruca
"Local Dump Net," Mabel originally
"Don't Call Me Up" Dongquan
"Don't Pull Mace," Mabel originally
"Don't Call Me Up" Pete Worst
"Top Man Culled," Mabel originally
"Don't Call Me Up" Dongquan
"Adult Lemon PC," Mabel originally
"Don't Call Me Up" Dongquan
"Pall Document," Mabel originally
"Don't Call Me Up" Dongquan
"Dang Techno!," INXS originally
"Don't Change" I don't like it either!
"Not Changed," INXS originally
"Don't Change" Has a similar meaning to original title!
"Met Don Chase," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Karen Smith
"Chaste Men Do," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Do what?
Karen Smith
"Mason Etched," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Ad Moth Scene," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Chase 'Em," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Ace Hems," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Hot Dam Scene," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Echo Met Sand," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Host Menaced," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Demons Cheat," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Same Cod Then," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Once Had Stem," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Sad Tech Omen," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Matched Ones," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Teach Demons," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Coed Anthems," Shea Fisher originally
"Don't Chase Me" Yvette Bristle
"Dodo Tint," Exile originally
"Don't Do It" Not the Same Bob
"Do Men Dot?," Randy Bell originally
"Don't Do Me" Joy Stick
"Don't Do 'Em," Randy Bell originally
"Don't Do Me" Joy Stick
"Dot 'Em, Don!," Randy Bell originally
"Don't Do Me" Joy Stick
"Rod Motivates Nerd," Crowded House originally
"Don't Dream It's Over" Anna Graham
"Demonstrative Rod," Crowded House originally
"Don't Dream It's Over" Anna Graham
"Find Goth Tit," Kenny Loggins & Steve Perry originally "Don't Fight It"
"Forget Dent Men When I'm Goo," Glass Tiger originally
"Don't Forget Me (When I'm Gone)" Tori Spelling Bee
"Don't Give Amy Heartbreak," Paul Carrack originally
"Don't Give My Heart A Break" Lucinda Blair
"Don't Give My Heart A Brake," Paul Carrack originally
"Don't Give My Heart A Break" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Give My Earth A Break," Paul Carrack originally
"Don't Give My Heart A Break" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Give My Hater A Break," Paul Carrack originally
"Don't Give My Heart A Break" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Give My Heart A Baker," Paul Carrack originally
"Don't Give My Heart A Break" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Give My He-Rat A Break," Paul Carrack originally
"Don't Give My Heart A Break" Yvette Bristle
"Got Don," Yaz originally
"Don't Go" Penny Nichols
"To Dong," Yaz originally
"Don't Go" For bell-ringers
Keira Dayley
"Not God," Yaz originally
"Don't Go" Something that an atheist might believe?
Keira Dayley
"Yoga Town Ad," Oasis originally
"Don't Go Away" Josh
"Don Got Away," Oasis originally
"Don't Go Away" Ed
"Handgun Top," The Orlons originally
"Don't Hang Up" Kyla
"Don't It Make My Snowy Beer Blue," Crystal Gayle originally
"Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue" Lily Orange
"Tenth Rat Just Sodden," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Tend Just A Short Dent," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Just Rent Handset, Dot," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Just A Tenth Odd Stern," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Just Shorten Tent, Dad," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Adjust North Nest, Ted," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Just Add 'Shorten Tent'," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Add Jet-Thrust Sonnet," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Adjust Tenth Nest, Rod," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Just Add Tenth Tensor," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Adjust Tenth Rest, Don," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Shorten Jet Stunt, Dad," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Jet Sad Student North," Patty Duke originally
"Don't Just Stand There" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Let Moss Recover," Carl Butler originally
"Don't Let Me Cross Over" Hilary Nevis
"Gotten Me Melted," Pink originally
"Don't Let Me Get Me" What am I, the Wicked Witch of the West?!
No more trends about tater tots :(
The ~ mark must be missing.
Often used in baseball when a ball is hit
"Don Meant Nothing," Richard Marx originally
"Don't Mean Nothing" Cal Amari
"Homeowners That Did Sit," Nivea originally
"Don't Mess With The Radio" John
"I Don't Mess With Heat, Rod," Nivea originally
"Don't Mess With The Radio" Karen Smith
"I Don't Mess With The Road," Nivea originally
"Don't Mess With The Radio" John
"Doc In Pant," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Josh
"Cat In Pond," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Dot Can Nip," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Tan Cod Pin," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Don In Pact," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Cannot Dip," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Dot Can Pin," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Don Can Tip," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Inn Cot Pad," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Cot And Pin," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Catnip, Don," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Tin Cod Pan," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Act In Pond," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Tin Cap, Don," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Can't Do Nip," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Tin-Can Pod," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Pond Antic," Coldplay originally
"Don't Panic" Kara Oke
"Dunk Thorn With Empathy," Black Eyed Peas originally
"Don't Phunk With My Heart" The best I could do...
Pat Mahiney
"I Left Don My Urn," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Meld Funny Trio," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Omit Dry Funnel," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Lit Foundry Men," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Mention Dry Flu," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"I Fondle My Runt," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Indent My Flour," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"I Lent Don My Fur," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Fed My Runt Lion," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"I Mend Turf Only," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Modify Lent Urn," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Film Under Tony," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"I Lend On My Turf," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Melt In Foundry," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Tiny Drum Felon," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Fondly Met Ruin," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Don Left My Ruin," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"I Try Melon Fund," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Run, My Deft Lion!," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"One Flinty Drum," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"I Lend My Ton Fur," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Rye Not Mindful," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Old Unit Men Fry," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"I Lent Rod My Fun," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"My Trundle Info," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"No Filmy Red Nut," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Idle Funny Mort," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"One Mindful Try," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Me, I Fondly Turn," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"I Led My Nun Fort," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Dime Nylon Turf," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Melt Uniformly," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Lofty Drum Nine," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Modern Fly Unit," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Tin-Drum Felony," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"I Try Lemon Fund," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Dour Flinty Men," Spys originally
"Don't Run My Life" Lauryn Canna
"Toys, Dan," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"Sand Toy," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"A Sty, Don," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"Dan's Toy," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"And Toys," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"Not Days," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"At Synod," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"Any Dots," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"Stony Ad," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"Sad Tony," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"Tony's Ad," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"Sty On Ad," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"Stay, Don," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"To Sandy," Jon B. originally
"Don't Say" Loree Dare
"Don't Out Me Thus," Kevin Paige originally
"Don't Shut Me Out" Helena Hoover
"Don't Spit Under The Pale Tree," The Andrews Sisters originally
"Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree" Bob Oldhart
"Pat On Desk," No Doubt originally
"Don't Speak" Nancy
"Adopts Ken," No Doubt originally
"Don't Speak" Eac Zeffron
"Naked Tops," No Doubt originally
"Don't Speak" I hope this is safe
Eac Zeffron
"Don't Post 'Til You Get Enough," Michael Jackson originally
"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" Melanie Black
"Don't Stop 'Til You Get One Hug," Michael Jackson originally
"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" Megan
"Be Living Toned Pots," Journey originally
"Don't Stop Believing" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Be P. Dot Livingstone," Journey originally
"Don't Stop Believing" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Women Don't Stop," Queen originally
"Don't Stop Me Now" Kristen
"Snitched Stomp Out," Rihanna originally
"Don't Stop The Music" girlypink66
"Post This Document," Rihanna originally
"Don't Stop The Music" Alexis
"This Tops Document," Rihanna originally
"Don't Stop the Music" You can't compare a song to a paper!
"I Don't Talk To Rep. Sean," Monica originally
"Don't Take It Personal" Bob Oldhart
"Tolerate Napkin Dots," Monica originally
"Don't Take It Personal" that is, dot patterns on napkins
Bob Oldhart
"Mandate Kite Love," Steely Dan originally
"Don't Take Me Alive" Josh
"That East-End Stork," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Tot Skater Had Nest," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Star, Seth," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Rats, Seth," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Test Rash, Kate," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Her Stats," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Rash Test," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"East Had Stork Tent," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Detest A Thorn Task," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take The Tsars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Set Trash," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Kate Had Snort Test," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Hart, Tess," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Detest A Trash Knot," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Sort Strange Talk," Rick Springfield originally
"Don't Talk To Strangers" Daphne Fairhope
"Don't Stalk Rangers, Tot.," Rick Springfield originally
"Don't Talk To Strangers" Jay
"Don't Heat Tall Bat," Adam Faith originally
"Don't That Beat All" Regina Haniger
"Mutt Snorted," 3Oh!3 originally
"Don't Trust Me" Regina Haniger
"Hi, Camel! Don't Wake Me Up In The Morning," The Peppermint Rainbow originally
"Don't Wake Me Up In The Morning, Michael" Lily Orange
"You Don't Wanna Lose," Gloria Estefan originally
"Don't Wanna Lose You" rearranging the words themselves alters meaning
"Don't You Have," Spoon originally
"Don't You Evah" Dyan Cannonball
"You Don't Have," Spoon originally
"Don't You Evah" Dyan Cannonball
"Goodbye to a Fun Tutor: Me," Simple Minds originally
"Don't You Forget About Me" Ed
"You Wanted Tom N.," Human League originally
"Don't You Want Me?" Anna Graham
"Unnamed Town Toy," Human League originally
"Don't You Want Me?" Anna Graham
"No Nutty Meadow," Human League originally
"Don't You Want Me?" Anna Graham
"Went Out Monday," Human League originally
"Don't You Want Me?" I didn't go out the other days of the week.
Anna Graham
"Not Muted, No Way," Human League originally
"Don't You Want Me?" I want to hear the audio.
Anna Graham
"Dynamo Went Out," Human League originally
"Don't You Want Me?" It stopped working.
Anna Graham
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
"Ted & Vera's Day Mood," Rasputina originally
"Doomsday Averted" Leanne Cantrell(not to fret; relling is overrated)
"Do The Door Parasite," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Lisa Rose
"Drop A Tortoise Head," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Claire Grayson
"A Door To The Praised," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Lisa Rose
"Doorstep Ahead, Tori!," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Claire Grayson
"Parade Is To The Door," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Lisa Rose
"Drop Tortoise Ahead," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Claire Grayson
"The Door Is To Parade," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Lisa Rose
"The Door To A Sad Pier," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Claire Grayson
"Adore Hat Depositor," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Claire Grayson
"Doorstep Trio Ahead," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Claire Grayson
"Posterior Dot Ahead," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Claire Grayson
"Hate Doorstep Radio," Bobby Rydell originally
"The Door To Paradise" Claire Grayson
"Boo Dull Vine," The Osmonds originally
"Double Lovin'" Loree Dare
"I Love Old Bun," The Osmonds originally
"Double Lovin'" Loree Dare
"Build No Love," The Osmonds originally
"Double Lovin'" Loree Dare
"Build On Love," The Osmonds originally
"Double Lovin'" Loree Dare
"Video On Bull," The Osmonds originally
"Double Lovin'" Loree Dare
"No Bull Video," The Osmonds originally
"Double Lovin'" Loree Dare
"Own'd," 311 originally
"Down" Ricky
"Heated Whiskey Town," Motley Crue originally
"Down At The Whiskey" Travis
"Whitehead Sky Town," Motley Crue originally
"Down At The Whiskey" Travis
"Tween Body Wrath," PJ Harvey originally
"Down By the Water" Josh
"Newton Wished Up," Radiohead originally
"Down Is the New Up" He secretly HATED gravity!
"Nod My Own Head," Yellowcard originally
"Down On My Head" As opposed to nodding someone else's head?!?
Eva Shortoria
"Lend My Own Love," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"My Novel 'Led' Won," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"My New Doll Oven," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"Even My Doll Won!," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Yell 'Vow, Don!'," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"My Own Level, Don," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"My Novel 'Owl Den'," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"Lend My Low Oven," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"End My Owl Novel," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"Envy Mellow Don," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"Yell 'Down Venom!'," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"Men Volley Down," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"Mend Own Volley," Ammonia originally
"Down On My Level" Alyssa Jayne
"Howdy! A New Thigh," Bob Dylan originally
"Down the Highway" Bob must be a leg-man!
I hope this isn't too offensive
"A Dozen Sores (You Remind Me)," Monica originally
"A Dozen Roses (You Remind Me)" Melanie Black
Cirque du Soleil Moon Frye
"Mend Gym Wand Abroad," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Kayla Kalyak
"Drag My Abdomen, Dawn," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Sai Watt
"Downgrade By Madman," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Joe
"Random Wag By Demand," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Anna Graham
"Bad Gay Madmen Drown," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Kayla Kalyak
"Abandon Gym Dam, Drew," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Miss Elanius
"Embody Wand, Grandma," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" No Name
"Wrong Daybed, Madman!," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Miss Bad Example
"Drag My Bad Wad On Men," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Kayla Kalyak
"Endow My Bad Grandma," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" I don't know what to make of this.
"Drag My Own Bad Ad Men," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Kayla Kalyak
"Dab Dandy Grown Emma," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Anna Graham
"Drag My Bad Dawn On Me," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Kayla Kalyak
"Madmen Bang Wordy Ad," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Sounds like a somewhat crazy headline...
Anna Graham
"Drag My Bad New Nomad," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Kayla Kalyak
"Drag My Bad Ad Men Now," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Kayla Kalyak
"Drag My Bad Wand On Me," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Jessie
"Drag My Bad Wand Omen," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Jessie
"Drag My Bad Mane Down," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Jessie
"Drag My Bad Man; We Nod," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Jessie
"Drag My Bad Den Woman," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Jessie
"Drag My Bad Man On Dew," The 4 Of Us originally
"Drag My Bad Name Down" Jessie
"Dwarf Had Escort," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Rod Had Wet Scarf," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Cadre Shot Dwarf," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Heard Sword Fact," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Forward Cat Shed," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Scared Hot Dwarf," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Fresh Crowd Data," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Shred Dwarf Coat," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Forward Cash, Ted," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Add Shrew Factor," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Sector Had Dwarf," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Hard Sword Facet," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Sad War Chef Trod," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Forward Dash, Etc.," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Serf Had Card Two," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Wash Ford Car, Ted," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Odd Starch Wafer," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Steward Of Chard," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Tsar Had Crow Fed," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Actor Shed Dwarf," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Sad Crowd, Father," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Cast Dwarf Horde," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"Sacred Hot Dwarf," Kim Carnes originally
"Draw Of The Cards" Candy Welty
"I, Single Dwarf," Soundgarden originally
"Drawing Flies" Josh
"Dreadlock Holy Aid," 10cc originally
"Dreadlock Holiday" Sutch
Kristin Hadley's Boyfriend
Kristin Hadley's Boyfriend
Kristin Hadley's Boyfriend
Kristin Hadley's Boyfriend
St. Peter Tork Soap Dispenser
1/16th of an ounce, or 1/256th of a pound
"A Solid Hay Dreamer," Buddy Clark originally
"A Dreamer's Holiday" Regina Olsen
"Gained From You," Selena originally
"Dreaming Of You" Alexis
"Or We Had A Hermit Grab Ten Kin," John Mayer originally
"Dreaming With A Broken Heart" Joe
"So Dream Me Truce," BoA originally
"Dreams Come True" Kelly Blythe
"Reams I'll Never Seed," Molly Hatchet originally
"Dreams I'll Never See" Lisa Rose
"Do Use Syrup," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Dour Spy Sue," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Syrup Douse," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Dye Sour Pus," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Use Dry Soup," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Rosy Pus Due," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Dousers, Yup!," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Ode: 'U.S. Syrup'," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Do Pry Us, Sue," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Use Dry Opus," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Sour Spy Due," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Dye Pus Or Us," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Soy Pursued," Madonna originally
"Dress You Up" Alyssa Jayne
"Diner Baker," Luke Bryan originally
"Drink A Beer" Daisy Pappus
"Verdi," Incubus originally
"Drive" Quyjibo
"Diver," Incubus originally
"Drive" Quyjibo
That would be going way way back
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Might be somebody's name
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
"You Envy Bird," Brian May originally
"Driven By You" Regina Haniger
"Ruby Id Envoy," Brian May originally
"Driven By You" Regina Haniger
"Boy Under Ivy," Brian May originally
"Driven By You" Regina Haniger
"Bend Your Ivy," Brian May originally
"Driven By You " Angie O'Plasty
"Rod Retains Vet," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Teri Reads On TV," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Stand Over Teri," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Ten Retro Divas," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Trevor Sent Ida," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Ida Sent Trevor," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"TV Enters Radio," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" I thought they were two different mediums?!
"I Saved Torrent," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" torrent = huge outpouring
"Trio Saved Rent," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Trade No Rivets," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Dares To Invert," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Trevor Sent Aid," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Dean, It's Trevor," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Trevor, It's Dean," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Detains Trevor," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Trevor Instead," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" ...of someone else
"Rest Not Varied," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"It's Not Averred," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Averred = stated openly as true
"Erased TV Intro," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Don't Revise Art," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Diverts A Tenor," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"No Tire Adverts," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Trade Investor," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Rated Investor," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Toni Traversed," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" What did she traverse?
"Overrated Tins," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"I Don't Traverse," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Averted Intros," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"No Test Arrived," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"TV Aired Tenors," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Not Averted, Sir," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Vote In Traders," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Riots Neared TV," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" In late April 1992, especially.
"Vendors' Attire," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Storied Tavern," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Artiest Vendor," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Deviant Sorter," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Not a very good sorter!
"Deviant Roster," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Trained Voters," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Alexis
"Its Toothlike Drip," Snoop Dogg originally
"Drop It Like It's Hot" Does that mean the tooth is hot?
Anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
Anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
Anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
Anagram previously posted as spoonerism
The Quirkfetch Kid
"I Laud Ty," Slipknot originally
"Duality" Anna Graham
"Duel Tuba Sling," Martin Mull originally
"Dueling Tubas" Sutch
I'll pass on that kale!
What 4 items leaked, and why?
"Tie My Dan," Taio Cruz originally
"Dynamite" Kirsten Abercrombie
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.