Making fun of music, one song at a time. Since the year 2000.
Check out the two amIright misheard lyrics books including one book devoted to misheard lyrics of the 1980s.
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Song Parodies

This section contains the various song parodies submitted to amIright since the year 2000. Most song parodies on this site are just lyrics, but the Recordings section also has links to parodies that you can listen to as well.

You can search, or browse it by performer or by decade If you've written a new song, you can submit new parody lyrics, check out the parody authors, or see the latest comments. If you want to compete with other authors, check out the Song of the Month Contest on the messageboard.

amIright Events -> Latest Entries

Aug 28

ZZ Summer 2023 - Easy Song To Parody. Posting this as news to brush the spiderwebs off this particular section of Amiright. :-) (Comments & Parodies)

Top Submittors | Suggest an amIright event

Comedy Song Recordings -> Latest Entries

May 31
a parody of "Vanz Kant Danz" by John Fogerty
This is a parody of John Fogerty’s “Zanz Kant Danz”. Featured in this video is an unofficial concept idea of what could’ve been in the “Hans & Franz Go To Hollywood” musical. The first “Hans and Franz” skit aired October 17, 1987 on Saturday Night Live. (Mp3)
May 28
a parody of "Man I Feel Like A Woman" by Shania Twain
Anthem for the LGBTQ+ community
SoundCloud: (MP3)
May 16
a parody of "NONE" by NONE
I know I'm pathetic, but I have a neediness for you. (MP4)

Song Parody Lyrics -> Latest Entries

June 21, 2024
"Saves" by the_conqueror_of_parodies
"Waves" by Imagine Dragons
"Fallin' In Love" by Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds
"Seashore" by Duc4AmIRight
"Love Boat Theme" by Jack Jones
"Grandpa Magic/Ed Wynn Plays PCH" by A Monkey Full of Rooms
"You Give Love a Bad Name" by Bon Jovi
"Year of the Cam (Reprise)" by David Hooten
"The Year of the Cat" by Al Stewart
"Where's My Ham At? " by WowPoops
"Where My Baes At? " by Miranda Sings
"V¡@gr@" by A Monkey Full of Rooms
"Elvira" by The Oak Ridge Boys
"I Cant Even Spell My Name" by guart milkster
"I Don't Even Know Your Name" by Alan Jackson

New Submissions for the last two weeks

Parody Fragments -> Latest Entries

Cat Stevens', "Moonshadow"
Better Lyrics:
And if I ever lose my d*ck

Lose my c*ck, long and thick

If I ever lose my d*ck

I won’t have to f***…
Original Lyrics:
And if I ever lose my mouth

Lose my teeth, north and south

If I ever lose my mouth

I won’t have to talk…
Submitted by: Hu’s On First

There are more parody fragments available

Album Cover Parodies

Album cover parody of Black Donald Trump by Emphasiz
"Black Donald Trump"
Submitted by: White Rose

Latest submissions