Entries Beginning with T
"Table Wore Fun," Liz Phair originally
"Table For One" Regina Haniger
"Table Wore Fun," Liz Phair originally
"Table For One" Regina Haniger
"Fable Tore One," Liz Phair originally
"Table For One" Marlene L. Ram
"Fable Tore One," Liz Phair originally
"Table For One" Marlene L. Ram
Tun = 252 gallons
Sylvia Curruca
"Bake a Tow," Madonna originally
"Take a Bow" Joe Haynes
"Rake A Bitty Stride," Swampwater originally
"Take A City Bride" Lina Radnil
"Break A City Tide," Swampwater originally
"Take A City Bride" Nicole Velocin
"Break A City Tide," Rick Nelson originally
"Take A City Bride" Sarah Topsian
"Drake To Ink," Quietdrive originally
"Take A Drink" How could a drake ink anything?
Blake DeKalb
"Fake A Tool's Advice," Nat King Cole originally
"Take A Fool's Advice" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Make A Letter To Rhea," R.B. Greaves originally
"Take A Letter Maria" Lydia Idyl
Was a talk ever asleep? :)
Ingrid McCannless
"Bake Tack," Green Day originally
"Take Back" Lizzie
"Lake Tots With Alcohol," Alkaline Trio originally
"Take Lots WIth Alcohol" Who facilitated underage drinking?
Rachel Stedman
"Make Lee A Tong," Miley Cyrus originally
"Take Me Along" Sonya Raynos
"Make Tea Along," Miley Cyrus originally
"Take Me Along" Sonya Raynos
"Make Tea As I Am," The Duprees originally
"Take Me As I Am" Penelope Beckinsale
"Make Tea Back Home," Steelheart originally
"Take Me Back Home" Lydia Helton
"Make Tea Back Home," Steelheart originally
"Take Me Back Home" Lydia Helton
"Make Bee Hack Tome," Steelheart originally
"Take Me Back Home" Lydia Helton
"Make Tea For A Little While," Coverdale / Page originally
"Take Me For A Little While" Regina Haniger
"Take Lee For A Whittle Mile," Coverdale / Page originally
"Take Me For A Little While" Regina Haniger
"Make Tea For A Little While," Coverdale / Page originally
"Take Me For A Little While" Regina Haniger
"Rake Me Home, Country Toads," John Denver originally
"Take Me Home, Country Roads" Penelope Beckinsale
"Take Flea On The Moor," The Veronicas originally
"Take Me On The Floor" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Make Tea On The Floor," The Veronicas originally
"Take Me On The Floor" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Bake Tea Out To The Tall Game ," Traditional originally
"Take Me Out To The Ballgame" Peter
"Make Tea To Heart," Quarterflash originally
"Take Me To Heart" Hank E. Panky
"Make Tea To heart," Quarterflash originally
"Take Me To Heart" Hank E. Panky
"Take Sea To The Back Meat," The Donnas originally
"Take Me To The Backseat" Linda Radnil
"Take Sea To The Back Meat," The Donnas originally
"Take Me To The Backseat" Linda Radnil
"Take Me To The Sack Beat," The Donnas originally
"Take Me To The Backseat" Linda Radnil
"Make Tea To Your Leader," Newsboys originally
"Take Me To Your Leader" Allison Lafferty
Beth thinks the trays sleep too much!
Daphne Hughes
"Take High Mart," Chris Isaak originally
"Take My Heart" Linda Radnil
"Make High Tart," Chris Isaac originally
"Take My Heart" Daryl Hannah Montana
"Make On Tea," a-ha originally
"Take On Me" Peter
"Fake That Took Off Your Lace," Marti Webb originally
"Take That Look Off Your Face" Changes 'that' from adjective to conjunction
D. Melody Dole, MD
"Lake That Took Off Your Face," Marti Webb originally
"Take That Look Off Your Face" Gad! Changes 'that' from adjective to conjunction
D. Melody Dole, MD
"Bake That To The Tank," Shalamar originally
"Take That To The Bank" Allison O'Silla
"Make The Heat Off Tea," Boney M originally
"Take The Heat Off Me" Penelope Beckinsale
"Tame The Heat Coffee," Boney M originally
"Take The Heat Off Me" Penelope Beckinsale
Tun = 252 gallons (Kinda hard to rake!)
Allison O'Silla
"Cake Up A Horse In Tappy-ness," Stevie Wonder originally
"Take Up A Course In Happiness" michelle (hell in mice)
"Wake You At Your Turd," Avalon originally
"Take You At Your Word" Carmen Nunki
"Rake Your Time (Do It Tight)," SOS Band originally
"Take Your Time (Do It Right)" Linda Radnil
"Take Your Rhyme (Do It Tight)," SOS Band originally
"Take Your Time (Do It Right)" Linda Radnil
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
"Making Over Tea," Evanescence originally
"Taking Over Me" Lizzie
"Talk to Ya Taylor," The Tubes originally
"Talk to Ya Later" Sutch
"Balkin', Tout A Feeling," Mahogany Rush originally
"Talkin' 'Bout A Feeling" Sir Ron Norris
"Balkin', Tout A Feeling," Mahogany Rush originally
"Talkin' 'Bout A Feeling" Sir Ron Norris
"Balkin' To One Of The Toys," Nazareth originally
"Talkin' To One Of The Boys" Teresa Brewer's Blackbird
"Balking Knack To The Tight," Steve Winwood originally
"Talking Back To The Night" Regina Haniger
"Talking Knack To The Bite," Steve Winwood originally
"Talking Back To The Night" Regina Haniger
"Balking Tack To The NIght," Steve Winwood originally
"Talking Back To The Night" Regina Haniger
"Balking Toddy," Tove Lo originally
"Talking Body" Chelsea Dunn
"Balking Dust Toll Blues," Woodie Guthrie originally
"Talking Dust Bowl Blues" Ned MacCamden
"Talking Bust Dole Blues," Woodie Guthrie originally
"Talking Dust Bowl Blues" Ned MacCamden
As in the Power Rangers.
Also an anagram
Daisy Pappus
Technically also an anagram, as previously posted.
Reese Witherspoonerism
"Fee Tore the Miller Tan," Cat Stevens originally
"Tea for the Tillerman" Fake Thor, see stun
Benski Korhonen
"The Year Of The Tear," Jackie Wilson originally
"The Tear Of The Year" Linda Radnil
"Mere Tops On Dry Guitar," Taylor Swift originally
"Teardrops On My Guitar" Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
"Tear Mops On Dry Guitar," Taylor Swift originally
"Teardrops On My Guitar" Condoleezza Rice Pilaf
"Tearin' Up High Mart," 'N Sync originally
"Tearin' Up My Heart" Rhoda Dohr
"Ears And Train," James Blunt originally
"Tears And Rain" Penelope Beckinsale
"Ears Are Only Train," Hank Thompson originally
"Tears Are Only Rain" A good nonsensical song title!
Lydia Helton
"Tears Eye On Their Drone," Amy Winehouse originally
"Tears Dry On Their Own" Heck Noover Nuck
"Deers Try On Their Own," Amy Winehouse originally
"Tears Dry On Their Own" Kerianne Hopkins
"Ears In My Ties," Uriah Heep originally
"Tears In My Eyes" Wendy Torrance
Wake Up Little Susie Q-Tip Of The Iceberg Lettuce
Wake Up Little Susie Q-Tip Of The Iceberg Lettuce
"Technique Full Owl," Adam Sandler originally
"Technical Foul" Waldo D. Law
"Teen Cage Rhyme," Adrian Lux originally
"Teenage Crime" Lisa Basil
"Bean Age Dirt Tag," Wheatus originally
"Teenage Dirtbag" Erica Tetralix
"Queenage Trauma Dean," Lindsay Lohan originally
"Teenage Drama Queen" Terror Reid
"Dean Rage Team," Katy Perry originally
"Teenage Dream" Bruce Curb
"Teen Rage Deem," Katy Perry originally
"Teenage Dream" Bruce Curb
When those arachnids reach a keen age, look out!
Dawn Anwad
When those arachnids reach a keen age, look out!
Dawn Anwad
"Fell A Tone," Lady GaGa (featuring Beyoncé) originally "Telephone"
Angie O'Plasty
"Met A Lone Fan," Meri Wilson originally
"Telephone Man" Gordy N. Knott
"Tell Hit To My Art," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" D. Melody Dole, MD
"Tell It To High Mart," Taylor Dayne originally
"Tell It To My Heart" D. Melody Dole, MD
"Yell Me What To Want," Zebra originally
"Tell Me What You Want" Nutmeg Ryan
"Well Me What You Taunt," Zebra originally
"Tell Me What You Want" Rick O'Shea
"Nell Lowe Ties," The Spoons originally
"Tell No Lies" Whom or what does she tie?
Lydia Idyl
"Tennessee Bat Top Phlox," Roseanne Cash originally
"Tennessee Flat Top Box" Lisa Basil
"Tennessee Bat Top Flocks," Roseanne Cash originally
"Tennessee Flat Top Box" Lisa Basil
"The Tennessee Bat Top Phlox," Rosanne Cash originally
"The Tennessee Flat Top Box" Reese Witherspoonerism
"Quit Teela Run Ties," The Eagles originally
"Tequila Sunrise" MOR
"Quit Teela Run Size," The Eagles originally
"Tequila Sunrise" Stevie Nicks And Cuts
"Sick Keela Ton Rise," The Eagles originally
"Tequila Sunrise" MOR
"Thank Rod For The Gain," Graham Coxon originally
"Thank God For The Rain" Corinne Auterlehr
"Yank Thou," Dido originally
"Thank You" Lefty Lucy
"Thank You For Freeing A Bend," Andrew Gold originally
"Thank You For Being A Friend" Can a bend be taken captive??
Linda Radnil
"Banks Throw," Filter originally
"Thanks Bro" Throw what?
Blake DeKalb
"Matt Don't Impress Thee Much," Shania Twain originally
"That Don't Impress Me Much" Eva Cave
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
"Matt's Thy Baby," Lari White originally
"That's My Baby" William Ransom
"That's Sty, Morey," Collin Raye originally
"That's My Story" Ned MacCamden
"Matt's Thy Story," Collin Raye originally
"That's My Story" Ned MacCamden
Ring Around The Rosie O'Donnell Abu Dhabi
"That's The Bay I've Always Heard; It Should Wee," Carly Simon originally
"That's The Way I've Always Heard It Should Be" Lori Tirol
"That's The Gay Love Woes," Janet Jackson originally
"That's The Way Love Goes" Reese Witherspoonerism
"That's What Keeps Burr Getting High," Tracy Byrd originally
"That's What Keeps Her Getting By" Rick O'Shea
"Bat's What Keeps Her Getting Thigh," Tracy Byrd originally
"That's What Keeps Her Getting By" Adlai Alda
"That's Lot The Whittle Girls Do," The Knack originally
"That's What The Little Girls Do" Waldo D. Law
"That's Dot, The Little Whirls" Coo," The Knack originally
"That's What The Little Girls Do" Waldo D. Law
"What's That You Get?," Paramore originally
"That's What You Get" Lizzie
"Them Bearable Toots," The Orlons originally
"Them Terrible Boots" Ron N. O'Connor
"Seam From A Plumber Tace," Percy Faith originally
"Theme From A Summer Place" Didn't know plumber's wore suits of armour?
"Seam From A Plumber Tace," Percy Faith originally
"Theme From A Summer Place" Didn't know plumber's wore suits of armour?
"Ken He Missed Thee," The Crystals originally
"Then He Kissed Me" Penelope Beckinsale
"Then Key Hissed Me," The Crystals originally
"Then He Kissed Me" Penelope Beckinsale
"Then He Missed Key," The Crystals originally
"Then He Kissed Me" Penelope Beckinsale
"There Are Curse Things I Would Do," Stockard Channing originally
"There Are Worse Things I Could Do" Mae Beam
"There Is A Night That Ever Glows Out," The Smiths originally
"There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" Glows out? Kind of an oxymoron?
Allison O'Silla
"There Is A Light That Never Owes Gout," The Smiths originally
"There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" Why would any light owe anything to gout?
Allison O'Silla
"Air It This," Shalamar originally
"There It Is" Weamon
"Mare's A Ghost In Thy Mouse," R. Dean Taylor originally
"There's A Ghost In My House" Blake DeKalb
"Hair's A Ghost In Thy Mouse," R. Dean Taylor originally
"There's A Ghost In My House" Blake DeKalb
"There's A Ghost In High Mouse," R. Dean Taylor originally
"There's A Ghost In My House" Blake DeKalb
"There's A Host In Guy Mouse," R. Dean Taylor originally
"There's A Ghost In My House" Blake DeKalb
"There's A Scold Mine In The Guy," Pat Boone originally
"There's A Gold Mine In The Sky" Scold mine? Unsettling thought!
Marlene L. Ram
"Claire's Another Santa Thaws," Bob Rivers originally
"There's Another Santa Claus" Will Claire come back to life after being frozen?
Trevor Overt
"There's No Ye Without Moo," The Manhattans originally
"There's No Me Without You" Addressing a herd of cattle?
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"These Are The Lays Of Our Dives," Queen originally
"These Are The Days Of Our Lives" "Lay" can mean a story.
Penelope Beckinsale
"Hey Can't Save Thus Now," Kill Hannah originally
"They Can't Save Us Now" Nicole Velocin
"They Can't Take Matt Away From Thee," Fred Astaire originally
"They Can't Take That Away From Me" Dogniss Everdeen
"May Can't Take That Away From Thee," Fred Astaire originally
"They Can't Take That Away from Me" Gordy N. Knott
"They Can't Make That Away From Tea," Fred Astaire originally
"They Can't Take That Away from Me" Gordy N. Knott
"Pair Slaying Our Thong," The Buckinghams originally
"They're Playing Our Song" Ned MacCamden
"Sings 'I'll Never Thay'," Avril Lavigne originally
"Things I'll Never Say" Lefty Lucy
"Third Sock From The Run," Joe Diffie originally
"Third Rock From The Sun" Lydia Idyl
"Thirty Haze In The Dole," Humble Pie originally
"Thirty Days In The Hole" Or 'on the dole' to be grammatically correct.
Anonymous Jack
"This War Swings Both Days," Herman's Hermits originally
"This Door Swings Both Ways" Marge Pegram
"This Tight Flu Night," Nazareth originally
"This Flight Tonight" Spoonerism previously posted as anagram
The Quirkfetch Kid
"This Tight Flu Night," Nazareth originally
"This Flight Tonight" Spoonerism previously posted as anagram
The Quirkfetch Kid
"This Fart's On Hire," Wolf Parade originally
"This Heart's On Fire" Regina Haniger
"This Is The Tight Rhyme," Lisa Stansfield originally
"This Is The Right Time" Natalie Starboardman
"This Run's For The Chilled Wen," Now Kids On The Block originally "This One's For The Children"
Bellwether That Wants Its Ramparts Back
"This Season Will Never Row Gold," Anne Murray originally
"This Season Will Never Grow Old" Gold would be a heavy cargo for a rowboat!
Ned MacCamden
"Miss Thaws Lye Wife," Megadeth originally
"This Was My Life" Josh
Takes a big thorn to pin a ride!
Waldo D. Law
"A Thousand Whiles from No Mare," Dwight Yoakam originally
"A Thousand Miles From Nowhere" Pact Like Sardines
"Toothra Ire Fanned Flames," Dragonforce originally
"Through the Fire and Flames" Who is Toothra Ire?
"Ricket To Tide," The Beatles originally
"Ticket To Ride" Rachel Blattington
"Licks & Teaches," Tool originally
"Ticks & Leeches" Changes nouns to verbs!
Job Lowe
"Licks & Teaches," Tool originally
"Ticks & Leeches" Josh
"The Hide Is Thai," Blondie originally
"The Tide Is High" A protest song about Thai fur trade?
Marlene L. Ram
"Dye Me Kangaroo Town, Sport," Rolf Harris originally
"Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport" Funny
Well, I've heard of PAINTING the town. Similar?
Sheila Koffel
"Height Wad Till," Green Day originally
"Tight Wad Hill" Lizzie
"White Tod Hill," Green Day originally
"Tight Wad Hill" Lizzie
"Right Rope Tied," The Doors originally
"Tightrope Ride" Yvonne Sindri
"I'm Tanned Time Again," Papa Roach originally
"Time And Time Again" Treor Overt
"Lime For Getting Toe," Jude Cole originally
"Time For Letting Go" Lydia Helton
"Time Lore Getting Foe," Jude Cole originally
"Time For Letting Go" Penelope Beckinsale
"Time For Getting Low," Jude Cole originally
"Time For Letting Go" Lydia Helton
"Time For Getting Low," Jude Cole originally
"Time For Letting Go" Lydia Helton
"Mime For Flea To Tie," REO Speedwagon originally
"Time For Me To Fly" Rocky Rhodes
"Bomb In A Title," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Botlle" Veronica Krumpfelhagen
"Rhyme Is Tunning Out," Papa Roach originally
"Time Is Running Out" Lizzie
"Mime Of Thai Life," David Cook originally
"Time Of My Life" Consuela Sanchez
"Cyme Of The Teasin'," The Zombies originally
"Time Of The Season" Cyme= a type of flower cluster
Consuela Sanchez
"Mime Space Trans-tat," Model 500 originally
"Time Space Transmat" Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
"Time Mace Trance Spat," Model 500 originally
"Time Space Transmat" Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
"Time Grew Toe," Lemar originally
"Time To Grow" Bizarre thing for time to do!
Linda Radnil
"Grime to Toe," Lemar originally
"Time to Grow" Alice Spoonerism
"Time Won't Get Me Low," The Bravery originally
"Time Won't Let Me Go" Jessica Albatross
"Mime, Don't Run Out On Tea," Anne Murray originally
"Time, Don't Run Out On Me" Evil Olive
"I'm Tess Land, True Love," Rhonda Vincent originally
"Timeless And True Love" Ned MacCamden
"Limes Tyke These," Foo Fighters originally
"Times Like These" Lizzie
"The Chimes, They Are A-Tangin'," Bob Dylan originally
"The Times, They Are A-Changin'" For once, a spoonerism as sensible as the original
"Men Tan," America originally
"Tin Man" Sutch
"China Terry," Georgio originally
"Tina Cherry" China (rhymes with Tina) is a town in Mexico
Allison O'Silla
"Tidy Naggers," INXS originally
"Tiny Daggers" Dubious virtue for naggers to be tidy!
Renee Keener
"Dancy Tiner ," Elton John originally
"Tiny Dancer" I'd like to see that in Sir Elton's hands!
Grandpa must be telling stories again.
"Sired Of Tex," Weezer originally
"Tired Of Sex" Yes, DNA shows Tex to be the father.
Lois Teem
"Boo A Soldier Toy," The Tassels originally
"To A Soldier Boy" Christina Caraway
"Boo A Soldier Toy," The Tassels originally
"To A Soldier Boy" Christina Caraway
"Boo A Soldier Toy," The Tassels originally
"To A Soldier Boy" Christina Caraway
"To Lee Above Her," Billy Idol originally
"To Be A Lover" Sonya Raynos
"You Be With Two," Mr. Big originally
"To Be With You" Sonya Raynos
"You Be With Two," Mr. Big originally
"To Be With You" Sonya Raynos
"To Heck With Cold Santa Laws," Loretta Lynn originally
"To Heck With Old Santa Claus" Mary Ann Brite
"To Heck With Cold Santa Laws," Loretta Lynn originally
"To Heck With Old Santa Claus" Bellwether That Wants Its Ramparts Back
"To King Come Dumb," Passion Pit originally
"To Kingdom Come" Toni Minot
"Do Live And Tie In L.A.," 2Pac originally
"To Live And Die In L.A." Reese Witherspoonerism
"To Shake A Long Story, Mort," Spandau Ballet originally
"To Make A Long Story Short" Marge Pegram
Telling a cow to sing?
Trevor Overt
"Boo The Toon And Mack," Savage Garden originally
"To The Moon And Back" Hank E. Panky
"Boo The Moon And Tack," Savage Garden originally
"To The Moon And Back" Marlene L. Ram
"To The Boon And Mack," Savage Garden originally
"To The Moon And Back" Reese Witherspoonerism
"Ooooh --- The Toon Band Mack," Savage Garden originally
"To The Moon And Back" Reese Witherspoonerism
"Two-Day Fuzz, A Wary Tale," Taylor Swift originally
"Today Was A Fairytale" Regina Haniger
"Two-Way Fuzz, A Dairy Tale," Taylor Swift originally
"Today Was A Fairytale" Regina Haniger
"Two-way Don't Go Down In History," Teach-In originally
"Today Won't Go Down in History" Bellwether That Wants Its Ramparts Back
"Goo Gather A Ten," Buck Owens originally
"Together Again" Mary Byram
"Goo Gather A Ten," Buck Owens originally
"Together Again" Mary Byram
"Goo Tether Forever," Rick Astley originally
"Together Forever" Tess O. Gosset
"To Feather Gore Ever," Rick Astley originally
"Together Forever" Sonya Raynos
"Tony, Oh Kites," Krokus originally
"Tokyo Nights" Bruce Curb
"Cammi The Tot," Primus originally
"Tommy The Cat" Rocky II
"Commie The Tat," Primus originally
"Tommy The Cat" Rocky
"Boo Night On The WT," The Comas originally
"Tonight On The WB" Allison O'Silla
"Tonight On The Bubble You Wee," The Comas originally
"Tonight On The WB" Allison O'Silla
"To Bite On The W Knee," The Comas originally
"Tonight On The WB" Allison O'Silla
"Blue Too," 9Nine originally
"Too Blue" Weamon
"Too Fool To Call In Love," Jill Sobule originally
"Too Cool To Fall In Love" Angelina Laide
"Stew Hot To Top," The Bar-Kays originally
"Too Hot To Stop" Andy Gibb's Free Energy
"To Bait For Good Lies," Julian Lennon originally
"Too Late For Goodbyes" Gordy N. Knott
"Lou Tate For Love," Def Leppard originally
"Too Late For Love" Cotton Lorraine
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
Not a good reason to date!
Clara Suzette Bartilson
Unfortunate for Lou Tate!
Clara Suzette Bartilson
"Too Little, Lou Tate," JoJo originally
"Too Little, Too Late" Lydia Helton
"You Tossed In Lou," Sugababes originally
"Too Lost In You" Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
"Lou Tossed In You," Sugababes originally
"Too Lost In You" Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
"Sue Many Fish In The Tea," The Marvelettes originally
"Too Many Fish In The Sea" How can one sue fish?
Mae Beam
Could tinny people imitate cow calls?
Marcia Todd
"Woo Marvelous For Turds," Ella Fitzgerald originally
"Too Marvelous For Words" Adrienne Ramseur
"Too Touch Mime on My Hands," Styx originally
"Too Much Time on My Hands" Samantha Fox Sparrow
"Moo Touch Mime On Tye Hands," Styx originally
"Too Much Time On My Hands" Peter
"Ooh! Much To Task," Niall Horan originally
"Too Much To Ask" Toni Minot
"Ooh! Much To Task," Niall Horan originally
"Too Much To Ask" Toni Minot
"Top Sporty News Weather And Forts," Mark Dinning originally
"Top 40 News Weather And Sports" Ned MacCamden
"Top 40 Spews Nether And Warts," Mark Dinning originally
"Top 40 News Weather And Sports" Rapunzel Gladstone
"Mop Tan," Blur originally
"Top Man" B1982
"Touchin' The Night," Silent Circle originally
"Touch In The Night" Mary Byram
"Much Tea In The Morning," Diana Ross originally
"Touch Me In The Morning" Amanda Svenson
"Touch Me Whwn We're Sanding," The Carpenters originally
"Touch Me Whwn We're Dancing" Allison O'Silla
"Such Tea, I'm Mick," Mudhoney originally
"Touch Me, I'm Sick" Reese Witherspoonerism
"Touch Sea, I'm Mick," Mudhoney originally
"Touch Me, I'm Sick" Reese Witherspoonerism
"Much Tea, I'm Sick," Mudhoney originally
"Touch Me, I'm Sick" Reese Witherspoonerism
"Toucha, Toucha, Toucha, Much Tea," Victoria Justice originally
"Toucha, Toucha, Toucha, Touch Me" Tess O. Gosset
"Buff Little Toys," Gary Allan originally
"Tough Little Boys" Just in time for the Holidays.
"Main Of Tremor Ease," Kathy Mattea originally
"Train Of Memories" Lydia Idly
"Boxed In A Trap," No Doubt originally
"Trapped In A Box" Unusual place for a boxing match!
Waldo D. Law
"Apt Tin Ray Corner," Death originally
"Trapped In A Corner" Janice Ferrell
"Tapped In Ray Corner," Death originally
"Trapped In A Corner" Janice Ferrell
"Apt In Tray Corner," Death originally
"Trapped In A Corner" Janice Ferrell
"Crapped in the troset," R. Kelly originally
"Trapped in the Closet" bobthemagicaligator
"Meet Tree Right," Pat Benatar originally
"Treat Me Right" Ned MacCamden
"A Tree In The Carp," Helen Morgan originally
"A Tree In The Park" Joe North
"Pay Tree In The Ark," Helen Morgan originally
"A Tree In The Park" Eva Cave
"They Pee In Tree Arc," Helen Morgan originally
"A Tree In The Park" Eva Cave
"Pay Tree In The Ark," Helen Morgan originally
"A Tree In The Park" Eva Cave
"They Pee In Tree Arc," Helen Morgan originally
"A Tree In The Park" Eva Cave
"Trickers Fanned Stools," Lynx originally
"Tricksters And Fools" Lydia Idyl
"Woo Love Trays," Buddy Holly originally
"True Love Ways" Penelope Beckinsale
"Strew Tories," Datarock originally
"True Stories" Toni Minot
"Must In Tree," Etta James originally
"Trust In Me" Doodah Bobo
Does must grow on trees?
Regina Haniger
"Must Tree," The Fray originally
"Trust Me" A tree that gives off a musty scent?
Lou Quilson
"Eye The Trim Possible," Lee Andrews originally
"Try The Impossible" Sir Ron Norris
"Thy Tree Impossible," Lee Andrews originally
"Try The Impossible" Sir Ron Norris
"Try Thistling Whiss," Neil Finn originally
"Try Whistling This" Elon Muskrat
"Ryan To Find A Treason," Martina McBride originally
"Tryin' To Find A Reason" Julia Cox
"Trying To Mold On To High Woman," Lamont Dozier originally
"Trying To Hold On To My Woman" Gordy N. Knott
"Duckers Taught Her," Ian Moss originally
"Tucker's Daughter" Ava Murphy
"News Day Tight Rain," Dylan LeBlanc originally
"Tuesday Night Rain" Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit
"News Day Tight Rain," Dylan LeBlanc originally
"Tuesday Night Rain" Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit
"Learn A Mound Rook At Tea," The Vogues originally
"Turn Around Look At Me" Claire Annette Player
"Burn Tack Time," Aqua originally
"Turn Back Time" Lou Quilson
"Dern Town Day," The Cyrkle originally
"Turn Down Day" Mary Byram
"Dern Town Day," The Cyrkle originally
"Turn Down Day" Patricia McClure
"Turn Lee Moose," Loverboy originally
"Turn Me Loose" "No," says Lee, who doesn't want to be a moose.
Connie Brady
"Learn Off The Tight," Nelly Furtado originally
"Turn Off The Light" Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit
"Burn That Tart Heat Over Again," Steely Dan originally
"Turn That Heartbeat Over Again" H. Tim Smith
"Burn That Tart Heat Over Again," Steely Dan originally
"Turn That Heartbeat Over Again" H. Tim Smith
"Knight the Turnip," Black Sabbath originally
"Turn Up the Night" Been in my head for 35 years!
Kurt Kennedy
"Shut," ZZ Top originally
"Tush" Rocky
"The Twelve Craze Dove Isthmus," Traditional originally
"The Twelve Days Of Christmas" Bellwether That Wants Its Ramparts Back
"Tryst Canned Wall," English Beat originally
"Twist And Crawl" That's bizarre!
Bellwether That Wants Its Ramparts Back
"Missed Sigh Twister," Murderdolls originally
"Twist My Sister" Evil Olive
"Twist Sigh, Mister," Murderdolls originally
"Twist My Sister" Evil Olive
"Two Carts, Two Hisses," Shakin' Stevens originally
"Two Hearts, Two Kisses" Penelope Beckinsale
"Two Tarts, Who Kisses," Shakin' Stevens originally
"Two Hearts, Two Kisses" Penelope Beckinsale
How does one sauce tolls?
Claire Annette Player
"Who Of Tarts," Stacey Q originally
"Two Of Hearts" Helen Football
"Threw Out Of Tree Ain't Bad," Meat Loaf originally
"Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad" I'd consider it bad, grammatically and otherwise.
D. Melody Dole, MD
"Boo Out Of Three Taint Ad," Meatloaf originally
"Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad" Amy Grunt
"Woo Teaks In Hawaii," Hellogoodbye originally
"Two Weeks In Hawaii" Do teak trees even grow there?
Ron N. O'Connor
"Woo Teaks In Hawaii," Hellogoodbye originally
"Two Weeks In Hawaii" Do teak trees even grow there?
Ron N. O'Connor
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