Original Song | Parody Song | Parody Author |
"A British Tar" |
"A British Bar" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"A British Tar" |
"A British Car" |
"wannabemustangjockey" |
"A British Tar is a Soaring Soul" |
"A Witty Song Can Be Very Fun" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"A Little List" |
"I've Got A Little List" |
"Charles Williams" |
"Although Our Dark Career" |
"Although Our Sordid Spoof" |
"Stray Pooch" |
"A Modern Major General" |
"A Democratic Pedophile" |
"Thomas Bracewell" |
"A More Humane Mikado" |
"The Mikado's Song" |
"Charles Williams" |
"A Policeman's Lot" |
"An Obese Man's Bod Is Lots Of Flabby Fun!" |
"Nib Oswald" |
"A Policeman's Lot" |
"A Policeman Shoots Directly To The Brain" |
"Sweet Indigo" |
"A Policeman's Lot" |
"A Policeman's Job" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"A Policeman's Lot" |
"A Policeman's Job" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"A Policeman's Lot Is Not a Happy One" |
"A Musician's Lot Is Not a Happy One" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"A Policeman's Lot is Not a Happy One" |
"I'll Be Darned if Crosby, Stills and Nash Need Young" |
"Parody Keet" |
"A Rollicking Band of Pirates We" |
"A Rollicking Band of Perverts We" |
"The Comedian" |
"A Rollicking Band Of Pirates We" |
"Part R - Johnny D" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"A Wandering Minstrel, I" |
"A Parodista, I" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"A Wandering Minstrel I" |
"Part P - Phil Alexander" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"Away, Away! My Hearts On Fire!" |
"Away, Away! I Light Me Fire!" |
"Kim West" |
"Criminal Cried As He Dropped Him Down" |
"Part H - Matthias" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"Dance a Cachucha, Fandango, Bolero" |
"Eat a Fajita, Burrito, Tortilla" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"Duet (Captain and Buttercup)" |
"Duet Parody (Likewise)" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"Farewell My Own" |
"Farewell My Ale" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"I Am A Pirate King" |
"I Am An Alien Thing" |
"Stan Hall" |
"I Am the Captain of the Pinafore" |
"I Am Quite Crapulent and Pinch a Snort" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I am the Captain of the Pinafore" |
"I am the Captain of the Punafore" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"I Am the Monarch of the Sea" |
"Cervantes, Monarch of the Sea" |
"Tokusou Sentai Blessranger" |
"I Am the Monarch of the Seas" |
"Aimiright Monster Parodies" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Monarch of the Seas" |
"Amiright Monster Parodies (corrected version)" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Monarch of the Sea" |
"When She Is Moppin' Menarche" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I am the Pirate King" |
"I am the Nazgul King" |
"White Weasel 89" |
"I Am the Very Model. . . ." |
"I Ambled to Herr Mengele. . ." |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model. . . ." |
"Iamb Octet My Model--Nyet!--When I Amb Mocking 'General'" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model. . . ." |
"Iams Fed to My Mongrel. . ." |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"A Bone Is What I Wanted For A Bit Of Osteology" |
"Andy Primus" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"A Fan Of Heavy Metal...(Led Zeppelin tribute)" |
"Andy Primus" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"A Flight Across The Puddle (Part 1) Texas" |
"Andy Primus" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"A Flight Across The Puddle (Part 2) California" |
"Andy Primus" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"A Flight Across The Puddle (Part 3) New York" |
"Andy Primus" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"A Geeky Hobby (Geography - part 1) Europe" |
"Andy Primus" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-general" |
"A Hobbit's Tale" |
"Adam Eccleshall" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-general" |
"A Hobbit's Tale, Ep. Iii: Dude, Wheres My Sequel?" |
"Adam Eccleshall" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-general" |
"A Hobbit's Tale, Episode II: Frodo & Sam's Bogus J" |
"Adam Eccleshall" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"A Lot Of Modern Music Has The Singin' So Unbearable" |
"Andy Primus" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"A Marvel of The British Royal Family" |
"John Dacey" |
"I Am the Very Model of A Modern Major General" |
"A Model of Trump's Cabinet" |
"John Dacey" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"A Modest Monk Named Mendel Modeled Theories Geneti" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General"" |
"A Parodist's Primer" |
"Stan Hall" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"Each Hand Is Very Able; I Am Almost Ambidexterous" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"Egyptians: Daring Model For A Mid-East Change, In General" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"He Has a Very Mottled Face, and It Is Not Congenit" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"He Has Been Very Mangled; the Man's in a Major Hos" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"He Is the Scary Model of the Worst Attorney Genera" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Act Very Cro Magnon, I Claim; Mate Avers: 'Neand" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"I Am A Fairly Muddled Up And Rotten Musical Teacher" |
"Nib Oswald" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Am a Famous Singer and I Want to Ride My Bicycle" |
"Sweet Indigo" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"I Am A Merry Maiden And An English-Major Fiddlegirl" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Am A Most Beleaguered Former Pakistani General" |
"John Jenkins" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"I Am A Singing Teacher Of Some Anglo-Saxon History (C. 455 - 878 A.D.)" |
"Andy Primus" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Am a Svelty Model; I Binge, Purge, and Mangia De" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Am a the Very Model of a Modern Starfleet Admira" |
"Michael Pacholek" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"I Am A Tired Runner In A Super-ultramarathon" |
"Peter Andersson a.k.a K1chyd" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"I Am A Very Angsty Teen, A Poet And A Diarist" |
"Sweet Indigo" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"I Am A Very Coddled Over-Modeled Poser Popular" |
"blackjack21" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Am a Very Lazy Useless Individual" |
"Below Average Dave" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"I Am Binary-Modal, Sexa-Octal Hexadecimal" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"I Am The Body Double Of That Hunk Called Allan Qua" |
"Tim Mayfield" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"I Am The Merry Model Of A Codger-ager Socialist" |
"Leough" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"I Am The Perfect Pitchman To Vend Vitameatavegamin" |
"Stan Hall" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"I am the Very Hobbit who has Habits not so Hobbit-y" |
"2nz" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"I am the Very Master of all Errors Typographical" |
"Red Ant" |
"I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"I Am The Very Model of a Dead Iraqi General" |
"Bruce Decker" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"I am the Very Model of a Fan-girl Who has Lost Her Mind" |
"Wufpakgrl" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Fan Of Oldie Poppy Rock" |
"Andy Primus" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I am the Very Model of a Lauded Cager General" |
"Timmy1000" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Am the Very Model of a MasterChef Professional" |
"Nick Hunn" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Business Criminal" |
"Ferdinand" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Gender Feminist" |
"Brad R" |
"I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Am The Very Model of a Modern Homosexual" |
"R. Reinhart" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-general" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Managerial" |
"chance" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Mod'rate Centrist Democrat (Obama)" |
"Fiddlegirl and Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Am the Very Model of an Epidemiologist" |
"Brenda Skinner" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I am the Very Model of a Noble Worthy Scottish Tha" |
"MooseFromPoland" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-general" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Parliament'ry Candidate" |
"Adam Eccleshall" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"I am the Very Model of a Presidential Candidate" |
"Chris Frederick" |
"I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Am The Very Model of a Rabbinic Authority" |
"MasonR" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I am the Very Model of a Student Undergraduate" |
"AlexJ" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I am the very Model of a Student Undergraduate" |
"Alex J" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"I Am the Very Model of Modern Med School Occupant" |
"Ana Sedai" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"I Am TVM Of A Song That's Fit For Parody" |
"Adam Eccleshall" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I am Very Model of a StarTrek Technobabble Geek" |
"Tsvi Gold" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Can Get Very Maudlin Also Mawkish, Takin' Demero" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"I Enter With A Wobble: I'm A Drunken Major-General" |
"Andy Primus" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Have a Mangy Monkey Who Hocks Up Then Makes For" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Have Modeled a Moniker to Name a Made-up Genital" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I am The Very Model Of a Modern Major General" |
"I'm a Nasal Archaeologist" |
"Airfarcewon" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I'm Following a Toddler in a Cart at Dollar General" |
"Fiddlegirl" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I'm Very Fond of Montel--Watch After 'Hospital, Ge" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I'm Vexed Ma Bell Has Gone the Way of Hominids Nea" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Press Vestments in Mothballs; Pests on Cloth Cra" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"Iran's The Very Model Of 'Salaam' Islamic Tolerance" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I Use a Rhyming Dictionary to Complete My Parodies" |
"Rex Ungericht" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"I Used To Drink Alone Until I Had To Get A Loan To Drink" |
"Airfarcewon" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"I was the Very Model of a U.S. Surgeon General" |
"Red Ant" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"Kristof Robertson: Do Kris Kristofferson!" |
"Stuart McArthur" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"Lefty-Leaning Parodist" |
"Bob Gomez" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"Madesa's Very Modern In Her Gen'ral Major Modeling" |
"Airfarcewon" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"My Hairy, Scary Mongrel Mocks Me, Makes My Monthly" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"My Hands Are Never Hobbled and I Gobble Grub Gobs" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"My Hand's In Ev'ry Hottie; I'm An OB/Gynecologist" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am The Very Model of A Modern Major General" |
"My Remodel of the Modern Major General" |
"Agrimorfee" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"Part I - Stuart McArthur" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"Prepped, Primed, Prone, Proud in Parodies to Ponde" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"Should Tommy Turtle Really Do Three Hundred 'Major-Generals'?" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"Song Is Very Fast and So It's Very Hard to Parody" |
"Chris Bodily TM" |
"I Am The Very Model of A Modern Major-General" |
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"That Oscar Mayer's has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A" |
"MooseFromPoland" |
"I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"The AmIRight Song" |
"S.T.G." |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"The Beauty Therapist's Song" |
"Brave brigand brian" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"The Major-General's Parody's A Challenge Steep And Ominous" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" |
"The Major General Watches TV" |
"Brave Brigand Brian" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"The Unabomber's Mental State Is Rotten, Hateful, Criminal" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"The Very Model of an Angry Men's Rights Activist" |
"Brad R" |
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" |
"They Are The Stupid Models Of Student Individuals" |
"Red Ant" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"This Is a Scary Motel Where Mad Mom’s Made with Male Genitals" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"This Is the Very Motel in Which Norman Bates Erred" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"This Parody's A Neologist's Golden Opportunity" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"To All My Friends At AmIRight, I'd Like To Show My Gratitude" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" |
"To Jazz That's Very Modal and Not Major I'm Prefer" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" |
"You're Not The Sorta Inverse Of An Ancient Minor-Corporal" |
"Plumb Bob" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major Jeneral" |
"My Dog's The Very Model Of A Major Inconvenience" |
"Stan Hall" |
"I Am the Very Model of. . . ." |
"I Went to See the Mothball Tubs. . ." |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of the Modern Major General" |
"I Am a Hairy Mammal—No Model of Modern Sapiens" |
"John A. Barry" |
"I Am the Very Model of the Modern Major-General" |
"I Am the People's Pref'rence for the Perfect Surgeon General" |
"Leo Keough" |
"I Am the Very Model of the Modern Major-General" |
"I Am the Very Symbol of the Spoofer Hypercritical" |
"Leo Keough" |
"I Am the Very Model. . . ." |
"The Time Has Come to Mothball One-Time Prime Motor Firm, General" |
"John A. Barry" |
"If You Want A Receipt For That Popular Mystery" |
"If You Want A Receipt For That Modern Anomaly" |
"Andy Senior (aka The Carpal Tunnel Kid)" |
"I Have A Song To Sing -O (from Yeoman of the Guard)" |
"I Have To Play Some Bing-O" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"I Have a Song To Sing, O" |
"I Have a Song To Spoof, Oh" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"I Have A Song To Sing, O" |
"Part C - Rick Duncan" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"I'm Called Little Buttercup" |
"General J.D. and Stuey Poo Resolve to Fight" |
"Stuart McArthur" |
"I'm Called Little Buttercup" |
"I'm Called Little Gutterbutt" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"I'm Called Little Buttercup" |
"I'm Called Princess Arwen" |
"Stuart McArthur" |
"I'm Called Little Buttercup" |
"Part M - Stuart McArthur" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"I'm Called Little Buttercup" |
"Part Q - Stuart McArthur" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"In a Doleful Train" |
"Patience at the Station" |
"Sweet Indigo" |
"In Enterprise Of Martial Kind" |
"Part E - Phil Alexander" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"In Enterprise of Martial Kind" |
"President Bush's Enterprise" |
"Eric Stoddard" |
"It Really Doesn't Matter" |
"It Really Doesn't Matter (Now More than Ever)" |
"Andy Senior (aka The Carpal Tunnel Kid)" |
"I've Got A Little List from 'The Mikado'" |
"I've Got A Little List" |
"Chris Hampton" |
"I've Got a Little List (from "The Mikado")" |
"I've Got a Little List" |
"Steven Krulick" |
"I've Got A Little List" |
"I've Got A List Too" |
"John Dacey" |
"I've Got A Little List" |
"I've Got A Little List (of new features for the new version)" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"I've Got A Little List" |
"I've Got A Little List" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"I've Got a Little List" |
"I've Got Them on the List (I'm still Got a Little List)" |
"Mike Zhou" |
"I've Got a Little List" |
"The Batman Protocols" |
"Orville Eastland" |
"Major-General Song" |
"Mongrel-President Song" |
"Al Silver" |
"Major-General's Song" |
"2017's Song" |
"Chris Wolvie" |
"Major General's Song" |
"I am the very model of a Whiny Emo Myspace Whore" |
"Isaac Lewis" |
"Major General's Song" |
"Scatologist's Song" |
"poomaster" |
"Major-General's Song" |
"The Big East" |
"The Admiral" |
"Miya Sama, Miya Sama (Mikado)" |
"He Obama, She Obama (Michelle-O)" |
"Barry J. Mitchel" |
"Model of a Modern Major General" |
"Model of a Doctor Holographical" |
"Heather Leonard" |
"Modern Major General" |
"Archetypal Devil Child" |
"Mytheos Holt" |
"Modern Major General" |
"G&S Obsessional" |
"Sweet Indigo" |
"Modern Major General" |
"I Am the Morose Movie Mogul" |
"TJC" |
"Modern Major General" |
"I Am The Very Model Of A Libel-spewing Hypocrite" |
"Mytheos Holt" |
"Modern Major General" |
"I'm Mensa's Major Mastermind with IQ That's Amazing 'em" |
"TJC" |
"Modern Major General" |
"I Own The Very Model T My Grandpa Used To Drive Me In" |
"Airfarcewon" |
"Modern Major General" |
"Lord of the Nazgul" |
"LOTR is for LOSERS" |
"Modern Major-General" |
"Major Anti-Socialite" |
"2nz" |
"Modern Major-General" |
"Media Celebrity" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"Modern Major General" |
"Modern New York Gambler" |
"SimmEcats" |
"Modern Major General" |
"Modern Ward Based Pharmacist" |
"Dexy" |
"Modern Major General" |
"Operetta Musical" |
"TIm Cerchia" |
"Modern Major General" |
"Sarbanes-Oxley Song" |
"Bob Konigsberg" |
"Modern Major-General" |
"Scottish Major-General" |
"The Comedian" |
"Modern Major General" |
"Stubborn Dwarven Warrior" |
"White Weasel 89" |
"Modern Major General" |
"Test Tube Stem Cell General" |
"Patrick McWilliams" |
"Modern Major General" |
"The Martha Stewart Song" |
"Alan Friedman, Southern Discomfort" |
"Modern Major General" |
"What a Wizard is in General" |
"Warren Usui" |
"My eyes are fully open (Matter Patter)" |
"My love for G&S" |
"Sweet Indigo" |
"My Gallant Crew, Good Morning" |
"My Lame-duck Few, I'm Mourning" |
"Barry J. Mitchel" |
"My Name Is John Wellington Wells" |
"Part K - Stray Pooch" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"Never Mind the Why and Wherefore" |
"Food Designed to Lighten, Pare More" |
"Barry J. Mitchel" |
"Never Mind the Why or Wherefore" |
"Never Mind the Rye or Whiskey" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"Nightmare Song" |
"Right-Winger's Nightmare Song" |
"Al Silver" |
"Oh, Is There Not One Maiden Breast?" |
"Oh, Is There Not One Normal Breast?" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"Oh Men Of Dark And Dismal Faith" |
"Part N - Stray Pooch" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"On the Pinafore (reprise)" |
"In the Punafore (reprise)" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"On the Pinafore We Sail" |
"In the Punafore We Hail" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"Pinafore Finale" |
"Punafore Finale" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"Pirate King" |
"Typo King" |
"Cheese Head" |
"Poor Wandering One" |
"Poor Laundering Son" |
"Nib Oswald" |
"Poor Wand'ring One" |
"Poor Laund'ring One" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"Sighing Softly To The River" |
"Part D - Johnny D" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"Sighing Softly To The River" |
"Spying Stuff From Lewd Submitters" |
"The Comedian" |
"Sing Hey to You, Good Day to You" |
"Patience Needed (winter 2015)" |
"StoryMing" |
"Sir Joseph's Song (HMS Pinafore)" |
"Obama's Song (he's never bin afore)" |
"Barry J. Mitchel" |
"Sir Joseph's Song" |
"Sir Hoseoff's Song" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"Sorry the Lot" |
"Sorry the Sot" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"The Battle of The Pirates of Penzance" |
"The Battle of The Pirates Who Penstanzas" |
"The Comedian" |
"The Captain Of The Pinnafore" |
"Part F - John A. Barry" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"The Duke of Plaza-Toro" |
"Andersen Consulting" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Duke of Plaza-Toro" |
"Full of Smut and Porno" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The First Lord's Song" |
"The Gore-Thirst Sang" |
"John A. Barry" |
"The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring" |
"Part A - Scathe" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring" |
"The Children Who Listen To Tim" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring" |
"The Jokesters That Roam AmIRight" |
"Scathe" |
"The Lord High Executioner's Song" |
"The Top 10 Parodists" |
"Agrimorfee" |
"The Major General Song" |
"A Modern Vegetarian" |
"Meryl Danziger" |
"The Major-General Song" |
"I am the Very Model of A Galilean Fisherman" |
"Glenn Walker" |
"The Major General Song" |
"That Klink Is Such An idiot, He Thinks he Can Be General" |
"Doug Baseball" |
"The Major General Song" |
"The Cambridge Analytica Song" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"A Modern Raving Neocon (The Neocon's Song)" |
"MacDaffy" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"A Very Modern Major-General" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major General's song" |
"Deranged Electoral Throng" |
"John A. Barry" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"I Am A Former Kiddie Star, Now A Hormonal Teenager" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"I Am An Acolyte Of The Invisible Pink Unicorn" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"I am the Very Model of an Ancient Roman Emperor" |
"Susanna Viljanen" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"I Am the Very Model of a Pedant Quite Grammatical" |
"Dr. Oliver Clozoff" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"I Do Not Know The Model Of This Modem Data General" |
"Guy DiRito" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"If Gilbert & Sullivan wrote ‘Edmund Fitzgerald’" |
"John A. Barry" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"I Have A Nasty Case Of Every Virus Bug Conceivable" |
"Cat" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"Is AmIRight The Model Of A Boomer Humor URL?" |
"Tommy Turtle" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"I Swear This Is the Last Time I'll Go Boating with Odysseus" |
"Spaff.com" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"I've Made An Airfix Model of a Supermarine Harrier" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major Generals Song" |
"Mister Self Improvement" |
"Peter Wyllie" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"Of Mammon Gelt It’s Full Song" |
"John A. Barry" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Atheist Supremacist's Song" |
"Robin Edgar" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Business Analyst's Song" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Caribbean Commodore's Song" |
"JNorrington615" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Four-Star General’s Schlong" |
"John A. Barry" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Fundamentalist's Song" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Iraqi Democracy Song" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Made-On-TV pop star's song" |
"Ethan Mawyer" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Mad War Criminal Song" |
"VU" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Major Artery Song" |
"Ethan Mawyer" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Major-Gold Digger's Song" |
"Arwen" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Mangy Killer of Dog" |
"John A. Barry" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Master-Clerical Schlong" |
"John A. Barry" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Mayn’t Be Metrical Song" |
"John A. Barry" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Model of Modern Intelligentsia" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Mothball Fleet, So Long Song" |
"John A. Barry" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The MRSA Song" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The Muslim Radical's Song" |
"Callmelennie" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Neo-Nazi's Song" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The 'Nintendo-Wii-Sounds-Stupid' Song" |
"the_conqueror_of_parodies" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Nutritionist's Song" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Phil Alexander Song" |
"Red Ant" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Pontiff's Song" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The President's Song" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Song of our New Political Age" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The Sport-Utility's Song" |
"wannabemustangjockey" |
"The Major-General’s Song" |
"The Uncle’s Song" |
"Hakim" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"The (Worried Russian)" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major General's Song" |
"The X-Woman Wannabe's Song" |
"Arwen" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"Wannabemustangjockey's Song" |
"wannabemustangjockey" |
"The Major-General's Song" |
"Who are the "Music Publishing Rights Collecting Society"?" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"The Major-Modern General" |
"Why Can't You Guys Write Anything But..." |
"Matthias" |
"The Nightmare Song" |
"King Chucky's Nightmare Song" |
"The Comedian" |
"The Sorceror's Song" |
"His Name is John 'Johnny D' Smalls" |
"Stray Pooch" |
"They'll None Of 'Em Be Missed" |
"Part B - Agrimorfee" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"Things Are Seldom What They Seem" |
"Kings Are Held In Bought Esteem" |
"Barry J. Mitchel" |
"Three Little Maids" |
"Bill and Ted's Most Triumphant Tune" |
"Adam Eccleshall" |
"Three Little Maids From School Are We" |
"Part J - Kristof Robertson" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"Three Little Maids from School" |
"Three Jewish Boys from Schul" |
"2Eagle" |
"Three Little Maids" |
"Three Bully Boys" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"Tit Willow (from 'The Mikado')" |
"Poor Willow" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"Tit Willow" |
"Tweet Fellow" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"When A Felon's Not Engaged In His Employment" |
"Help The Pirates Screw The Songs Of Acts Indecent" |
"Jeff Reuben" |
"When A Felon's Not Engaged In His Employment" |
"Part O - Jeff Reuben" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"When a Felon's Not Engaged in His Employment" |
"When a Hedgehog's Not Annoying Doctor Eggman" |
"DJL" |
"When Frederic was a little lad (Pirates of Penzanc" |
"My Career In Science" |
"Sweet Indigo" |
"When I was a Lad" |
"Before I Went Mad" |
"White Weasel 89" |
"When I Was a Lad" |
"Dread Guy’s Name Is Vlad" |
"John A. Barry" |
"When I Was A Lad" |
"Dread Vile Nazi Vlad" |
"VU" |
"When I Was A Lad from HMS Pinafore" |
"When [Bush] Was A Boy" |
"Lara Inis" |
"When I was a lad" |
"Hurricane Florence song" |
"Stephen Mahala" |
"When I was a Lad" |
"Now I Am The Ruler Of The Left's Party" |
"Sidney Johnston" |
"When I Was A Lad" |
"Part L - Johnny D" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"When I Was a Lad" |
"Pinball Wizard" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"When I Was A Lad" |
"We're Evil And Bad" |
"The Comedian" |
"When I Was a Lad" |
"When Bush Was a Lad" |
"Michael Pacholek" |
"When I was a Lad" |
"When I was a Bum" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"When I Was a Lad" |
"When I Was a Dad" |
"Rick Duncan" |
"When You're Lying Awake" |
"Part G - Johnny D" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"When You're Lying Awake (The Nightmare Song)" |
"When You're Trying to Fake (The Loser's Song)" |
"A Roomful of Monkeys" |
"When You're Lying Awake (the Nightmare Song)" |
"When You're Trying To Fight (the Election Song)" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"Willow Tit Willow" |
"Blatter, Sepp Blatter" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"Willow, Tit Willow" |
"Nuggets, Quorn Nuggets" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"Willow Tit-Willow" |
"Part T - Dee Range" |
"Pirates Who Penstanzas - an AmIRight Opera" |
"Willow Tit Willow" |
"Piggy Miss Piggy" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"Willow Tit Willow" |
"Portillo" |
"Phil Alexander" |
"Willow Tit-Willow" |
"Will he Tit-Swallow Spit-Swallow?" |
"Dee Range" |
"With Cat-Like Tread (Upon Our Prey We Steal)" |
"Hey Bartender! I need another drink!" |
"the_conqueror_of_parodies" |