Letter indexes for Misc: [#] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
These are arranged alphabetically for Misc for the original song name beginning with a "J".
Original Song/Performer | Parody Song/Author |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Bladderblocky," The Comedian |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Jabber Gothy," John A. Barry |
"Jabberwocky," Wouldn't You Like to Know... | "Jabberoth," Wouldn't You Like to Know... |
"Jabberwocky," Lews Carroll | "Jabbertalky," John A. Barry |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Jabberwocky Christmas," D. M. Goldstein |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "JabbinRocky," Rick Duncan |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Jabbing Rock (under the Gulf)," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Jagged Moppy," John A. Barry |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Jihad Wacky," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Kill the Prez," Mike Armstrong |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Manateeky," Melanie Lee |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Mergerwocky," Giorgio Coniglio |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Microwocky 2.0," uncajon |
"The Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "The Bushawocky," Richard Astley-Clemas |
"The Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "The Clinkerwocky," Richard Astley-Clemas |
"The Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "The Drugawocky," Richard Astley-Clemas |
"The Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "The Washerwocky," Richard Astley-Clemas |
"Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll | "Whackyerjockey," uncajon |
"Jack Ass," Beck | "Jack Johnson," Fack Sabbath |
"Jack & Diane," John Cougar Mellencamp | "Div & Wild Man," Diva & Wild Man |
"Jack Sprat," Traditional | "Jack Spat," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jack Sprat," Traditional | "Jack's Crack," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jack and Diane," John Mellencamp | "Dubya and Chaney," Necrotoxen666 |
"Jack and Jill," Traditional Nursery Rhyme | "Barack and Hillary," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Jack and Jill," Traditional | "Tom and Jill," LoriLoud33 |
"The Jackass Song," Harry Belafonte | "The Dumbass Song," harry |
"Jack be Nimble," Traditional | "Poles are Simple," Arden Ockkerfuss |
"The Jacket," Ashley McBryde | "The Sunshine," Duc4AmIRight |
"Jackie Blue," Ozark Mountain Daredevils | "RosAnn," Spoof-man |
"Jackson," Johnny Cash | "Justin," Weird Aaron |
"Jackson," Kaitlin Butts | "Secret," Duc4AmIRight |
"Jacob and Sons," Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat | "Mumford and Sons," SpencerTheGriffinator |
"Jacob and Sons," Musical | "My Monster Sandwhich," Josh 2 |
"Jag vill bli en pansarskytt," Traditional | "In Swedish: Jag vill bli en innebandyskytt," Peter Andersson a.k.a K1chyd |
"Jail House Rock," Elvis Presley | "White House Rock (Revisited)," Ghetto John |
"Jailbreak," Thin Lizzy | "Toothache," Fack Sabbath |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Bailout Rock," Leo Keough |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Basketball Rock," Freddie C. |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley (THE KING) | "Doc Ock Rock," Terrance Tucker |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Graveyard Rock," Tenacious Lee |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Grillhouse Rock," Jack Wilson |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Home Run Rock," Freddie C. |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis | "J-Lo's Rack," Phil Alexander |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Jailhouse Rick," Tokusou Sentai Blessranger |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Jailhouse Rocks," John A. Barry |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Jailhouse Trogs," John A. Barry |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis | "Mail-House Schlock," John A. Barry |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Nimrod Rock," Below Average Dave |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Outhouse Walk," Alvin Rhodes |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Poorhouse Rock," Michael Pacholek |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Roundball Rock," Arcade Junkie |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "South Park Sucks," Tokusou Sentai Blessranger |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Whale Got Chopped," John A. Barry |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "White House Rock ( The Three-qual)," Ghetto John, Michael Florio , & Billy Florio |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "White House Rock-n-Roll," mAximo |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "White House Rock," Ghetto John |
"Jailhouse Rock," Elvis Presley | "Whitehouse Rock-n-Roll," mAximo |
"Jamaica Farewell," Harry Belafonte | "Jamaica Fare not too Well,(Darned Thing Went Down)," Airfarcewon |
"Jambalaya (On The Bayou)," Hank WIlliams | "Can't Have No Fun With Gay Guy-os," Guy DiRito |
"Jambalaya (On The Bayou)," Hank Williams | "I'm No Liar," U Guest It |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams Sr. | "Bye Sanjaya," Airfarcewon |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Chumbalaya," John A. Barry |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Chumbalaya," Tokusou Sentai Blessranger |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Damn Bald Tire," Airfarcewon |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Dumbo Flyer," Alvin Rhodes |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Gum Ball Fire," Airfarcewon |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams Sr | "JCAHO-LAYA," PMS |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Jim-bo Hired," Airfarcewon |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Jongleur's Lyre," John A. Barry |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Jumbled Guy," Michael Pacholek |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Jumbled Mind," Michael Pacholek |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Jumbled Tweeter," John Jenkins |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Junk Bull Mayan," John A. Barry |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Junk—Don’t Fry Up!," John A. Barry |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Nambla Guys," South Park Al |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Shrub's A Liar," Alvin Dover & William Tong |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Suburbs' Guy," Giorgio Coniglio |
"Jambalaya," Hank Williams | "Trumpalaya," eel deal |
"Jana Gana Mana," Rabindranath Tagore | "Jobs Are Gone-a, Man-a," McMSG |
"Jana Gana Mana," Rabindranath Tagore | "Sofia Tarasova National Anthem," A Random Peenoise Texan |
"Jane Says," Janes Addiction | "Brain Cells," Fack Sabbath |
"Janie's Got A Gun," Aerosmith | "Jimmy's Got The Runs," Liv Mulneix |
"January Heart," Miranda Lambert | "Big October Scare," Duc4AmIRight |
"Java Jive," The Manhattan Transfers | "Cola Crave," Jonathan C. |
"Java Jive," Inkspots | "Reflux Romp," Giorgio Coniglio |
"The Jaws of Life," Pierce the Veil | "The Night of Time," Duc4AmIRight |
"Jay Jay the Jet Plane (Children's T.V. show)," Jay Jay the Jet Plane | "Don't Tick Him Off Now...," Jeremiah Witte (With Marcy Mosley) |
"Je Ne Regrette Rien," Edith Piaf | "Que Je Revête Bien," John A. Barry |
"Jealous Heart," Dolly Parton | "Jello Tarts," Airfarcewon |
"Jealousy," Frankie Laine | "EIT (Enhanced Interrogation Techniques)," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Jealousy," Frankie Laine | "Energy," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Jealousy," Frankie Laine | "Spelling Tree (SCRABBLE)," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Jealousy," Frankie Laine | "Unity (NH)," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair," Stephen Foster | "Memes Unseemly? I Don't Care," Mimi |
"Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair," Stephen Foster | "Memes Unseemly? Hey, Who Cares?!," John A. Barry |
"Jeepers Creepers," Louis Armstrong | "Aulkey Dulkies," Too Rich Olson |
"Jeepers, Creepers," Louis Armstrong | "Jeepers, Freepers," William Tong |
"Jeepers Creepers," Louis Armstrong | "Leapers, Creepers," Airfarcewon |
"Jenny, Jenny," Little Richard | "Kenny, Kenny," William Tong |
"Jeremy," Pearl Jam | "Hennery's Moaning," CML |
"Jerusalem," Traditional | "Fled Azkaban," Nib Oswald |
"Jerusalem," William Blake | "Fort Lauderdale," Laurence Dunne |
"Jerusalem," William Blake / Hubert Parry | "Jerusalem (The DNC Debacle)," Hu's On First |
"Jerusalem," William Blake | "Milton Keynes," Jim A |
"Jerusalem," William Blake | "The Reverend Tony Blair," Phil Alexander |
"Jerusalem," William Blake | "The Use of Them?," LucidLupin LeeBee |
"Jesse," Carly Simon | "Jesse (why Did You Use The," Malcolm Higgins |
"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," Johann Sebastian Bach | "Heinous Joys Your Man's Desiring," The Comedian |
"Jesus Christ Superstar," Cast of 'Jesus Christ Superstar' | "Christian Right Goes Too Far," Bartholomew Cheapshot And Giblet O'sarcasm |
"Jesus Christ has Risen Today," Church Hymnal | "Donald Trump is going to Jail!," 2LD4U |
"Jesus In LA," Alec Benjamin | "Christmas In July," Duc4AmIRight |
"Jesus Is Dead," Bleachers | "Akira Is Dead," Duc4AmIRight |
"Jesus Love me," Hymn | "Allah Loves Me," Pete-o |
"Jesus Loves Me," NA | "Allah Loves Me," Bill Schwan |
"Jesus Loves Me," Traditional | "Cheese Has Stuffed Me," Alvin Rhodes |
"Jesus Loves Me," Anna Bartlett Warner | "Croesus Loves Me," John A. Barry |
"Jesus Loves Me," Traditional / Anna Bartlett Warner | "Egypt Loves Me (Hosni Mubarak)," Fiddlegirl and Tommy Turtle |
"Jesus Loves Me," Anna B. Warner | "Fetus Lovers," VU & DJ |
"Jesus Loves Me," Traditional | "Geezers Love Me," Stuart McArthur |
"Jesus Loves Me," Anna B. Warner | "ISIS Moves Free," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jesus Loves Me," Anna B. Warner | "JD’s a Freak," Rievelation |
"Jesus Loves Me," Traditional | "Jesus Hates Donny," eeL deaL |
"Jesus Loves Me," Traditional | "Jesus Loves You," Sarah Cason |
"Jesus Loves Me," Traditional | "Luffy Loves Me," Andrea Huckstep |
"Jesus Loves Me," Traditional | "No One Loves Me (The Evolution Song)," E.S. Blofeld |
"Jesus Loves Me," Traditional | "Obamania," Fiddlegirl |
"Jesus Loves Me," Anna B. Warner | "Putin Hates Them," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jesus Loves Me," Traditional | "Satan Knows Me," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jesus Loves The Little Children," Hymn | "Jesus Loves The Little Children?," Phil Alexander |
"Jesus Loves The Little Children," C. Her'bert Wool'ston | "Michael Loves The Little Children," Antonio & Jessica |
"Jesus Of Suburbia," Green Day | "Lower Main Land," Chris |
"Jesuse Loves Me/Jesus Loves The Little Children," Traditional Christian | "Cheese Is Yummy," Frank Lockner |
"Jet Song," Bernstein/Sondheim (from West Side Story) | "Jetsam," John A. Barry |
"Jet Song," Cast Of West Side Story | "Test Song," Ana Fana |
"The Jet Song," West Side Story | "The Met Song," Alvin Rhodes |
"The Jet Song," Stephen Sondheim (West Side Story) | "The Vet Song," Phil Alexander |
"Jet Song," Cast Of West Side Story | "West Song," Ana Fana An' A Panoply O' Paro' Pals |
"Jets Overhead," Kansas | "The New President," Duc4AmIRight |
"The Jetsons / Knockin' On Heaven's Door," TV Themes / Bob Dylan | "The Flintstones / The Honeymooners," Green Bloodied Hound Dogs |
"Jim Dandy," LaVern Baker | "Dim Manny," Michael Pacholek |
"Jim Dandy," LaVern Baker | "Gym Randy," Michael Pacholek |
"Jimmy Crack Corn (Blue Tail Fly)," Burl Ives | "Gimme Popcorn," Airfarcewon |
"Jimmy Crack Corn (Bluetail Fly)," Folk | "Jimmy Butt Crack," Gitfidl_picker |
"Jimmy Crack Corn and I Don't Care," Traditional | "Connor Gets Killed and Kerry Don't Care," Michael McVey |
"Jimmy Crack Corn," Traditional | "America's Forlorn," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jimmy Crack Corn," Traditional | "Gimme Crack Whore," Rick Duncan |
"Jimmy Mack," Martha And The Vandellas | "Freddie Mac," Malcolm Higgins |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "25 Parodies Of Christmas: 24. Freaky Elf Clock," Jonathan |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Can You Smell Pot?," Ghetto John |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Holiday Songs | "Cigarette Rock," Andria |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Traditional/Bobby Helms/etc. | "Dan and Bill Rock," Chris Bodily TM |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Chubby Checker & Bobby Rydell | "Drink Your Chilled Bock," Guy DiRito |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Traditional | "Gadhafi Fell-SHOCK!!!," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Giblet Smell: Rot!," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Gin Is Swell, Tops!," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Gin-Distill Cops," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Traditional | "Ginger Bread House," Airfarcewon |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Ginkgo, Well Crop!," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Gonna Get Socked," Rebekah Dub |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Jim Goes Belle—Frocked," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Traditional | "Jingal Wall Gun," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bell Rock," John Mayer | "Jingle Ball Rock," Malcolm Higgins |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Jingle Bell Race," Darius Whitehead |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Jingle Bell Socks," Abbott Skelding |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Jingle Bell Spock," Michael Pacholek |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Jingle Hell Shop," A Room Full of Monkeys |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Jingle-Hell Schlock," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Jingled Mel Rock," Michael Pacholek |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Jingo Belle Flop," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Kinko's-Belle Cop," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Kringle Sell Rock," The Comedian |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms in 1957 | "Love My Pet Rock," Linda Terhune |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Traditional | "Rude Housewife Talk," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Single Gals Rock," Airfarcewon |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Traditional | "Stormtrooper Shock," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Chubby Checker & Bobby Rydell | "Taco Bell Flock," Guy DiRito |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "The Rivendell Rock," Bob Gomez |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "Think I'll Kill Lots," Claude Prez |
"Jingle Bell Rock," Bobby Helms | "We Are In Shock," William Tong |
"Jingle Belles," Traditional | "Jingo Belles," William Tong |
"Jingle Bells (1857 Version)," Traditional | "Xmas Hell," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bells (Short Version)," Traditional | "Fuzzy Balls," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bells or Dashing Through The Snow," Traditional Christmas Carolers | "Nascar Bells or Dashing Through The Corn," Caleb Boone |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional music | "A Fandumb Holiday Song: Harpo Bells," Pinkie Pie |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "A New Crush," Ragdoll |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "A Slaying Song," Douglas W. Coulter |
"Jingle Bells," James Pierpoint | "Beer of Hell," JeffSarkisian |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Bethlehem," Alvin Rhodes |
"Jingle Bells," Christmas Carol | "Bing Would Yell," Alvin Rhodes |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Bingle’s Swell," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Boadicea," Phil Alexander |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Broken Christmas Lights," Ten Second Braeden |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Congress Smells," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Crap Shows," T.J. Spindler |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Crap Shows," T.J. Spindler |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Dangle Balls," Airfarcewon |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Dangle Balls," Rick Duncan |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Daschle Yells," John Jenkins |
"Jingle Bells," James Pierpoint | "Diabolical Bells," Joe Melchionne |
"Jingle Bells," Aaron | "Ding Aling Diner," Proudfreak |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Ferry Corsten- Will He Stop?," Parody Beast |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Fill The Blanks," David Chrenko |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Gin Goes Well," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Christmas Carol | "Gin Is Hell," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Gin in Well," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Gin-Tinged Yell," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Ginko Belle," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Grifting Hell," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Handcuff Keys," Jessie W. |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Hang Up Now," Dianna Davis |
"Jingle Bells," Anonymous | "Homer Dome," Freddie C. |
"Jingle Bells," James Pierpont | "Honks and Yells," Vernon Lintmere |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "I'm In Hells," Harold Fuccerman |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Idiots," Rebekah Dub |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "It's Art Bell," Adam Bernstein |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "It’s in Hell," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Miscellaneous | "JIngle Bells In Mineral Wells," Terry Allan Hall |
"Jingle Bells," Santa | "Jangled Nerves," Traditional |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Jerry Calls," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bells," James Lord Pierpont | "Jiggle Sells," Tommy Turtle |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Jim Goes Belle," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Jingle Balls," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Jingle Bells (9/11 version)," The Song Heckler |
"Jingle Bells," Christmas Songs | "Jingle Bells (Beat-up Chevrolet version)," Dylan Baranski |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Jingle Bells (Crocodile Hunter Style)," CrOc HuNtEr FaN |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Jingle Bells (School version)," Kim G. |
"Jingle Bells," James Lord Pierpont | "Jingle Bells Batman Smells," Crazy Steve |
"Jingle Bells," James Lord Pierpont | "Jingle Bells Batman Smells," Steve Wilson |
"Jingle Bells," James Lord Pierpont | "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells," Cactus Impersonator |
"Jingle Bells," The English Tudors? | "Jingle Bombs," Achmed the Dead Terrorist |
"Jingle Bells," James Lord Pierpont | "Jingle Bums," Daryn Beltran |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Jingle Smells," Fack Sabbath |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Jingle Swells," Seth da man |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Jingrish Tales," Guy DiRito |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "John Burnell," The Heretic |
"Jingle Bells," Christmas Tune | "Jungle Bill," Alvin Rhodes |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "King of ‘Spell’s," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Kringle's Hells," blackjack21 |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Kris Lindahl Real Estate," A Monkey Full of Rooms |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Late Night Hell," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Mangle Bill," William Tong |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "November Sales," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Numbing Gel," joshers2005 |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "O Bomb Bin Laden," Sniper 1 |
"Jingle Bells," James Pierpont | "Osama Smells," Lady Marmalade |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "PC Dells," Mikey Boy |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Palisades Mall Driving Song," Joe the Crazy Conch |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Prison Bells," Sam I Am |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Prison Cells," Carol Ling |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Prison Cells," Carol Sing |
"Jingle Bells," Diana Krall | "Raising Hell," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Reindeer Bells," Duc4AmIRight |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Reindeer Season," Abbott Skelding |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Retreads Melt (Firestone Smells)," wannabemustangjockey |
"Jingle Bells," Classical Authors | "Santa's Bad Day," Mr. Bik deGrey |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Santa's Evil Twin," Satchmo Jr. |
"Jingle Bells," Charmaine | "Santas dead," Charmaine |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "School is Hell," Chibi Chibi Moon |
"Jingle Bells," Christmas Music | "Scrubber Smells," Da Goof Guy |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Shingle Nails," Airfarcewon |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Shopping Hell," Andiel_Emily |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Shtik Is ‘Spell’s," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Silver Bells," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Silver Bells," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," John Pierpont | "Singing Shanties," Sanari Sebuna |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Single Cells," Vince Williams |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Single Gals," Airfarcewon |
"Jingle Bells," Santa Claus | "Smashing Through The Snow," Soleil |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Something Smells," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Spamming Spells," Guy DiRito |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Splashing Tires," Diddims |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Streakers Bells," Sloatead |
"Jingle Bells," Perry Como | "Surf and Sand," Lorna Pitzer |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "TV Hell (A Sesame Street Fan's Lament)," Ingeborg S. Nordén |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Taco Bell," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "The Ballad Of Fox Life," Flash Flood |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "The Bus Driver's Carol," Anthony Harmon |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "The Final Exam Song," Joe the Crazy Conch |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "The Parkway Driving Song," Joe the Crazy Conch |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "The Superfriends' Christmas," Mikey Squirrel |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Theft Bells," Jingle King |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Things Are Swell," William Tong |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Things from Hell (Rising from the Dead)," Chris Bodily TM |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Tinkerbell," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Tinkle Belles," John A. Barry |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "Twinkle Spells," Nib Oswald |
"Jingle Bells," James Lord Pierpont | "Wacky Bells," Stormwolf |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "What if Rancid sung Jingle Bells?," DarkJon64 |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "When Squirrels Attack," Brady Twins |
"Jingle Bells," Various Artists | "Whites-Only Clause," MLH |
"Jingle Bells," Traditional | "eBay Sells," Jason |
"Jism Strokes," Traditional | "Baby Shark," Captain Obvious |
"Jism Strokes," Traditional | "March Madness from NCAA," NCAA |
"Jive Talking," The Bee Gees | "Wife Talking," Steven Cavanagh |
"The Job Centre Shuffle," Kaiser Chiefs | "The Big Memorial Day," Duc4AmIRight |
"The Job Done," United Service Organization (USO) | "To Mach 1," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"John Brown's Body," Elvis Presley | "Keiko's Body," Red Rebel |
"John Brown's Body," tradition | "Push Away From The Table," Tony Crowley |
"John Brown's Body," Traditional | "Putin's Raging On," Susanna Viljanen |
"John Henry," Bruce Springsteen | "John Edwards," Airfarcewon |
"John Henry," Traditional | "John Henry (The Terminator)," Timmy1000 |
"John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt," Unknown | "George Dubya Nine-Eleven Bush," El DeRoblo |
"John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt," Traditonal | "John Jacob Tinkleheimer Schmidt," Tinkleheimer |
"John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt," Traditional | "John Joseph Theodore Rzeznik (The Johnny Song)," Raedyn |
"John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt," Traditional | "Melanie Adele Martinez," Z-Police Productions, Inc. |
"John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt," Traditional | "Wilhelm Emil "Willy" Messerschmitt," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith," Traditional | "Bovine spongiform encephalopathy," Mutant Chicken |
"John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith," Children's Song | "Rahmbo 'Dead Fish' Emanuel," Old Man Ribber |
"Johnie B Goode," Chuck Berry | "Lola B Goode," CML |
"Johnnie B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Donnie Be Good," aRoT |
"Johnny Angel," Shelley Fabares | "Johnny Ashcroft," William Tong |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Charlie B. Woode," Alvin Rhodes |
"Johnny B Goode," Chuck Berry | "Donald J Trump," Peter Andersson a.k.a K1chyd |
"Johnny B Goode," Chuck Berry | "Donny's No Good," Phil Alexander |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Eldrick Woods," Arcade Junkie |
"Johnny B Goode," Chuck Berry | "Granny B Goode," Jeff Reuben |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Granny, Be Good," Andy Primus |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "He Wasn't So Good," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Idi Amin," Susanna Viljanen |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Joey B. Good," Gregory Blake |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "John Deere, Be Good," Malcolm Higgins |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Johnny Be Good," Jonathan |
"Johnny B Goode," Chuck Berry | "Johnny C's Gone," Airfarcewon |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Johnny D-Lite," Lionel Mertens |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Johnny D.'s Good," Rick Duncan |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Johnny The Cook," Luis Matias |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Johnny's No Good," William Tong |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Johnny's Used Goods," Blaydeman |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Johnny, Eat Food," Green Bloodied Hound Dogs |
"Johnny B Goode," Chuck Berry | "Lola B Goode," Callmelennie |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Marty McFly," Jake |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "No, Johnny, No," metvguy |
"Johnny B Goode," Chuck Berry | "Obama's No Good," Malcolm Higgins |
"Johnny B Goode," Chuck Berry | "Otis Blew Goode," Airfarcewon |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Pierre Poilievre," G_RandomPerson |
"Johnny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Rocky Is Good," the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"Johnny B Goode," Chuck Berry | "Santa the Claus," Onslaught |
"Johnny Be Goode," Chuck Berry | "Johnny Eat Good," Matthias |
"Johnny Be Good," Chuck Bery | "Johnny (Cochrane) Was Good," Malcolm Higgins |
"Johnny Cope," Irish Folk Music | "Hey There OJ," okayokay |
"Johnny, Get Your Girl," Robert Clary | "Arby’s, Air Your Ad," Rational Take |
"Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier," Traditional | "Johnny Has Hots for a Smolder," John A. Barry |
"Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye," Traditional | "Harambe I Hardly Knew Ye," GarrettM. |
"Johnny Johnny Johnny," Underscores | "Santa Santa Santa," Duc4AmIRight |
"Johnny McEldoo," Irish Folk Music | "Money Hungry School," okayokay |
"Johnny Once Danced with the Devil," Boot Beer Drinking Club | "Finland Hasn't Won Any Medals," Arden Ockkerfuss |
"Johnny, we hardly knew ye," Traditional | "Congress, We Hardly Knew Ye," CryHavoc |
"Johny B. Goode," Chuck Berry | "Jason Voorhees," Floyd's Garage |
"The Jolly Miller," Ed McCurdy | "The Jolly Shopper," John McAllister |
"Jolly Old Saint Nicholas," Traditional | "Followers Will Stick To Us," William Tong |
"Jolly Old Saint Nicholas," Traditional | "Folly Of Jack Nicholson," Matthias |
"Jolly Old Saint Nicholas," Traditional | "Folly That Old Nickle Is," Airfarcewon |
"Jolly Old Saint Nicholas," Traditional | "I'm Proud To Be Amiright," Old Man Ribber |
"Jolly Old Saint Nicholas," Traditional | "Pauly Owes Saint Nicholas," John A. Barry |
"Jolly Old Saint Nicholas," Traditional | "Screw The Racist Idiots," Rebekah Dub |
"Jolly Old St. Nicholas," Traditional | "Here's A Christmas Parody," David Chrenko |
"Jolly Old St. Nicholas," Traditional | "Jolly Old Founding Federalists," KAH & Ana |
"Jolly Old St. Nicholas," Traditional | "Jolly Old St. Trickolas," Airfarcewon |
"Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho," Traditional Spiritual | "Wouldn't Dare To Shave Without Barbasol!," Old Man Ribber |
"Journey To Ernie," Sesame Street | "Journey To Ermac," Tokusou Sentai Blessranger |
"Journey to Ernie Theme," Sesame Street | "Journey to Saddam," Lucy Wooten |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Biden Wins," Parody Beast |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Boy Rules The World," William Tong |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Gamestop's The Word," Arcade Junkie |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Hail To The Chef," Tim Mayfield |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "He Fooled The World," Gary Main |
"Joy To The World," Various | "Joy To The Bronx," Jessy Otto |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Joy To The World (John Got His Beer)," Ghetto John & Monaco Chris |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Joy To The World," Carol Ling |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Joy To The World," Carol Sing |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Joy To The World," KAH & Ana |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Please! Not Another Stupid Misheard Christmas Song," Airfarcewon |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Soy To The World," Airfarcewon |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Toys In The World," Airfarcewon |
"Joy To The World," Traditional | "Troy To The World (a movie review)," Airfarcewon |
"Joy To the World," Isaac Watts | "Joy To the World," Cactus Impersonator |
"Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee," Henry van Dyke | "Pluto, Pluto, We Demote Thee," The Piano Minstrel |
"Joy to Bring," Fat Freddy Mitchell | "Rodney King," Oofle McGoofle |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "Accusations Hurled," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "Boy Becomes Girl," John A. Barry |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "Boy Turns to Girl," John A. Barry |
"Joy to the World," Holiday Songs | "Boy or a Girl (Maury Povich theme song)," Norman Wanman |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "Boys Turn to Girls," John A. Barry |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "Employ me a Girl (The Hooters Lament)," Matthias |
"Joy to the World," Three Dog Night | "Hell to the World," Writerchic16 |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "Joint Movement Hurts," John A. Barry |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "Joints Are a Curse," John A. Barry |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "Joints Truly Hurt," John A. Barry |
"Joy to the World," Three Dog Night | "Joy to the Weed," Bryan Pardue |
"Joy to the World," Isaac Watts | "Joy to the World," Cactus Impersonator |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "Noise Truly Hurts," John A. Barry |
"Joy to the World," Traditional Christmas Carol | "Oy Says the World," Michael Pacholek |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "The Abnegation Anthem," E.S. Blofeld |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "The Ballad of Christmas Losers IV," Andrew D. Lacroix |
"Joy to the World," Traditional | "Toy to a Girl," Rick Duncan |
"Jubilation T. Cornpone," From B'way show, "Lil Abner" | "Alphonso G. Ca-pone," Airfarcewon |
"Judas," Lady Gaga | "Francis," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Juicebox," The Strokes | "Jukebox," Fack Sabbath |
"Juicy Juice," North Mississippi Allstars | "Barq's Root Beer," Duc4AmIRight |
"Juke Box Baby," Perry Como | "Boy Scout Viewer," Duc4AmIRight |
"Juke Box Hero," Forgine | "Cardboard Box Hero," Noah Hoskins |
"Jukebox Saturday Night," Glenn Miller Orchestra and The Modernaires | "Monster Saturday Night," metaphorsbwithu |
"Julian of Norwich," Gordon Bok, Ed Trickett, & Ann Mayo Muir | "Julian, the Involuntary Insomniac of Norwich," hec |
"Jump Around," House Of Pain | "Stomp Around," Lime |
"Jump Down, Spin Around," Harry Belafonte | "Hump Down, Sin Around," Airfarcewon |
"Jump Down, Turn Around (Pick a Bale of Cotton)," Traditional | "Pump, Spout; Sperm Are Found (Stick This Whale and," John A. Barry |
"Jump, Jive And Wail," Louis Prima | "Drunk Drive And Jail," Alvin Rhodes |
"Jump, Jive and Wail," Louis Prima | "Drunk Drivin', Go To Jail," Mikey Squirrel |
"Jumper," Third Eye Blind | "Thumper," Fack Sabbath |
"Jump," Van Halen | "Tough," Scathe |
"June Is Bustin' Out All Over," Rodgers and Hammersteins, Carousel | "June Is Bustin' Out All Over," Airfarcewon |
"Jungleland," Bruce Springsteen | "Ferdinand's," Yoidy |
"Jupiter," Jenny Hval | "Mercury," Duc4AmIRight |
"Just A Closer Walk With Thee," Traditional | "Just A Close Look And You’ll See," Johannes Rauber |
"Just A Closer Walk With Thee," Traditional Hymn | "Just A Kosher Walk With Thee," Airfarcewon |
"Just A Friend," Mario | "Just A Freak," Krazy-K |
"Just A Gigolo," David Lee Roth | "Topo Gigio," Malcolm Higgins |
"Just A Little Lovin'," Eddy Arnold | "Just A Little Shovin'," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Just As I Am," Carrie Underwood | "Just As I Saw," Duc4AmIRight |
"Just As I Am," Charlotte Elliot | "That's How I Am," Tim Mayfield |
"Just Before The Battle, Mother," Traditional (W W I song) | "Just Before The Paddle, Mother," Airfarcewon |
"Just Before the Battle, Mother," Traditional | "On this Jury, Dianne Feinstein," Coral Snake |
"Just Happy To Be Me," Sesame Street | "They Try To Copy Me," Tokusou Sentai Blessranger |
"Just In Time," Tony Bennett | "Jest In Rhyme," Airfarcewon |
"Just In Time," Tony Bennett | "Justin Tim (ode to Justin Timberlake)," Jim Loftus |
"Just Like Heaven," The Cure | "Just Like Helter Skelter," Fack Sabbath |
"Just Like That," Bonnie Raitt | "Polar Bear," Duc4AmIRight |
"Just Looking," Stereophonics | "Just Booking," Fack Sabbath |
"Just Me & You," Traditional | "Bad BBQ," Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Just One Of Those Things," Frank Sinatra | "Jest One Of Those Sings," Airfarcewon |
"Just One Of Those Things," Frank Sinatra | "Just One Of Toes Things," Airfarcewon |
"Just One Of Those Things," Ella Fitzgerald | "Trust None To Close Springs (of crude oil)," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Just One of Those Things," June Knight | "Just One of Those Warts," Al Silver |
"Just The Girl," Click Five | "Just The Desserts," neokid |
"Just Wanna Rock," Lil Uzi Vert | "Just Wanna Flop," the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"Just a Closer Walk With Thee," J.R. Baxter, Jr. | "Just a Trip to Mars With Thee," Michael McVey |
"Just a Closer Walk with Thee," Traditional | "Must--a Kosher Wok for Meat," John A. Barry |
"Just a Gigolo," Louis Prima | "Just a Jiggle Ho," Airfarcewon |
"Just a Gigolo," Bing Crosby | "Just a Video (caused Benghazi)," Barry J. Mitchel |
"Just in Time," Tony Bennett | "It's Subprime," Arthur Wellikoff |
"Just in Time," Frank Sinatra | "Just in Time," Glynn Leaney |
"Just one of those things," Frank Sinatra | "Just Two Of Those Things," Airfarcewon |
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Disclaimer: amIright.com makes no claims to the accuracy of the correct lyrics. All correct lyrics are copyrighted, amIright.com does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.